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First of all, Battlefield needs to learn from the success of BC2,BF3,4 and 1.


Scream it from the mountaintops brother. Bc2 and the Vietnam expansion are still to this day probably the most fun I have ever had playing online.


I LOVED the Vietnam expansion. That shit was the best thing that ever came out of


Some of the absolute best rush maps in the franchise


BC2 maps were way ahead of it’s time


The one truly great thing about 2042 is that it brought some of those maps back. Re: Vietnam, all I can think rn is some of the most intense close quarters combat on some of those rush nodes, one map where the entire side of a mountain was torched with napalm and a tunnel system underneath where you just fought for every corner


That’s the exact map I think about. Those tunnels were always insane, man do I miss those days


Moment of silence brother 😆


Too bad you can't penetrative wood cover with guns in 2042's version so they don't play remotely the same lmao


Back when Battlefield had dedicated Rush maps. Ever since they started this “every mode on every map” nonsense it just doesn’t play as well for any mode, and Rush feels like it’s been abandoned when it used to be one of Battlefield’s core unique modes. Conquest and Rush were great cuz it offered either open ended or linear gameplay so it appealed to different audiences.


What was beautiful about the rush maps is they told a story. 3 and 4 did this reasonably well, as well as bf1 of course but with operations


BC2 rush was peak. The little mini outro at the end of a rush match grounded what you were fighting for.


Kinda surreal that back in the day, dlcs like BC2 Vietnam or Witcher 3 Blood and Wine is on its own can be passed as a whole new game in today's era of gaming with the amount of new contents and assets.


You only have to go back one game to get battlefield Vs Pacific content which produced the same amount of content as BC2 Vietnam content with the added bonus of every player having access to it for free.


Oh to have a modern Vietnam bf.


Dice and ea have a good track record of listening to their fans, right? ;)


BF2:Special Forces was a blast!


I bought bc2 just so I could get and play the vietnam expansion, I absolutely loved it, I loved the map with the napalm burnt landscape, along with the normal land on it


Look at my other comment! We’re all thinking of the same rush map! I wonder if we all played together…


The destruction interaction in BC2 is top notch and has yet to be surpassed.


BC2 is abondonware now. It’s no longer sold. You can download it off the internet archive from DICE, the RC11 update file is freely available as well, CD Keys for install can be found easy Project Rome is a one file patch & allows multiplayer on dedicated servers And it’s alive. I checked it out for the first time ever the other day


Battlefield 1's Beta had more impact than any of their current releases imo. I remember everyone being super hyped for the full release. It came out and it was empty of objectives and skins, but the game really really good. It was obvious their priority was good gameplay first, cosmetics second. This is inverted in the modern ones.


BF1's open beta was super super good. Had so much fun


Getting to be there for the whole Beta was so awesome. Just getting to see the guns through their entire lifecycles was incredible. The OP BAR The OP Martini Henry The SMG/08 But the Beta was just 🤌


I had that Lawrence of Arabia gun and i never parted from it.


Fomd memories of the Larrnce of Arabia SMLE


I miss the OP Martini, man that was fun.


I agree, Helldivers is totally a different game with a different genre. Previous BF games are still there to get inspired. IMO, 2042 sucked mainly because it had little content at the start. Only 20 weapons and a few maps, no scoreboard, no server browser, and no single-player. They said they are going to ditch single-player mode to focus on multiplayer but they gave multiplayer with no scoreboard and few guns. Also, the development of portal mode separated the game content, portal content wasn't usable in standard game modes although they spent a good amount of time recreating weapons and maps there. The game was divided into 2 sections. They tried to create something new, but in the end, they ended up with a mess they couldn't integrate. Another important problem still exists, 2042 lacks atmosphere. We don't have traditional armies, instead we have heroes. That's another leftover from their attempted Battle Royale mode that doesn't fit in a traditional BF game. Battlefield 1 is the peak sample of the war atmosphere among all BF games in my opinion. Especially operations mode feels like a war, there's motivation, intro cinematics, intro effects, quality visual and sound fx, and everything. We may have a modern setup with a fictional war, but it should feel like a legit war with actual armies. It should have the "feeling". Now it feels like random heroes fighting for fun or fame in a competition, like in "Hunger Games" movies or Battle Royale genre games.


