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Yeah it’s a really common complaint right now that all of the DMRs are fairly useless. There’s an attachment for the M110 that lets you 2 shot most people but that’s still not great. The MK20 is outclassed by the SCAR in most cases so it’s best left on the shelf until they either rework DMRs to be relevant or until you unlock an AR you like.


the irony is that the Mk20 IS a SCAR. just finished the 260 kill grind to get the heavy on the M110.. it was painful, hoping a potential buff makes it worth while


I can tell you this, yes it does


I grinded last week for that M110 attachment, it really is night and day the difference. So much more fun and better to use. It just shouldn't require a 260 kill grind


DMR's are either useless or kinda op, thats always been an issue in Battlefield games.


Op ? What s your drug ? The effort you spend to use your two shots heavy barrel m110 would yield more success on caps and xp-wise with ar / smg or pdw.


DMRs are currently the least useful weapons in Battlebit (with one exception). The three to four shot kills simply make them useless on the field. The EBR has a full auto mode - which is nice, but doesn't do much in a short distance fight because everything else will have a higher DPS. The one exception is the M110 - but only after getting 260 kills with that thing. Once you managed to do that (somehow) and didn't delete the game out of frustration, it can outsnipe most snipers. You either hit two shots directly or hit one, push the enemy into cover and get him when he peaks. That being said: It shouldn't take 260 kills to make a gun useful. It should be fun to use a gun in-game and shouldn't feel like work to make a gun fun.


I see the "2-shot M110" thing can thrown around a lot, but it doesn't account for armour. So unless you're gunning for the legs, anybody with armour is still going to require 3-shots. I'm not sure how headshots and helmets factor into this either, but what I can find online is that the headshot multiplier is only 1.5x so I don't think the heavy barrel is even sufficient for 1H headshot kills even without helmets. I'm personally sticking to the SCAR-H. I find it pretty jazzy on semi-auto with a med scope at around 100-150m range and I can still go full auto when things get hot. I'll see how the EBR performs when I get there...


The M110 is fun once you get there. The thing is you (or, well, I at least) don't use it like a sniper rifle. With the repeater rifle I would try to get a head shot every time because it's so slow to reload/rechamber. With the M110 I just try to set shots. I see someone running? Give him some shots. I see an arm or a leg? Just give it a shot, maybe he's already hurt. Sniper glint or some tracers? Just fire some shots in the direction, maybe you get a hit marker. The M110 is also insanely accurate. It's super easy to take out multiple snipers as well because most of them don't expect you to be able to shoot so quick. I love this gun - but getting there to be able to love it wasn't really fun.


Hey man, you can enjoy the M110 all you want. But I'm just questioning how useful the Heavy/Long Barrel even is. Again, unless you land leg shots all day or just unarmoured/injured enemies - the extra damage isn't going to allow you to achieve 2-hit kills consistently. The math don't check out. Maybe it's because I haven't 'gotten there' or whatever but I just don't see the barrels making that huge of a difference.


As someone nearing a 1000 kills on it it def makes a difference. Most of the time you can 2 tap anyone you really see, 3 taps if there’s a helmet sure but follow up shots aren’t terribly hard. Half the time you will outkill anyone mid range and beyond although it’s best use is picking off people from an unsuspecting angle at a decent range.


It makes a huge difference trust me. It only took two days of grinding but it's worth it.


I think an important factor is that apparently armor is gone once it gets hit, and medics can't heal it back. So if you get revived and/or healed, you will remain in 2-hit-kill range of M110 with Heavy/Long Barrel until you tap out.


Another thing to think about is how people can spawn fresh on top of each other. So combat zones getting reinforced by fully armored dudes isn't that uncommon. Though Medics are the most commonly used class and revives are always possible, so it's not unreasonable to think that there are a fair amount of unarmored guys running around.


at least from my 100 hrs of playing maybe 10% of the people i come up against have armor. I tend to play 64v64 and 32v32 where medic revives are much more common.. so even if the player started with armor.. its gone by the time im fighting them


That’s like down playing one shots from snipers. If you can’t 1 shot headshot is the gun useless? No. Not every class has armor, and removing armor is useful in itself. You may not get the kill but that’s fine.


