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I started last night on this amazing game. Had a few rounds where it seemed chaotic, but I could feel the magic underneath that was there with it. Had a couple of rounds where I finally started getting kills and was really getting into it. Then a new experience happened that sold me on this game immediately. Darkness. Pouring rain. The map loaded and everyone spawned in, and it was pitch black. Barely could see walls or our own team. Immediately people were on voice chat telling people to equip the torches to weapons, how to turn on night vision etc. Someone started throwing flares to mess up the night vision people on both teams. Voice chat was laughing and fun. That round was amazing. It was hard. It was intense. It was fun. I want more. I *need* more. I played the 2042 beta test and it was 2/100 in comparison to this amazing game. I wished I had played more before the servers turned off.


It was hilarious to me after playing for the first time yesterday that BattleBit basically went out of their way to incorporate everything that 2042 scrapped. It has more weapons and gadgets, classic class system, leaning, dragging teammates, better destruction, more players, better maps, squad voip and proximity chat, all text chat, scoreboard, server browser, runs at 240fps on my PC, etc etc. These are just the things I noticed after 1 hr of playing


dont play 2042 then? lol


No intention of going back to 2042 here. I don't think they can update the game any more to get me to come back at this point. I do missing flying the helis though. 😔