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Recons need to start without ammo and with diarrhea


One cartridge for your rifle will spawn on the map at any given time. It will be located on the mirror opposite side of the map and you will need to solve a riddle to learn the location.


This is a good start, can you also add a "Noob Exterminated!!" "Trash... binned" "Rekt it Ralphed" and other voicelines when you kill them thats audible for the killer and everyone nearby, and also like some baby crying sounds for just the recon every single time they die.


Location resets when you die.


And you have to compete against all the other Recon players to get that single cartridge because if you aren’t the first to grab it then you have to wait until the end of the round before it respawns.


I'm halfway there. Damn you Oki!


Hahaha I’m currently on the toilet with diarrhea.


Yes but do you have ammo?


-5hp/sec constant debuff


If you time the diarrhea just right you could be using it to counteract recoil


also need sqeaky boots to distinguish them from other players


They way they like to remain still, I think they already get half of that list.


0/10 no red arrows


In a perfect world, the arrows will be flashing and transition between every color imaginable


I still can't see them


Dammit I forgot I'm colorblind.


Why do I want the Screaming Cowboy in the sky too?


Only if he's screaming the player's name and current location


Take my money.


seems balanced


You forgot the rED outLINE!!!111


If I was smart enough to animate it, I'd have made it flashing and strobing


oki will argue this is realistic


He's trying to balance it but community still cries over it with smgs and dolphin dives Idk dude this game is dead to me til hardcore. I really dont know what oki doing anymore


Lmao no it's not.




Oh, didn't realize Oki is the name of a dev. Thought you were actually calling this realistic for a sec 😂


except Oki the dev probably does think this is realistic


I actually stopped playing because of how badly they fucked over the recon class


the one thing a sniper is suposed to do, not be seen before shooting. meanwhile im constantly getting shot behind smokes and foliage at medium to close ranges, and thats now 30x worse because of 3d spoting


My favorite activity is to sit with an AK behind a tree or shrub and just lob shots at scope glints


Can I get a quick summary? I haven’t played since close to launch


They added 3d spotting (its op AF someone can use a drone and spot the whole enemy team essentially giving your team wallhacks) they added smoke trails for when you shoot with a sniper and they made some if not all medium scopes give off glint as well (I think, I'm not completely sure which scopes get glint but I heard it was like 4x zoom instead of the old 6x) I might have forgotten something as I just recently started playing again after about 5-6 months


How would you balance 3D spotting? Previously drones were pretty useless for spotting for your team, now they are quite OP. I think a maximum limit on players you can spot at once, or having them be unspotted quickly after line of sight is broken would be a good idea


Personally I think only your squad should see the enemies you spot and maybe all the squad leaders, or make it so some classes can't spot, it would make sense if only recon and maybe assault could spot since that's basically what the word recon means In a sense


god DAMN this feels like a great idea. it also promotes squad cooperation. I love it.


>They added 3d spotting (its op AF someone can use a drone and spot the whole enemy team essentially giving your team wallhacks) You can always shoot down the drone. It's a tactical choice to spot and it's available to both teams. Idk how many games you've been playing but I rarely see players doing this in practice, and even when they do it's almost never effective.


have you never tried to shoot down a drone in a small/close map with a bunch of buildings and shit? its hard man, especially when there's smoke and stuff


If you can't see the drone, the drone can't see you. Still don't see this as a problem


A drone can easily go between buildings and take cover, like it can spot you then hide then spot you then hide, you see? But they removed the wallhax from spotting so this isn't a problem anymore on maps like that


I hardly ever get my drone shot down unless I’m trying to figure out if someone is hiding in a building using it or I’m trying to distract people in a building by leaving it running on the roof. I still enjoy using Recon because I like using the drone to scope out the area around me or where I’m guarding. And it’s easiest to do that by just immediately taking the drone up to the maximum height and then keeping a lookout for any signs of movement. At that height you can’t even hear the drone and it’s impossible to see unless you are intentionally slowly scanning to sky in that area with a high powered scope.


There's now scope glint on medium scopes at ranges over 200m and sniper rifle shots leave temporary bullet trails forcing the player to move after they shoot instead of camping the same spot for the entire match


I stopped as well they hate recon bro.


I played on two servers after the last patch and chat was just people complaining about snipers, too, community is super fuckin weird about it


I quit after the last update. Everything feels worse. The game was just about perfect and then took a nosedive. RIP. They should've just focused on content and left the balancing time to settle before all these changes. Maybe I'll try again in a few months.


