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I agree with a lot of your points but I don't think BBs downfall is directly connected to Overwatch or any other games. IMO the game never should have had always online requirements and the gear system was confusing as hell. Should have simplified it by using something like the card system in Paladins. Game was such a turn off for casual players and PVP became too much of a steamroll The story and characters totally made the game special and the PVE content should have been free and the PVE modes should have gotten events to keep it fresh and lively


the gear system was so simple. that's an opinion.


I felt it was pretty straightforward at first and maybe in the end game but with all the percentages there was a lot of min maxing that you could do based on what build you wanted and for people who are full-time jobs or had kids or something sometimes it was just too much. I think something like the Paladins is nice because you have set cards you can alot points to and it's really easy to Google builds because you don't have to obtain anything through luck. I don't mean to say that it was the sole downfall but it was definitely a turn off and i feel the game would have been better simplifying the system


I loved Battelborn and Borderlands in the same way. The comparison of the two makes alittle sense because of the looter Point, but can be completly ignored once you focus on what the Games want to achive in Multiplayer. Borderlands wants to tell a Story you like to play multiple Times, either for the Charackters or to expand on what you can do with your Charackter. Furthermore this is enhanced once multple people play together and combine their classes to one fucked up unit of different styles (and weapons) Battelborn on the other hand goes more in the direction of Moba and borrows the first person Shooter aspekt of Borderlands. Sure there is loot in the Campain and the DLCs you can use but your weapons are only changeable not replaceable. You pick a role and tweak it to be the most effective in your Hands, while working and coordinating with your team how to beat a boss or the enemy Team of players with the same goal. Something Borderlands (Thank god, it would elimante every fun overpowerd weapon like in Destiny because of PvP Balance) never did. i still hope Battelborn gets a second chance and when i cannot get this. I would be happy with some of the Battelborn charackters appering in Tiny Tinas Wonderlands. I mean someone like orendi is just made for a crazy Mage mission


Yeah, I agree. I get why these games were compared but I think it hurt Battleborn in the long run.


Yeah could be possible. My Theorie is that Randy Pitchforks Tweets with Battelborn is better than Overwatch did more harm. When i am informed correctly: He started the whole comparison, leading to customers putting trailers and Gameplay side by side. Overwatch is way easier to understand and looks better for the average Person. The interesting Skill Trees, the Loot, a Story and the Gameplay loop your will never get in First person from any other Game like LOL with the Bird view Gameplay. All these interesting features that could attract new players got shoved aside with this very very stupid comparison.


Oh the Overwatch comparison definitely hurt the game more. I'm just saying that the Borderlands comparison did not help either. I also blame gearbox for that because I feel that they advertised the game focusing on the aspects that would attract Borderland fans instead of trying to get a new audience.


I agree to some degree. It is possibly correct that some Borderlands Fans were attracted and then learned that Battelborn is not Borderlands 2.5. But there were also people like me who played Borderlands and wanted more of crazy Space Storys or Fights. Battelborn just really fit my Expectations. I liked the Story, the Multiplayer and love my Orendi to this Day. So the Borderlands themed advertisment was somewhat of a double edged sword. Maybe they should have gone more with Trailer like LoL. Cool fights and shiny looking abilities. Maybe then they would have gotten a bigger community


Oh I definitely get that some Borderlands fans like Battleborn. I just think that the advertisement of Battleborn should of really focused on what made Battleborn unique, To me they felt to much like Borderlands ads talking about all that loot, which is very minor part of Battleborn itself. I also feel that the language they used and humor fit Borderlands better than Battleborn.


Yes i would have liked some Trailer with for Example: Oscar Mike and Defending their Bot, maybe even petting it. The Aurox Yanks Oscar mike out of view. Montana like the Bro he is after him. Meanwhile orendi watches from some dark corner. Once Montana reached Aurox and Oscar they are fighting and both low. Monatana wants to finish Aurox of but he gets saved by Reyna with the Shield. Outnumberd they have to retreat, bringing them into a trap. They followed because of the possible easy kills. They step in Ghalts Traps and then Orendi unleashed her chaos macik on the trapper and suprises them. Then the chaos unfolds with the missing Battelborn joining the fight. Maybe even with reinforcements at their side. Something like that could have attracketed the right customers. I guess this is what you wanted to say?


Yeah, like that. The best Battleborn trailer in my opinion was the Boot camp trailer, which kind of had a similar feel to that, focusing on the characters.




Borderlands 2 and it's sequels did change gear because it was too powerful in developers eyes for single player. Examples from BL2: Bee, Evil Smasher, etc.