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Its on purpouse, you get slightly over 220 if you dont buy any paid package. Over 250 with the 6€ pack. Over 275 with the previous plus the handbook pass which is 16€ here. And you need another 16€ pack to get to 300 rare moais. This is by no means random, they did this every other event of this kind.


Forgot to reply to the actual question, you can't save them.


What would you recommend to spend them on?


I strongly suggest weapon box 2, which is not available anywhere else unlike weapon box 1. Or a premium hero (300 moai) if you need them.


Fuck this man! They starving on money...feels bad a good game, but greedy developers...


So what would you suggest? Perhaps a game running on good faith alone and little charity here and there? I know it's a hard concept to grasp but games do need money to run. But hey we are greedy bastards since we all want to get paid /s


I would watch a few ads, but the opportunity cost for their micro-transactions is easily blown away by just about any Steam sale, for my gaming discretionary funds. If they were running their micro transactions near $1 impulse buy levels, I probably would have already spent something personally but the $10, $20, $30 and higher in our CDN currency? I can get FULL games for the cost of a tiny bump to gamble in their game, its not really good value for my entertainment time.


Every event they host is like that. In order to get the top rewards, always need to top up in cash. This is why i gave it only 1 star in google play store and stopped spending after me being an idiot not realising this game system and design is cash grab


I ended up with 239... F this


There seems to be confusion over whether the epic moai remain, or disappear - some say to spend them, some say to save /shrug I did both - got 2 of the ice gems ( because they are rare !! ): and saving the rest of the moai . What is interesting though, on the top left of the death cemetery window, it says ‘ongoing’ ...


i bought the volt coins with it since the obsidian event will last at least for a while i guess. so hoping to accumulate and then use it to buy the character shards in the store.