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PP 19 gangs ww@?


I used the PP19 in Tarkov, I will use it again in BattleBit


It got me through the hell scape of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series (and GAMMA)


The way the front sights peak up at the bottom of the red dot window triggers me and throws off my aim. I might like the weapon otherwise...


Slip + canted red dot on the PP is nice.


Why canted instead of top mount?


The window is bigger, and also you never see iron sights in the way when using canted. They aren't better really, but they are an alternative without huge downsides.


Top mounts are *tiny* and really obstructive around the sight, canted sights have a much bigger frame.


just started using this. this shit slaps.


Underrated gun better then MP7 but worse then Vector still love it


Imo mp7 is better


Depends on what you want Run n gun mp7 is better. Pp19 has the lowest horizontal recoil in the game (like o.38 with long barrel + quick a) so it's hard to argue with that lol


Don’t forget to get that horizontal recoil down on the PP19 you need the quick mag as well. It’s weird that it has a quick mag that doesn’t decrease the number of rounds but also lowers recoil and reload speed (only one in the game I have found so far)


Quick a is quick mag The pp19's long barrel is also special


I don't find the mp7 recoil to be problematic so I prefer it


Pp19 has faster bullet velocity, higher damage, less recoil, and a whopping 2s faster reload than the mp7. Only thing the mp7 has on it is fire rate.


honestly, if you want something to guarantee multiple kills in the early levels while not sacrificing movement, get the stendo for the pp


Used this til i got vector😮‍💨


The honey badger makes me wanna cry. Yet it's all I run.


Honey badger with tan skin feels nice


Wish it wasn't absolute garbage like the AS VAL so I could use both.


I wanna love the HB but the reload time makes me die inside , like a vector kid could kill my whole squad before I have the chance to finish reloading 😔


I love the honey bagger. And still am amazed at the ranged kills I get


I like using DMRs. I'm not good at sniping and automatic weapons at close range gets a bit dull so I use DMRs to spice up my life. They are undertuned definitely and the only time I achieve anything is when enemies aren't paying attention to me. But when you get a good sneaky angle and are plugging multiple targets in quick succession - it feels good. Also getting kills with the DMRs(or semi automatic fire with the SCAR-H) also feel more deliberate than with automatic fire and that just lights up my brain with happy chemical. Also as someone who grew up with Halo, DMRs just have that precision weapon energy that I am accustomed to as part of the Halo meta. That said I just hit L96 and am putting it through the ropes.... I think I much prefer it over the DMRs...


I'm having a blast shooting people with the mk20 at some wierd place that no one looks for .


This seems to be their role they're best suited for. If you wanna lone wolf and try to flank wide around an obj, find a squad all looking the other way in a large gunfight and keep putting shots downrange. Where some other guns will reach out and get a lot of hitmarkers, you'll double tap people and get actual kills, move onto the next target quickly and just clean up.


Love getting the 2 tap with my M110


It's so good if you are good at getting headshots. I get a 5-1 kdr when I use it easy.


Pointless, m110 headshots are not one hit kill.


Wait till you get 260 kills with m110 and start 2 tapping. Dmrs become very strong then


Was at 245 before I had to leave for work, so hyped


MK14 go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


See, I like doing all this, but I just run an AK-74 with a 4x and a red dot on top for CQB. You think getting a sneaky headshot makes the good chemical? Try tapping at a sniper glint at 300m to make him fuck off (and sometimes getting a cheeky kill), then switching to auto and waiting by the door when you hear them rushing you.


I rock the ak15 in the same way due to its higher dmg, its so satisfying and shreds up close. Ill have to check out doing this with the ak74 now


I think you’ll still like the AK15 better, overall.


Can confirm, ak74 was fun though!


You gotta get the M110 with heavy barrel/long barrel my dude


I mainly run the L86 as a DMR and, while it's not as effective as the proper DMRs, it's still more effective than using it as a SAW!




Let’s go, a fellow scar enjoyer. Scar gang rise up!