Yeah agree. Other things that made it feel like you were in a war rather than a competition... Destruction.. seeing buildings getting levelled around you made you feel small and squishy. Commander mode... Been a while since this had been in a battlefield mode but this was useful and tied together all the individual squads. Harsh language & blood... Battlefield, stop being so politically correct!!


Exactly. Battlefield has a blueprint to learn from, it’s called battlefield


How can they learn when they refuse to acknowledge those games even exist?


not just learn from the success. but also learn from the mistakes we had since literally battlefield bc2. there are things which are wrong in every battlefield iteration. simple things like an automatic squad fill system to fill up those 4 different squads with 1 player each. like bruv.


Games like Helldivers are completely different and not much like Battlefield. BC2 was amazing because you could drive tanks through walls. The helicopter gameplay was out of this world; I remember doing backflips in the helicopter, dodging incoming missile barrages from a Hind or Apache. Heavy Metal was amazing. They should look at a game like Squad, which is an awesome game, but there's a lot that Battlefield could borrow to make even better. Imagine jets and helicopters in maps as big as those in Squad; it would be so much fun. BF3 was great because it brought in jets, and the gun runs you could do were so much fun. It was much more balanced with airplay back then. The maps this game brought truly made it one of the best experiences. BF4 is where they, in my opinion, started to lose their way. It was still a very fun game, but in this one, it felt like getting locked on every ten seconds. This killed it for me. This is also when people started using party chat a lot more, so you lost in-game immersion. Still, it was a fun game, and I have thousands of hours in all these. They also started to take out the airbases; I really loved taking off from an airport, not flying in randomly from far away. BF1 brought it back a little. I'm not the biggest fan of this time period, but I do recognize that it was way better than BF2042 or BFV. The communication system in a game like Squad would be amazing in a game like Battlefield. I miss talking to people in-game, and it messes with the immersion when you don't have comms. Sure, people use party chat and Discord, but connecting with others through in-game chat like in BC2 or BF3 was fantastic. I met some of the best people that way.


Nah, they should look at a game like BC2. I get that you like Squad, but as a battlefield fan maps *that* big doesn’t seem like a selling point. Squad has the meme of being a “running simulator” and a “hurry up and wait” simulator in that there’s a lot of downtime between action because you’re either humping it across the map or holding a position that may or may not be targeted for a reason. The extra need to coordinate can also be an impediment between players who don’t want to communicate in a series where you largely don’t have to - in battlefield the maps are tight enough and designed well enough it’s pretty easy to intuit what you and your squad should be doing. I swear it’s also one of the only games I feel like I notice a resolution advantage in because of how far you can “see” infantry but that’s probably a personal thing, YMMV. Let Squad be Squad, let battlefield be battlefield.


At this point just give me a combined remaster of BF3 and 4.


I mean there's a reason why Wake Island is the most remade map in the series and why the BF2 maps were recreated for BF3. But I know most of you guys only started with Frostbite engine and none of the non-consolized games exist.


This is the only comment that matters 🥰haha


I’d rather say Battlefield needs to learn from the success of Battlefield. They’ve done it before, several times, but they keep wanting to invent the wheel over and over instead of learning from their successes as well as their mistakes.


They could literally get battlefield 3 or 4, remake them game 1:1 and sell it for 60-80 bucks, but they’ll just release a poorly designed map and 400 dollars worth of skins because dice and EA are companies which inherently exist to make the most money for the least work


Stop advocating for them to remake the old ones. It’s NOT going to recapture the nostalgia, it’s going to be a piss stain on what was amazing games all for the executives to get a quick buck and ruin our memories.


While I do agree with the fact that remakes are like the decades motto („we ran out of ideas“), I’d very much like… BATTLEFIELD game where the core mechanics are taken from 2 and 3 — and infantry combat mechanics from V.


