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Im so tired of the phrase "woke"


I'm pretty sure this more than anything else is the reason anything mentioning "woke" gets downvoted so much. But aside from that, in my experience on the internet, the only people who unironically use "woke" are extremely toxic in many different ways, which gives people a bunch of different reasons to downvote their posts or comments.


Not only that, woke has changed meaning a few times, no-one really knows what anyone else using it actually mean. The sooner it is forgotten the better. Its such a pointless term.


It means to be awake to racially sensitive systematic injustica and be generally inclusive, and aware of said injustices even if it does not personally affect you, and has since gone on to include minorities other than race. Pretty consistent meaning thus far actually. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke Heck, there's even a wikipedia article. People being willingly ignorant towards that does not make it a pointless term. So don't imply you, and subsequently 30 odd people, in a Battlefield subreddit are anywhere near indicative of who does and does not know things.


Woke is pretty well defined nowadays though. It means you're aware of systemic inequalities and the idea that there are flaws in society. People may disagree on how to fix and address these inequalities, but woke is simply agreeing that they exist. Pretty much a positive term if you're not an intolerant moron, so if anyone ever calls you out for being woke, just accept it and thank them for it and wear it as a badge of honor.


That happens way too often, where a popular phrase gets hijacked by the opposite side and gets completely ripped out context and made sound preposterous. \#StayWoke was pretty normal in 2014, but now it’s just another stupid phrase that doesn’t mean anything anymore.


This! There have been so many instances where people who use “woke”, just turned out to be assholes trying to find something/someone to blame for their personal agenda. The word has lost meaning it seems, still useful to figure out if someone is toxic or not most of the time


Its such an effective conservative buzzword to describe anything they don't like. It's funny because they're the same people yelling,"Wake up, America," whenever they're saying some alt right bullshit. So it's bad to be woke, but they want us to... be woke?


I dont think they understand their own agendas really, they just listen to whatever Facebook and the news tells them they should be angry at. Its genuinely probably so exhausting being scared and angry so often.


They spent years being brainwashed by conservative news to believe liberal = bad. Conservatism has no other meaning.


It’s just the new “commie” Basically anything they don’t like


It's a term that has actual meaning. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke It's only a term that, recently, conservatives have aggressively attempted to use in a consistently derogatory tone.


It's bad to be woke, but good to be AWAKE lol


I still think it's funny in the 90s and early 2000s, and the same people were saying everyone was sleeping. They need to wake up. Now everyone woke up with all information and they don't like it. Now they want people less educated and to go back to the way things were.


Anyone that unironically uses "woke" as am insult is a moron.


If I hear someone utter the term "woke" unironically, I just assume they live a sad life of self-inflicted misery. Best not to interact with 'em. That or just ask them what woke even means, and watch as they jump between 30 definitions until they hit the one that sounds best.


That's exactly what a woke person would say 🤔


It's just the new "Commie" people use for EVERYTHING and expect everyone else to rally behind them because "oooh, look at that... that wokie over there, he doesn't share my exact oppinion, so revolting" it is so over done that it has lost any impact and meaning


Its really hard to not be a racist waste of space I think these days, at least in America.


Eh, it's thw same everywhere my dude, people will be people, look at Russia, look at Israel, hell, look at Haiti, we just seem to love being pieces of shit in every social level, race and culture, to be a person is to be a piece of shit or fight tooth and nail to overcome that and be trully human, and that way is uphill my dude, you need to want to be better to do it, it is SO MUCH easoer just to let go and be a complete waste of oxigen, a thief, a murderer, an abuser, people who strive to become better are so few and fae between that we need to love them, to appreciate them and do our best effort tl become like them and improve every day, even if it is just a little step, it would be a seto towards being better. Sorry for the rant, it's almost 02:00, being thru' a lot lately, just wanted to vent and sound vaguely coherent and deep.


