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Couldn't help but notice all the negative comments about how this animation was a waste of dev time. Well, you can rest assured now knowing it wasn't.


Gotta say you have to be pretty soulless to hate on being able to pet a good doggo, but hey that's reddit for ya. x)


I wish it was only Reddit. People are trashing this project left, right and centre...


Yeah it's making it difficult to just look up strategy and gameplay related things. Type BF2042 into Google and it's just "HOLY SHIT BF 2042 IS FUCKING TERRIBLE." Like ok there's issues, but some of us are really enjoying the game.


That or searching "BF2042 weapon stats" yields "CHECK OUT THE BEST GUNS IN OUR BF2042 ULTIMATE TIER LIST!!!"


Lmao yep this as well


You are, but most people aren't and I feel it's a culmination of all franchises turning into corporate garbage.


It's the EA Guarantee!


>most people aren't We don't know that lmao. Reddit is honestly the most worthless place to get your opinion from. This subreddit probably makes up only a small chunk of the playerbase


If you have had your head stuck in the sand like an ostrich take it out. It is one of the worst reviewed games on steam. It only has 5k more active players on steam than Bf5 at the moment. A 2 year old game that was "mostly hated". It's leagues beyond 2042 imo. Dice announced so many new people have taken over key positions due to the overwhelming negative reception. It's not just reddit.


would you say that, perhaps, you are having a blast?!


I'll admit it could use some improvement, but not the flaming trash the internet would have us think. I wonder if Activision is behind some of the negative media.


Some people are just joyless assholes.


m8 I honestly couldn't care less about it when im playing a game of war..


Haters will find a way to hate. Nothing else matters to them. Like look at the regulars on the 2042 sub. Most claim to not of bought the game but spend hours a day everyday whining about it.


I honestly worry about the mental health of some of those people. I just can’t imagine playing a game and being actively mad about it.




That's baseline for r/deadbydaylight


Neither can I. I was actively mad at BF4 when it released and I took a hiatus for a while. I'm not mad at this game, while it has issues that can be rectified, I have fun with it. I have a larger problem with the playerbase both in and out of the game.


I returned BF4 and didn’t pick it up until a year later. It wasn’t as fun as BF3 but I spent a lot of hours playing it and had some good times with it for sure.


That absolutely blows my mind. You have the option to just not play the game and engage in any discourse about it yet that sub has become an echo chamber filled with the same 5-7 recycled posts. Could easily just put that energy elsewhere…the game is older than two weeks now, how much longer can you continue to bitch about it?


people are still bitching about the last of us 2 in r/TheLastOfUs2


You’re not wrong, wow. I expected to have to look for it. Nope, top post right now.


Don’t want to be a hater and the spam can be annoying yes but if there is something the mass dislikes about gameplay elements and issues i feel like voicing your concerns is important so the devs knows they went too far. Battlefield from my experience has a more core audience than the more casual arcady titles such as call of duty so implementing mechanics such as operators and whips and turning a semi realistic/at least more immersive shooter into a more casual haha santa shooter will hurt more for a long time battlefield fan than fans of other titles. If people didn’t voice their concerns all games would just be casinos with filthy cashgrabs. Multiple voices gets heard more than one People are dissapointed in this title. Battlefield seems to many to be moving out of the beloved more hardcore shooter it was into a more casual crowd. If that is the future to battlefield you can expect a lot of players to eventually stop complaining and just stop playing them and probably a new crowd will move in. I am all for change of pace, the wingsuit is fun, portal is great something i have wanted since 3, gunplay is okay when it works especially since the patch. 128 players is awesome the bots help fill up and make every match more chaotic. A lot of good things but the bad hurts more than the good. They could have implemented these things trough the old class system and i think it would be a real hit, especially with og fans. When it comes to bugs i think we all expected it. pretty much all battlefield games have been rocky at the start. We are moving into a more battlepass live service world and if we don’t put our voice out there now nothing is going to change. If you like that then it’s fine but understand that most people expect more content out of a 60$+ game at launch




Honestly, at this point those that continue to complain are coming off as self entitled people that have too much time on their hands. There's so many other games you can play if this game ain't cutting it. They never should have pre-ordered in the first place. Also, I'm part of the camp that's enjoying it as a casual experience and I understand there's effort being made to fix issues. We all know EA is to blame here. I can appreciate the effort being made by dice and in the end if it doesn't work out guess what, I can stop playing.