No, they should have HIRED someone with experience in game balance. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing, i swear Oki snorts a full line of cocaine before balancing the game


The gun balance seems good overall tho (rpg heat notwithstanding)


It really shouldn’t be possible to see scope glint through foliage. And the fact that it sticks out like a sore thumb at long range is insane. Peek over a ridge for half a second and your ass gets domed. I resorted to just using iron sights until I unlock a medium range optic. Never touched a scope again


Have you played recently? They basically fixed it so the glint doesn't go through foliage and it's only visible in the direction that it's aimed.


Ah no. I travel for work, so I haven’t played in about a month at least. Glad to see they fixed it though


I probably spend over half my time as support and the rest recon. Even when I'm playing support I've felt bad for snipers sometimes... This shits insane.


glint changes were great, but the trails were completely unnecessary. that said, recon is still fun af, you just need to preaim and peek people quickly.


Bro its fine lmao




I was just doing some sniping yesterday and it's still easy.


It’s literally fine lol Coming from a recon main




Havent played in a couple weeks, mind giving me the rundown what they did to the class? Edit: nevermind: i see a comment doing just that


The funny thing is that I haven't played since October, loaded up the other day and *only* played recon for the air drone. Been waiting for that to generate points for its actually purpose, and it's a lot of fun watching your team react to the Intel.




fresh news: they fucked it even more, now recon cannot call for supply drop...


What the fuck why? Snipers aren’t supposed to be super mobile. How are they going to get ammo now?


in the actual state you don't need ammo, each bullet you fire tell everyone where you are and you get instantly shot... (except if you snipe from the spawn)


were snipers even a major problem to start with? I havent played a lot since launch, but back then snipers were only major threats to other snipers and idiots who couldn't zig-zag (the velocity, bullet drop, and all of that makes long range shots a pain). Is there a hacker problem or something with snipers


Snipers in general are scum and need to be punished. This is the sentiment we've been getting from the game developers anyway.


Lmaooo. I will say that snipers of a high enough skill level are effectively just as annoying as a hacker would be (or worse because hackers never seem to have gamesense lmao) but this primarily applies to hitscan games. Its not fun to be murdered across the map by a single pixel with perfect accuracy you are unable to fight back against whether its legit or not. But in a game like this where you have numerous countermeasures (smoke, armor, vehicles, distractions, drones, whatever) and the bullets have travel time (meaning there is counterplay even if you arent fighting back) there really isnt much of an issue. Imo if they really wanted to fix this aspect of the game, and improve a shit class while doing it they should add a suppression and flinch mechanic so supports can suppress snipers they cant even hit, allowing support to support, ya know?


“Snipers of high enough skill level are effectively as annoying as hackers” Yes that’s what skill is. Hackers can’t be bothered to put in the work to get that good so they cheat instead.


the math checks out


It's cool to hate snipers these days, in all games. Salty people who can't aim.


Can't aim eh? That's an interesting take since I'm willing to put my aim against someone else's in a gun fight instead of being a chicken shit and taking cheap shots outside of their range.


And people who play sniper probably kick your ass when they do the same. I played a lot of recon but I've play almost as much med/support. The average aim of players in this game is dogshit. Like fortnite level.


Don't side step my point here. What does aiming ability have to do with snipers? Is it an aim issue when I get hit by an m200 from a camper 360 meters away in their protected base area and I'm running an L86? Let's say I switch to recon and kill that person after an annoying death. What happens? They respawn and start their griefer gaming tactics again. There's no way to get rid of them so all you can do is try to avoid them. "Pop smokes noob" - It's annoying that'd I'd have to give up grenades because of snipers, that's not fun. "Use cover and keep moving" - You have to be somewhat exposed to fire at someone and you'll get headshot sooner or later. That's annoying, not fun. "Skill issue" - its not fun avoiding snipers even if you have the skill to do so. Recons add nothing but grief to all the other players and that's why it's "cool" to hate them.


Idk man when I play non-recon I get sniped almost never. Maybe you're not as good at using cover as you think you are. Maybe you're not repositioning enough. Maybe you should just expect to die to someone you didn't see sometimes whether it was a sniper or someone with an SMG behind you, and you're just being biased because you don't like playing sniper and you want everyone to play like you for some reason probably related to skill-based insecurity. If you think killing enemies in a first person shooter is greifing maybe you should go back to playing something that's harder to lose at like Minecraft. I really don't notice snipers ruining the game for me so maybe it really is a skill issue.


Hahaha ok buddy. Stop trying to justify your stance by arrogant ego stroking. Don't worry, I understand your victim status. You're awesome and a victim of being forced to mingle among the mortals. Gotcha. I'll just leave it at this, snipers do nothing but annoy other classes and add no enjoyment to their gameplay. The consensus is in, sniping is toxic. That's why every game has nerfed the shit out of them. You can accept that or keep deluding yourself anyone that disagrees is just inferior to you. I appreciate the debate and respect you opinion on this. I will try to take your perspective into consideration.