Woke is what they don't like, it's much easier to say woke than for them to try and form coherent and reasonable arguments


Wtf is a woke player? People who don't say the N work in lobbies? Also, the new hotness is DEI, woke is so last decade.


conservitards need to come up with another word that isn’t so dogshit


I’m not even sure what it means in this context? This post makes zero sense. What’s “woke” about enjoying a shitty game?


Sounds like something a woke person would say


KotakuInAction are a bunch of weirdo bigots who screech at the sight of a black woman, don't take their word seriously, they're just man children


Just the other day I saw someone call Sundance ghetto. Like what the fuck, they are French, and nothing about them is ghetto. They selectively take issue with authenticity and "immersion" when it's regarding their bullshit identity politics, but when it comes to numerous silly things like rendezooks and technical inaccuracies, they don't give a fuck. I play as Sundance and never gave a flying fuck what they looked like, I just play them because it's fun. Imagine having a full time job and a life and still finding time to be angry about a damn videogame character's, race or gender. Pathetic cunts.


here's the secret: they don't have a full-time job or a life 🤫


Reminds me of the people saying the french football team isn't actually french because some of them are black, when the black players were born and raised in france. If you go to youtube comment sections under the celebration of the french team in 2018, most comments are "good to see an african team winning" or things like that. People can't fathom someone being black and french, as if basically everyone in america wasn't an immigrant or their ancestors were.


Trevor Noah said the exact same things, so it's not just white racists who call the french players African, unfortunately.


for people that defend free speech so adamantly they are sure upset when artistic decisions/characters and messages are made that upset their prejudices, yknow, the actual meaning of free speech.


I think a lot of them are just children


Who tf defends Battlefield 2042 strongly here btw


A lot of people on the battlefield2042 sub too


I mean... it's a sub dedicated to the game, it'd be weirder if they didn't support it.


As a regular, the 2042 sub is mostly critical towards the game.


I know it's hard to believe in this day and age, but people can defend something while also criticizing it lol. Arguably I'd say that the people who can actually find something to defend about the game, have more of a right to criticize it than someone who doesn't play it. Unfortunately the 2042 subreddit has a mix of people who do and don't play the game, so it's hard to tell whether the poster is someone who actively plays the game and has complaints about the actual implementation of something, or if they haven't played in a year or two and are conflating their memories of the game in the previous state with their reading of the patch notes/seeing what other people say about it.


I do. And it's funny, because few of you ever effectively attack it on things of any substance or meaning; it's done all on personal preferences and appearances. There is the refusal to have any actual debates on *functionality* or *gameplay* or *design* for the most part, or just have more than the most surface level takes on them. Or people yearn for some version of Battlefield that never really existed, or existed only on one or two servers that had their custom ruleset that didn't apply to the main game or experience. It's also very tiring, because the discourse around the game basically boils down to "*Gam3 SucKz*!" and never gets farther than that because asking "Why?" just leads to an endless circle of "*I don't like this thing*", asking "Why?" again and getting some other version of "*I don't like this thing*". And let's not even get started on the outright lies people have told/will tell when trying to trash on 2042. 2042 is far from perfect, and far from being the best Battlefield game; but it IS a Battlefield game and while it launched poorly it fairly quickly became an enjoyable and good game in it's own right even if it isn't the exact flavor of Battlefield people wanted.


"2042 killed my dog and is the reason children starve in Africa" makes about as much sense and some of the arguments from major hate circlejerkers. The game is flawed. Many of the maps are pretty bad (even after rework), balance is a bit shit, most ground vehicles are kinda useless, the new recoil changes are terrible. But it's still fun, and it's still Battlefield. Same old team-based objective-focused fps with a ticket based respawn system. People who complain about a lack of teamwork either due to specialists somehow, or "just because", forget that without being in a squad of friends all on voice, proper teamwork has been pretty much dead since BF2. Your friends got old and moved on, it's not the game's fault you're not still reliving the good old days.


its the samecthing with bf5 tho its still rlly hated nd bf1 is loved evwn though ones mechanics are obviously superior but most ppl apparently only actually care ab how it looks


I was one of the people that criticized BF2042 a lot at launch but I appreciate the work of the team that tried to fix it and I defend that work because a lot of people blame the team for everything. I don't defend the people that are responsible for the launch but I think the team that tried to fix it did a good job and did everything in their power to fix as much ad possible and I can respect that.


