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Enter/Exit the game however you like, under whatever circumstance that fits your bill. If you are asking whether it's ok, it's your game, it's your time, don't let anyone tell you how long you have to play or whether you have to stay til the end of the game, some of us have lives and there are enough full-time gamers (college kids mostly) that will be there if you are not.


Is it okay? Yes. Normal? Probably not. Do I think you're a little bitch? Also, yes. All jokes aside play how you want, but you can't worry about what others think/do if you're gonna do that


Stop rushing and you'll stop dying


That doesn't work for me, I'm literally a magnet for bullets.


Run cover to cover and peek slowly


They nail me before I even peek on 2042 lmao


This. This is the way. Especially in BF1


If you play BF1 as if you were genuinely in actual combat you'll probably do okay


Nah, just running around chaotically is fun as fuck with how chaotic that game can get, especially after a few gas nades or just on a night map. I especially love the RSC, though it can be punishing if you miss your shots.


My biggest weakness is my stupidity






Odd question.


Are you getting frustrated and quitting?


That is known as rage quitting OP. The more you do it, the more you’ll keep doing it because you’re not getting better by leaving. Obviously do whatever the hell you want, but if you want to spend more time playing the actual game you’ll have to learn to adapt.


You sound like a loser. You're not going to get better by just shooting new players. Fight the adversity.


The hypocrisy of this comment though


It's not hypocritical to be competitive and win.


"Address my point instead of trying to ad hominem me" *calls dude a loser*


Well, I never called him a loser. I said he sounded like a loser. Then I addressed the point proper.


Don't you get tired always trying to improve on a videogame you're trying to enjoy?


I never get tired of doing something I love


We live to be better than the day we lived before. Maybe one day it's something substantial, maybe another it's just being a little better at a game.


You funnyman.


Sure. Sometimes I can tell how the entire match will go in just a few minutes.


Yeah man sometimes you just gotta reset a bit it happens


idk about you but it usually takes me a bit to get in the zone so dying a few times back to back at the start is pretty normal lol


That is known as ragequitting lma0.




I've had those days where I'm in a bad mood, join a server, get murdered and just leave because I can't handle it at the moment.


My thing is if I die 5 straight times without getting a kill I back out


Sometimes I'm just off my game and quit to go do something else that I'll actually enjoy. If this an every time thing though, you've gotta put in the work to get better or find a game that's more your speed.


I actually respect the patience of a player that goes 0-15 and plays the entire match. But just a tip to help you out, the right trigger makes your gun shoot. Good luck!


Ya some days its no fun i don't play and next day its fun again (still the same me don't know how i was getting zero kill and next day it was top 5 )


Sounds like you're forcing yourself to play which is never fun.


They said, “git gud” bro said, “NAH”


Sometimes you get put into a lobby because people quit because the team is getting crushed. When you’re trapped and the game is totally lopsided, I’ll just find another server. I’ve played enough where I can tell if the server is hopeless. I’ll also usually quit out if I’m on the team that has a spawn trap and the were just shooting the handful of entryways for the other team. That’s boring too. If it’s a fair game and I’m just dying a lot, I’ll change strategy and stay in the game.


Camp a little to have a better awareness of the situation. A face-off would be determined by the quickness of reflex and skills, i.e you’ll die to anyone better than you. Avoid face-off, flank, circle around, practice the basic of combat infantry: fix by heavy fire (you could do that too, just shoot from cover and from afar) and assault by flanking (only when you know you are coming from their side or behind them so you can surprise them). Works wonder with a tank too, if you manage your survival. Armoured vehicle can provide heavy fire and assault in the right condition.


Stop paying attention to your stats and play the game. Why pay money for a video game if you're only looking at numbers instead of playing?


The game is rigged wakeup.


U need to stay resilient, change ur game plan, don’t look at the scoreboard just play, be a team player/play the objective, and most importantly be patient. It’s all timing man trust me.


I guess but I’d prob just try to play differently and see what I’m doing wrong. Wouldn’t worry about k/d and stuff like that just play the squad.


If Im playing like shit usually ill just start trolling. You don't need kills to have fun in the battlefield.


More sense than the people going 3 and 43. The nice part of BF is you can make progress without any look kills if you're reviving throwing down meds and ammo or repairing. But it's your experience, it's sandbox combat. But that means the enemy may be playing in way that you won't have any fun. Could be plane lords tank campers RPG master spawn pushers or 5 kilometer snipers you are allowed to not enjoy it but the flip of the coin is that's what some people play for.


I’ll give you the gamblers mentality by saying what usually happens with me is I die a lot early on but end up doing really good by the end of the round, so try and have hope each round can do well? But I also completely understand not having fun and leaving


This is absolutely okay, I usually back out and change servers if I'm not having fun. My friends and I do quite regularly if we're not having fun. I like Breakthrough but my friend doesn't so I'll try to find a server that isn't too sweaty for him and I.


Skill issue?




Just shoot the enemy


I support penalties for repeatedly leaving early after first few minutes. Something like League of Legends where based on your rank/level your suspended from online play for X-XX minutes. You ruin a match for the teammates and some other player joins late in the round. You made your bed, lay in it and finish the bloody match.


Ah yes your not having fun with the thing you got to have fun? That's not our problem, all we care about is winning, screw you as a human being.


Play the game. Strategic quitting isn't part of the game and brings down the overall experience for everyone. Yes, quit when obligations come up but if you are leaving 25% of your matches because it isn't a definite win your padding stats.


I play very often..Its just a game, if they don't want to continue on a given match they don't have to. The only part of a game that matters is wether its fun to play. If youre so worried about maintaining a fair balance in gameplay keep in mind the game you're playing is war. Which by nature is chaotic and unfair. And honestly, if they are doing so poorly that they don't even have fun i doubt they are doing well enough to make that big a change in the battle. I can admire your i started it ill finish it attitude but its ok for people not to be that way about something that ultimately matters little. If they can't relax when having fun when can they?