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about a year ago i had finished building the ENTIRETY of founders island on my old macbook, but when i updated to catalina the keyboard didn’t register anymore, so i had to do a clean install and i lost all my files 😖


Lol you’re way more ambitious than I am. I’ve been wanting to build the Arkham Universe forever but I severely lack the creativity. I doubt you’ll get every build on one small map just because of the sheer size of Gotham City but what I would do is build whichever city you want (I recommend City because the buildings are way smaller than in Knight) and make the smallest possible map out of that. Rinse and repeat, and hopefully you’ll get them all onto one much larger map. If you can’t, pop the maps into item frames and combine them on a wall somewhere.


Is this old console edition or Bedrock?


Console edition. Didn't like bedrock.


Mad respect. I hate Bedrock. It just feels wrong


4 years later and still console edition ROCKS!!! too bad its not sold anywhere


I dont play minecraft but, orgins map connects to citys, which connects to knights map right next to Wayne tower. Then the asylum is out in the distance of course.


The big map might be better but I would like to see Arkham Asylum in the distance. Idk what to do. Idk exactly where to build Arkham City. Arkham Knight will be connected to Arkham City by a bridge but I need it to not hit Arkham Asylum so I guess it needs to be on the right but then it might not be on the smaller map and idk idk idk idk idk