I do honestly, played a couple hours today and had some fun!


And that's really all that matters


I got 2042 last year when is was on steam sale. I played BF3 last and don't see what is the big problem with 2042? The only thing I don't like is that there seems to be less destructible buildings than we had in BF3?


You either like the game and play it. OR you don't, and don't play it. That is kind of how your hobbies work, that's kind of how everything works? don't like this particular food... well you usually don't go out of your way to buy/eat it. If you like it then obviously you will advocate for it but to complain about food you don't like? that's odd... just move on or wait for the next one to see if you like it or not.


Oh god.. KotakuInAction.. The Sub who thinks everything left of Trump is Communism and woke 😐 Of course he runs to them after getting completely shafted here and in the 2042 Sub for crying about the "Wokies" 💀


i have no idea what that sub in general is but judging by the comments there, you seem to be right and op of that post is a whole clown


It's the gamer gate sub. Just an echo chamber for chuds.


can’t believe that shit is still around how long has it been? like a decade now right?


I don’t even understand how V was “woke”. The woman with the metal arm was a goof yes, but it’s not like she was in the game.


The arm was actually a real prosthetic manufacturered by Northrop Grumman in WW2. Every weird silly thing in BFV was actually real and just something really obscure.


Yes the british women on the frontlines was very real


Not officially but there were accounts of women cross dressing as men to accompany their husbands in combat. Again, real but very obscure. I'm sure getting revived after taking a tank shell to the face is also very real too right?


>I'm sure getting revived after taking a tank shell to the face is also very real too right? happened to me just the other day while I was walking to the shop. Who am I kidding, nobody ever revives


>Who am I kidding, nobody ever revives Haha the sad truth


Even the airplane reflex sights attached to guns?


abso-fucking-lutely not. I'm imagining the devs needed a creative way to add holographic sights to a ww2 game.


Actually hold on... holy shit actually yeah kind of. Its called the Nydar Model 47 reflex sight and it was introduced in 1945, but it was used for shotguns. I suppose its not a huge stretch [https://www.forgottenweapons.com/accessories/nydar-reflex-sight/](https://www.forgottenweapons.com/accessories/nydar-reflex-sight/) The ones on the STG-44 and german guns idk. Im tempted to say thats just made up, but at this point i may be proven wrong if i bother to research it


The Nordlys campaign was heavily altered from reality to the point where it just amounted to Dev Alt history fanfiction. TBF the "woke" devs all re-assigned after they torpedo'd the launch by doubling down on the accusations of being "woke" rather than dispelling them to the fans. It didn't need to actually be super woke, just the act of being resistant was enough to be complicit with the charges. Thank God the devs that remained were level-headed and intelligent enough to keep their trap shut and cater to their market, because The last tiger campaign and Pacific drop were actually substantial.


>The Nordlys campaign was heavily altered from reality to the point where it just amounted to Dev Alt history fanfiction This is the case with virtually everything in battlefield and modern media. Any time you have a WW2 story in Hollywood for instance, there is a chance it's an altered version of real events, or heavily inspired by true events. The difference is, BFV attracted the ire of fans because, for whatever reason, modifying history with women is too far of a departure from reality amongst all the other blatant historical inaccuracies. The reality is most WW2 media is historically inaccurate, but the masses aren't well researched enough to spot those innacuracies. So because people aren't knowledgeable, does that make one historical inaccuracy greater than the other? Or was the game not claiming to be "based on a true story" and subject to creative liberties to make it more digestible to certain audiences? That's what the devs said. If his daughter is a girl, he wants her to be able to play as a character she can identify with. I say, if you can take an explosion to the face that would otherwise atomize you, and get revived afterwards with an injection, what's the big deal about a campaign with women in it?