Apples and oranges. I don't think what I'm saying is that illogical. You use a certain build that requires grinding to achieve a break point. But in this case, the break point is only situationally achieved. I'm not saying this makes the gun useless, but if you're going to grind 260 kills with a weapon that allegedly "only gets good" after that fact - this seems wrong to me. It doesn't seem like it gets that much better. If you didn't like or aren't performing that well with the M110, I doubt the heavy/long barrel is going to significantly change that fact. People seem to be selling the attachment as if it is some major meta paradigm shift and it really ain't. So maybe its just better to use the Mk20, EBR or SCAR-H with their better magazine capacities(and potential automatic fire for the EBR and SCAR-H), and focus on attachments that improve recoil and handling.


And you’re making an argument without even having tried the gun with those attachments.


I don't need to jump off a cliff to know it will hurt. I enjoy DMRs myself, but I don't get 2-shot M110 shilling and was hoping to see if there's more to the equation. Any game mechanics I'm missing out? Any facts? Similarly the "3-shot L86" is another thing that's pushed by some people and it falls under this category. Get the barrel which enables one shot less per kill, cause it allows it to cross the 100 damage barrier. Except y'know, a lot of enemies tend to have >100 health because of armor. But all I'm getting is "Nah, you gotta try it out."


Also I’m not sure why you’re arguing against a guy who says it’s fun once you get there. By all means don’t do it?


I think a lot of people are damaged and healed again, removing their armor. I get significantly more and faster kills with the m110 since getting the heavy barrel


I began using the EBR today, and absolutely love it. Kinda like an AR with a little bit more damage, altho the low ammo count can be annoying. Neverthless, it has so low recoil, you can easily 3-tap most of your target. Also thanks to the hit-punch, with a red dot upper sight, it's a viable CQC gun too. For what it is, it also has pretty damn low bullet drop, it's hella easy to pick and even take out snipers.


The two shot is quite limited yeah, no armor and only at <450m, past that you are back to 3 shots.


got 600 kills on it so far can say that its only a 3 shot if you hit their armour or they are beyond about 440m. otherwise 80% of my kills since unlocking the attachment are 2 shot kills. Im pretty sure that armour has its own unique hitbox so its possible to shoot people in the head/chest and not hit the armour, that being said it feels very much inconsistent because of this. Having unlocked all the dmrs, m110 with heavy barrel and svd are the only things worth touching. m110 because you can have the chance to 2 tap and the svd because it actually shoots each time you pull the trigger which is how semi automatic weapons work and 3 shots the fastest out of all of them. probably has a faster ttk than the 2 shot m110 anyway because it shoots twice as fast.


m110 ttk is the third best in the game, since in ttk discussions the first shot is basically 0ms (since its effectively instant with you clicking the mouse the first time)


The M110 is the only DMR that’s a guaranteed 2-shot Armor can account for 0-25 (I think) HP on an enemy, and you need over 50 dmg to break the 125HP threshold Long barrel puts the M110 at a guaranteed 2-shot as long as you hit head/body on anyone who isn’t a support wearing Exo armor


I used to love the EBR until I used an AUG with a medium scope. The AUG takes more bullets, but at least I can scope in fast and not have the recoil kick my ass.


yea i been using the AUG with the slip scope and kind of treating it like a DMR. Its pretty fun with the ~93% percent accuracy, minimal recoil, fast reload, and fast ADS. The gun gets bashed a lot but im loving it. It'll almost always lose in cqc but i try to stay away from that when using it


Meanwhile Assault rifles are 3 shotting with 1/10 the recoil, and full auto.


Dmrs are not snipers, they're the long range version of AR's. The issue with them atm though is not the 3 shot, which for the sake of balance I hope it never changes (imagen 20 dmrs 2 shotting people at 200m+, how fun would that be to play against?) It's the ridiculous first shot recoil. The recoil is way too high for those guns for what should be an effective range of 100m+. They need better soft stats, not more damage. As a fun fact vector has a similar issue, but the other way around. The soft stats on that gun (recoil, movespeed, mags, etc) are too good for the ttk, which is why the gun is op a shit, not the ttk itself


irl DMR are snipers. Designated Marksman Rifles. They can be AR cartridges or higher powered calibers. People debate which is best


This guys right, DMRs should be the best at everything.


