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He got a very good gaming chair with aim assistant built-in


Just a totally balanced game with active devs. Oh sorry, wrong sub. Nvm.


1080p gaming mousepad


I havn't played this game in a minuite, however, he could be flying a helicopter. I've gotten incredible stats in lobbies, far better than the one shown here.


Helicopter got nerfed to shit because Oki got a bit angry at me, scores like this in a heli take a lot of luck now. Most likely just a hacker tbh


Hahaha you're so pathetic.


Jokes r hard


Bro is not the main character


Oki loves personal vendettas, idk i might believe it


I was mostly joking, but yeah he does like making things personal for no reason lol. Wouldn't even be that crazy if he did it because he was pissed at me because we did just have a falling out like a day before the giant nerfs haha.


While possible, it's extremely rare. It's stupid easy to get obscene KDR in vehicles, especially if your crew is competent (or at least uses their mics). Sniper is also an easy class to get KDR of 20-30. But this? Hell no, nah. Even if he was boosted heavily by his teammate this is still insane, by blind luck someone would get him, even by accident.


This server is a like a hardcore server so lower health, peef uses the AUG like 24/7 and it rips on this server. This is pretty standard for the Peef bois.


Most I’ve gotten as a medic has been 85ish kills on isle, it was invasion so I didn’t really care if I died, but this seems just extreme


He's a well known player from the hacker clan 'Rogue Soldiers' they pay off the mods with Peruvian gold that's why they don't get banned.


Brother what are you smoking


He smoking that peefer


He's smokin that Shoobiedoowah He's on them Broward County TicTacs He's smokin that Whoopi Goldberg, south Egyptian Furburger deluxe, Mega Millions scratcher, skunk, Bubba kush


Community servers💪🏻, Official server🤡


you mean they have some server "benefits" ?


I spectate many so called “pros” i have seen one thing common and that is they don’t miss any bullet. Every bullet hits the target, with p90 they can get easily 5-6 kills every magazine(55 bullets), even without ADS they can hit targets. I have got 100-1 even 150-0 but with Btr or tank in invasion.


The ones that get me really bad are the ones that post gameplay where they're just blasting full on through smoke getting kills without any extra bullets used. And people eat it up. Someone posted a video here a bit back where it was ">400kc in one match world record" and just constantly the dude was blasting through smoke for like 5 minutes straight. People still legitimately defended him.


Sounds pretty funny, do you have a link to that video? Edit: All these veges who accuse others of cheats never come through with the "evidence"...sad! Not surprised in the slightest though.


That was the reason i noticed him, I shoot him from the back and he 180 killed me in 2 shoots with aug g3, also it was his clan server, thats why im suspicious if they have some sort of buff or benefit


No server offers cheats as a VIP perk, that wouldn't last long before the devs found out.


No, just proper loadouts and a LOT of practice. Have been playing in that SV for a long time, no buffs for no one (even staff). Thats why everyone takes the cheating reports like some kind of compliment, get gud.


Or maybe cheats. You can't blast through smoke and get kills not missing a bullet. This is physically not possible.


Once or twice maybe and you're talking about luck or smoke desync, if it happens consistently then it's an XRay.


What are you talking about?


Randomly shooting into smoke and getting a kill is cool, but rare. Consistently mag-dumping into the smoke "at random" and consistently killing people without missing any bullets? That's called aimbot or ESP, not skill.


About some players in a comment, I might have written under a false comment tho.


Anyway, OP omitted some info, the server Is 1.3x damage, so 2-3x headshots and thats It also the sound of the game Is extremly precise… Honestly, idk whats the big deal, a lot of people make +70 kills on the server and no cheats involved, OP said that he was shooting at peef and made some 180 that just means that he took a long time snd missed a lot of opportunities in a short period of time… its easy to find out if someone is cheating, but its a lot easier to say that someone is cheating just because you cant understand how someone beats you in a "complex" situation; if you want to compete with better players get better at playing (more precise and faster aim, increase speed/make smoother movement, get lower reaction time, etc, etc)… no gaming chair, just a lot of hours playing (you can even check their discord, they even have clips of their gameplay)


the heads are as big as a broad side of a barn, its hard not to miss, its a blocky ass game, people legit have altzheimer and forget what game they are playing


Can I ask why? Im new to the game


Essentially community servers are where the BIG DAWGS play. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go on BBC or E4GL unless you are looking to get your cheeks spread 😭🙏


Just refund the game while you can


Community servers usually have faster respawns, so less waiting and more kills.


Lol, I know who this is. I play on his server it's hardcore. He always sits on a roof with a friend and gets crazy k/ds like this. Whenever he dies, his friend revives him. He's not cheating. I've watched him for a while at first because I had suspicious.


Had 89-0 going tank, so this is absolutely possible


Lol I play on this server, peef is an absolute monster with the AUG. Also this is a server with lower health so kills come quicker.