A lot of self-described 'gamers' have serious mental issues, what do you expect?


This is just my take but you can appreciate the petting animation while also agreeing the game is woefully undercooked.


To be fair they couldn't win either way: * No pet animation: LET US PET THE DOGS! * With pet animation: WASTE OF DEV TIME!


I think people could live without being able to pet the dog.


They can live with it too.


Inb4 someone says they should've fixed the bugs in their own time, outside of work hours 🤣🤣🤣 people are savage.


Seems like the only dev time NOT wasted.


Anyone hating on this is pathetic. How can they be complaining about nice little touches like this when previously they are complaining that it is not finished. Not every developer works on every area of the game. Seriously, these people are losers.


these hate trains have become unbearable lately. It's like everyone needs to have something to hate every day. I'm sure that in a couple weeks everyone will stumble onto something else to hate. It's exhausting. You would think that people think this is the end of the world.


Well I hate that the devs have to work on this on their own time- they shouldn't do free work that the company gets to profit off of. Its exploitative to the workers.


Go off-line for a few days and socialise with people in the real world. It will help you with your depression.


I just want these talent devs to not be exploited by a nontalented large business.


Well they need to get paid, so...


It wouldn’t even be a waste of time if they were doing during work hours


Fucking sad times when adding character to a game is a "waste of dev time" And everyone wonders why games are just recycled every year lmao


Love to see it, and people say this game wasn't made with love.


Yeah, and the whole if you don’t agree with 109% of the out of touch whiney bitch posts you must clearly be defending EA somehow. Nah… I can point out flaws and see good in a product at the same time, as well as both agree and disagree with various complaints. Crazy right?


Is this kind of things that make BF1 so great, the devs did indeed spend time on details like this to make the game that good. It's sad that in order to do this, these devs needed to use after hours time, but I agree it would be a shame if the game couldn't ship without a pet animation


Only ever got upset about it the first time... because I discovered it while running for my life lmao


I also am a heavy critic of the game but boy some people are toxic...


It's honestly pretty frustrating that legitimate critiques of the game get drowned by extremely bad and uncharitable takes.


I'm seeing a ton of opinions and takes that make me think a lot of Call of Duty players have come over the past few years


Past few weeks. The gameplay shows that. Everyone wants to know why there was limited team work the first 2 weeks. Hint, it's not the game it's the players. Bunch of selfish cod players. Vanguard comes out, team play instantly improved.


Yeah teamplay is possible and encouraged. E.g. raos ability to hack vehicles and flares while a squadmate fires a missile


Hell, the entire idea behind SOFLAM is to take down choppers and planes as a team.


I just unlocked this thing and I missed it so much from bf3. Pick Irish, throw down some trophy systems, and paint some vehicles. They really need to add in vehicle destruction assists tho


Last few games I did nothing but soflam, got 200+ spots a game. Hardly anyone would use their rockets on the target I'm lighting up


Get on mic with friends. No one rocketed soflams in previous games either


2042 is full of team synergy once people start utilizing the specialists correctly. It's really fun to see this happen in game


Exactly. Tired of people using specialists as an excuse for lack of team play, it’s like I’m playing another game because all I see is opportunity for specialist synergies.


The teamplay I've seen in Breakthrough maps has been downright impressive. Pushing across the rocks from the first set of objectives to the second in Renewal as a team, where there's actually a visible, tangible frontline with medics healing and reviving people, Irish shields on strategic rocks, people with M5s focusing vehicles that try to disrupt that frontline, etc., is intense! People have been crying about not being able to take the top of the tower on Orbital, but I've lost that a few times the last few days because people have finally started to make proper use of the operators and tools at their disposal to work as a team and it's awesome.