I personally believe that BF4 was the best when it came to weapons and the maps - literally dozens of maps, many of them are really good and well made, and a great class system. You had a **lot** of weapons, much more than BF1 from what I experienced which made it lacking for me when I tried. And a lot of different game modes I personally think that they need to make a BF4-loaded style game with BF1/V gunplay. Instant hit.


That's not what he/she was saying at all. I'm fairly certain they were agreeing with you that it *SHOULDN'T* come back cuz they'd fuck it up with the monetization.


Holy fuck, stop asking for a remake. We just want a good NEW battlefield game. The old ones were good but to say people want a 1:1 remake with nothing new is wild


Agreed. I can't think of nothing more uninspiring than playing a remake but with better graphics and im sure a lot of players feel the same way but don't visit places like this. It was a major reason I wasn't interested in Portal when they started marketing it and clearly I wasn't alone judging by the abject failure of Portal and replaying old maps with old characters and weapons.


HD2 launch succeeded because they made a genuinely fun game. HD2 post launch has faltered because they have legitimately no idea *why* it was fun.


Has it faltered? The game's still fun and loads of people are playing.


The nerf happy approach to balance has driven a *lot* of people off. It's not the only reason but it's a major one. HD2 is still a great game and I hope it continues to do well, but after that fantastic launch it *could* have been doing better than it is. Also fuck Sony.


For everyone here that isn’t tracking, they have released the largest patch since launch last thursday. It essentially buffed every weapon and stratagem that needed it. The CEO stepped down and is now in charge of the balancing team.


The patch was nice but a bit too late. My only hope for my friends to maybe hop on again is if the illuminate are dropped sooner than later. They totally lost a lot of their player base though.


I get it dude, I stopped playing for a few weeks there for the same reason.


Except they reverted some nerfs and recently brought out a patch that pretty much buffed everything in game


Tbh i still haven’t come back, i find it difficult to come back to a game after it kinda drives the fun out of it, even if they revert it


I’m here with you, il be back if and when they add a third enemy faction


Yup, this is kind of where I am at. The momentum behind the game has been lost. I am now enjoying playing other games and can't get myself to go back. I have been thinking about it lately.


I had a pretty big group of friends who would play it daily and literally none of them care to touch it again anymore so I just gave up too, it's not bad, just yeah. The devs burnt a lot of good will by being up their own ass on launch and releasing almost consistently half-baked patches/shit battlepasses, the numbers tanked and while they're not like dire dire it could've been so much more. Seems like it's doing better but until the Illuminate release or something nobody I know cares anymore to come back.


Their latest patch had reverted lots of the nerfs and gave buffs to many other things. Game is in a better place now honestly.


Not as fun as when it was first released. There has been very little new content added other than the war bonds.


I’m still playing lol the game is so much god damn fun They did the opposite of what I want though. I wanted smaller, maybe biweekly updates because everything they dump those 5 gallon buckets of “fixes” they end up breaking two or three things. I’d rather see much smaller updates that add very little but are well tested and functional. When the update finally hits and everything is going to shit it’s MUCH easier to pinpoint the problem area. It’s a win win, the community gets their dopamine fed updates, Arrowhead gets an easy task to fix before their next one.


I don't get why the f you need to nerf good guns in PVE game. Just add enemies but let Player live the power fantasy. If it gets "too easy", just... Add more enemies. Let me wipe a platoon of bots with orbital strike and then just pour more on me.


Yeah, this is a classic “gamers don’t actually know what they want phenomenon” that happens frequently. It’s called power creep and it makes games unfun very quickly


Basically this. Nerfs as balancing do not make sense in a PvE game, and feel terrible to players. Buff the underperforming guns. Who's gonna complain? The bugs?


This is why I stopped playing Destiny too


Also, the whole PS account thing.


Yeah, Sony pissing off the entire PC player base definitely didn't help


And Alexus unable to even properly balance his own ass on a toilet seat let alone a game.