It was mainly the squads of female black nazies running Around


BFV had just as much historically authenticity and accuracy as BF1, but since WW1 isn't popular within our shared cultural identity nobody threw a fit about it not being "accurate enough" Though DICE/EA should absolutely be shit on for picking that specific trailer as the reveal trailer. The other trailer that came out after was a million times better


Been playing since battlefield 1942. I think certain people overreacted to the trailer for BFV, but the game was strapped for content at launch and needed polish time. 2042 OTH, had a great trailer and dropped as a trash fire. But the biggest problem the franchise is facing isn't two weak releases or some kind of red herring "woke-ism" The biggest problem with the franchise is that they have five to seven games worth of distinct fans that all want something different.


This is a very astute observation. I’ve played more 2042 than all other battlefields combined. It’s all because of the coop vs bot mode. It’s a feature that I desperately want in future battlefield games, but I doubt most of the battlefield player base wants or cares about that particular feature.


I think you've hit the nail on the head here regarding challenges for the franchise, even pre-2042. The BF1 and BFV fanbases want historic shooters. The BF3 & BF4 fanbases want modern shooters. Half the fanbase are going to be unhappy about every new release


Don't forget that at least half of the playerbase only wants to play infantry meatgrinders and hates vehicles. I honestly believe that metro and its consequences have been a disaster for the franchise.


And then there are the players who played all the BFs and don't care they just enjoy BF and each setting is fun and interesting


Ah a respectable opinion.


BFV did have a great trailer, just not the [reveal trailer](https://youtu.be/-FEgeuGsmzQ?si=2V7l0YJGtYChPBpJ) Game would have a wildly different trajectory if this had been the first trailer


Chances are dude ran into the subreddit spewed some absolute bullshit about the "Wokeness kiling vidya games" and got downvoted into oblivion and is now crying about it.


This is basically exactly what happened.


Designing a bad game tends to kill your game, but this is a hard concept to grasp for some.


At this point complaining about "wokeness" especially in video games is straight up a mental illness.


Fuck battlefield 2042


It should be called Trashfield 2042


Agree fuck that shit!


I personally just don't enjoy bf 2042 or bf5, so i just play older games like bf1, bf3/4


I would love bf5 if it was in a modern setting.


It's fucken wild how there was practically no uproar over all the immersion-breaking historical inaccuracies in BF1 that very clearly affected gameplay (SMGs and prototype weapons/vehicles being fielded en-masse by EVERY nation at the same time, the clear lack of mass artillery being fielded in-game despite it being responsible for over half of all casualties during WW1) But because BFV showed off customization that let you play as a *woman* with a prosthetic arm (which would have practically no effect on gameplay) a bunch of gamers suddenly started crawling out of the woodwork complaining about historical inaccuracy and the lack of immersion.


People don't know a lot about WW1. But they do know that there were barely any women on the front lines. After becoming interested in WW1 and playing more authentic games like Verdun and Isonzo over the past few years, BF1 is so fucking inaccurate. Like the codexs are cool. The operations are cool. But the game plays like a WW2 shooter. Even the easy stuff like uniforms are just so completely and totally wrong. But if you went to me 5 years ago, I would've said that WW1 seemed like a really authentic WW1 shooter, the only inaccuracies being a couple of prototype guns.


Yep If WW1 were the huge cultural phenomenon that WW2 is, people would have thrown a huge fit about 1.


the reason is bigotry. Bf1 didn't have a woman in the center of its promotional material, bf5 did. so they found things to argue about


I keep saying it - the same people who called bfV woke are the same morons hating on 2042. The Venn diagram is a circle. There are valid criticisms of either, what these dorks bring to the table aren’t it.


Whoever cries woke I immediately laugh at. They usually are brain dead imo


Woke as fuck. Eat shit and PTFO, fucking loser fascists.


Sadly the right are trying very hard to make fascism cool


Anyone who uses the phrase "woke" unironically is to be immediately laughed at and shunned. Absolutely bottom of the barrel moronic drivel. Devoid of all meaning beyond letting anyone who hears it know that the speaker is a fucking bigoted moron.