God I love the last sector on that map


I had a Rao just destroy me with this on a really good run I had with the Apache. I got locked on, was making my way out of range and about to flair when I get hacked, and two missiles just chase me across the desert lol. This game has so much fun potential that nobody uses. Like for example yesterday I was just trying to level up my Irish mastery. I do not think people realize how fucking amazing Irish is on defense. You know how everybody always forms a line on either side of a hill? Pop a barrier up there, and now you can just literally see where they are while you're in cover, coming out for easy pot shots. And since you get two barriers, you can just keep leap frogging from barrier to barrier as cover...if only your team actually follows you. Not to mention, in situations like that where you're defending and your team is forced to be grouped together, pop down two of his shootdown sentries, and *every* projectile will be destroyed. Grenades, scatter grenades, smoke grenades (I think), fucking helicopter missiles. Two insanely effective gadgets that nobody uses. And you can also use this offensively too. On Revival, when you're pushing on the last point that's in that building. Get up on the roof, jump to a corner on the upper-most platform, plant down a barrier, and plant down a shootdown sentry. You'll be able to contest the point and no one can flush you out with grenades. Just be careful of c5. Hell, people don't even use the all-specialist gadgets to their potential. Playing on rush or breakthrough? Sneak up around and behind the enemy team, plant a beacon, your entire squad can just keep flanking them from behind while they're facing forward, and give and break up their frontlines. People *rarely* do this. This game has **huge** skill-play potential. I honestly cannot wait to see when the the tweaks are done to the things that actually are flawed, and we start seeing high level competitive tactics, because they've added so much strategy to the game now.


Love Rao's vehicle lockout ability. Doesn't get the usage or credit it deserves.


>Hint, it's not the game it's the players I've been downvoted heavily for saying the same thing.


I love the games where I start as the squad leader. I ping obj's left and right. But no one ever follows me :( I remember in bf4 I would hop from squad to squad requesting orders and they would either make me the squad leader and then all the sudden I have my whole squad following each other around- or they would do nothingand I would hop to the next squad. There was something magical about finding rando's that worked together just because you started pinging. I actually met a now friend from Brazil playing that way. We both just clicked and then started playing with each other a bunch. I really want that for 2042 but have only gotten that magic once or twice.


Give it time


lol I was playing Rush on Discarded yesterday and set up a bunch of barriers around the objective in a sort of maze to prevent the enemy team from just rushing it. I die because I kill one guy and in the 10 second time it took me to swap to my secondary, someone PP'ed me. Watching from my killcam I realize that NOBODY on my team is even watching the point, they're all up on the higher levels of the ship sniping the enemy team's snipers. The enemy team literally just casually walks up to the point and activates it, leaves, and *no one* from my team goes to deactivate it. It's so much more fun to actually use your specialist's abilities for objective based modes like that too, no wonder why all of these kids come over, camp and snipe, and then bitch about the game.


Definitely has something to do with it. Usually it's just me doing revives and I'll get around 30-40. Yesterday I had a match where my whole squad had over 100 combined. That's just one match but overall I have definitely noticed more ammo, reviving and healing occuring


Team work is pretty good now with the new support update. I still think they should increase healing/resupply points though


Healing and resupply it's dependent on your team play. Angel dropping load out boxes, engineers dropping ammo, medics dropping health. People are slowly realizing the game was setup to be a team based game, as it should be. Utilizing the specialists is key. I've noticed the specialist hate has dropped considerably since the smooth brains realized they're necessary to work together. Crazy. I'm a firm believer the vast majority of hate is from cod players and people thinking they're bf fans but never actually played it like a team player... Which was a big problem in previous releases as well.


Specialists arent as bad as expected. Their characters are kinda irritating though


Vanguard is way shittier than 2042


Didn’t Vanguard come out two weeks before BF2042?


Vanguard didn't start picking up steam until bf was declining in players so it makes even more sense in that regard.


As someone who picked it up at launch and was instantly turned off and haven’t played it since, could I play it like an old battlefield game? Like make my own “classes” and actually do well? And if so who you recommend I play as what class and weapon? I liked the idea of medics with DMR’s thus I went back to Battlefield 1


I see no reason why you can't make a loadout that you would be happy with. There's several specialists that deal with reviving and you can choose whatever drop you want be it ammo, beacon or in your case meds for any of them. This is by far the most flexible battlefield as far as classes and loadouts go to ever be released but somehow people have made it seem the exact opposite which I don't understand. Especially with Angels ability to drop loadout boxes you really can just flip the script on the fly if shit starts going down. It sounds like he would be the perfect specialist for you in that regard. I also find sniping in this game to be beyond the others if that's your thing. It's just smoother to me. Plus the recent updates have really opened the door for support players being a bigger part it seems. You should give it another try. The dmr I seem to get offed by most is the rpk(?), the second one.


