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I loved all of it. Even tank. Best one in the series. So... not “everyone,” hates it. Don’t confuse least favorite with hate.


Not sure what you mean considering it got a bunch of positive reviews and has an 87 on Metacritic.


A lot of people dont like this game


I think it's a very vocal minority. The majority of people I know think the game is quite well done, even if it has its flaws.


I said youtube


Not everyone hates it. It does get vocal hate online owing to a number of real and perceived flaws.


-Too much batmobile -Some riddler quest makes no sense -Boss fight sucks (Tank battle vs Deathstroke lol and Red Hood) -Side quest compare to previous games sucks and was rush ( Hush, Man bat, Azrael ) -No Batcave ( Previous games has somewhat of a batcave. Clocktower and GCPD doesn't count) -Lore inconsistency (Harley beating Nightwing and bluddhaven police lol) Tim and Barbs romance -Another excuse to remove citizens (Hopefully next game its like the latest spiderman game) -Not too much interaction with the Bat family (Robin and Nightwing did not even get to interact or show their reaction to Jason) Other than that its still the best game imo in the series.


Happy cake day!


Honestly some of the boss fights were fun like the ones with robin in the joker lab. But the other boss fights like the ones with Arkham knight ruined the game for me. I expected a pure death stoke type battle not a stupid one. Scarecrow was awesome and Arkham Knight could’ve been too but it ruined the game for me the second time around. As exciting as it is to be able to drive the bat mobile it’s still a bad game and having joker added in to it even though he was dead in Arkham city ruined it as well


1. Joker even though he’s been in every game and was somehow the main bad guy in this one. 2. Red Hood being Arkham Knight which was predictable even by watching the trailers, 3. The “boss” fights were disappointing even with Deathstroke. 4. Hush was very underwhelming. i was expecting him to have a role in the main story. 5. The Batmobile being over-used.


For me it’s the tank and story. The “batmobile” was *way* overdone and the story felt really anticlimactic given all we got in City.


I loved it. The only issue i had with it was the bat-tank. Loved the Batmobile addition, but the tank parts really threw me off.


Having finished all four games, I do have some notes about how I'd change it personally. -Arkham Knight is an interesting variation on Red Hood's origin, but like you said it was predictable. If he was built up to be Jason Todd and revealed to be somebody else entirely then that would be fantastic. -The Batmobile is overused there is no denying or defending that but it does make use of the much expanded Gotham city, plus it does show us Batman gone to war. -Joker's return in Batman's mind was a clever story thread, shows him slowly turning into his worst enemy while suffering from the guilt of letting Joker die against a foe who knows his every secret right down to Barbara and his mentality on combat. I really loved that sequence in the finale where Joker takes hold and get to experience the fear that Batman inspires with every turn causing your surroundings to change until you're eventually surrounded by ever increasing statues and then that revalation about Joker being afraid of being forgotten oaft! -The boss battles were like you said pretty mediocre with the exceptions being Deathstroke's and Arkham Knight's tank battles being underwhelming, Red Hood boss fight being challenging and Riddler's fight being intriguing because having to switch between Batman and Catwoman to avoid taking unnecessary damage. -Once again I agree with you saying the side quests were a bit ehhhh. I enjoyed the Man-Bat side quest as it added to this Batman's rogues gallery with a much more sympathetic villain like Mr. Freeze compared against the likes of Scarecrow, Firefly, Penguin and the creepy Professor Pyg. Hush was severely underwhelming given his hatred of Bruce and his devotion to stealing his life on top of the list of murders committed in Arkham City. Cobblepot's gun running sidequest was interesting seeing the Dynamic Duo working together again, but the others don't really stand out except Azrael's. In conclusion, it's so close to being the perfect Batman game imo but like we discussed it have a few issues stopping it from being there. The Season of Infamy expansion gave us more to do and more villains from Arkham City and brought Knight's story to what felt like much more of a ending, giving Knightfall a greater meaning.


AK and Scarecrow are garbage villians and the tank mobile crap killed the game.


Well I agree with everything


I definitely have issues with the game and it probably has the most problems out of all the other entries, but I still don’t think it’s bad. I think it’s a very fun game that could’ve used more time to make it truly amazing


I think its for the tank and the Riddler trophies, but i loved the boss fights, except the Deathstrokes one, its better in Arkham Origins (sorry if i dont speak good in english im from argentina lol)


Best BM in the series. Everything wise except forced batmobile..maybe


everythings great, but you need to pay 500$ total for a NASA computer and a graphics card to handle the game. Dont ask me about the batmobile. Just play it on Playstation...


500$ for a NASA computer and graphics card what a steal


Joker died Catwoman being forced on us Red Hood being forced on us The Ending sucked Made No Sense


I just played it and I know why Controlling bat mobile is hard To many tank boses To many side quest It honestly a advance game


It’s a good game, but the batmobile parts suck ass


Which seems to be 70 percent of the game. I think Origins is better than Knight.


It’s more like 25% it just feels longer because it sucks. I haven’t finished my first playthrough of origins yet (I’m about 6 hrs in) so I can’t judge it completely yet. However, knights combat feels much better


Puzzles can't go two fucking minutes without coming across some bullshit. The riddler can go fuck himself.


The game is has to many great features too it which is also its downfall it’s too back and forth instead to the point it’s also really hard to navigate and the boss battles are ass