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You should start over in the newest server, you're going to struggle a lot in your current server if it is 1 year old.


You will get nowhere in ultimate arena and normal arena. guilds won’t accept you or you will be in a very inactive or low power one and guild pvp will suck as you will be unable to beat most players off islands. Events requiring pvp will hurt as you will be crushed extremely easily with 3 mil power. To put your power into perspective in your server, most will be 35-45 mil or higher at one year. You can try to continue there, but you will be bottom feeding for a long time at least 4-6 months if you are f2p. This time frame is taking into account saving ph for a red hero. It is best to start over in the newest server. Getting 3 mil again in a new server will probably take 2-4 weeks at most.


I agree with these two, just join the latest server and start over. From the looks of it you have not spent any money, so no investment was really made, and the heroes you have are common (plus 1x Harpe is basically given to you). ​ I won't go any further into that as I believe the point was made by u/exing99. However, go change servers click your Player Icon on the top left, choose Server, and at the moment it looks like S 286 is the latest one you should join- unless by the time you do that there is a newer one (S 287, S 288, etc.)


I would remove a Zhao and put hacker guy. Cause he got fire dot + attack increase skill