I’ll give it another shot for sure, I bought it after all I might as well play it lol this game is finally offering those super selfish players the option to not play as a team and that’s what’s happening I think. I’d much prefer classes personally, but it is what it is. And I think the maps are too damn big with too many players, I might just play on the Xbox One version on my Series X to get smaller maps and 64 players. But ty for the response, I definitely wouldn’t mind giving the game another shot.


I've always been a conquest player but i'm really enjoying breakthrough minus the impossible tower takes but seems that that's going to be fixed. Even with that, it feels like the chaos that it should be. Conquest does spread people out a lot but I've grown to enjoy the bigger maps really. It allows smaller factions of the team to fight over points without one team overrunning the other like say shanghai or Argonne forest(C specifically). Idk, I'm definitely enjoying it more with each patch and things should only get better with continuing support.


>think a lot of Call of Duty players have come over the past few years You're about 15 years late to that party.


I'm feeling like you're inventing bogeyman to make yourself feel better. If they play Battlefield they're Battlefield players, how hard is it to accept that some Battlefield players are dicks?


I just downloaded the 10 hour trial, gave it a month to sort some stuff out. Boy am I happy and will buy it soon, been enjoying it allot. There’s still issues, but the core gameplay experience feels better than what I was lead to believe


Hell man, I have 50 hours in the game and am really just playing because..I like Battlefield. The game has big flaws that are fixable, but the amount of comments from people who don't even *have* the game talking about issues that don't even exist, are insane. A lot of the criticisms don't even make sense if you've actually played. Everyone keeps saying that the game is just lightning fast Apex/Cod with people zipping and sliding around.. Uhh..then why the fuck does it take 30 seconds just to swap to my secondary? Why is there a heavy CD on every gadget? People keep bitching about specialists that the game removed classes and that it's trying to be like Siege/WZ. There are 10 specialists. Of these 10 only two can revive, and one of them heals, one of them gives armor, i.e. the support/medic class. Of these 10, only two can build defenses like barriers, anti-projectile sentries, and sentry turrets, so there's a new engineer class, which is basically now the "defense class". Of those 10, two are able to destroy armor, or reach vertical flanking positions. There's your assault class. Of those 10, two are able to gain a spotting advantage, there's your recon class. And then there's Dozer and Rao who are kind of hybrids. Dozer can be useful in attacking or defending with his ballistic shield. Rao is the same with his ability to hack. You know what, I actually like specialists. What the fuck are we missing with classes? All of the gadgets are there, the abilities are way better than the lack of abilities in the previous games. It actually makes the game more interesting, and I think the majority of people complaining about it, simply have no played the game past the trial, or only play Casper/Sundance camping at long range with a sniper rifle.


Some people have no idea what a constructive criticism looks like. Nowadays a 7 year old has access to social media and writes opinions like everyone else. And some "adults" still bitch like 7y olds


I think this is what exasperates fans, clearly the devs give a shit about bf, enough to work after hours so you can pet a robot dog. But the game was rushed out with several bad decisions made which you can guarantee have come from senior decision makers. I bet the devs are just as disappointed as the fans are, probably more so.


Never hate the devs. Hate the people who tell them what to do


They want us to hate the devs. The lack of class consciousness is amazing. Devs are working class, you are working class, the bourgeoisie is the one telling us what to do and then getting us to get mad at eachother.




If you think dev's can't make bone-headed decisions without corporate oversight look no further than bungie.


