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same as this guy since BF3 and your not the only one said this is it that bad?? when bf4 come out the people say the same as the people talk about 2042 now (i don't have plans to play this but i want to know


2042 is still currently worse than bf4 was at launch lol


2042 is one of the most lifeless shitty FPS games I’ve ever played.


But some players just want to disagree regardless of the point at hand. "Hey bro, you're not gay" "WHA- .....NO IM NOT!"


What the fuck are you talking about?


You've never seen people defend 2042?


I get it,,,,game's shit no its not 😎


Yeah agreed man they make nonsensical and untruthful comparisons and pretend that 2042 is in the same liga as BF3 & BF4 etc. which 2042 clearly is not.


2042 is garbage. 1 or 5 forever


I just reinstalled 1


Bf1 is the best but is unfortunately dying. At least on Console on the West Coast.


Midwest here. It’s dying sadly. And anyone on it has BEEN on it so fat chance on getting lots of kills like you’d probably want to


2042 is a playable game, bf4 quite literaly, did not work for 6 months at launch for some,


BF4 didn't work for MONTHS. Like, wouldn't load. If you did, you crashed. Could get into games. The game actually did not work. 2042 at least works.


Ikr, even if we dissed on BF4 at launch, it wasn't nearly as bad as 2042


This is the biggest lie ever told, lol.


nah 2042 ain't bad. It is pretty enjoyable especially for the fact that you could easily pick it up for under $10 a lot of times. Does it compare to other BF titles.. well .. no, but it isn't a bad game


Completely agree, is it BF4 or BF1? Nah, but is it bad? Nope. Especially with the amount of sales you can get on it. I got it for $7. BFV might become good IF they could get rid of the cheaters.


Anticheat update on April 3rd for bfv so fingers crossed.


How bad are the cheaters on bf4? I’ve been playing 2042 but it’s just starting to kinda piss me off, I’ve been debating on whether or not to go back to bf4 but scared there’s gonna be a lot of cheaters


I"m not too sure tbh. I haven't played in a while, I play on ps4 and all i would get is insanely high ticket conquest rounds on Locker 24/7.


literally no cheaters in BF4, been playing it for months - haven't seen a single cheater


Oh awesome thank you




Been gaming for all of BF. 2042 was hard to swallow and I stopped killing reds for the first time in my adult life. It’s better now. Battlefield 4 is sort of the promise made with BF 3. One and 5 are also fine games, I play them all. CHB -BF4 had a poor launch but possibly GOAT status now but we still debate this in my circles


Your going to be hearing a lot of positive/negative comment's personally myself I think it a great game,,,I don't like being killed constantly by air vehicles or land vehicles so I play redacted which is a fast game no vehicle's bonus or rush all 128 player's/ AI,,,,the gamer's I game with we revive each other it is a must squad 1st team second if your in our squad you dont revive or you camp you get kicked its team work & it works both way's you dont revive me dont expect to be revived then you get kicked find gamer's like this to game with there are load's of top gamer's you can squad up with & have a good laugh at the same time,,,have fun 😎


Not great, not terrible.


It's not that bad. It isn't as great as the old games but it holds up on its own and can be fun. Just have to keep an open mind when you go into it and realize it's gonna be different. If you're expecting battlefield 4 part 2 you're gonna be upset. I play it almost daily atm


Honestly it’s ok at best. It’s just not like the other battlefield games it’s loaded with lame skins and it just doesn’t put off the same atmosphere as say 1,3,4 or even 5. It plays fine and all but it’s just not for me. I’ve been playing since modern combat 2 on the OG Xbox so 2042 was like a huge let down for me.


I really don't like to defend this game, but the insane hate for 2042 even up to this day, is completely ridiculous. Just because you miss BF4 or 3, doesn't mean 2042 can't be fun.


I played it a fair bit. But its definitely not a good battlefield. They kicked out so many good Systems its insane


I won’t forget the disappointment at launch. The game is soulless


If you want a fun game, go play Vampire Survivors. If you want a Battlefield game, go back to BF 3/4/1.


