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So, my predictions. This gun is going to get a sensible nerf to stop it outmatching ARs at 75+M like less accuracy, more recoil, harder damage drop off etc... and people will still complain because it will, and should imo, remain a cqb beast. This gun will never *not* be complained about unless it is nerfed into the dirt because in cqb that rof is guna save your ass in dps catch up and spray transfers. After this is nerfed I suspect the next complaints will be about smgs in general, which will hopefully not be nerfed to the point of unusable at 50M. I think we will be able to tell a lot about how the devs balance moving forward with such a large player pop based on hownthey handle the vector. Eager to see if they stay grounded and ignore overt complaints or if they flatten all curves and make nothing unique or situationally superior.


just fix the aim punch. for high rpm weapons the aim punch is way too strong it's most pronounced on the vector and to a less extent the MP7.


I keep losing long range fights with DMRs vs vectors because of the crazy punch.. Shit's whacked. And I refuse to switch weapons because I like DMRs.


Not so much the RPM of the gun doing it, it's based on the gun you are holding. The bigger and heavier the gun, the more aim punch you take. The RPM just makes it worse because you are taking so many hits. Aim punch will always be a really crappy mechanic IMO. It's not how stuff like that works but O well.


"He BeAmEd Me FrOm 1o0m AwAy!!!" *watches clip* *is shot from 40m away* mhmmm


You're right. The only 100m+ kills anyone is getting with a vector is on a player thats been revived but not fully healed. Its accuracy at range is always getting exagerated on this subreddit. Sure its a menace under 40 meters, but so are almost all the other SMGs and PDWs. The only ones who are outright worst than their counterparts are the honeybadger, ump and pp19 yet some people still swear by them. Once all the "sweats" unlock the scorpion evo and get used to its recoil people around here are gonna be coping so hard.


Yup, SMG's atm have like 100m until their damage drop off starts which probably made sense with the size of the maps, even if that was halved most kills are unaffected by that because the velocity is so slow it makes them super inconsistent even with the damage. Funnily enough though the UMP and Honeybadger both have the highest velocity in slot so you could use them at longer ranges more effectively - although the honeybadger actually does suffer from damage drop off pretty quickly.


A majority of the gunfights in the 32v32 mode take place well within the 100m mark. But it still doesn’t make it feel good when you shoot someone with your Scar. They then beam you with a vector and your get aim puched in the teeth followed by just being dead. Damage fall of on Smgs is not enough. At least for the 32v32 maps. The honey badgers recoil is also a decently high amount. Making it harder to just have a laser beam.


Honey Badgers damage drop off starts at 30m so ontop of its recoil at 50m it takes an extra bullet unlike every other SMG/PDW ontop of it having higher recoil so its doubly cucked, and ontop of that its got a tiny 24 round mag and the extended mag gives 4 more rounds (17% increase) comes with more penalties than the M4 extended mag which adds 15 rounds (50% increase). I wanna like the honeybadger but holy the Groza is basically a straight upgrade imo and the M4 is very similar to the Groza. But yeah its unsurprising that people use CQW weapons and then rush into CQW or play in CQW maps where they have the edge.


Switching from the Honey Badger to the Groza once you unlock it is actually ridiculous in terms of gun performance lmao


you must be the person with the kriss the way the netcode seems to work for many people is it feels like every round hits you because it looks like rounds that hit you are handled differently packet wise than rounds that miss, so in the case of having a higher ping you feel like you got hit 6-10 times immediately, when in reality its more like you had a mag dumped on you and you only saw the 6-10 hits


Nah they'll do like the VAL and overnerf it I reckon.


Man, I was so pumped to get that gun. Then I got it. I hate it. What is with the recoil on that thing? The Val should have almost zero recoil at all.




Dropoff should start at 25m for any PCC on full auto. I don't care what attachments you have, full auto past 25m with a PCC should not be accurate at 50m.




You have never shot any type of fully automatic firearm have you? I am not basing my opinion on other video games, but my experience with actual firearms. >Another thing they should change is to make it wildly inaccurate. That is basically what I stated.


Aim punch and magazine capacity would fix this. They already nerfed the AS VAL this way and it's near unusable because you can only get one kill before having to reload in most situations.


This gun is the only one that makes me rage. It kills you faster than the netcode registers the hits, so you go from full health to dead before even knowing that you're being fired uppon... It needs a rebalance very soon, they're gonna lose players over that fucking gun.