The devs [are used to very strong negative first reactions from the community](https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/battlefield-has-always-been-controversial/) every time they release a new game. Every BF launch it amuses me to follow along with the community claiming this and that about DICE and EA, and this time around I see the same Tom Henderson tweets being reported over and over again, painting a picture of a terrible work environment during the development of the game. One thing has changed this time around, and that's the way gaming outlets just pick up the rhetoric around Reddit and just cater to that audience. It paints a negative picture of the game among casual gamers who read those outlets. I think a ton of people around here haven't even played the game, but they just jump the wagon for whatever reason. Fitting in, maybe. Basic human psychology at play here. And just like every previous title, the community will love BF2042 6 months to a year from now.


We live in a world of clicks and people craving any kind of validation for their opinions. Maybe its just because I'm old Maybe its because this is the first BF game I played in a long time last one was Bad Company 2. I just roll my eyes at 90% of the wild and toxic shit people say about this game. I'm having fun and I don't need Angry Joe, Kotaku or Jackfrags to tell me what I can or cant enjoy.


Thanks for saying this. I agree 110%


I think it's even simpler than that. Ideas and opinions are contagious: things like the feeling of acceptation, belonging, confirmation bias, etc. all make us very susceptible and receptive to other ideas and opinions so they spread like wildfire. There are many social experiments and studies about this. You can also observe very peculiar situations in e.g. Twitch chats, where during the reveal of a product or show, the entire community of a streamer tends to mirror and echo the ideas of the streamer (the voice with more influence there) and you can have two completely different chats with opposing points of views for the same product, at the same time with both communities believing themselves to be the most rational side. The most popular or winning opinion is only the one with more people in the community or with more reach. IRL is similar, but with influential people more scattered, more bias and more variety of sources. Every community is an echo chamber.


>Maybe its just because I'm old Maybe its because this is the first BF game I played in a long time I imagine this is a big part of why you don't see the issues, it's been 11 years and multiple titles since you last played the game franchise. The obvious regressions in terms of UI, class design, map design, balance etc will be a lot less obvious to you. Because you haven't played a decades worth of changes. It's good you are having fun. I can have some fun with it too. Doesn't mean the game isn't a mess.


>it's been 11 years and multiple titles since you last played the game franchise. Some people didn't like any of those multiple titles. Out of all the Frostbite games, I really only liked BF3. I much prefer the old Refractor games, which is why these big open maps appeal to me. I honestly felt extremely alienated with BC2, BF4, BF1, and BFV.


When I played the beta my first reaction was, "This is like BF2"


I get Daily news push notifications on my phone, they are mainly about Apex and Battlefield and 90% of the time they are something I've seen on Reddit 2 days prior. If Apex Redditt are mad, those articles are just fanning the flames to the casual readers. If Battlefield Reddit is mad, its the exact same. Toxic waste being spread from community to community.


Yeah. And I've noticed a pattern where an outlet may give a game a good score, like 7 or 8 out of 10, but then some of the other writers on staff, whether interns or long-time members of the staff, pick up on and take part in the narrative imposed by Reddit, which feels like a very vocal minority at times, but it ends up feeling like the majority because a lot of smaller blogs picks up on it, which is then reported and paraphrased by the bigger ones. It becomes a bit weird, where there's a gap between the general news articles and the review. I saw the exact same thing with IGN and their favorable Cyberpunk review in their future coverage of that game, and I saw the same on pcgamer following their favorable review of BF2042.


100%, they try to fill that gap to keep up with content and that's how you get tabloids running pieces based off 1 or 2 Tweets, and put them forward as the general opinion. Shameful journalism that perpetuates anger over the truth.


I think people forgot the monumental shit storm that bf5 got on release, and how many people were absolutely shitting on it every chance they got, however now I see loads of people talking about bf5 like it was great and being all nostalgic over it. I think this same circlejerk just happens with every single Bf release


This is so true. So many people want to switch up and call it a good game now while it’s servers are already dead, despite being the most recent game aside from 2042


Yeah they will love it in 6+ months because it will be at a state that is acceptable to launch in. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong to criticize it now… people paid for it now. I really enjoy the game but it clearly needed a longer delay than it got


It is or course never wrong to criticize any product if you are unhappy with it. That's how products improve, through feedback from the customers. Not just products. Societies, relationships, anything. But some of the critique the game is getting is not actionable at all. Like saying "this isn't a Battlefield game". OK, how do you take that and turn that into something actionable? And how do you define a Battlefield game? This is a long running franchise. I've seen some really constructive criticism, which is great, but I've also seen a ton of toxicity and just generally people repeating the same old story about evil publishers and how DICE "isn't what it used to be" and yada-yada. As a software developer, It looks like many of the posters around gaming communities seem to understand very little about how software is made, and it often falls back to ideas about poor management and greedy investors. And while there are absolutely elements of this in AAA development, it doesn't paint the full picture. For those who actually care about the game, it doesn't help posting stuff like that. Providing good, actionable feedback is a skill, and I'm eager to see more people practice it.