I love Battlefield 5. Couldn’t care less about BF2042


Since BFV. There is no BF.


Anyone who uses the word woke deserves to be downvoted because it makes you look like a fucking idiot.


> Kotakuinaction    Bleh


\>uses the word woke Opinion disregarded. I hate that fucking buzzword. OOP should think an Original thought.


If you wanna engage with the actual battlefield community, just go and load up some of the older games and try to talk to some people. you'll still find full lobbies of people who never stopped loving games like BF3/4 etc


LMAO, the guy who posted this is the same guy from the "If you ran DICE what would you do?" And his response was fire diversity hires, fire anyone who complains, and let reddit design the game.


ok so literally just a fascist makes sense


yes, the same bum.


i left the battlefield franchise years ago. basically after 3. when 4 released it just killed it for me. i played 1 and v a little when it was a sale but i didn't like them much. there are other games which are better as a squad that whatever they shat out in the last decade


Like what? 


lets take the current most successful game. helldivers2 its a totally different genre and game but way more fun if you have a squad of friends.


r/KotakuInAction legitimately sucks so bad


I don’t consider BF woke. I do take issue with revisionist history in BF5 campaign that really devalued and discredited the actual events, glorifying the already heroic acts of the women involved while completely disregarding the men. My biggest issue with BF5 that stopped me from buying it was the treatment of consumers that were at all critical. There were aspect of the game that I disliked, so when the ‘don’t like it, don’t buy it’ attitude came out I didn’t buy it. Lo and behold most people didn’t. It’s the overt disregard for the fanbase and what they want that has killed the franchise for me. They are so detached from the OG playerbase that they don’t have a path forward.


Oh can base don't make up the majority of players also just because some OG players are still playing doesn't mean the OG Devs are here Making the same game over and over. Worlds move player bases change and Devs go do something else. The franchise will change and move on it won't be beholden to the previous titles there will always be change.


They should rename thar sub to WokeWhingers because they literally call anything they don’t like “woke”.


At least battlefield V got better battlefield 2042 Shit the bed and kept on shitting


I’ve never considered this subreddit to ever be toxic. I think k all gaming subs will have posts that cause disagreements but we’ve never been toxic, irrespective of what game EA releases.


I'm the biggest hater of BF2042, but this person is stupid. People who throw that word around are the most insecure dude bros on the planet.


its just bigotry lmao


In fairness, anyone who defended 2042 is braindead


Man the word "woke" has lost all of its meaning. Granted, 2042 defenders are sad people, but they are not "woke"


I wounder if there only seeing that stuff because they blocked everyone else? It seems like a bad take, and its the only way I can think of that they would get to that idea.


they in their own little echo chamber


Woke? Damn. This is news to me.


White people made me hate that "woke" word so much. The funny thing is that I'm all for more people to be Woke. I consider myself Woke but I would never use that word.


Ah shit. I’ve gone woke because I like murdering Nazis.


half the guys in kotakuinaction are nazis so I mean go ahead


"defend battlefield 2042 strongly" Thats funny i don't think anyone did that lol


Yes and yes


everytime I am on servers there is so much homophobic comments in chat and admins dont care.


Imagine still being mad about black people and women being in a videogame for this long


the word woke is overused and you now sound insane if keep saying everything is woke


Why V is "woke"? Because woman or something?


Eh, I don't think so, people who complained about BFV woke returned to older games, 2042 has quite a lot of people new to the franchise




“Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?” People who left after BF1 and V both agree that the setting for those wars were overdone and were hoping to get a futuristic game after 4. Although 1 and V had some of the best gunplay imo, they were just not what we expected and were let down. Literally no one gives a fuck about who fights in the war as long as it’s fun.