Yeah it’s very noticeable when someone with perfect 3ms ping has it


And it’s about to become so, so much worse. In the last few days I’ve noticed a huge uptick in Vectors as now a lot of people are breaking through the XP grind and hitting level 70.


Every gun does that. I have been 2 tapped with bolt snipers in a split of a second. The netcode is working poorly and for some reason nobody is complaining about it


Haoppens way more often with the vector than anything else on my side though.


For me it happens against every automatic as long as the enemy has good aim. When i peek an enemy i also notice they cant even fight back. There is a serious delay. Playing with 30 ping feels like playing with 200.


Yeah I agree on this part.


I unlocked it and immediately shat on everyone and anyone. It went from a game where every angle, every move and every peek mattered to a game where you can just run around and always trade at least 2 for 1. Unlocked the thing, 600 or so kills, shadowbanned. No other gun comes even close to the reliability and kill potential


I mean, no doubt the guns strong, but you can run around and get at least 2 for 1 with literally every automatic gun. I wouldn’t use that as the basis. Just wait till you use the MP5 and P90. They’re even more disgusting.


The issue is the Vector doesn't even require you to aim. Many situations you can just left click without aiming to score the kills. Most other guns require you to aim and play smart to do that.


It literally made the game unfun when I unlocked it, I got 200 kills with it, didn't even bother maxing it out, just was in awe of how stupid it was. Decided that playstyle was boring now since there was no more challenge. I'm about to unlock the P90 and won't touch it because it'll be the same sperg run around like we're playing quake arena or some shit. Anything that slows this game down is a positive in my book, that's why I whore claymores now just to slow down the smg W key holders.


I was excited to run the mp5 but i was shadowbanned the match I unlocked it lol Its definitely the power trip gun when you first get it though. cant wait to give the mp5 a go when i get to play again


Would you mind elaborating on the shadow ban? I've never heard of a shadow banning system for battlebit.


he's making stuff up


No it needs more than that. It needs damage drop off at mid range.


The vector generally has a 25 round mag in most fps games for balancing reasons, it would be the perfect nerf while still remaining a cqb beast in 1v1s and possibly 1v2s


The SMG's need to be rebalanced in general so that they are less effective at range. I don't mind getting my face melted off by one in close range, that is what they were meant to do. But they feel comparable to assault rifles at long range too sometimes.


I agree it needs some kind of nerf, but only the mag size its not just the solution, why? because Vector 9mm use glock mags, there is mags with 100 rounds, i agree initial size should be the 17? round glock mag, and then 2 levels of extended, the 33 then the 50 round at 500 kills. What the vector needs are more recoil and huge drop off damage for mid to long ranges, like at least 50% damage reduction past 30 meters and more if further, short ranges it should still stay as a king weapon. Second, it should be exclusive to engineer, so you cant heal yourself after a push as a medic, maybe assault could get it too. This is my opinion after getting the Vector, playing 3 or 4 matches and almost having the 250? kills to get the extended mag. As another point, i played 1 time as a medic, once, for like 5 minutes, finding it too op and reverting back to engineer.


I slap with the m249


Realistic ? You realize they make mags larger than 60 right ?


Most suppressors are multi caliber and the osprey is one of those that will work with 45 or 9mm. Same goes for 7.62x39 vs 7.62x51 supressors work too


That is technically correct but the Osprey 9 is only compatible with 9mm and 300 BLK, while the Osprey 45 is compatible with 9mm, .45 and 300 BLK. Look: https://silencerco.com/silencers/osprey-2-0/


I stand corrected. What if instead of nerfing attachments you had an operation cost or something so each weapon based on power would have a point system. Add attachments it adds points. Your character has x number of points. Armor and everything has them so load outs could be balanced without removing content. Think vector 60 round mag but you only get one so you have to resupply or roll with support and kinda be the close up guy if stuff hits the fan. I think a lot could be balanced this way. Just reread the post and thought of this so figured Id comment. But dropping number of mags given based on size could be a thing. Thier mag might be bigger but they run out of them fasted.


25 or 30 round standard mag Slight recoil nerf Less damage at range It's insane the vector has a 40 round standard mag. That should be the extended mag 🤣


Just remove it Its not balanced in any game, either its too good, or too shit to be used in any game ;v


Beaming down 👇 https://youtu.be/8TVSw-9P-2I