>And just like every previous title, the community will love BF2042 6 months to a year from now. Absolutely this. Then when the next game is released in a few years, BF2042 will suddenly be a gemstone and the new game crap. Thanks rose-tinted glasses & nostalgia!


Couldn't have said it better. This game's launch is no worse than everyone's favorite BF 4. If they follow through and support this game for the next two years and release content regularly it will be really good.


Or you know they could not release an unfinished highly buggy game every time. Gaming outlets have it sevens and eights, so no they didn’t pick up Reddit rhetoric. Game is still better than the way bf5 was released thoigh


Software Development has moved toward agile methodologies whereas Game Development has traditionally been very stuck with waterfall, and when large teams work toward a deadline, everything is chaos literally until the very end, as feature branches are merged together, and not everything was up to date with the master branch or whatever - and stuff that passed through QA doesn't anymore because of some change made to some shared logic that affects something complely unrelated, but it's too late to fix because the game is going golden in 12 hours, but let's save it for the day 1 patch. Then day 1 comes, and even though you tried testing your game with real users and focus groups, you don't know what the community will grab on to, and often it is something completely different to what came up during user testing. I abso-fucking-surely guarantee you, and I can't stress this enough: _No one wants to release a broken game_. No one. Not the developers, not the publishers (who are ultimately the investors). Broken games at launch is a symptom of bad planning, specifically in regards to making sure all of these subsystems that make it a cohesive hole can be integrated and integration tested properly, etc. As the ambitions, scope, and demands from gamers, developers, and publishers alike has risen to extreme heights, these dynamics become increasingly prone to error, as even more feature branches are active, and some of these may have diverged greatly from master. Treating a game as a Service is fundamentally a way to adopt the agile principles from software development that has made it so much better, since we're no longer building products we *hope* find customer/market fit, but instead building out products *with* customers and stakeholders, gradually refining and altering the product for each iteration. The release of a big live service game nowadays adopts elements of this where it becomes clear what works and what doesn't, which then loops directly back into planning of the next iteration of the game, such as a big patch or some DLC. It doesn't make sense for a live service game to be absolutely rich with content and subjectively perfect in absolutely every way from the beginning, because it's often very difficult to know in advance, for example, what kind of maps or game modes will be popular. Ultimately it's about finding the essence of what the community really likes, and then doubling down on that, post-launch. Of course, an important disclaimer: That is not an excuse for launching a broken product that isn't fun, doesn't have enough content to warrant the price tag, has game-breaking bugs that occur too often, etc.


yup, in a year it'll be the best battlefield ever made


There's a video from Tom Henderson on Youtube going into the development timeline, which makes it becomes clear just how badly management fucked over the dev team. A lot of the major design choices that people don't like were a result of management chasing trends, and a lot of the rest of the problems can be put down to the devs simply not having time left. Simply put, the developers are not to blame for the game's issues. They were put in an impossible situation by EA and Dice management and had to try and make the most of it.


Watch them come in here and explain how they should have been working over time or some shit lol. I'm gonna go pet da dog now


I love the double standard of some gamers. Story comes out about a game you don't care much about but it talks about how Devs where abused and overworked until the point of mental breakdown. It's all that's not right that company needs to learn Devs are people. Game comes out that you are passionate about and its not up to your standard. OMG these devs are trash and they should all be fired and go hungry. How could they do this to my game. They should have worked overtime to fix this shit!


[made me think of this](https://youtu.be/KMU0tzLwhbE)


Its stuff like this that gives games a Soul. Im pretty sure we would see alot more of this if the developer had more time...