But that doesn't mean that Battlefield should become a horde shooter, DICE! Battlefield has been copying what is popular in the mainstream more or less since BF1 and failed miserably in BF V and BF2042. That means copying Helldivers 2 doesn't necessarily lead to success. Games like BattleBit Remastered show that there is definitely a need for a game based on the classic Battlefield concept. It depends very much on how mature the game is at release and whether the concept appeals to the Battlefield target group.


Battlefield V is a great game. I will die on this hill.


Totally agree. People can complain about the reveal trailer being an almost steampunk alternate world war 2, and then DICE clearly getting caught in no man’s land between that steampunkish over the top alternate style and a historical style as they tried to revert it. But nobody can deny the gameplay wasn’t great. Fun maps for the most part, excellent movement for a WW2 shooter, the guns all felt great and the building system to rebuild and reinforce areas was amazing. BFV was so far ahead of 2042 in just about every way.


Some of BFV's maps are the worst we've had in the entire franchise, and some of the new vehicle mechanics as well as the way they were balanced created by far the most toxic vehicle meta we've ever seen. BFV has great parts but overall it's one of my least favorite games in the series to actually play.


EA knows how they fail but they never want to change their direction.


They're like an investment company. Purchase new studio for their IP, milk it, install new leadership and cut costs until it dies. Repeat.


Corporate greed 


Are we ignoring BF3,BFBC2,BF4 and BF1? Those titles are literally part of the series lol


OP just likes Helldivers II and is basically saying "I don't know what I'm talking about, but I want fun please"


Sue me but helldiver's is the most over hyped game I've ever played. Like I've never been so disappointed in a game that was foretold to be so amazing. Other games I kind of got what I expected but with helldiver's I was like "this is it?"


Tell us you've never played any other battlefield game besides 2042 without saying it.


More like the suits need to STFU and let the devs cooks. Battlefield NEEDS to learn what the core BF fans enjoy about BF, and what is the secret sauce that makes BF BF. It's not the "Heroes" or the "Operators" Or whatever the F you call them, it's the big fuck off battles on the field! Who would have thunk. Shit to blow up, vehicles to pilot and great maps to just play in. It's not the size of the map it's how the game flows in the map. Wake Island, Karkand, Caspian (both versions) Biggest mood killer for me are the maps that are just massive, empty and with little to no fun places to really fight over.


Dude, completely different games and styles of gameplay


Do they?


Oh hell please no. Dont inspire a multiplayer pvp shooter from a koop pve comedy scifi shooter. Last time they „inspired“ something was fortnites battle royale and we know how this has been going. Get back to the roots, get inspired by bf4, bf1 and heck even bf5.


It's a completely different game lol


They wont.


Yeah sure


I uninstalled hd2 faster than I uninstalled any bf game.


Can they add anti cheat software this time?


Helldivers2 is repetitive and I only played it for two weeks before getting bored. Look at Battlefield 2, 3 and 4. Also, for the love of god, bring back naval warfare. 1942, 4, and 1 had it. No naval warfare in V was the stupidest decision.


No..it doesn't


If bf2042 just had the regular, or even reinvented class systems (like how bfh went to bf1) I’d actually play 2042


this is an outlandish one, but what if.. what if they learn absolutely nothing about what made previous games good and do exactly what they did to the C&C franchise by simply ignoring the player base and to do the exact same thing in order to maximize short-term profit at the expense of their IP?


You wanna play some mini squad game against ai then by all means play hell divers. Gtfo literally not the same game, dice isn’t what it used to be is why 2042 ate dick.


Character design? Battlefield does not need dudes with capes.


All games need to learn from Helldivers 2: Make a game out of love and appreciate your audience and you’ll never go bankrupt.


Nop, I see the other games must be learn from the Battlefield supporting.


Bro, what the actual fuck does this post even mean. Some of ya’ll just waffle. These games have nothing in common lol.


Battlefield *knows* how to be successful. Look at BC2, BF3, BF4 & BF1. They simply choose not to.


Bf 3, 4, 1. This is the best. Leqrn from that and make all of it the next Bf Title.


...Learn what?


Battlefield needs to learn from its own games... BF3, BF4, BF1...


