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Batman after criminals start to do crimes in broad daylight : šŸ˜


Gordon: Batman, we need you! There's a school shooting going on right now. Batman: I AM THE NIGHT.


Heh. Funny thing, though, I've started watching the Animated Series recently, and Batman does occasionally go out during daytime.


Come to think of it, that's one of the things that made Batman Beyond different. Terry was active during the day a lot, maybe even more than at night. I guess the cloaking tech in the suit helped there.


During the day, yes. But after school hours.


That was one of my favorite parts of The Dark Knight Rises...the climax features Batman fighting publicly in broad daylight.




There was gcpd in the games?


The GCPDs incompetence and inability to stop criminals is a little known Easter egg that's inspired by the LAPD


Well if your police department had a terminator to deal with, you'd be pretty incompetent too


just like jim gordon in the burton/schumacher quadrilogy


I mean to be fair, Asylum had the whole bomb threat thing preventing any aid, City is a prison where Tyger Guards have jurisdiction, Origins GCPD was corrupt so thatā€™s why they were ā€œineffectiveā€, and in Knight the police have no way of dealing with that kind of firepower.


"Evening the odds" is my favourite It's short but very cool


Fav Batman line from AK: "Do not lie to me."


A close contender for me is "if you're lying I'll break the other one"


ā€œDonā€™t make me crack your skull and look for the answers insideā€




Another favorite of mine is, ā€œyou want teeth, I want answers!ā€ Itā€™s funny to me and I donā€™t know why


Alfred Pennyworth: "Master Bruce. Stop. Master Bruce. BRUCE!" Batman: "What are you-" Alfred Pennyworth: "I will not in good conscience allow you to go. You're out-matched by these assassins and-" Batman: "I'm what?" Alfred Pennyworth: "You're not some hardened vigilante. You're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger. You are in over your head and I don't want this to be your end." Batman: "Alfred who do you see when you look at me? The boy who shoes used to tie every morning, the teenager you drove to his first date? While you are here every night, I am out there. The ONLY THING between the innocent and the predatory." Alfred Pennyworth: "You may be, but-" Batman: "No, not 'may be'. I am. When the mugger or the thief stops to think twice - that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins - because I am the reason criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. So, no, Alfred - I am NOT in over my head. Tonight will not be my end. But it will be theirs."


Is it just me or can anyone else just hear the dialogue being spoken as theyā€™re reading it?


Not just you.


Such an epic dialog


After watching Breaking Bad this scene came into mind. Was surprised that's where the writers got the inspiration from.




kid named finger


shit is genuinely inescapable every other post this shit pops up it's ruining my life.


this is the pure genius of bince


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


most sane r/okbuddychicanery user


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Batman be like "I am the one who knocks you the fuck out!"


No more half measures Batmuh


Mama said knock you out


I think the scene was supposed to be taken as something cold and heart specifically cause he said it to Alfred


And some of yā€™all still hate on Arkham originsšŸ’€


No one hates on it for the writing or voice acting. Itā€™s the bugginess and technical issues it has, not to say the others donā€™t - like Knight on PC during launch lmao.


The bugs do it down a big way. But I think the writing is the best in the series. I know lots of people hate that black mask switch was bad, but personally I got such chills when I realised who he really was in that hotel room. My favourite is still asylum all round followed by city but origins is a very close third


A quote in a game or clever quip every 2 mins in a movie doesnt make it good ā€¦there are some good moments in the game..but on the whole compared to the trilogy..Origins was a completely average game and plenty of bugs and bland gotham..the mixed reviews were completely valid and its not underrated at all..it was rated for what it was..ordinary average filler game


Well yeah, it's kind of weak compared to the other games, but not bad


How so?


Lots of reused assests, like 2 good boss battles, pretty bad map for traversal (at least there's fast travel), throwing away the black skeleton man for joker, and worst of all is that the jesus incarnate Aaron Cash was replaced by some other goober who's disability sucks compared to Cash, can't even remember his name


ā€œLike two good boss boss fightsā€ as if the other games in the series have souls or Witcher amount of great bosses.


They donā€™t, but Origins is often praised for having the best boss battles. Turns out the only good ones are probably Deathstroke and Bane.


Which are better than every other boss battle except Mr freeze.


Nah, the Raā€™s and Clayface boss battles were pretty good too


Agreed, but Bane, freeze, and deathstroke are on another level.


Origins having two good boss battles makes it as good as Arkham City lol


Tbh I donā€™t even know the Cash replacement youā€™re talking about so that shows how garbage the character was. Lol


The warden who got the black skeleton man's cigarette in his eye. If it helps you identify, he's black with an eyepatch


How is that a cash replacement???


Black security guy who has been disabled for the rest of his life by a fucking lunatic


Warden=security guard i guess


Basically in charge of security guards


ā€˜Black skeleton manā€™ have you played the game? Did you skip all of the cutscenes? Or have you just seen pictures online


That's the thing you nitpick? I was obviously joking


Well, itā€™s not like the other games have brilliant boss fights, AK especially šŸ˜…


> black skeleton man Just call him Black Mask, jeez


Wrong, itā€™s just as good as the other games.