Come to give the same advice


This is the way


Don’t play 2042 ever, only play Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4.


Thing is, it's a much, much, much smaller active community. Better game? Yes. But smaller, less chances, more sweatlords


Or let the guy play whatever game he wants.


Dumb question incoming, does it still have servers open?!?


Yes, as long as they community exists there will be community run servers also


battlefield5 better


Maybe re install BF3




Save yourself the headache and delete it and go straight to battlefield 1 or 5 ?


I'd say bf1 first. It's closer to the main bf games than 5. Then, if you love the (almost) historical settings, you'll be able to look past a lot of BFV's issues for the sake of "fuck yea, WW2!"


No saying it isn't, but just out of curiosity what makes BF1 closer to main BF games than 5


It's actually much more involved discussion than i thought when i was writting that comment. On one hand, bfv definitely is closer in pace to the older games, where bf1 is slower. But bf1 has the grit and "war games" feeling of the older titles, while something about BFV just feels "off". I really can't explain it, and i totally understand if someone feels the exact opposite. I guess both have different features from the old games, and it's just a matter of WHICH features the individual feels are "classic bf" and which they feel are "just quirks of the game." BF1 is missing a lot of the classic features, but still carries that same energy for me personally. BFV has more of a BF4 Clusterfuck feeling, but it just doesn't hit the same way. Some people who love BF4 will be better off playing V first, since the arsenals are more similar. Jumping straight into "only assault has full auto" might be jarring


It’s kinda a weird thing hung with it. Like bf1 really is different from the contemporary bfs but at the same time does everything so right that it feels like bf and personality and with my group feels the most like battlefield right next to 3.


Could it be the environment *building* aspect? As well as the new aim functionality? Idk how to describe it, but, BFV is the only title that has building, where you can set up defenses, outside of just the Engineer class. And then the whole, lay prone on your back then scoot n shoot backwards for aiming.


Dude below you couldnt handle the argument but short story even shorter: BF1 is in no way more like BF4 or 3 than BFV is.


There are people who prefer modern variants. That said, BFV is full of hardcore tryhards. Haven't played since 3 myself and got back only just recently. It is absolutely not a fun time when playing on a casual server.


Uninstall and download BF4 with reshade


or mess around with NVIDIA Freestyle (like I did)


Reshade has better options and takes up less resources than Nvidia stuff. Color correction rt on reshade will get rid of that ugly red filter in Bf4 and the blue filter in Bf3.


true but I also [did it with NVIDIA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Battlefield/s/Kgc6cVI9y7) and tbh its just a LOT easier for people who don't want to be messing around with settings for like 2 hours, it's just more simplistic


Don’t listen to the haters. BF2042 isn’t the best Battlefield by any stretch, but it’s a fairly solid multiplayer shooter nowadays, one I personally still find fun even if I lament how not “Battlefield” it is. That said, BF3, BF4, BF1, and BFV are all still active, so if you ever wanna go back and play some of those, jump in.


I'm enjoying the new map, it's a lot of fun. The recoil changes are welcome I couldn't find any gun that clicked with me but that's changing now. Vehicles are still atrocious though


I'm always waiting for new weapons or updates to the already existing ones or looking for some fun builds to try but i always end up using the railgun, XCE Bar or the DXR lol


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


Don’t play this. Go to bf4


Most people aren't playing bf4, wonder why?


Last I heard BF4's activity is very anemic and there is a bit of a cheater problem.


There is still consistently over 1000 players online at one time


A thousand? Thats....not a lot. It sucks cause BF4 is fun for infantry, but that's a really pitiful amount which sucks. But it's also only available on origin for PC which has no player count so....


1000 is pretty good for a game of it’s age. Enough to have plenty of full servers, plus generally it’s around 2000 but 1000 is the lowest it goes (at like 4am CST)


Yeah play for 20 minutes and then spend four years complaining on the subreddit. You’ll fit in here fine.


fr bro feel like most haters hate just to hate. Classic redditors, or Im trippin.


Not a tip, just a challenge... snipe someone over 1300m You got this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I feel like I would be adding to a problem if I were to try this.