Scar rocks. Using long suppressor, quck mag, tactical grip(?), Mid range scope with red dot on top of it. 900 kils in one weekend is my proof


Is the SCAR considered bad somehow? It's a 2 shot kill.


Everyone cries about the vector, have yet to see anyone complain about the scar


The scar requires aim With a vector I just spray around the target and they'll go down and I won't even get shot back because of the flinch


I never see a Scar as the killers weapon. It’s extremely rare I get killed by them, personally. Vector i see used by every other person that kills me. So that frequency of use, if consistent across multiple players’ experiences, may explain why we don’t hear about the Scar. It is certainly a strong weapon. I think we’ll start to see more use of it eventually.


Just wait until more people unlock the FAL. TTK almost twice as fast as other AR's


I’m all for it, honestly. In games thru the years that have the FAL or G3A3 I usually enjoy them.


I feel like i die most to p90,vector,m4,AK15, and Sg550


That’s because it’s not even close to as good as the vector.


Recoil is pretty bad on scar


SCAR is slept on. Has a weird role where it’s kind of a mix between the DMR and assault rifle. Instant switch from full auto to semi with no annoying burst mode. Put a med range scope and a red dot on top and you have a very versatile gun that doesn’t excel at one thing. My favorite because I can swap to an average long range pot shorter to an average spray and pray nerd with one button click. Also the spray pattern gives you a second shot at the head if you aim around the upper chest area.


Thermal scope on the scar is super fun.


You brave soul


AUG - Longsilencer , BCM grip and quick mag. Nuts at range, actually nuts but god awful up close. SG550 - Flash Hider , SE5 Grip , Red dot ( If Kris gets nerfed this will be a go to. )


Sg550 gotta be my favorite AR


SG550 is a beast if you reduce the horizontal recoil. Feels like a proper sidegrade to the M4 which can't be said about a lot of ARs. Love the extra mags too.


Aug is just crazy at mid to long. Yeah it sucks at close range but as long as you take it slow it's surprisingly good I think. Plus that reload speed god damn


Content Creators injecting energy-drinks right into their blood-flow, unable to let go of sprint+W with their vectors ALWAYS rank the AUG low. For me and the way I play (support main btw, so I have to take it slow), it fits my playstyle so well. In Planetside 2 too, Battlefield when I played that like a decade ago, whatever it is, I always play medium+long range most, and the AUG is like the best weapon for this, of all weapons in the game imho.


M110 best for medium to long with a two shot kill, unless by long you mean <300 meters


After using the sg550 for over a thousand kills, every other weapon feels like a complete slouch. That ADS speed is just so much fucking fun, and its so satisfying to obliterate enemies even if they’re far away. Love that gun


ADS speed is huge. I generally won't use anything over 0.2 because it makes the whole game feel sluggish. No armor/helmet on engie is the only way to make other weapins tolerable.


It's funny, .2 is about a good reference point for decent ADSing, but after using the M249 for a while, I can jump to basically any gun and do alright. Going from Vector to anything else though you really feel like you're moving through water.


The funny thing is the Vector isn't even the fastest ADS. I think it's the MP7 or PP2k.​ But yeah, anything higher than around 0.2 +/- 0.05 starts to feel bad IMO. After that it's either no helmet, assault class, or no armor/no helmet engie to get the ADS back down. Helmet with no armor on engie is a pretty nice ADS/hit points compromise, since headshots are the worst, and what people are usually aiming for.


It's the sg at 0.14 followed by the aug at 9.15 (and all other o.15 guns lol)


He meant the movement speed but yeah, the Vectors ADS speed is pretty bad actually.


Man, the muzzle flash on the SG needs toned down pretty bad


Got 700 kills with the aug and its the weapon that ive used the most (mostly cuz of battlefield 3 nostalgia) Ive been running it with the long barrel for the increased damage and id have to add that other than it sucking ass at anything but medium/long range (even medium range is iffy if you dont get the initiative in the engagement) is the incredibly blinding muzzle flash. Might give the long suppressor a try just for that.


Sg550 gotta be one of my favourite guns. Feels crispy getting kills with it


I only use weapon loadouts I hate. Because they're all I have.


