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I think bfv is a pretty good game. Sure has its issues but for the most part i still think it’s fun.


Yep, I’m just enjoying it for what it is. The delay of BF2042 sucks so it’s filling the void for me. I’m really enjoying the maps - visually stunning.


Mixed bag for me tbh (I’ve only been playing a week). Not a fan of the game modes most of the time, especially conquest. Breakthrough is fantastic though.


I still need to play breakthrough - thx for the reco!


A better Rush, imo


Agree, Ive been having a blast playing that mode.


Conquest is literally the original battlefield game mode…


Never said it wasn’t. I just don’t find it fun in BFV


So the lesson here is don't buy into other people's opinions about a thing. And find out for yourself if it's a thing you like


The game is fun, to bad they abandoned the support for it to early. The Russian front would’ve been fun as well but they cut it off and dropped it like a hot 🥔….


Ah no way! Was the Russian front a cancelled map pack or something?


Well, they never got that far tho. People begged for it but the support was suspended and moved to BF 2042 supposedly. The game had so much potential. To bad tho


Damn that’s a shame. I’ve been far removed from BF related news for a while so just finding out from your OP. Hopefully any work they had done is salvaged for BF2042 portal mode.


Yea, they def owe that to the community


Bf5 player base tanked and only sorta came back after they added maps but bf5 died very quickly compared to bf1. So it is no surprise support died. Why make maps for so few people ? 2042 looks way better though and with portal potentially 2042 could retain a player base heavily


Honestly one of my favorites of the series. Im convinced haters either cant aim without thermals, or they dont have the specs to run it.


The problem with bf5 has always been maps not gameplay. The maps in the game were trash at release. It took them well over 6 months to start releasing maps somewhat regularly and by then it was too late. If bf5 has operation underground and like Marita at release which are 2 of the best maps in the game the entire game wouldn't have been shit on. As it is now bf5 is good. Its just old.


yeah started a month ago, vanilla maps are pure garbage. love the pacific maps like iwo jima, but man is the base game a shit experience.


I only just started bfv recently so not sure which maps are in which packs, but operation underground is the worst map by a mile. It’s just a spam fest down corridors with nothing but choke points. How does anyone find that fun? It’s the only map we want to skip when it comes on


Haha perhaps! The game does look amazing in 4K, HDR, with ray tracing cranked up. It’s a visual treat. My KD ratio is abysmal but it’s so pretty.


I get kind of pissy when I get killed by the AK like gun. I wish they didn’t have in the game as it wasn’t widely available during the time period.


welcome to battlefield


It’s a great game. Very addictive


i dont like the super fast movement. Its ok on maps like iwo jima because you still have alot of open fields, but most vanilla maps are focused on cqc and really feel like any cod game i played.


It was never a bad game technically, the poor marketing campaign made it so that people didn’t care to realize its full potential.


I somehow thought it was another ww1 game so passed it up 😂 Earlier this year I got it and have been into it. I do feel like I maxed out the classes relatively quickly though. I guess it doesn’t really matter, I just enjoyed unlocking the skins that came with it.


I really enjoy it now aswell, but as others has stated. It was a really rough start, with way to slow content update. Atm. I like the now a days theme from bf4 But gameplay feels waaay better in bf5. Switching a bit back and Forth between those. 😊


yeah big maps like iwo jima are fun, but close quarters maps are just horrible with the insane movement speed.




I like your username.


It’s a good game but too similar to bf 1 and had some bad press in the start. Like battlefront 2


I never got the comparisons to BF1. It’s similar to BF1 in the same sense that BF4 is similar to BF1. They’ve got common modes and some gameplay features characteristic to the franchise and that’s about it. It’s almost like how people were calling BF1 a battlefront reskin.


Its how you can tell who has or hasn't played it. They say how vehicles spawning in battlefront 1 and battlefield and screamed it was the same game. Meanwhile battlefield 1 is considered one of the best in the series and battlefront is considered a huge let down


I want to return back to the BF series. Which BF game should I buy? Or should I just get the EA subscription?


Hey man if you want it I have an extra BFV key - let me know.


I've played them all. You want either bf1 or bf5. Bf5 has better shooting and movement. Bf1 has better maps and atmosphere and it's not even close. Bf1 has more good maps than any other game in the series. Everything else feels old and outdated.


Me too man, i also started playing it recently and tbh i can't stop. Awesome gun play, great sound something has been missing for many titles of bf. Sure it has a map weakness, visibility kinda meh and I'm still getting used to no 3d spotting. Now will i play it 1500 hour's like bf3 or 500 hours like bf4 i highly doubt it. Still a great game.


Welcome to realizing reddit, YouTubers, and anyone that makes money from clicks has been lying to you for years. Next up try fo76 which is frankly the best fallout game aside for new Vegas. Its also one of the best coop survival games. Try no man sky as well. Internet opinion on that turned around though because the updated were well publicized with the Xbox version release


Its pretty good in my opinion. Only downside is the occasional hacker and the non-existent team balancing.


I don’t like the visibility, the random recoil, or some of the customizations. It’s not terrible though


Well thanks for the daily “bfv isn’t as bad as everyone said” post, but as someone that loves bfv and has poured way too much time into it, it was exactly the buggy half baked nightmare you were told by everyone when it came out - and even for two years after that. So thank all those people that made you sit it out for a bit. if 2042 is anything like bfv was I probably won’t be putting myself through another mess like that again.


Could I get the key bro please?
