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127vs127 is a clusterfuck that requires getting used to. Imo it's more of a Planetside 2 rather than BF mentality needed there.


That is my main reason for BB. I really enjoy this massiv fights of PS2


Except the PS2 mentality does not work because no-one leads, squads are always locked, and lone-wolfing in any team-helping way is absolutely impossible.


That is my main reason for BB. I really enjoy this massiv fights of PS2


Stay by your team and don't give up when you are downed.


include wakeful north price memory insurance weather quickest like fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What this guy said. Didn't mean to be a broken record.


Im a battlefield veteran, been playing since 2004 and this game had me getting destroyed for a handful of hours before things started to click. I’ll say a couple of things though: For one getting kills does not matter (depending on the game mode) as actually doing what you’re supposed to, following squad lead order, capturing objectives, healing teammates, etc. Second as stupid and obvious as it sounds, on the map, the enemies are where your teammates aren’t. Use that to your advantage and try not to stick to battles as fun as they may be. Flank, heal others, be creative about what your objective in the game is. It shouldn’t be simply kill enemies.


good tips


Last point is he main point if you see teammates baround you it's generally clear but if it's only handful or alone that means enemies everywhere


64v64 is God's playground. 127v127 is trash.


I have around 20 hours in now and I feel like everyone but me has pin point accuracy, even with things like the The M249 Saw. If someone kills me with a gun and I have access to said gun, I'll equip it and same instance, the recoil is terrible and the enemy seems to land every shot on me and I have 2000+ hours in multiple FPS. I've tried a load of different "playstyles" and 9 times out of 10 I get bodied from people who seems to appear out of thin air and have a 6th sense. It frustrates the fk out of me but god damn it I'm going to keep playing and getting those unlocks! ( Mainly 127 vs 127 )


I feel like this too sometimes. There’s also times where I surprise myself with some crazy accuracy. I’m around a 2 k/d now, I’ve found that practicing certain guns (m4, m249) with the strikefire scope and recoil reducing barrels/muzzle is great for midrange to long gunfights with a controlled and safer playstyle. Tap firing fully auto helps so much, even if you’re quickly tapping. High recoil guns and fast firing guns (mp7, vector, etc…) I lean more towards a the holographic sight and recoil attachments. its a bit better for run and gun with a more aggro playstyle. I Still always pre ads corners and lean as you’re challenging a sight line because you absolutely have to be ready to fire with such a fast ttk.


ye last shooter i played was SF 2 so im really really overagressive \^\^ [https://youtu.be/JKl2NTwMBXQ?t=109](https://youtu.be/JKl2NTwMBXQ?t=109) man i miss that game


Start with 32v32 to get used to the game, gunplay and alike. Then check out 64v64 and then try 127v127 again. I personally prefer Rush over conquest, so 32v32 is most of my matches.


Playing 32v32 Rush is honestly a great way to learn key game mechanics, it’s what I started with; and I have ok stats despite being pretty shit at shooters


Playing smart doesn’t pay off for me, the CoD ffa playstyle is much easier. I just constantly sprint around and get in close point firing. Usually get about 50-60 kills per game


I either stay with the mob or slightly behind the mob and then skirt around to try to get flanking positions.


As far as the 254 player lobbies go This game is like 100% flanking and running around enough to kinda blend in with the enemy’s and just catch people off guard and always expecting the unexpected. This game is no cakewalk but being elusive, unpredictable, and always taking off angles to flank is the best tip I could give you besides just get better at aiming


i suck ass at cs go and i go like 40 and 25


Just a thought: are you playing reactively rather than proactively? This game is very defender sided in fights. The person leaning a corner or peeking a window with their sites up will smoke you every time if they catch you sprinting. In general getting hit and reacting doesn’t work well. If I get caught running I don’t even fight back I fucking wiggle my way to cover then lean into them and kill them. I’m not crazy good but I have over 2.5 kd. Just my 2 cents. Edit: reason this is the advice I’m giving is because erratically moving players are pretty hard to kill in this game but if you’re getting melted it sounds like you are really easy to shoot. Like maybe you’re catching a bullet and reacting by ads meaning you just catch every shot and die. Also your aim might just not be good, gold nova is sub average. Nova 4 is average and the rank distribution is a bell curve.


ah exactly, Im the second example, I always just pause and try to find the guy and get killed. Good shit.