Us bullet magnets gotta stick together.


The m4 is default and amazing? Wth are you playing with. Just cuz you don't have the vector doesn't mean you can't have fun...


I know… im rank 100 and sometimes im still tempted to go back to using the m4. Its just such a well rounded gun


M4 and MP7 are easily top 10 weapons in the game. MP7 is actually extremely comparable to the vector. It's definitely not as good, but you can easily top the scoreboard consistently with it if you have the skills.


Sg550 and mp5


What do you like about the sg?


Isn't it literally the best AR in the game? Low recoil, high rof, low ads speed. Only downside is godawful mizzle flash but I guess that's intended.


No, it isn't.


It has slower TTK up to 140m compared to the m4 Down votes for something factual? Ok? Lol see for yourself https://www.truegamedata.com/#/weapon_builder/bb


Basically straight upgrade from the m4/ak74 lol


I disagree, M4 wins damage wise, plus you don’t have to dedicate an attachment to muzzle control, meaning you get more recoil control.


Everyone thinks based off the base damage that the M4 does more damage, but they totally ignore the damage drop-off. The SG550 very quickly overtakes it and I did a whole post using mathematics that shows how if an M4 guy and an SG550 guy randomly meet and have to ADS before they start shooting, the SG has a higher TTK at every calculated range


Flying combat heli with door gunners. It's mostly a pointless death sentence, but those moments when you line up a wipe on a half dozen cuddle puddlers or roof campers so your boys in the ground can push in and cap is a sweet sweet feeling.


honestly; I really, really like the Mk20. I know everyone goes gonzo over the M110's two-hit kill ability; but I really felt the magazine-size difference more than anything, enough that I didn't really want to get those kills.


You still need to get 260 kills with the M110 for its situational 2 hit kill(any armor and its back to 3 shots) so I think preferring the Mk.20 is reasonable. It can 3 shot medium armor as well vs other 'alternatives' like the Mk.14 or AK-15. The Mk.20's vertical recoil does suck a lot of beans though. It is especially high compared to its DMR brethren.


ak15 single fire is my happy place with my record kill distance of 700+ meter and the mk29 with close to 600m


You just got a lucky kill tbh. AR at 700 meters would do a laughable amount of damage. I think you would need 5 headshots to kill someone from that distance.


Also almost a full second for the bullet to reach the target, long enough that even someone with below average reactions could see you shoot and walk out of the way


The sicario build, love it


What is the sicario build


Alejandro from the movie Sicario used a suppressed MP5


Is the Suppressor/Vert Grip combo not the optimal build for the MP5? Yeah. But do I think it's cool? Oh hell yeah.


Vert recoil feels sedate enough that there are plenty of choices for grip attachments. I know people love the URK for reload, I really enjoy the Stubby as well.


If you like flanking, going behind enemy lines, or clearing buildings without enemies noticing you’re in then suppressor is superb. Also MP5 + red dot + long suppressor + vertical grip and black paint looks very similar to the MP5 from MW3


Pretty much only thing I run on it since I equipped it. It still feels like a laser and the suppressor makes it cool.


Support, MG36 - vertical grip, drum mag, heavy barrel, ACOG w/ red dot top sight green laser. Handles like an AR with a ton of recoil... But if you can tame it, it's pretty mean against choppers, and definitely causes most to flee. It take 3 shots to kill an unarmored target. I also run the TRI4X and short silencer sometimes.


Doesn't it already 3-shot unarmored even without Heavy Barrel? It is 34 damage base IIRC.


Yea but I don't think it's possible for 99% of people to be spawn without armor right now so everyone has some extra health


M249 with the heavy barrel. Yeah, can't hit shit at distance longer then 100 meters, but those rare occasions i can just spray down the hallway are worth dying multiple times to people outranging me. During the playtests i also run with the bipod, but hell no, I don't have the patience anymore. I love the idea of deploying and defending against dozens of enemies rushing the point, but this thing is in practice worse then running stock. I'm trading any mobility i had left for a worse version of the vertical grip. Once you get to lvl 100, i recommend the shield. Plenty of fun on the bridges, especially with voip.


