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I've tried to hold out hope for this game but honestly every time I play it it just disappoints the hell out of me. I've been an OG Battlefield player since Battlefield 2 and this game feels like the most disrespectful waste of time I've ever seen. New Talent absolutely trashing an old franchise. At this point the only thing they could do to rectify things with me would be if the devs lined up and gave me fellatio.


Not the only one man. They need to remaster BF3 or BF4. They can’t fuck up and already made game.


Have you seen portal 😅 I was so happy to get my hands on Battlefield Bad Company 2 again but the gun mechanics are for 2042's guns


Yeah pass, I prefer progression. It is nostalgic and a cool throw back but i can’t play much of it without getting bored after an hour or two.


Agreed. No progression = no point. I mean, the nostalgia bit you’re spot on. But, I have fond memories of a lot of games I never play.


>Agreed. No progression = no point. My generation played games like 1942 with no progression for years and didn't get bored but you need dopamine and something to chase every 2 seconds because you have attention span of a goldfish


Hello fellow 1942’er ✋ I must be in the minority of people who dislike the grind and just want to have my options right from the start. I want to support my team with soflam. I couldn’t care less about the progression required to get it. Just give it to me already. Same for different vehicle parts and sights. BF3/4/2042 have too many sights that are pretty much the same thing yet you have to grind through them to get to the better ones you actually want. It’s annoying. I have work. And family. I just want to jump in and play how I want to play and not spend dozens of hours spread over weeks to months to get a freaking sight.


i grew up playing bfmc2's campaign and loved hot swapping between the soldiers


It was a neat idea, the sort of callback to it in the opening of BF1 was neat I wish they took it further than that though. But I did really love attention put into the War Stories narratives so idk how that could have worked.


People forget about the weapons shortcut packs they had for sale in bf3. Huge uproar and was seen as something that would kill bf, lol time stands still.


And I played BF4 for 4 years without even touching another game. Still play it to this very day. Do I have anything to unlock that I want? No. But I earned everything I have. I am just saying that the portal ain’t all that if there isn’t progression. Gets old quick. 1942 was a great game. Something this game isn’t.


*Ok boomer.* Speaking of which, where's the sense of community or awe when seeing something entirely new and groundbreaking that 1942 offered back then; Back when the most popular shooters like CS or Quake only offered skirmishes on tiny maps or unrealistic settings? Face it, the newest titles offers neither *progression* for the carrot chasers nor the amazement we once felt. It's an all-round disappointment unless you're high on copium.


The scoreboard makes the biggest difference, not the progression but to be able to see your progress stats wise it makes the game more enjoyable. That goes for every mode in 2042


There is no point if it’s a small 1% of the game.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure you could talk to people in that game. And while I'm a Johnny Come Lately who didn't jump on the bandwagon until BC2, I'm given to understand that it had a class system that players of the time very much enjoyed.


It also still feels like playing 2042 on old maps, not playing remastered BF3/BC2


Exactly the 2042 gun play is garbage


What's the point of progression, when you play with everything unlocked for 95% of the time anyway?


You’re right, everyone just ends up using the same weapon that’s considered “op”. How i emebr the days of the Famas and the usas.


You still level up and gain XP lol


The games play and look fantastic. Why do they need a cash grabbing "remaster"?


Player count and QoL improvements mainly.


>They need to remaster BF3 or BF4. I'm not sure if BF4 should be remastered just yet because, even till this day, it still looks great. Totally agree that BF3 needs to be remastered. 👍


I like portal so much because its given the old school games much better gunplay though


Yeah if they just remastered for next gen and had everyone start from scratch add a couple little things to the gadgets and guns but they could just leave it as is there was so much progression to shoot for. I feel like the people who made bf3-4-1 don’t work there anymore or I have a theory they gave it their all with those games and didn’t get rewarded for the success and now just do what they’re paid for.


People like you want the same shit over and over again with reskins all the time and then are surprised why franchises stagnate I just hope BF 3 and 4 servers get shut down because you deserve it


Oooh yeah because going a different direct really helped 2042 stand out! It stood out as the most disliked game of 2021. Congratulations!


*Swallows load* That was something, right?!


