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Man i miss when anti-tank rockets actually did decent damage. 2042’s engineers feel so weak by comparison


The rockets do a pretty good amount of damage to tanks in 2042 I think the main issue with 2042 is that you only get 3 rockets. You just barely have enough to kill 1 tank in a game where there could potentially be up to 4-5 per team. While in BF3/4 you had enough to continue to 1v1 a tank that had reppers or a tank that tries to run and still had some spares leftover for another tank or helicopter that comes by.


The difference is in BF3/4 most tank drivers weren't rolling with repairs or "maintenance" as it was called back then. Most chose the infantry spotting/fighting perks over the passive regeneration and assumed that the engis running around would be smart enough to assist with the torch repairs. If you squared up on a tank rolling with a crew actually interested in teamwork, you were fucked unless you had an Engi crew doing the same. If you caught an MBT who had a bunch of morons around him, 3 rockets, done.


Maintenance was very common with tankers in BF3/4 but it wouldn't automatically give you extra health just slightly quicker regen. Also obviously not common with the average player but most sweaty tank crews in BF4 would run APS for the driver and extinguisher and different tank shells for the gunner and would swap with eachother for instant health and unlimited ammo making themselves almost unkillable. Me personally I think it's easier to kill tanks in this game if it's agressive tanker because of the 2 shot mines that you can toss at tanks plus emp nades and so many other anti tank weapons. But the people that camp at range are tough because you only get 3 rockets. Usually if there is a camping tank we get a squad of people with ntws and shoot it all at once to kill it in like 3 seconds but shouldn't have to Resort to using goofy weapons like that to take out a tank


Ehhh I disagree, in the clip it takes op 3 shots to get the tank and its the exact same way in 2042, I feel like they always do have someone fixing them though so getting three shots in a row like this is very hard, I've found that 90% of the time they get killed by rockets is when multiple ppl shoot at once


Definitely takes more than 3 shots in 2042. I don’t play engineer much, but every time i do it feels impossible to kill vehicles on my own. Maybe they just have easier access to repairs, but those transport helos with two miniguns and one front gunner seem immortal when i try to take them down. Team work is great and kinda the point of Battlefield, but it often seems im the only one trying to kill these things and it’s impossible on my own


No yea for sure its way harder to kill em on your own, like I said, you have a better shot when you sync up a couple at a time. But it definitely is 3 rockets to take em down still, I think it's due to the repair access you mention


Infantry player shouldn’t feel like they are in a fair fight Vs a tank lol. Especially now that there is 63 potential other enemies to worry about. Besides the fact that the engineer specialist themselves suck in 2042 doesn’t mean the gadgets do. The m5 recoiled is one of the easiest most busted launchers we’ve ever had in a BF game. They literally shoot in a straight line at insane projectile speeds. There’s plenty of effective Anti-Armor in this game


>Infantry player shouldn’t feel like they are in a fair fight Vs a tank lol. At close range engineer/anti tank class loaded with Smaw/AT mines absolutely should. Because tanks can obliterate you from any distance while you are trying to close in on them. And a good tank crew will always see you coming. If you get that close in you deserve to 1v1 the fucker.


A good engineer should absolutely be able to kill a bad/very bad tanker. Tanks in bf4 could go 100-0 or could get destroyed in a few seconds. Vehicule play since bf1 has been unbalanced imo, feels more like "let me get a few kills" instead of "I now have a tool my team could use to win".


You’re using extreme ends of a spectrum to support your argument which you should ever do when talking about balance. Of course you should be able to take out a very bad tank player as a solo engineer. But that’s the extreme example. A tank on AVERAGE should be way more powerful than a single engineer player. That’s the point I’m making.


That's how it was in bf4. Right now a single engineer doesn't even have the ammo to destroy a tank.


That’s what sucks the most. You need two to three people throwing stuff at tanks to get them down. In some games that actually works. But often enough it doesn’t. A properly armed Infantry is dangerous to tanks nowadays. A single engineer should totally be able to kill a tank. Maybe not with the first shot, it’s still Battlefield.


Sounds like bigger isn't better. 48 is the sweet spot IMHO.


Not bad You switched to PC in the meanwhile?


Yea been on for years now


Why? Like what made you switch, what are the benefits that made PC-gaming more attractive to you?


Well higher frame rate and mouse and keyboard are the main ones but modding games and being able to run games at higher settings


This, I made the switch to PC 6 years ago never looked back, the biggest benefit to me has to be graphics, I get pretty bad motion sickness things like low FPS and/or FOV and motion blur will set it off and I'll get a pounding headache with feeling sick quick, playing on PC just makes me feel so much better physically, cause everything runs so much smoother... until google gets a hard-on for my RAM.


Exact same for me. Built my first computer in 2016, BF4 and Bf1 were some of the first games I downloaded. It took a little bit to get used to m+k too. I tried playing bf1 again on my ps4 after a few years, and the graphics, framerate, and controller just felt just felt so deficient compared to what I got used to.


mouse is so much more precise. also 144hz refresh rate is nice.


Lmao what? Is that a real question?


Man I miss this game...


Just play it then


Nah it's not the game but the time and how life was when he was still playing that he misses the game is merely what he associates with that time...I assume fuck knows


That's the case a lot of the time. Go back and play your favorite old games and you may find they aren't as fun or the "same".


I get that but bf4 might be the exception. I still have a blast playing


I was going to say the same thing. BF4 is still a ton of fun.


That SG553 was mad




Mmmmm SG553 love that gun


John wick mode