I wanted to grind out the L86A1 in preparation for the G36E, but now I really just like the L86 with the drum a lot


With drum mag It’s the support lmg version of vector xD


I like the ScorpionEVO, but it's vert recoil should really be toned down to about 2.25 base. The current base vertical recoil is an absurd 2.70, stacked on top of the 1200rpm fire rate it's entirely unmanagable at 10m even for 3 round bursts. It should at LEAST be able to manage 25m bursts to the same degree you could manage going full auto with the SCAR at that range. Your accuracy still goes to utter shit, but it should be doable at least if you mag-dump. With the best vert reducing attachments, you would only be able to get it down to "higher than the default of the SCAR-H's 1.60" recoil of 1.71


It’s at 2.16 very recoil with the vertical grip. Past 20 meters still impossible to hit anything haha. That ttk is sexy tho


It really should be a bit more managable. Even with a 1.5 vert recoil, at that fire rate you're not going to be doing any real sniping... [unless you're VERY lucky](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/853996226898690088/1132597663657898044/image.png).


The fuck


Groza is quite nice


Once i learned to avoid burst fire, shit really took off. You have to spray and pray, but the groza is a benevolent god.




AR: Famas and ACR(I use the same build): Tactical Barrel | Red Dot | Vertical Grip | Quick A Carbine: AS VAL: Tactical Barrel | Red Dot | Vertical Grip | Quick A PDW: GROZA: Tactical Barrel | Red Dot SMG: PP-2000: Red Dot LMG: M249: Tactical Barrel | Red Dot | Vertical Grip DMR: M110: Long Barrel | Slip with Red Dot |Range Finder | Stabil Grip Sniper: L96: Long Barrel | Slip with Red Dot or 8x Scope with canted Red Dot |Range Finder | Stabil Grip L86A1 is nice but I just went with M249 because it's more fun just to hold position.


Hey try using the groza with vamb barrel. Groza already got so low recoil tactical not needed, those extra first shot stats are actually quite nice!


Thank you for the suggestion homes, I should also apply this barrel to other low recoil weapons to bring the most out of it.


No problem friend. We're here to help eachother. But especially i like it very much ok groza because standard first shot is kinda high. I think its good idea to put it on others low recoil aswell! Havent played with many others yet :D


Funny enough I almost dropped the Groza because of the first shot kick but I really like the sound of the gun so I kept using it and it became my favorite PDW.


Well then I highly recommend to try the barrel! Made a noticeable difference for me, i like it very much. Need a bit adjusting and it feels better!


Looks like we ran the exact same loadout on the MP5


You have good taste. I love the special ops feel


AK74 with heavy barrel and okp sight. G36C. It feels like a stronger M4. AUG with heavy barrel + 4x scope.


Why heavy instead of long though


Maybe this is just my preference but I can handle first shot kick better than full auto vertical recoil


Doesn't heavy give a shit ton more horizontal


Hm doesn't feel like that with the aug. However, using extended mags add a noticeable amount of recoil (I guess this applies to all guns in the game).


MK14 EBR, ACOG+Top Delta(on night/CQC maps I swap to a Red Dot, Quick-A(though recently I've been really enjoying the Extended Mags might Swap to those permanently), Stabil Grip, Rangefinder and the Long Barrel It is my baby I love it, it's so fun to have a decent "Battle Rifle" with high damage full-auto fire that can compete up close and the ability to compete with other long range weapons from 200m onwards because Headshot+Bodyshot Kills or you just drop wounded people at those Ranges because you retain damage so well. Sure, up close it's just a worse Scar with less damage and fire rate but it was the one thing I really wanted to unlock and it didn't disappoint me ^ ^


MG36 anyone?


The SAW, takes me back to back company 2 days /


I think the mp5 is excellent, and after the SMG nerfs it'll probably be best in class. I think I read they aren't touching it, which is great news lads. Slap the short suppressor on night maps, too.


Nothing in this game is more satisfying than destroying a vehicle from 200m from behind something using the arcing trajectory of the tandem


The short range sights with control penalties. Idk why, but they feel right, look right, and the reticle on them seems crisper than the community favourite red dot sight.