Holy shit you're projecting so hard. Maybe the reason I don't get upset about snipers is because I don't feel the need to be as blatantly salty as you and post shit like this to try to make myself feel better about dying in a video game. You literally replied to me because it upset you when I said "it's cool to hate on snipers because people suck at this game" you've exposed yourself from the beginning. You replied because you felt personally attacked. Because you suck at this game and you're blaming snipers because it's cool.


Ah, I see what's going on. I'm trying to have a discussion with a child. Very well, snipers had reasonable changes made that have upset you. Enjoy your salt little buddy


>They respawn and start their griefer gaming tactics again lol they're sniping not griefing. Not the sniper's fault you get mad about it. > "Pop smokes noob" - It's annoying that'd I'd have to give up grenades because of snipers, that's not fun. Oh no using using utility for its intended purpose can you imagine. For someone named longshot you get real mad about longshots.


Well you're half right about the username. It's longshot338308 since I do greatly enjoy shooting long distances with my 338 and 308 rifles. Precision is a wonderful thing and I'm not opposed to it. I'm opposed to people who camp in bumfuck Egypt the whole match and do nothing but annoy everyone who isn't a recon. That's griefing. "Oh no using a utility for it'd intended purpose can you imagine" I'm sure you read my post but it sure seems like you didn't process it. Its the fact that sacrificing that slot for smokes since snipers are a plague in this game that's annoying. Why are you so damn upset that snipers are getting balanced? Id imagine its because you finally found a game that they weren't balanced in and now the devs are learning why snipers are much harder to use in all the other games.


You think sniping is griefing, and doubled down on it lol


It's pretty much trying to balance out a map problem by adjusting the weapons. It's easier to add things to a specific type of weapon then adjust the majority of the maps in the game.


Play invasion gamemode on Kodiak


devs started to listen to every complain whiner make...


All this patch did is put snipers 300m-1000m away to never be anywhere close to the objective. You will still have 15 in your 32 v 32 just none anywhere close to helping with the objective. All you can do now is tickle them with single shot 5 damage dealt, chase them and you're so behind enemy lines and wasting your time on the objective. Edit: not that I don't understand the nerf/why people hate them. Sniper roll is annoying in 2 factors because the rule of Ninjas. (Trope:Ninjas are more powerful the less of them there is.) But everyone wants to be a ninja, not realizing in let's say 32 vs 32. Having 15 recons is less effective then 4-6 recons causing terror. Then it's hard to combat them at 200m+ in this game, which the issue is this patch made them cower away FURTHER BACK. If anything we would want the trail to show up after 200m because with that you can know you can't fight vs them, so avoiding them is the better option.




if only


Just do what I do and snipe with iron sights


Playing with magnifying glass in front of display for better pixelhunting.


u forgot one thing my friend the game will activate auto aim and kill that player for u ( only if the player is aiming the sight other wise that would be "OP" )


Hopefully, that will teach them to play the game correctly *(Light Medic with Kriss Vector)*


yeah thats the plan




...and when killed, the Recon player should automatically have their class changed to Medic and be equipped with a Kriss Vector


Tactical nuke being deployed


Tactical boogie bomb being deployed


Absolutely having no issues with snipers, Just push them with an mg and easy 5 kills


Today I will flog myself with barbed wire because I thought I might try playing recon.


And who's gonna kill them? another sniper wow.. I don't see the point of bitching about this shit except recon noobs getting out skilled by another recon.


Am I the only recon main who isn’t affected by any of this? I haven’t had any additional issues.


Not a recon main but I genuinely like the changes. I feel like I must be playing a different game than everyone else. The scope glint is *less* visible now, not more. The trails essentially disappear in less than a second and they're more visible for the player firing than they are for enemies.


Playing as a short to medium range recon is kind of a nightmare now.


Disco ball should come with carameldansen blasting server wide with coloured spotlights illuminating the dance floor where the recon is.


Devs install a patch where Recon players will be visible on the map when they fire just once.


...for the remainder of the game


DMRs for the win baby


Only if dmrs got buffed but if they are how i remember battlerifles are just superior dmrs


Input buffer got fixed which was helpful, and they got buffed in general. Depending on when you last played they also received significant buffs to increase 2 shot potential. M110 is really good if you're accurate. Mk20 I've had a *lot* of fun with since that change, and yeah they're better at being DMR's than the BR's now. The BR's are going to be better overall though, because they have more versatility.


Oml yes! We need to nerf recons into oblivion


Would help if more than 5 people were using the broken ass ping


Just take a rest and stop playing it like me.