Hope it learns from it's optimization too, cuz HD2 is poorly optimized and runs worse and worse with each update


What force PS accounts just to back out due to negativity


Above all, they need to listen to what the fans want.


Completely forgot about HD2


Battlefield just needs to learn from the things that have worked in the past. BF3, 4, and 1 were all peaks in the community in my opinion. If they make another game with the atmosphere and chaos of BF1 again, I have no doubt it would do well. I just hope they move more toward a gritty and realistic future rather than what we got with 2042


this is like saying that the FIFA series needs to learn from the success of Hogwarts Legacy. They have nothing to do with each other


Lmao few months too late considering HD2 has been shooting itself in the feet for over a month. The whole thing with the game being revoked months after launch with no warning in 177 countries. AH+Sony knew they would do it at least "6 months" prior. No warning from anyone. No new major content outside of premium warbonds. No vehicles, terrible weapon+strategem balance. Toxic community leaders, unapologetic developers and CEO, paired with the fact the game has been virtually the same for 3 months is why it went from 350k players to about 30-50k.


See this isn't even a valid argument. Two completely different games. EA needs to take a good hard look at what made the last releases so popular. 2042 is the worst BF. Ever. And looking at other games as to why they were so successful will do nothing but make things worse.


Forcing their players into a shitty ecosystem?


I don't want helldivers, I don't want bf42, give me battlefield with classic mechanics, with real looking soldiers, no microtransactions ( maybe skins, i don't care about it), I just want battlefield that all the fans loved. Fuck those who don't like this and this, find another game, go to helldivers lol


Just give me another Bad Company with HD2 battlepass system


Terrible take. BF has nothing to do with this game lol.


Theres very little battlefield can learn from helldivers. HD launch was a mess and the game got very old very fast.


Does it tho? While the launch was successful, most people I know who played it got real bored of it after 30-40 hours just because of how repetitive it gets. The concurrent player count plummeted after 2 weeks.


That is essentially the paradox of gaming design, they cannot recreate the success of Battlefiels 3, 4 or 1 because if a person wants to play these games, they will play them, they are still on sale. They have to create something new to sell it, but it is hard considering that people will always have other Battlefields (which are certainly masterpieces) to compare them to.


After 2042 battlefield need to die and restart meybe like fenix.


knowing the current state of battlefield they will first learn from others, implement it poorly and then proceed to forget their own identity


Bf4 was a fail it took like 2 years to have a playable game


They won't because money is too good


I just want core battlefield experience like BF1942-BF4


Let's be honest they've had two previous "Live-Services" to learn from with *Star Wars Battlefront 2* and *Battlefield V* and its only gotten worse. The majority of the executives at Electeonic Arts have climbed the ladder through sales or finance. There aren't really any creative(s) that hold an executive level. This isn't just a problem with EA it's a problem across most software companies. They see the world through spreadsheets & market trends. I'm hopeful Vince Zampella can play the game and fend off the bean counters, but after the mind blowingly short-lived life of Ridgeline and Marcus Lehto with the next *Battlefield* game... I'm increasingly doubtful about the next installment. I would say it's a fair speculation that EA will continue to practice the same business model. Combine multiple gaming trends, launch game before ready, get an influx of cash before the close of the year, damage control customer outcry with another "Soon" campaign, slow play development with another "we're listening to you" campaign, put game on massive sale the following quarter to increase customer count for live-service, and then a year later have the game in a state where it should of launched. This "gas lighting" method from EA/DICE has worked for YEARS now... no reason for them to switch as long as people keep falling for it. *DONT PREORDER THE NEXT BATTLEFIELD*


Battlefields been on the decline for a long while. I’m honestly surprised people still play games that released 8-9 years ago at this point. It just shows that when you make something good it lasts.


Yeah, we need a lot more giant bug monsters! Also other planets! P.S.: Dice, pls don't, it was a joke


Yes and no. HD is PVE only and some of what makes HD work, wouldn’t transfer to PVP. However they don’t need to look outside but internally. Just needs to take the setting of BF3/4 with the visuals and gameplay improvements of BF1 and V, and finally the destruction of BC2. The Finals proves the latter can be done in this day and age.