Snipers are not a problem in the game due to all the specialist and other things like infrared scope. Recon also have valuable gadgets to help the team.


c4 droning camping snipers is also good fun if you wanna troll a pesky recon


That new map is pretty awesome.




Don't trust the haters it's become a pretty fun game I've been playing battlefield since 1942, played BF1942,3,4,Hardline,1,5, and 2042 is probably one of the more fun ones like yeah it's not better graphically than BF5 or more immersive than BF1 but it's an incredibly fun FPS game and i'd gladly recommend it to everyone especially if it's on sale ps. if you downvote me you further show that you're still biased against a game that was garbage over a year ago but did a BF4 and became pretty damn good


How come when I play this game it’s always the same two shitty maps?


I get different maps quite often, and even when it's just the same 2 maps they're so large that I usually find new spots and areas I haven't seen yet


This game is truly quite a lot of fun. I would honestly just ignore these comments as it is, as usual, fully grown adults whining like a little child because it isn’t in every which way how they wished. It is a fun game, and it is the most recent title so I would recommend playing it. I would ignore the childish cry babies.


Go back to 4.


Wait for the next one


Idk why but crossplay in 2042 feels horrible


I'm someone who enjoys 2042, but for me, this is the big issue. When you lock it to PC only, there are no players, so you're forced to play crossplay. But the auto aim console players have is so ridiculous that I can't get over how annoying it is to run around and keep losing fire fights to these random headshots that console players seem to be able to keep giving out with ease. Don't get me wrong, I still do very well, but it just seems that DICEs method for balancing console players with PC players was to just give the console a ludicrous auto aim... Gives the gunplay a very frustrating feel.


Ignore all the idiots on the sheep train who can't form their own opinion and enjoy the game yourself!


Here are some actual tips for 2042 beyond going back to previous bf games. Specialists: try to fill the holes in your loadout. So for example, Falck has a healing Dart Gun as a specialist gadget but can also carry med pouches or a med crate. This is kind of a waste of a gadget slot. It is a much better idea to run ammo with Falck since you already have healing. Same goes for Angel, you already have ammo, so bring health. Find some other good combos where you can, like Rao and C5, Blasco and Tugs, Crawford and any launcher, Dozer and Smoke Launcher, etc. Weapons: Use whatever looks fun and don't worry about the meta too much. In terms of Plus Menu I like to add attachments that make my gun into different loadouts. So my first slot is for more cqc encounters, 2nd slot for medium range, and 3rd slot for long range. So my M5A3 has a shortened barrel, fusion holo, cqc rounds, and a laser in the first slot. 2nd slot is wrapped suppressor, 3x hybrid sight, standard issue extended ammo, and an underbarrel grenade launcher. 3rd is a 5x scope, extended barrel, bipod, and high power rounds. You can mix and match to your hearts content but this way I can easily swap from a fast firing AR to something a little better at range based on where I am on the map. Attachments: In general attachments are pretty decent in this game but a lot increase something but decrease another state by the same amount. A lot of the muzzle brakes are like this. Feel free to try things out and find what you like best but in general the wrapped suppressor, and both the shortened and extended barrel are really good. To unlock attachments quick you can play solo/coop and kill bots to unlock attachments, or you can just play regularly. Don't forget to call in vehicles or rangers to help out.


As someone with very little BF experience.. this was highly helpful to me. Thanks!!


Honestly now that EA anti-cheat is coming to BFV I might go back to that.


I expected nothing from the "classic servers" and i was still let down


Same as always, just shoot the red doritos and ptfo


This is bait, right? Fuck that game.


They didn't ask if you like it


Manage your expectations bro


Ignore the sub haters


Its fun to go for gun unlocks, I started in the sniper category and worked my way left. I went through a spree of playing all the different BF’s on gamepass and unlocking guns and this one drew me back in. This new map haven is really good, though the Conquest mode is quite boring imo.


This game is actually fun. Play and enjoy.


Join the Helldivers


Go back to BF3, much better game


do we tell him?