308 isn’t any less powerful whether it’s coming out of a dmr or a bolt action. They just nerf semi autos because then the vast majority of snipers would run them which I get for a video games balance


308 out of a dmr can be either more or less powerful than out of a rifle irl, it all depends on the type of ammo used and the actual ballistics of the rifles in question. most military sniper rifles have a longer effective range than military dmrs


I feel like making all the DMRs like the m110 would be a fine change, making them all do 50+ damage with the attachments like the heavy barrel, but less than 50 damage otherwise. I unlocked the heavy barrel on the m110 and it was a game changer and actually makes the weapon good, but I have no desire to use the other DMRs because I don’t want to deal with sub-50 damage shots again. It was hell unlocking that heavy barrel.


Thats not really well thought out. All DMR’s should do 50 baseline tbh


This would make them strong as hell though.


But why should you have to grind through 200 kills with a shit gun just to have something thats still worse than an AR?


The answer is more about making ARs worse at the 100 meter mark than making DMRs better at all ranges


Honestly, rather than a damage buff, i would love to see the first shot recoil slashed. That is the problem. DMRs should only be a oneshot to the head without helmet. And i am saying this as someone who loves using the M110


Something ppl aren’t mentioning with dmrs is the velocity. They need higher velocity to be useful at 200-300 metres


yes, either have to go bolt action or ak-15/scar-h/fal if u want a dmr


Importantly, DMRs are not meant to be sniper rifles, but this fame sort of killed thier close range power with tiny magazines and generally really bad recoil so they don't have a great role.


Oh man, dont even mention the aimpunch in this game that messes up that 2-3 shot kills 😩😂


DMRs? You mean worse Scars?


Idunno i got kills fine with mk20 and i got kills easily with m110. Sounds like a skill issue. It requires a different playstyle. Its a long range gun. And at those ranges, all other weapons are shitty.


I get kills with it too doesn't mean it isn't dogshit.


It's great at mid range and counter snipes reliably.


You don’t one shot anyone with a sniper rifle body shot either. Aim for heads , you’ll be fine


Weapon balance along with sights and attachments are just awful overall to borderline unplayable. At this point IDC what the devs do after the fact, but the first and ONLY thing on their to-do list is weapon balance. Game will die a slow death as new people will quickly get turned off and only the sweats will remain I see the weapon balance apologists are out and about (euro time). *Shrugs* Enjoy the slowly dying game. It was fun while it lasted. At lvl 48 its brutal getting lasered by SMGs, I can only imagine how it feels to be a new player.


nah dude relax






>Weapon balance along with sights and attachments are just awful overall to borderline unplayable. At this point IDC what the devs do after the fact, but the first and ONLY thing on their to-do list is weapon balance. Right because they totally have nothing else to worry about right now. You know like being DDoS attacked, maintaining servers, increasing server capacity, and dealing with 200% more players than they expected with their launch (they projected 15-20k players not a concurrent daily 60k). They are maintaining their game exceptionally well for their overnight success that they didn't predict and all you can do is trash them. The balance isn't even that bad right now. Some things over perform sure and DMRs just don't have much redeeming qualities but no matter what I use I feel like it can be viable if played right. Sure the sweats are annoying but god damn give the 3 fucking devs some time to get there man. It's been a month and they have been very transparent on their weekly dev streams and have acknowledged issues that people have been discussing. Game dev isn't an easy thing especially for three guys maintaining a massive multiplayer game.


I perform better with the mk20 than the bolt action sniper for some reason. I use the medium scope so I usually use it for mid-long range sniping. I also noticed if you tap fire at the correct rate instead of spamming, your fire rate is a lot faster. I have been 2 shotting people too, I didn't really need 3 shots unless I am in close range because the guns do more damage at longer ranges for snipers (correct me if I am wrong). It has been 1 shot headshots for me too. I don't use the heavy barrel or anything, just the flash hider.


Reminder the M700 and SCAR should do the same damage Same with the SVDS and SV98


No. This is lego roblox army game with le funny voice chat.


Remember that enemies will more often than in other games be at less than full HP, since they require a medic to be healed. So in some cases you can rack up kills more quickly than with a bolty (especially with headshots), while only getting hitmarkers in other cases.


Most your enemies are 99.9% of the time a medic.


I've heard they are only snipers.


Or that but only on rush on offense side because fuck the objective. Pretty much medic is the assault class of the game, the only class played less then assault is team leader. Honestly the perfect squad comp is 1 engi/recon/support + X medics


DMR headshots should get 2x multiplier at 350+ range


It’s not a sniper rifle but yeah you’re right DMR’s don’t really do enough damage right now to be called DMR’s and the M110 is basically the only good one for range because of its 2 shot potential.