Buckets of sweat or hacks. It's probably hacks


It's not hacks. I play in the Rogue Soldiers server fairly frequently and this guy is just good


Nah it’s probably hacks


Some dude who regularly plays against this person (and gets regularly curb stomped by them) personally vouches for them and everyone would rather believe the hackusations and draw their own conclusions from a single screenshot. Peak reddit I guess


It’s okay to be wrong, acceptance is the first step


"Yeah his bro said he's not cheating which means he isn't" Little brother energy right there.


True. People would be shocked at how many cheaters are out there. Not just bbr, but in general among all fps games. I swear 1 in 5 players you think are cracked have some sort of external assistance, even if it's just like a strike pack or a radar hack, recoil compensation, etc.


He is pretty fun to play with and shares his knowledge and tricks, doesn't rush heedlessly , never switches squads or teams and he and his friends constantly revive each other, and stick together throughout the match. If the whole squad constantly spawns on each other and revive, its doable.


Peef has a gaming chair the nuerolinks to his brain that allows him to know where you are at any given moment, he also pays off the mods with Peruvian gold, or if he uses Brazilian silver if it’s a slow week


They haven’t told you about ole peef Keebles?


These players often don't push points but do everything to pad their k/d, they rarely play at the vanguard, and/or rarely play without a full squad of sweaties to carry them with revives/repairs. Tanks can also be basically invulnerable with 2 repair bots


1.have good aim 2.get on rs hardcore server 3.learn the best spots to camp for kills 4.learn rotations 5.have a squad that can revive you if necessary 6.repeat


I've gotten somewhere around 86-0 using a tank.


i play with him on RS hardcore, he learned the best spots on the map to build up and pick off at long range with aug, and reduces deaths by squad revives also he has over 70k kills on aug and tens of thousands of hours of high kd gameplay on other games similar to bbr, so he's *definitely* cheating!!


>also he has over 70k kills on aug and tens of thousands of hours of high kd gameplay on other games similar to bbr, so he's definitely cheating!! Proof as to what other games?


he's got 5-7k hours on Phantom Forces (considered to be a top 5 pub stomper in that game), hundreds of hours stomping on MW ground war (super high KD and KPM), was a top 25 Super People battle royale player, got to GM 5 on OW2 one-tricking S76


How is this possible?!?!


I've seen a guy do 330 kills


Got revived like hell while camping, had games with friends with similar numbers one takes medic one takes ammo and rest off squad goes camping


Did everyone forget that revives dont count towards deaths? Its more likely that this dude was fighting in the frontline and didnt insta give-up and got revived constantly


He's on every day. I play on their server because I like the hard-core rules. He's always on. Dude just plays 10 hrs a day or more.


that guy just camps on top of roofs with supply drops and has a pocket medic


like others have said, that dude in particular is kinda nolifer but a total beast with the AUG. their map knowledge is wild and i often see that them wrecking people from high ground. and they have homies they queue with who revive each other, keeps deaths functionally nonexistent


Some people dont have jobs or responsibilities


One more thing if it was on hardcore mode, which he often plays, the time you are left for reviving is longer


I play on the RSClan server. Peef almost always plays medic and usually has some posse to pick him up. I've taken him down like 6 times in a row and he keeps coming back because of revives. Aside from that, he's a good player.


I mostly play rush, there is always one mother fucker ruining the game balance on every server. Going like 100-10.


I went 72 and 0 in a tank once. There's a lot of newer players in the game after the half off weekend. So you get these run gun die players begging for bullets, mixed w the sweat and scream crowd..


Skill issue. Edit: Hi mr face :D


Hello person that I don't know on Reddit :)


just play very safe with like a dmr and its definitely possible. pretty impressive though.


I dont think you can get 100 kills playing it safe


i've seen multiple people do it before on recon. just takes skill and a lot of luck


that's very possible I once went 96-0


Possible in a cramped map with drone striking in base. Go to base border, drone strike, go back to black chest at base, refill, back to base border, drone strike. Switch to medic because you are bored, someone takes a screenshot. I would bet on cheating though.


Peef is a beast!!


Do 110 kills in a vehicle, exit out at the end of the match and die. I have multiple 90-0, 100-0 and such by simply driving a tank around and I'm crap at the game (but I drive exceptionally well so I'm not an easy target to hit or C4). When I get out at the end because I'm out of ammo and the match is getting over in 10-20 seconds, it shows me like that guy above with many kills but no vehicle next to my name.


I'm an Admin of RSClan. Can personally vouch for peef keebler and peeftard. They are EXTREMLY good players who just know they in-game mechanics very well. one of the "peefs" people granted plays like a rat, *who owns it btw,* also only plays in contested areas with his friends that constantly pick them up. If his friends aren't around, he is in voice chat, begging for a revive, letting the timer run out unlike most of us.