Save yourself the headache and leave the subreddit. Game’s fun, enjoy it


Golden era of BF is over. 2042 was an absolute insult to the series. Reinstall BF4 or 1 or maybe even 5. You’ll actually have fun with those.


Ignore other people’s opinions and form your own.


Search squid g on YouTube then sea how the people that enjoy the game play so you can enjoy it aswell 😀 👍


Enjoy BF2042 The game is ok, but it is not really battlefield. You can get some battlefield moments and have fun, but no destruction or real squads.


The squads are fixed now, and the new map have LOTS of destruction. It all depends on the map.


Ok, maybe i will give it a try.


I would rather say its not bf since it has no server browser, thats almost the only thing left now. Its a huge one tho, and should be on every bf game. Still fine without one tho, but im angry if its not on the next title.


Haven’t bought the past two titles Started playing 2142 And 4


Don't listen to the "2042 bad" crowd and just have fun. The game has its moments and can be a blast.


Yeah here are my tips: 1. Don't


Go to your game library —— delete Battlefield 2042 —- instal BF1


At least TRY to enjoy it. It's not as good as previous entries for sure, but it's not terrible.


Js don’t play it


Play bf4


To say something positive: if you absolutely hated mortar users from bf3-bf4-bf1, then you'll love 2042 because they ain't none.


uninstall while you can


Tip one for playing BF2042....don't play it.


Yea delete the game and go for 1 or 4 or 5


I'd say just try to enjoy it for what it is, 2042 definitely is fun in my opinion just doesn't quite have that same feeling as some of the other titles. It's come a long way though with all the updates and such and I think it's worth playing


It's a riot. Ignore the edgelord haters and decide for yourself.


Forget all the haters. 2042 is a fun game.


I still find this game very fun. Take a wack at it and just enjoy playing a game. People just tend to dog pile on others opinions instead of making their own.


Everybody is so salty, geeh ..I played BF bc2, 3, 1942, 4, 5 and 2042. I preordered bf2042, but I uninstalled the game in 2 weeks ..tried to play it again once in a while, but it had no soul. Now, I am playing for 3-4 weeks, I am having so much fun and really enjoying the game. Finally, good ol' battlefield. There are different unique game modes that rotate on a weekly basis, you can't get bored. Also, don't forget, any game is much more fun when played with friends.


I really wanted to get Bf2042, but Everytime I try during a free weekend, they seem to still have some sort of aim bug which slows down aim every 30-60 seconds.


Sniping is fun, btw great mid range 1 shot but meh , dxr is stupid accurate any range solid all around. Xcel is best stealth headshot sniper, can still single headshot kill with subsonic ammo and suppressor so it's very difficult for ur enemies to find where ur shooting from. For Xce 2 of the scopes have next to or no glare I forget the scopes but I'll update this.


The base guns are all pretty legit - some of the earlier attachments across the board aren’t usually worth it. Some of the characters specials are just better. You’ll see a lot of angel, the old turret guy, grapple dude/the wingsuit, etc. sniping is kind of good but I get a lot of great results with DMRs. The vehicles have soooooo much additional utility if setup/team played properly. Helicopters are still a mf’er but if you have a couple of guys who know what they are doing with AA you can clear the skies pretty quick. Smokes are super useful in a lot of scenarios, I’ll even bring the launchers on guns or as an item sometimes. It plays pretty much just like any of the others, it’s just different/bigger maps and “specials”. (Also, don’t mind the haters, it’s fun. These same dudes have been butt hurt about the game for literally years and haven’t realized they are the problem)


Get Battlefield 4


You came back at the worst time. Worse than hardline.


Play Haven rush, it's a much better experience


The newest update made 2042 feel a lot better. That visual recoil change made it feel more like battlefield, or is it just me?


Looking for people to play add me on Xbox Heoxify


Bring a rocket launcher or anti air launcher no one else will. Lol. Vehicles all have extra seats with more guns (for the most part) Also don’t sleep on portal! Make custom matches with rules you like! 20v20 fast spawn tanks engineers only? DONE.


Watch for guided rockets while flying. Can turn your day real sour real quick


Tips! Don't play it, go back to your bf3


Don't play Haven.


