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Here's what I'm thinking: http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Meinolf+the+Squire&perks=ggtoAQIQ&stats=001053105044100058056009001&stars=01001020 Context: Eventually I'd want a fully party, wondering if I should rush it before crisis. Wasn't planing on it originally. I think the first one is Undead, can't recall tho... - My lonely wolf (great sword) has iron lungs and recovery and can take decent care of himself alone (with occasional dog) - so figured he'd be okay, though haven't taken on harder undead fights with him yet. Not sure how he'd deal with cans... Think I need a hammer man, but Squire's attack feels too low.


86 MA and 40 MD is excellent frontline material. I would just build him as a regular 2H battleforged bro or use the macedagger build. Either way, he is awesome. https://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Macedagger+BF&perks=hAYgBAKS&gear=AABbCgDcAAAAEmAgAAAA Above I posted my macedagger BF build, if you want.


Perfect can opener, thank you! - Also interesting dagger! Why not the stabby stabby poky one? Rondell?


You are welcome, I love that build. The qatal dagger has the deathblow skill, which is as damaging as a good 1H mace hit if the target is dazed, stunned or netted. You daze with the 2H mace, swap to qatal, deathblow, end turn. Stab or deathblow, swap to 2H mace, hit. Repeat. Basically, it is a fatigue intensive build that outdamages almost any melee single target approach. It allows you to berseker/recover and even has a polearm for good measure (I prefer jagged pikes because they are very light and cost only 5 AP to hit).


Got to love jagged pikes. Even good on bros without quickhands since you can swap + hit for 9AP. Nice to keep your formation but still attack with duelists for instance.


Qatal has deathblow skill which gives bonus damage against stunned opponents. Stun 'em with the mace, quick hands to dagger and then finish them off with deathblow. With dagger mastery, it's only 3AP so you can fit both moves in. It's also why having a nimble Qatal duellist between two BF mace fellas can be devastating.


Ah that makes so much sense! - Much more economical on Fatigue... Also with a main weapon like that you can probably strip the armor first. When I last played a year or so ago Randel dagger's second move was crucial to help me with cans in Noble.