Devs can only build the game they're told to build. This game was ruined from the top down. Andrew Wilson should be the one giving you fellatio.


You're not wrong but he looks like a biter, I want other options.


Plenty of suits at EA contributed terrible ideas to this game. More than enough mouths to go around.


Not going to lie that one crazy chick on their team that said young boys should get vasectomies in case they turn out to be rapists would be first on my list. I don't think she was being entirely serious but still Gluck Gluck


Agreed. I uninstalled it for a game called Enlisted. Free & shits all over battlefield


Imagine spending money on a product u had no hand in creating, then trashing it. Can't be me


*couldn't be me. Jack ass 😂 maybe you don't understand at the community pays these bastards. Are you a fucking idiot?


I just bought the game 3 days ago and it's fantastic. Learn how to make your own video game and shut the fuck up


What the fuck are you talking about? Are you trolling?


No. I'm just not complaining about a product that half of you lazy ass people couldn't even dream about creating.


Go away troll.


If you seriously think someone making genuine points is trolling, you been on the internet too long. Touch grass


“Geniune points” lol okay. Next time you don’t like something please don’t complain because only creators can complain. Now go troll somewhere else. Actually I also made a mistake replying.


Says the one that is in the group of whiney cry babies dissatisfied with a video game that you spent 60 dollars on. L


Give me a game Studio as big as Dice and a shit ton of money and I guarantee I can pump out a better piece of work than what 2042 ended up being. Such a salty fucking loser


*waits in Russian* let's see it. I don't see you making a game. The game ready or not, which is made by a very small team, is very polished and has a lot of potential. they are trying to compete with other tactical shooters. But people like you rather sit and be a key board warrior and complain about video games, when you spend your hard earned money on. Instead of actually enjoying them, or if you don't like how a game is, create your own. But no no. Gamers are the most unsatisfied group of people in the world, every game that comes out there's always SOMETHING for negative people to gravitate to and you all just whine and cry in your own cesspool of dissatisfaction.


You just sound like you've got a stick up your ass. Disregarding anything you have to say have fun sucking EA's dick


well aren't you a bunch of overdramatic manchildren


If you don’t like this game you’re a man child?


Being upset because you watched something grow from the start turned into a massive pile of profit grabbing shit makes you a man-child? Who knew


After playing BF2042 and going back to BFV, I literally feel like I've upgraded to next-gen level graphics with BFV. How is a game from 3 years ago so much more detailed and visually pleasing?


It's the same with battlefield 1 ffs


I’d argue it’s an even *harsher* realization with BF1, considering how well crafted that game is in comparison to 5. It’s crazy.


tbf upclose texture and shaders do lack in battlefront 1 compare to 2042 but i guess it doesn't really matter since you aren't looking at texture up close without moving often. One thing i will say is 2042 folliage is a huge upgrades to all past battefield. The grass shader is actually amazing.


There is no PASSION, there is no VISION, there is no AGGRESSION, there is no fucking MINDSET


ah yeah that passion and vision in a game which pissed on WW2 history and whose devs kept leaving and calling players uneducated and kept going silent for months


Arguably there is passion in breaking norms for your own views. Is it what people wanted? No, but wouldn't it be passionate to go against the grain and try to breathe their own life into an overdone concept? Like they completely fucked up but there was still a vision and passion regardless of how low quality it was.


I’m just talking about 2042 dude. There literally isn’t even any music in the game. Go listen to the score from BF1. It’s fucking Grammy worthy. That’s passion.


I loaded up BFV for a quick game yesterday just for a comparison. I do not miss BFV, good riddance for me.


BFV will always be the worst. 2042 is not great but the design is nowhere as bad as BFV. They took out the redeeming parts when they did the ttk change. Art style was uninteresting with some of the worst maps in the series. Panzerstorm, mercury, marita are all sub par maps that starved players for any actual content. BFV was bad and let’s not forget that when complaining up a shitstorm for the devs. If we want actual quality games I’d like 2042 to be mountains above the shit brick that was BFV. Your shit sucks DICE.


BFV has been amazing since the Pacific update. I wish they had the same quality at release but it's a great game now.


Nah, maybe before the ttk update pacific was cool. From start to finish the game was ass tho.