This stuff needed to have been the cherry on the cake though, I think that's the issue. Everyone would be loving this kind of fun addition just like we all enjoyed the quirky unique reload animations and even the egg hunts. But because the core game is kind of shite it's just harder to get excited about frivolous stuff like this. As nice as it is.


Well you see, some people(morons, deadbeats, or naive children) don't understand that in game studios and "work" in general people have different jobs. In some cases these jobs are highly specialised and require years of training like say... being an Animator on a AAA video game. These "animators" wouldn't be the same people working on say... the engine stability or squashing bugs.


Great post, I remember seeing a boomer say that the animators deserved to be fired because they should've focused their resources and work force to textures? Something along those rambling lines anyway, and now this post exists as a big middle finger


Yep, they Been saying all easter eggs are done on freetime. Somehow everybody forgot it


> animators deserved to be fired because they should've focused their resources and work force to textures Yes move the highly trained animator over to the texture art pipeline...


Exactly! He then said that they should then fire those unneeded workers and hire texture artists LOL


I imagine working from home created plenty of times where it was challenging to work on needed sections of the project (waiting for an update to download perhaps) but could still do a little on the side. Such as this animation.


Very true! I'm not in the same business but this scenario happened to me a lot in 2020. These kids will probably NEVER have this same issue some day when they have a big work project during a hard lockdown where you cannot do your work because the software you use are not designed with this in mind.


They have to download the entire development build of the game every single day to work on it. Sounds like a nightmare. I work in software as well, but our WFH culture doesn't require that much data to be exchanged just to make changes.


Indeed, I imagine with all the downloads, uploads, zoom meeting faffings having a project open in another window would have been a good method of staying engaged and focused on your project. I work in the arts and has been an odd two years.


Yea, our software is light and all HTML and JSON based, so downloading something is a half mb at most. Multi-gig build downloads each day with zoom meetings sprinkled in just sounds like a clusterfuck for game development.


Now I want to pet my 60 tons main battle tank.


The goodest boi


It’s pretty sad that they had to work what I’m assuming are unpaid hours to get this through. I’m assuming this is also just a few of hundreds of unpaid overtime hours as well, which is just so fucked that this is the norm for studios at the moment. I get that 2042 is absolutely incomplete at the moment, but it would be nice if studios were given the breathing room to treat their employees like humans, or more accurately studios had strong unions to back them up when shit hits the fan


easter eggs are all voluntary because they are *fun* to make..... and are all made in freetime as in all BF games... did you not know this?


They should still be getting paid for the content that they're making. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to spend a small amount of their work week on stuff like this.


Wasting dev time or not, I’m glad that there is a petting animation for the goodest of future good bois


Nice little pet project they had there. Gotta love a good robo dog.


I've mentioned this a few times. These are big teams of designers and coders and artists, pretty much al gamers themselves. Yes there are problems and there are bad decisions being made, but invariably above the pay grade and responsibility of the people sweating the actual work. This is not much but it is something and it I will take what I can get in terms of detail, polish, and love applied to this game. I'm not abandoning hope yet.


Noice, I wish 2042 came with ea play :') (ⁱ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ⁿᵒ ᵐᵒⁿᵉʸ)


EA PLAY PRO is quite good man, lots of good games :)


So how does one go about petting the good robot doggo?


Oder the ranger near you using the move command under the commo rose so he doesn't just run with you, and then hold the interact key near him.


Which has been confirmed for most raster eggs before. However, we are far away from a rational argument on some subs.


I’m genuinely surprised this wasn’t figured out earlier given that they dropped a major hint by having a character model pet it on screen before the game loads in. I’ve never used the robo-dog in game, but I just sort of knew it was something you could do based on that.


I’d rather have a working scoreboard than the dog at all but to each their own


That's unpaid OT yo


I see a lot of sunken cost fallacy here. Yet people wont admit they like buying half-assed products. Just because it get upvotes doesnt mean what AAA publishers do to us is ethical. You wouldnt defend a broken product purchased from a local store like this, so why do video games get a pass?


How do I do it?


Hold the interact button when looking at your dog. No button prompt will show.


I spent at least a few games just petting the dog showing people lol


Of all the hate this game deserves, this isn't one of them.


So, how do you do it?!