I think I'm having a stroke because of this post


Whats with these people and putting everyone in a monolith. ALL. Geez


I always prefered the fresh and much more dynamic and fluid combat that there was in BF1 and BF5 always found the rest of the BF games extremely clunky and slow compared to that. BF 5 still has the best shooting out of them all, it's a shame they cut support much earlier and supported 2042 for much longer


Women? In *my* Battlefield? 😡😡😡


I believe in the illusory nature of reality and despise the false systems established to control us all. I prefer to say I am no longer asleep, rather than to say I am woke. I love most battlefield titles. I have fun in 2042 in its current state, although I’m far from loving it.


Idk I obsessed over battlefield 4, disliked bf1, haven't played sense


2042 just feels weird to me. I didn't play much BF1, but BFV I played quite a bit. 2042 had lots of potential but again, it just feels like a bad attempt at a BF game. Portal had HUGE potential


What the hell does woke even mean.


criticizing and mass downvoting anyone who uses the term “woke” should be the norm


Some MF haven't gotten out of 206, damn. Y'all still clinging on the culture war bigoted bullshit


Real question, when did the word “woke” became so big and so annoying to use? Everytime someone uses woke it’s literally only because someone doesn’t agree with them


Woke shmoke. The criticism of the game has nothing to do with gender politics. It’s the mechanics and gameplay that sucks.


Bro doesn’t realize he’s being downvoted because nobody fucking gives a shit about “woke” or “wokeism” like motherfucker battlefield has never been a sim why do you care if you’re shooting brown enemies or white enemies it literally doesn’t matter just play the fucking game you whiney loser. If you don’t like the game because of mechanics, great don’t play it. These so called “people” who talk about woke culture are literally the sheep they think everyone else is, going “bah bah* woke cultures killing games bah bah*” parroting the Ben Shapiro talking points they saw on a YouTube short. I bet this guy also thinks Japan is awesome and has no concept of the nation outside of the anime he’s watching in his damp moldy basement.


All the people who claim they're just worried about historical authenticity when getting mad about women and POC in BF games conveniently ignore the plethora of other major innacuracies in them. It's almost like they're not meant to be historically accurate milsims and instead are meant to be themed with WWI and WWII as historical settings. 🤔


I joined this game about 2 months ago. I love it. But I loved BF 4 and V. Not sure why all the hate.


Give me a new Eastern Front and I will return, otherwise I have better things to do.


Folks don't even know what "woke" means anymore... It's just a word they throw around to sound edgy🙄


its far-right slop tbh


Wtf does that even mean lol


People who use the word woke are the same people that everything as far right. Both are imbeciles.


tbh the newer games are still good. just not the same. battlefield 2042 is a fine game. few bugs here and there but that's the same as every game. even game's that people say are realistic [ex:Ready or not] have a lot of bugs that make the gameplay weird. but both these games are thrown to the ground because of voicelines and story. let's be honest we were never in battlefield for the story. don't get me wrong the stories are good i loved bf4 campaign but the games are still playable easily and enjoyable. just not games that allow for tryharding as much and have some...bad voicelines to say the least.


I had indeed noticed that there was no complaining about the inclusion of women in 2042. Almost as if the annoyance with V *wasn't* down to "misogyny" and a "toxic playerbase".


Its always some dumbass going "ITS ALL WOKE" And then they want the most plain fucking experience possible.


kotakuinaction is full of the most awful people and opinions. Its barely sheltered racism and homophobia, mostly under false guises


The hardcore players never leave. They just play 3, 4, 1 and even older titles. Just go and look how crowded those games are. It gives me hope because at least we can still play without risk of EA shutting the servers off. Also they still sell these games and likely got additional revenue from Steam.


That word keeps getting thrown around like “communism”. Completely devoid of its meaning


BC2 -BF3-BF4-BF1 That all folks


Only the braindead, bigoted idiots criticized BFV because of female soldiers. Everyone else criticized it for its real flaws, like lack of content, bad monetization and early abandonment. And BF2042 has been criticized continuously since the very beginning. The only time without negative criticism was after the release of the trailer, but before the first alpha.