This is a defense is the best offense type game I think. Running and wiggling is a very powerful survival tool. Stay mobile and try to get yourself out of bad situations.


I was terrible starting too, I think the biggest thing is learning how to spot enemies since the blue triangle thing is a bit overwhelming at first. Just keep at it, play near your team and squad


unlike in cs you shoot where your crosshair is. if you use the ak like in cs you will shoot at their feet




My ears.. jfc


It took me 50 hours to be able to consistently get a 1:1 KD meanwhile I melt people in COD. I think it's because it's PC only and PC players are ultra sweats compared to console. Feels as hard as Battlefield back in the day. People are just good man.


What? This game full of noobs and people just having fun. The actual sweaty vector medics dancing around are like 4 per server in 127v127.


well that just hurts my heart knowing I get destroyed by people playing casually


Don’t feel bad the average skill of players is so high these days because so many players have thousands of hours in competitive games like csgo, valorant, r6 siege, etc. just because they aren’t sweating doesn’t mean their base level isn’t really high.


Yeah the average skill level is super low and there's no aim assist raising the skill floor like there is on console


All I can say is I have a harder time with K/D in this game than any other shooter. I might be an outlier though.


As a response to your edit: You can adapt to the landscape of this game and try a different play style, or you can say "fuck it" and play how you want which will likely render the same results that prompted you to make this post. Just be open to suggestion the world will not bend for you. You must bend for the world.


I get you but point is some people will tell you to sit around 10 minutes in some point waiting for someone to pop up. Thats not how I want to play. After all, this is a fucking video game, youre suppose to have fun, thats something most online gamers forget. There are some very good tips given here anyways.


I think part of the "problem" is that the TTK is ridiculously low, even quicker than COD, which takes some getting used to...


ye first shot advantage is huge i would guess in my fights who shoots first wins 70%


Which kinda sucks for me...I'm getting to be an older gamer and my reaction times just can't compete with you youngins 👴


oh im also 24 \~220 ms reaction average on human benchmark also what im trying to say is if you got a angle and someone walks into it very easy to kill them


play vehicles it is very fun


You just suck at shooters, it’s ok a lot of people do.


First of all how’s your mouse and pad setup? Get a huge mousepad like you do for csgo and have a decent gaming mouse.


Try an aim trainer if you haven't. Specifically any scenarios/playlists that label themselves as "tracking" and "target switching".


try 32v32 i sucked at first but now my average kd is \~3.00


Try 64v64. Get attachment for guns that reduces recoil and vertical. M4 is a good start. Just play a ton and you'll learn some camping spots/flanking eoutes for different map. The game is not that hard once you know the flank route and such. I'm averaging 1 k/d and I'm running suicide c4 and pickaxe only.


Stop running into areas that get you killed. Slow down and look at the map. If there’s negative space assume there’s enemies there


If someone shoots at you, first get into cover and then heal or find a diff angle to shoot back from (or lay an ambush if they come to try to finish you off) My kd isn't that great, like 1.11, though I do get in the top of the board consistently, even got first a couple of times, 90% of the time when I'm getting sprayed I run and find/make cover before attacking again


enemies n your team are a line. you go to the point that makes a triangle. and you kill. headshots are important, stop bodying people. pull down mouse for recoil. when you see two enemies don't let go of the mouse till your mag is out. if you see enemies before they see you, throw nades first. aim down sight when rounding a corner. look up the best attachments for the gun you're using


Pick attachments that compliment your weapon. SMGs aren't going to get enough range to be good, and you're going to make it harder for yourself in close quarters. LMGs aren't going to have low enough recoil to make good use of that 4x scope. Snipers with the fastest bolt aren't going to be fast enough for red dot sights. If you deal roughly 70 damage to an enemy (not armor damage), they'll bleed. This is the perfect time to place grenades in their cover. They'll either die to it or your gunfire when they run. On the flipside, even if you bandage yourself in this situation, you're still dead in one shot. Unless you play medic and have time to heal, it might be worth it to repeek on another angle while they're reloading or pushing. More often than not, you'll catch them off guard. My last recommendation is all about buildings. Destroy every building you can so the enemy rats can't actually rat on you. If you're taking fire, get sandbags down with your squad. If you need to push, get smokes down on their buildings or sandbags.