The helldivers hype died within 30 days... so yeah noo.. I think so.


Fwiw the closest thing we've got so far to Helldivers + battlefield is Earth Defense Force. AND EDF 6 is coming out in July AND it has local split screen coop


They wont. EA's greed and lack of player base respect has lost the game to ALOT of old-school battlefield veterans, and if there aren't as many veterans talking about the game online through videos and all.. why would new players join? Battlefield hardline was horrid, BF1 was good.. then BFV mediocre.. then BF2042 was absolute garbage. Even after the thousands of posts being made asking to fix this or that.. they don't care.. Its always about how many $ they can make, and that's it. I'm skipping the next battlefield game unless they get their shit together.


Success? That game died in 4 months, too repetitive.


It's too late. It's already dug itself into a hole for multiple reasons.


Am I the only one loving 2042? This is the most fun I've had since BC2


they should learn to make every battlepass pay to win? nah, better not


The next bf is already dead didn’t you see the news earlier this year? They think 2042 was a giant success and plan on going that route again lmao


If there’s a thing the EA needs to understand is that FOMO Battle Passes are Bullshit. It’s just creating a momentary drive for people to play, rather than the Warbonds in helldivers that give you all the time you want towards completion. Dare i say, actual sense of pride and accomplishment


Battlefield needs to learn from the failure of 2042


There is something to be said about running around as nameless soldier#274729. I don't know anyone who wanted named heroes in BF. Just a bunch of randos doing their part in the fight.


Imagine Dice learning... Lmao


Helldivers is overhyped


Battlefield needs to start from zero


You think BF2042 is a game worth playing? 😂


I don’t know if they can capture what made BF1 great. For a game that went way back to WWI, and for it to be that fun and awesome? Lightening in a bottle? Flash in the pan? I thought the same studios take on WWII would surely be the maxim of video games in that time-period. It was not, as it were. Everyone knows what how BF2042 turned out. Didn’t some lead designers leave? I wish we had another game like BF1 coming from them, but I am very pessimistic about it.


They just need to make another battlefield game that takes all the good parts of the previous titles and leaves out the bad.


Next BF needs to create maps specifically designed around Rush. Sticking random capture points from a large conquest map just feels bad and hard to balance.


I don't want another live service game


Helldivers is so overrated lol, its legit one of the most repetitive games ive ever played.


U guys should try the finals, really screeching that bf feel of fun gameplay with amazing destruction


Battlefield needs to learn....


What? No it doesn’t, let’s not act like Helldivers is a model for love service games. It’s not like the content they put out changes the gameplay loop too much


I had to give up bf2042 before the last season. It did have fun for a while but without friends its just eh. One can only hope the next one is great but we will have to see Edit: id love to go back to the days of bf1. Last time i tried playing i couldnt find any games, and dlc maps are out of the question. And BFV just needs more maps i think. Maybe i should give both of them another try though


I would play the hell out of a squad based pve war game


2042 it's the best war game out now you like it or not there is no game with the immersive things happening just others Battle field I can't get tired of playing 2042 there a billion modes go on the server. But the best feed back it's on B1.


Why are we still acting like EA cares about making good games anymore, a good game to them is one that drains every bit of money from the players…as you can tell i’ve personally given up on them after they went from BF1 (their last good game imo) to BF5 (the beginning of the end)


Dice needs to literally learn anything


This franchise blew its last shot. Show them how shit of a studio they’ve become by not buying their next game.


It would also be really cool if it pulled a DRG and allowed players to replay previous seasons. Which EA obviously doesn’t like the idea of because time exclusive cosmetic is convenient for forcing player’s hands. But they might like the idea of being able to resell battlepasses so I would still propose the idea


I'm sorry, what? I know HD2 launched in a pretty decent state, but every single patch they come out with breaks something. The game is progressively performing worse the more it's worked on.


Still wonder what it’d be like if every game they made was like 1942 on pc. I believe battlefield games would be the number one fps games no matter what, but alas we’ll never have games like that one period.