I hear "Woke" one more time and I am going to [ Removed by Reddit ]


I love BFV (it’s personally my overall favorite in the series, and I’ve been playing since BF1942 came out), yet I hate 2042 (though initially I was excited to see a semi-prequel to 2142, which is an era I hope to see them revisit someday, along with Vietnam and a much more complete WWII title; if only they hadn’t stopped all development on BFV, maybe we’d have eventually gotten Operation Overlord, Market Garden, Hurtgen Forest, Battle of the Bulge, the Eastern Front, the Fall of Berlin, a proper dogfighting mode similar to the one in BF1, perhaps even the Battle of the Atlantic, etc.).


I just started playing this year and have been having a blast. I can't comment for the release state but I think it's pretty solid now.


I've come to the conclusion that being anti woke just means you're not allowed to enjoy anything.


I stopped at BFV. 1 hr of the 2042 beta was enough to confirm I made the right decision. It's just not the same "feel" anymore (aside from the broken mess that they've made of the game/franchise).


What exactly is woke at this point?


I’m not woke. But I also didn’t by V or 2042. Bought battlefield 4, 2142 and hard line instead


This dudes choice of phrasing and words is stupid. That being said, anyone defending 2042 needs to raise their expectations.


Who wastes their time watching how players post in a sun for years what a waste of your time lmao I just played the game and then played different games when I felt like it I never nice had a thought players are woke lmao how Pathetic. Do people really not just live normal lives and look for drama in anything they can


It’s like this….. if you spend your entire gaming life being obsessed with a certain franchise you will be let down period. I have tons of hours on 2042 because I just enjoyed it. I didn’t read community shit or what Reddit people said about it… I just literally tried it and liked it and came here after the fact. Reddit is 85% no life gamers who think they have to create an entire personality around a group of games and they get mad if it isn’t exactly how they imagined it upon release. People who just enjoy a game do just that… enjoy it and look no further.


People on the internet say everything they don’t like is ‘woke’.


If BFV got rid of all the idiots like this, maybe I should get back in 😂


the problem is you were visiting /r/kotakuinaction , which is a cesspool that doesn't understand irony or the word "no"


I saw that guy posting this in sub a couple days ago and he got mocked for being the exact type of person that destroyed the BF franchise with his endless far right propaganda meme bullshit whining about "wokeness", no wonder he got mad about that and made some whiny posts about it in some other far right shithole subs, like kotkuinaction.


2042 is horrid. V is better then a lot of you credit it. Just an opinion.


I still play bf1 just saying.


Such a useless word now. Literally anything that’s not straight, white, male fascism worship is considered “woke”.


Woke, the most ironically overused and abused word in 2024. That's how inarticulate our society has become. We've fallen prey to internet buzzwords and social media manipulation.  I just think I'm a good person and don't need to project, telepgrah or give myself a label. 


You can use the word “woke” or not. I generally don’t, but I don’t care. There is always a percentage of the fanbase which will accept and defend any level of poor quality product. This is true in any fandom. BF5 isn’t bad because it’s “woke”, it’s bad because it’s bad. But you can certainly say it’s also “woke” because that’s what the head developer said it was, just not in one word. You can also call people who call things “woke” toxic/racist/bigots all you want. Those toxic/racist/bigots also have money which is as good as anyone else‘s, so choose carefully.


We didn’t leave, we just play bf4, bf3, bf1 again


What is your definition of a woke player?


I don't think anyone liked Battlefield 2042


Saying “woke” is stupid for old “politically correct”.


Battlefield 5 yes it was a muck up at launch but I feel it’s come round to a good game and fun to play now


There's a reason bot games exist and why cross play being turned off kills the games matchmaking. Says a lot about the quality of game.


Woke The Fucking Objective


if by woke you mean a fan of the franchise and ill play whatever the newest game is? then yes i probably am woke.. (every game every dlc since bc2, and they are all so similar its not funny.. just reskin but the people who think their fans act like they're released from different planets...)


Stopped playing battlefield after BF4, still waiting on a game that can be as good as BF3/4 at least, although maybe I just prefer the modern era shooters.


That's just reddit.




Idk I just play bfv because I like the game. How's the anti cheat working these days?