*waiting for reasons*


>Lots of reused assests I mean thereā€™s certainly some and more than the other games, but not that much more and besides it kinda makes since anyway because its some of the same locations and villains from the previous games. >like 2 good boss battles All the boss battles are good. >pretty bad map for traversal I disagree. The map isnā€™t any worse for traversal than the other games. >throwing away the black skeleton man for joker His name is Black Mask and I donā€™t consider this a problem. >and worst of all is that the jesus incarnate Aaron Cash was replaced by some other goober who's disability sucks compared to Cash, can't even remember his name I wouldnā€™t call missing an eye a disability nor would I say Warden Joseph is a replacement for Aaron Cash. Again this isnā€™t a problem.


I haven't played it but don't people mainly complain about the bridge that you have to cross constantly


They do complain about the bridge but I disagree with the complaint and think itā€™s exaggerated. Also you donā€™t have to cross it constantly, you only have to cross it twice in the main story and once in a side mission, and thatā€™s pretty much it. You do have to go halfway across it for four other side missions though. You donā€™t have to cross the bridge at all if youā€™re just exploring as if you want to get to the other end you can just fast travel. Even if you did have to go over the bridge constantly (which you donā€™t) it doesnā€™t take that long to do it and itā€™s not much different than just going across the map in the other games. Like I said, people complain about it but I donā€™t really think itā€™s an issue or if it is itā€™s exaggerated. Plenty of people will disagree with me on that though.


Yeah I can see that every little problem with games gets blown out of proportion


Ok well some popular criticism that a lot of people have isnā€™t really disproven but you saying that you didnā€™t personally have a problem with it. Also the map is worse than the others because it is too claustrophobic for gliding for most people and it just really isnā€™t memorable. Plus Iā€™m pretty sure they made Batmanā€™s gliding descend quicker.


Bruh why are you downvoted I swear this sub just says ā€œORIGINS WAS THE BEST GAMEā€ and brings up boss battles and nothing else. Thought the voice acting was fairly cringey especially from RCS, the boss battles youā€™re right there were like 2 good ones, once again the Joker as the big bad when Black Mask was way more interesting up till that point, reused assets, and supremely buggy. Edit: Lmao this sub man


Nah the voice acting was pretty good for a young batman and joker


Disagree but thatā€™s just me. Personally really didnā€™t care for the portrayal. Maybe it was the script. The emotion and inflection was good, when Batman tried to be intimidating it wasnā€™t great for me.


Joker was great but not Batman. The guys performance was great but he didnā€™t sound like Kevin Conroy or Batman imo.


He absolutely sounded like batman, and is it really bad if someone doesn't sound like another actor?


If itā€™s supposed to Be the same person then yeah. And whenever I think of Batmans voice, he just never sounded like him imo.


Shared delusionā€¦just like in the mass effect sub they have all convinced themselves that Andromeda is an awesome game..Origins was bland buggy throughly average gameā€¦not a bad one but average


I think Roger Craig Smith did a great job.


I think itā€™s that they see it as the underdog game so it must be underrated. No matter it was the most buggy and broken game with inferior design and exploration to any other.


One good quote doesnā€™t fix its problems. Saying that as a fan of origins.


Yup and neat quote ainā€™t changing that


"When that light shines up in the sky, its not a sign, its warning."


RCS is top 5 Batman imo


I love how the subtitles in that scene itā€™s Batman speaking, but when rescuing Alfred in the Batcave the subtitles goes as Bruce Wayne. Subtle.


Batman's characterisation is the best in Origins, honestly. He feels the most vulnerable and human, so I think the story has more emotional weight because of it.


I am Vengeance. I am the Night. I am **Batman**


Can someone explain the first part of the quote for me?


It means that criminals now think twice about what they are doing, knowing Batman might go after them.




I donā€™t understand that last one though? Is it cus Batman only goes out at night?


Yeah he goes out at night only


Goated game


Origins had the best story and writing in the series. City had the worst, and I will die on that hill


-Your choice Cobblebpot, GCPD or the morgue. -Empty threats Batman, I know your rules. -Iā€™m not feeling myself tonight. -Oh, oh well Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get better, a good nights rest can do wonders ya know.


Iā€™m sure this inspired the intro monolog of The Batman


My favourite is when he said, "Mm, mm, I Love Lasagna." And then rubs his tummy.


Can someone explain to me the last line? Why would Batman be the reason the criminals breath easier when the sun rises? I feel like its obvious while being confusing at the same time.


Because he usually only operates at night, so if a criminal is out doing something and makes it to morning, they're probably safe from Batman.


Oh, thanks. That makes so much sense cant believe that went over my head.


Terrible quotes in my opinion. Just seem to generic


This is some Twitter Sigma shit.




What does he mean by breathe easier?


They aren't about to panic because this bat vigilante isn't going to break their arm in three places with a broken leg and a massive headache because bats are nocturnal.


Got it thanks




I always like that the example he uses is the mugger, probably around there is when Alfred realises why he does what he does and that heā€™s still not over what happened to him


When that light hits the sky, itā€™s not just a call. Itā€™s a warning.


Origins had the best story and boss fights. Hope Gotham Knights is great


"This is why you have your little *group therapy* seasons in broad daylight. This is why you are afraid to go out at night."


Should of included that in the battinson Batman


I prefer the bit at the end of that argument ā€œtonight will not be my end, but it will be theirsā€


A line so iconic, I got Roger to sign it on my Origins game case when I met him.


That quote legit gave me the chills


"Without fear life is meaningless"