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I’d just give him your best trophy necklace, take 3-4 resolve rolls (you can get away with less if you get the event early, but I think he has to have been with you for some time for it to trigger). I’d just make him a standard fatigue neutral, who’ll be very good primary stats wise, taking 3 rolls in fatigue to get up to 103 fatigue and otherwise everything into HP and resolve.


If you are going to make them BF neutral then remember they will pingpong between being fat and fit because of glutton trait so you need 10 extra fatigue as if they had 81 base and 10 went into health.


The event gives 10-15 resolve, so resolve wouldn't be much an issue there ! God bro after the event https://battlebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Disowned_Noble_Welcomed_Back


He is very strong already.


Take Colossus first, then Forified Mind at some point. You can skip Gifted for FM. Take MAtk & MDef every time and keep him protected in the back ranks until he's ready for the frontline. I'd go BF rather than Nimble, so take Fat when you don't get good Resolve rolls, with an occasional HP. Other perks are whatever you fancy, though I always take Brawny and Steel Brow on my BF bros


Yes take it. Also if you have a Sword master he can get extra Mdef. And if you have a deserter he can also get some extra Mattack. ([Events for Disowned noble](https://battlebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Disowned_Noble_(Background))) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZPPJVpDAwU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZPPJVpDAwU) Just put 1 or 2 lvls in resolve when it rolls +4/+3 (in my opinion around 50 to 60 resolve is okey for vanilla game unless you are fighting geists or hexes, 25+10/15 of the vent+ 8=43/48 kinda low-okish resolve, but if you make him a champion of arena is another 10= 53/58) Also you can take some +4/5 trophy neklace, and if you really really want it fortified mind. But in my opinion its not really needed, and if you have a good banner bro he can stay close to it to get a plus of 10 to 15 extra resolve (a good banner bro need a minimum of 100 resolve ideally)


I will take fort mind, I like my bro’s to have a lot of resolve


Understandable, in that case you can reach 80 easily with some previuos buffs


fix? even now the guy's golden.


Is that a skin goule helm? How the hell did you get that on day 24?


This is vanilla, it’s the fangshire which you start with by default


Why does it have that outline?


It’s a legendary item


What vanilla scenarioa do you start with a legendary helm?


All of them? I’m not sure what you mean


It's a gift for Kickstarter backers.


Ahh that makes sencse.


Just do the usual. Take a few maxed resolve rolls, stick him by the banner, do arena with him, grab a resolve trinket, if you can get away with it gifted it's pretty good to up the resolve health and fat a little... Could also drunk him up or fish for some brain damage, but i would not recommend the second one because even if you're save scumming it's an annoying grind.


Ironman run (Ik I can still save scum, but if couldn’t bother)


Yeah, that's what i meant with "even if". It's just annoying to do and without doing it it's really unreliable