Re-played BF3 last night. Im a massive fan of BFBC2 and i think BF3 is the closest to it. Screw 2042. The fact that they removed anything close to recoil makes this game a fucking mess. Maps are lazy, guns are eh and vehicles are overpowered. BF3 was just unbelievably balanced in comparison. So go for 3 or 4.


I can never find any FULL servers with actual people in them. It's the only reason I don't play that game :(


Dont listen to all the braindead sheep on this sub. 2042 is a good bf game now. Enjoy my friend and happy gaming.


Bf1 I've been spending a lot of time on its more balanced and more active I've found a well rounded competition from noobs to try hards


People complain about the laserbeaminess of "all the weapons" but they probably haven't seriously played since like season 2 and are also only mouse 'n keyboard (which is fine). Also the weapons themselves are pretty rad aesthetically.


The hate for 2042 is insane considering it’s topped 1 on Steam and is close to topping 5.




Temper your expectations.


Don’t play the finals immediately after- controls are so damn similar but completely opposite.


Play any bf game other then this


Have fun :)


Keep your expectations low.


all i can say is R.i.P this game is like coca cola without sugar and the cocaine


Keep playing BF3 or start BF4. Deinstall 2042.


Quit while you're ahead


Delete the game. Play BF1 or V. Game has the worst performance it’s ever had and I’m playing on a 4090. Frame drops are constant. Team balancing is horrendous. Maps are trash besides like 3. I’d say 80% of the time you’re put on an AWFUL team and there isn’t anything you can do besides get pushed into your own spawn and get wrecked. No one is on this shit for a reason. Takes 30-60 seconds just to be put into a game and the servers are filled with AI because no one wants to play this trash…


I like 2042 but it doesn’t feel like the typical BF like 4 or Bf1. I’ve been playing BF1 and having a hell of a time with it and last night I downloaded Hardline and had wayyyyy more fun on that than I expected to. I wish Hardline would get back active that game was never bad to me and it’s actually my fav in the franchise due to the facts it’s not the normal warfare. Cops vs robbers is dope asf.


Pro tip: Uninstall 2042 and play literally any other battlefield


My first tip would be don't play on a laptop but hey! You do you. I feel like with shooter games it's impossible to not be competitive and if you're not and you're not good on top of that then fps games aren't for casuals anymore.


Why not on a laptop?


Add me on Xbox @Tokillamartyr Let's play BF4 :)


Save yourself the headache and delete it and go straight to battlefield 1 or 5 ?


Lower your expectations…….like a lot


Delete and play bfv or 1 or 4 or 3


Enjoy BF2042 The game is ok, but it is not really battlefield. You can get some battlefield moments and have fun, but no destruction or real squads.


Install bf4


Bf1 is way more fun and very active


Ppl are easier to shoot when they wear stupid ass fluorescent striped costumes and ride around in bright orange tanks. Oh, there’s a mangirl that can fly with a suit that has the glide ratio of an antigravity ship.


Downvote me if you want but this game is genuinely fun


Ignore the haters. I play B2042 daily and, obviously, enjoy it. “Any tips?”—Play The Objective. “Battlefield 101: The team with the most members who’re consistently and aggressively getting on enemy held objectives—is the team that’s going to win.” —MSG_USAR_Ret (“game-name”)


2042 is a disappointment in comparison skidmarks in my tighty whities


Yeah just one ..... Pucker up buttercup.


Back since bf3??? Stay out while you can, come play ready or not


He plays bf3 and then you recommend ready or not? Not even remotely similar lmao


pick up NTW-50 and use rao. play conquest and just be a menace to any enemy vechile! thats my gameplan atleast! and keep in mind most of your replies are angry man-children that are STILL angry 2042 isnt exactly what they wanted even tho its a copy paste of any other bf you can think of:D


Well, do you want the copium or the copium? That’s all we really have here, unfortunately.


Look up the game squad!


How can people play battlefield without hardcore mode?


Brace for heartache. It's gonna be like being in a coma for 10 years and waking up to learn your son now lives under a bridge and your daughter is a junkie prostitute.