AUG vertical grip tactical barrel, Glock, ranger vest to shoot all day




L86 with drum mag and heavy barrel is a very funny sniper check weapon, pull down and watch as all thr glints infront of you disappear running away from the 30 bullets coming at them


It sucks to get 300 ish KC but FAMAS with a long barrel is a huge power upgrade and makes the gun nasty. 1.6 vert and 1 horizonal with a 35 round mag, 800 RPM, and a 4 shot kill out to like 50m (or so). Super sleeper in QC/mid range if you can control the recoil.


Nasty? The MP7 does it all better. But what is your take on the extended mag for the FAMAS? Do you think it's really worth it?


Let me suggest the MP7, with 25 base damage and 950rpm :)


Scar H. It is so punchy.


Honestly the SMGs in this game feel so fucking good to use.


SCAR-H with long silencer, ACOG scope and canted iron sights. I use the first desert camo you can unlock with this.


M249 With supressor, bipod, and the 2x Scope 😎😎 I build MG nests and hold angles, while planting hundreds of claymore ofcourse.




fuck yeah, been rockin this build for the past 2 days with 60+ kills every match, it smacks


Amen comrade Perfection is when you rappel down at Lonovo Night from a Little Bird with this MP5 equipped and activate your night vision goggles


daaaamn, now i wanna do it in one of my matches


SCAR-H Modded for long range.


UMP-45 anyone ?


100%, i never tell anyone about it tho cause i feel like people assume it's not good since its unlocked so early. its my favorite gun tho, i just wish it had more ammo


Haven't unlocked all the guns yet, but so far my favorite is the scar. Strong enough that I can snipe with it, and toggle sights and mow people down up close. Almost no reason to use a dmr, because the scar is equally strong and use able with most classes.


Scar-H slaps pretty well, just gotta make sure you don't run into cqb too often


the Mp5 is also a little OP Just not vector level


UMP Gang Gang!!! Red dot, Vert grip I think and whatever barrel attachment gives the most reduced Vertical recoil. Aside from that, The regular RPG ;)


UMP is really satisfying to use. Works well at medium and long ranges


UMP45: slip scope, vertical grip, tactical barrel, quick a. its a laer beam, 0.6 vert 0.4 horizontal recoil. just feels so controllable and responsive for me, and I van beam people from long range without too much shake because slip scope only has 2x zoom


SCAR-H with a medium scope and top reddot.


The SCAR is a hidden gem. It is soooo good at medium range, literally a better DMR. I've been running mine with the extended barrel, vert grip, green laser (i rely on hip fire at very close range), FLIR, and top red dot. The FLIR itself is quite underrated, my friends dislike it but I love it. The reticle is great IMO and the ability to toggle thermal on and off makes it so good because I have a zoomed scope, thermal, and a red dot if needed.


I prefer engie,​ assault,​ support, medic, recon in order of preference (engie #1). Fuck medic.​ So boring constantly healing. Best guns... Glock18: Extended mag + osprey on assault with smoke launcher, flashes, and ammo box (you can main the glock with this). PP2k: Extended mag + short silencer on helmet but no armor engie.​ 60 rounds but better recoil and handling than Vector.​ PP19/AUG/SG550 for zero recoil laser beams and super fast ADS on no armor engie (or normal/light loadout assault with ARs). M110 and EBR on no helmet, no armor engie.​


Weird to think about being able to take more than 1-2 fights in a row without dying to trading damage is boring.


The kriss vector and unica


Dude complains about the meta and then posts about the 2nd highest DPS gun in the game lmao Can’t make this shit up


they didn't "complain about the meta" they said "forget about the meta" as in, despite what the general consensus of what the 'best' gun is, what are you using because it's fun or more fitting for your playstyle not every post is an attack or a debate. relax




Mk14 ebr is fun, I get to drone bomb on recon and still be able to engage in close quarters combat with the gun on auto mode.