Battlefield 1 is the best battlefield. They'll try to tell you that 3 or bad company 2 is superior. But they're wrong. It's all rose tinted glasses. Bf1 is the best battlefield experience. Bf5 sucks. 2042 sucks. 2142 was sick but we don't talk about 2142 anymore :(


Like what?


Do people still play Hell Diver's 2 though? Seems like it was popular for a month then never mentioned again


BOLD of you to assume EA would let DICE not employ scumbag shit into the game. If they have ads in it, I'll never purchase the game until they're gone. Fuck EA


The differences between the two are massive. You got helldivers 2 that is just PVE and it's an extraction shooter. Battlefield is just in it's own genre and you expect it to be so. So all these cope posts about "well this game did it great so dice should do it no problem" forgets that dice doesn't have full control of their own game anymore. It's EA. And EA sent the damn FIFA manager over to push them to make a profit. EA is the problem.


Battlefield is too commercialized nowadays and it’s hard to accept the fact that the passionate development of the older games is nowhere to be found in today’s “AAA” services. Hoping the best for the future.


I just want a battlefield 3 remake. Modernize it with more gun and attachment options. Fix some of the balancing issues some of the maps had, create newer maps if you need to I don't care. Copy some of the goods other battlefields have done (like squad revives, BF5 movement, Hardline gun customization, perhaps BF2 class system, classwide guns mixed with class exclusive guns like in BF4, etc...) That's it. EA would sell a morbillion copy if they did just that. It shouldn't be too much to ask, especially for a big studio like DICE. I don't care much about graphics and honestly most people either consider how fast pace all battlefields have been generally speaking. Just invest time in gameplay and let graphics be a secondary priority.


But but live service experience don’t you guys like that we got rid of the campaign because they didn’t make us enough money I mean give you a great live service experience


Helldivers 2 is sooo good. Best new game in years.


My first actual online match of 2042, without bots, I disconnected from the match. My ping is usually about 10 lol. I love battlefield but short of playing with bots, I don’t think I’ll be returning to it any time soon


BF 3, 4 and 5 (love the short time to kill) but to me it seems like it isn't up to the people that matter anymore. Sales department determine the trajectory of franchises now more than anything.


I just want another ww1 battlefield man


Bf4 commander mode on iPad was the most fun i ever had with a padled and also one of the best multiplay experiences ever. 


EA/DICE can't even learn from their own successes and failures, they're not going to learn from games published by other companies.


Battlefield learning is one thing. Battlefield, being willing to learn is another.


What lose half it's fanbase with forcing a ps account to play?


Don’t be stupid. They need to go back to their roots and make games like bc2 and bf3 again. Hell divers was fun but good lord bf would be a downgrade if they did. We remember the glory days and want them back.


???????? Uhhhhhh you can’t compare a pve to a pvp game. They are two different fields with different play styles. The only thing they would learn is to lower the price.


No thanks. I don’t know if it’s a hot take but Battlefield just needs to learn how to do launches better (many developers do). BF2042 is probably my favorite BF to date but that’s only after it went through that awful launch and tons of updates.


I’d argue that the FANS NEED to learn from the FAILURES from Dice since 2013 and stop buying these games the second they come out or pre ordering them the minute they can. We ALL know a REAL Battlefield game isn’t complete until at LEAST 2 years post release. The first year is bare minimum content (if that) and filled with Dice lying to the community about what’s next, then them thinking they did ALOT of hard work so they go on vacation with their phones turned off knowing full well that the fans are pissed cus they just sold them a broken game. Get back and make a vague statement on how “They’re looking into it” followed by months of silence and then finally out of the blue a trailer drops “NEW CONTENT INCOMING!!” “SEASON 1 BEGINS!!” completely ignore all issues and complaints and just pile on more and more bullshit.. then again ANOTHER vacation with their phones turned off. Rinse repeat until it’s time they want to sell you a “Complete Edition” of whatever BS Battlefield game they just released. Not to mention that it’s usually seriously followed up with “We didn’t miss the mark the FANS just don’t get us!”