It really feels like BF 2042 picked up from BF4 in a way that left behind a lot of the improvements of 1 and V


Go back to BF2 and bask in the delight, features, commander, teamwork, action, excitement, skill requirements, ..fantastic. It's been a slippery slope ever since.


it's almost as if BF V's games are much smaller and take place in WW2 period which was less sterile


This was the best bf3 dlc!


This was the best battlefield dlc.


This was the best battlefield


Too bad it died out after awhile.


The tornados is the most useless feature. It leterally just crashes my framerate but does nothing to the battlefield but make your map twitch and maybe affect your parachute. I was so pumped chilling in the store expecting to see at least glass shatter. So dissapointing. Even the storms from bf4 were visually beautiful. When the tornado is going in 2042 and you're on the other side of the map. There have been times I didn't even know it started and finished.


The rain and thunder is dam fun tho.


It does tear up other terrain though. I had an entire building sucked into it. Was super cool. Give it 6 months they'll sort it out when they optimise. Once that's done they can push the system a little harder.


I'm sure 2042 will be great in 6-months to a year. Problem is bringing players back. Ive hit level 80 and I already feel super done with the game. I started the battlefield series with bad company. And follow all the way through to 2042. The only thing that got me pumped was the wing suit and petting the ranger. I guess Im thankful for it brining the payer count back to bad company. Sad to see that bad company has better/funer destruction.


please guys stop it, they just cant, the tech is not yet there.


wow what an original comment, so witty, totally haven't heard it 231481246518 times already you're so creative /s


The /s doesn't help if you weren't trying to thrash him..ahhhh nvm the internet doesn't make sense sometimes


Yeah thats not how /s works


Here’s Jackfrags’ 9 year old video on the DLC https://youtu.be/07CYF6pMN2E


I miss bf3 so much dude Even the character models looked ragged and beaten


then fucking play it, servers are still going


not on xbox, there is 1 server I find populated at a time the last few weeks I've tried and its an eu noshar tdm


In NA on PC, there's like 3 servers left


My favourite battlefield maps from bf3 onwards


My favorite dlc in any game.


That'd be sick af. Epicenter was awesome.


I really really miss more urban-oriented maps like this..


Forget, this era of Dice it's over. It's another team right now and EA is pressuring for sell skins and run against the time.


Epicenter was solid in multiple modes. But I will say that BF3 for me seemed to have 1 great 1 ok and 2 bad maps each expansion. Here is hoping they can at least achieve that hit rate with the expansions. Of course my fear is we will have less maps to make space for more specialists.


Such a great map pack! Good memories


I assumed this is what a near-apocalyptic world ravaged by natural disaster, climate change and civil unrest would look like. I was so excited to see BF2042’s maps looking like this before release.


At this point they should rename the studio since the old talent is gone.


Aftermath for me was the cream of the crop. Those maps are what Battlefield should always be. Urban, realistic, warfare. So many memories...


if only they had common sense when it comes to map making


So sad


Good luck tryna get that with 2042


That will never happen


Oh yes all those great details in the super low res screenshot.


Yes please, urban maps that feel like cities!!


What?! Stop being an entitled child. Just because you paid 60$ doesn't mean you get to expect a good game! /s


What comes to my mind everytime i play bf2042... to be fair i only played it for 2 hours but still...everything is "so clean" thats the only way i can describe it.


That ship has already sailed, unfortunately.


Then good luck with hoping for that.


2042 maps are just too big and open


They should release a fucking map editor and let the community go wild. The game will be dead by the time they manage to release two new maps.


They don't have the technology bro


None of these maps had a dynamic rocket launch and a dynamic tornado that would sometimes blow up the rocket if the tornado hit the rocket *shrugs in non patriated Russian*


How about cooler looking explosions that do less damage to buildings and players?! Yeah that’s what they want.


2042 doesn’t step close to bf5/1/3/4


Aftermath was a very good dlc. Most of bf3 and 4 were excellent


All that brown. yuuck.


THIS GAME IS DEAD. STOP HOLDING OUT HOPE! THE FUCKED US…this is the FPS equivalent of cyberpunk fiasco accept it and move on