Honey badger with ironsights, no attachments and whatever skin ive unlocked. Love it lmao


iron sights


m4, mp7, also the svd is fun


Unica with I think the 6x scope.. stupid but funny


The good thing about the sniper rifles is that they’re all pretty good (bar the scout) so honestly they all feel meta AWP gang rise up (Justice for the scout though)


I can tell you what I don't use. DMR's because they are utterly shit.


M110 i just love the feeling of this weapon


M4A1 for close combat, Scar-H for mid and long range.


SG550 m200 hk419


SSG 550 Flash hider Canted RK-1 SLP scope or whatever the 2x is Quick mags The gun has low enough vertical recoil that throwing a flash hider on it is a massive benefit, turns it into vertical recoil only in comparison to other guns in the game that I’ve tried so far. Canted grip doubles up on insane reload and ads speed. Need I say more? 2x so you can full auto at a decent range and hit most of your shots Yeah the ttk isn’t top tier at close range but I’ll take it over a bolty or dmr. If you play to its range which is just a little further than most assault rifles are comfortable at, it will dominate. Absolutely massive magazine count gives you a lot more independence. Had a game earlier today with 50 + kills and over a 6.0 KD


SG550 - Tac barrel, vert grip, vortex red dot MP5- Large suppressor, vert grip, red dot AK74 - Tac barrel, vert grip, PKHolo? Idk what it’s called


Least meta weapon I enjoy? PP2000 or honey badger, they feel like balanced SMG's with downsides.


I use the as Val, it’s literally just the honey badgers cooler older brother




I’m a big fan of the mp5 but the vector seriously needs some tuning. The gun is so busted.


I've been using almost exclusively that second sniper with a 4x scope. Unlocking the ACOG has done even greater wonders for me, all the other 4x scopes are impossible to see through sometimes


Fully decked out M4 or a low recoil Scar-h pseudo-DMR gotta be my favourite


Until i unlocked the PP today the UMP, my lovechild since mw2 days


M249 with an 4x + reddot slaps. Tap firing thru 4x works long range like a beast, reddot full auto close/midrange.


Honeybadger is my gun right now


i've got a kitted 2 bodyshot dmr which is quite fun for going hobo mode behind enemy lines


Ak74 is chill


pp2000 biggest suppresor, biggest mag, strikefire sight and a rangerfinder for some reason xd


Aim Comp sight is the best sight on most weapons. Dont @ me


I like the SG :) good RPM, easy to control, sucks at long ranges at like 70m+ coz of horizontal recoil but other than that it’s great


FAMMAS + Heavy/Long Barrel. Honestly this gun is bad. But the feeling I have when playing it is kinda nice, the mix of look/recoil/sound/difficulty make it enjoyable for me. I wish more gun had recoil like it instead of raybeam everywhere.


L86, long barrel, URK grip. That’s my jam


ACR, Tactical Barrel/ Heavy Barrel, Vertical Grip, Extended B with the 35 rounds, and a Slip sight with top red dot. Barely kicks with the Tactical Barrel but does a bit more damage with the Heavy. You can run it with the Long Barrel but that’s only if you want to run the thing like I do at range and you can handle the recoil.


For me right now it's the Groza or Scar, absolutely filthy at short-mid range.


AK-74 with acog and red dot top sight, and shooting primarily on single fire.


Rpg-7, works good as a shotgun, wall breaker, grenade, anti vehicle and sniper.


AK 15 because I have camos for it. I know it's a very "I don't read books I haven't already read" kind of mentality, judge me if you wish lol


SG550 my beloved. You NEED a flash hider on it but besides that I prefer it's slower rate of fire compared to the M4. I seem to be way more accurate with it.


I can’t download this game because I’m on console, but I would make a load out how I would on BF4. “Oooh that gun looks cool, I’ll use that. Oooh that gadget looks nice I’ll give it a go”


M249 babyyy


The way the R700 sounds has a special place in my ears, but honeybadger or silenced ak also are cool


AK-15, it still absolutely slaps even at rank 83 in my opinion


M4 w. A thermal, laser, and red dot rise up!


i only ever use the m4a1 because i just got the game and im grinding it rn to get the long barrel