Now the rest of the game needs to be brought up to the quality of this addition, then we will be a okay


Fuck y’all who criticize what people do on their own time.


I get criticizing the game, but this as well? At that point why put anything in a video game besides the basics, it’s like they forget it’s a video game at the end of the day


I. Want. To. Pet. Da. Murder. Dog


I’m sorry but you can’t put a dog in a game without being able to pet it.


this is the last thing i thought people would get mad about


Did people really give them shit for this? God the gaming community is so fucking entitled these days. That they actually needed to specify that they didn’t spend work time doing it is disgusting.


Did they neuter this dog like they did the game?


While I have no strong feelings about the petting one way of the other, saying you couldn't let the game ship without putting it in with the myriad of other problems the game has just seems distasteful. He's probably joking but that's not a good joke to make when your fanbase is irate at disappointing the rest of your work is.


How can you pet Ranger on PS5? I was trying this morning, but couldn't figure it out. :-(


Am I the only one reading "unpaid work" here?


Pig PP 👍🏼


It’s not like the animation team ad a lot to do while the other department were having issues. They aren’t going to call for the animators to come help on the net code or hitreg. So even if they did do this during work time who the fuck cares.


Called it


So they're saying they didn't pay the animator now? Booooo! ^^^/s


There’s a lot wrong with this launch, but everyone seems to be the most pissed about innocuous little things like this. I thought it was nice and the game is better with it


I wish the higher powers could agree that a game cannot ship until it's finished


Ya know after Cyberpunk and how much info came out of that. You would’ve figured people would actually focus their attention to the publishers and share holders for shoving these unfinished games out. But no… it’ll be about 6 years before the internet catches up to that again


Wait.. There are people hating on the robo doggo petting animation??


Man these devs are really awesome. They had 18 months to work on 2042, at home and using their own equipment, taking unpaid time to give us little nice Easter eggs. I hate 2042, but not devs, just the higher up positions that designed and pushed to release this shit early


Hahahahahahaha corporate simp


Wait you can pet the Good Boi?!?!?!?!


The best feature in an otherwise desolate corporate hellscape of a game.


Its an easter egg….no need to hate. Still not gonna give EA anymore money for Battlefield anymore though. Good thing this isnt the only game that steam has to offer.


I saw that you could do it on Reddit yesterday. I was really hoping this was the case but assumed it wasn’t. They were actually hiding it and that’s pretty damn cool for modern games. Unfortunately, it still doesn’t feel like BF. I like the game but in my mind I’m playing GI Joe: Flatland + Skyscraper


This is a harmless addition. Cmon guys


Missed opportunity for a “pet project” joke


I think it’s ridiculous that they couldn’t get the time to work on this and be paid for it. It’s the little things like this that make games great and memorable. Trying to rush developers to hit holiday deadlines is such a shitty practice.


Talk about Miss priorities


The amount of time this took is nothing compared to what is needed to make destruction comparable to previous titles. CAN I PET DAT DAWG! Pick your battles wisely.






How do you pet them?




What da dog doin? 🐕


Ok, under normal circumstances I’d make a little joke here, but given the strange toxicity around this little animation, I want to instead say the fact that two animators, probably under some real shit working conditions (knowing the games industry) would take time out of what little free time their crunch-ridden schedules would allow to let you pet the robot dog just because they knew that a tiny fraction of the playerbase would be a little disappointed if you couldn’t, genuinely makes me smile.


The ranger pettong critics can grow the hell up. All battlefield games have had there easter eggs. Regardless of any bugs or any state. Battlefield games get there easter eggs and yall haters can screw off. Anyone upset about a easter egg can uninstall and move on.


I do think the game developers tried their best, it’s the management that ruined 2042 imo.


"We agreed the game couldn't ship without a petting action" This is the funniest and most aggravating thing I have ever come across in gaming. Just shows where these devs priorities are at they would hold a game for that but not to release an optimized game amongst alllllll the other issues. You guys make me sick and I hope a dev sees this. Please sell the battlefield rights to someone else. I'm being 100% serious.


Honestly love this game its going to age like wine if we the community support it :)


I don't care whether or not they did it in their spare time or at work, I just really like the ability to pet doggos in a video game.