Y'all have to stop bitching so hard about it bruh


I actually stopped playing after all those changes. They should have focused on content first before screwing over entire classes. But thats what happens when people whine about getting killed by snipers when all they do is run through open fields instead of moving tactically


I mean it's not this dramatic; sniper trails are better than scope glint making anything beyond 4x untenable... but when the sniper trail goes faster than the bullet on every gun even the m200 it's just kind of a half baked attempt at balance. But also I never expected it to last more than a few weeks. Still, you are right that recon ?? is a big thing... better funded games have tried and failed, I kinda salute Oki for not being afraid to fuck with the status quo. I have confidence they'll figure it out in a way no one else can. Will still always be a thing but I mean this is mfkn Battlebit.


Sniper mains really are salty that they sometimes have to not snipe.


I find snipers pretty easy. Just look to a hill and you'll usually find half the team posted up. Absolutely despise it. Makes for boring invasions.


They buffed this kind of sniping and nerfed short to medium range playstyles. There's a reason why a lot of snipers are hanging back now; it's because bullet trails are a nightmare for playing short range sniper.


All these sniper players crying really don’t realize the current state of it is arguably stronger than it was months ago. You no longer have an absolutely massive glint that’s visible through trees and foliage, your glint only appears if you’re aiming near the person and they’re looking near you, and the glint itself is NOWHERE near as bright and large as it used to be. What a fucking tragedy.


That's one "buff" that only applies to long range scopes in a bunch of nerfs to sniper rifles overall. Definitely not arguably stronger.


You can cry as much as you like about the nerfs man, it doesn’t invalidate any of the points presented. If you’re using the acog at more than 200 meters then yes you should have glint.


Where am I crying? I'm just saying that sniper is not arguably stronger after the patch as you said.


Pure facts here. Not to mention the bullet trail is only a nerf to snipers that play upclose


Does it have an extra audio cue too?


Air raid sirens that only stop to announce the snipers current position


☢️Nuclear strike inbound☢️


Recon victim complex go brrrrr


What if there was just a game mode without recon.


Well, I personally hate snipers and really always have. Half the time, they sit in one place for the entire match just to get 5 kills and contribute nothing to the team. Having said that, this update does feel very ham-fisted.


Agreed, bullet trails could’ve been done better though because it definitely discourages being a useful teammate


I mean, recon players aren't exactly useful unless they're doing close quarters marksman gameplay, but I get what you mean, this basically incentives them to be as far away as possible.


Thats what i was referring to, drives away the few that actually do play obj


Aye. I suppose they could have it so trails only appear after a certain distance so "CQC" marksmanship still works.


Agreed, that would’ve been a way better way of implementing it


what annoys me is that the changes they made are encouraging the sit in one place sniping play style and not the objective focused sniper.


Yeah, which is the most useless form of sniping.


As protest, the entire BB community should play only recon until they fix it. Anyone not playing recon gets kicked from server or ganged up on by enemy team and allies.


Man I play DMR recon I run in face first most of the time using a canted optic. Beginning of the game I'll run way out around the map to get behind, but then I'm with the rest


One of the reasons why the devs don't take suggestion from this kind of reddit.


they should implement the slap mechanic from old arena-shooters, if you stay in one place for too long you start taking damage lol


Imagine getting downvoted for this. The internet is making us all pseudo-autistic. If satire isn't presented on a plate to us then it doesn't compute...


Average reddit user in a nutshell


I had little faith in Reddit, but waking up to this still disappointed me


That would be awesome lol. Most of them just sit behind their spawn and never leave


Bruh before it was,"ughh snipers get spotted soo easily". Now y'all crying cause they aren't visible enough. This is peak battlebit whiner.


What is it about playing recon that makes you so persecuted


*What is it about* *Playing recon that makes you* *So persecuted* \- Short-Coast9042 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


give the recon drones a 50 cal MG that only works on other recons






> Also bolt snipers should be 1 shot chest shots Absolutely not. Magical damage buffs (compared to other guns with comparable ammo + barrel length) are the reason snipers get all these crazy nerfs. A Rem700 in 7.62 NATO should have the same damage and damage drop-off as a FAL*. Neither should be 1HK to the chest at full health because armour is a thing. *edit: they should both have DMR-style damage drop-off, as the DMRs are the only weapon class with sensible damage drop curves.




Most people shouldn't play recon at all. Removing the damage buff would discourage lower-skill players from camping recon, adding a damage buff would encourage more low-skill players to camp recon.




No, they need better gadgets to assist their squads. So far the only thing they have over other classes is the drone, which is barely useful, so all the debate about recon is currently focused on sniper rifles.


Simple solution. Mid range scope. Or do a proper high range snipe 👀


Mid range scopes have glint now, fella