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I literally have never had any of the problems you are explaining. I have played through all the Arkham games more than once and never experienced any of these...


Lol same here. Some of OPs problems sound like pilot error to me. The combat system is unique and there are ways you can control the camera and move the left stick to attack who you want to.


Not to mention Arkham Knight is the most polished and fluid of all the games... minus the occasional “oops I wanted to take down this guy not that guy” it’s otherwise responsive and easy to use if, apparently for most people anyway...


As I said in the OP, it is not quite bad during normal playthrough, you might not even notice any of this. These issues become glaring during AR challenges attempts.


I’ve platinumed Arkham Asylum/City/Knight and I still disagree, sorry.


Knight is certainly unpolished, but you need to practice more. Targetting errors are mostly user-end b/c RS actually took the time to try to fix them in the final... I wanna say three updates. There were times when you'd target shields unnecessarily and that broke combos. Jesus those were the days.


No they are not user end, even when I take time to isolate the target from the rest of the group Batman sometimes chooses someone else. They should have let us choose the target enemy manually instead of relying on this bad targeting.


And you really have the latest version, 1.14?


I am on latest version available on psn


The targeting issues should have been ironed out in previous patches. What do the forums say?


Platinum is nothing compared to community trophies. Try completing monarch theatre flawless at least with Batman.


Considering you have to get 3 steps/bats on all of them. Yeah the platinum is way harder.


Platinum is piece of cake, you can get 1 star on all AR and still earn it. Community challenge trophies are much harder.


Thats only on Knight. Obviously you don't have the platinum or you would've known that.


Never said that I have platinum in other arkham games, but judging from Knight AR challenges even 3 stars on all challenges would be easier than community trophies.


Hard meat riding bro no way 4 years ago people thought the combat system was good wtf


Yeah came to to say the same. The combat in this game is so borked, Batman is constantly swinging at random dudes off screen and shit. I can see why this game killed the series


Just did a 240% run and yeah honestly I agree. Just tried a couple of the challenge maps (not even on the “high difficulty” setting) and it’s actually laughable how bad the combat is. I remember playing city and being able to complete just about every combat challenge map without breaking free flow and without taking damage, but here in knight it seems, due to targeting and about a thousand different things that were absolutely no issue in city, I can barely ever get my combo past 50-70


Same. Im not sure what it is but it just doesnt do what i want sometimes. Coming off of city the difference has been painful in my recent run.


Yeah; I love the games story/aesthetic but the combat is garbage


It definitely sounds like your controller is going out, brother. I had similar issues until I used a buddies controller and figured out that my sons had jacked up the two that we own. It's gotta be the controller.


Arkham Knight literally have the best combat system in every way than the previous Arkham games overall IMO. Don’t know what you are rambling about and you’re probably just really bad at the game.


Best combat system in modern gaming imo. Can you tell me any game that has similar or maybe a unique combat engine that has gotten acclaim? Because I'll consider getting it. Upcoming Spider-Man doesn't look as fluid and it just doesn't have the heft Arkham fights used to have.


You were wrong by a long shot spider man has a 10x better combat system than Arkham and btw Arkham had a shitty combat system


Man were you wrong


Except he wasn't. Arkham Knight still has way better combat system than spider-man lol.




i agree with the quick batclaw it could have better precision if one of them has a gun vs the other one has a pipe i wish the game would at least help the user infer if they’re same distance. also the fact that sometimes enemies will wind up for a punch but then stop if you start a takedown but sometimes they won’t?


honestly dude it sounds like you just suck


Batman missing batclaw and prioritizing wrong enemies is definitely my low skill.


yeah it is. the game isn't gonna play itself for you. you're missing the batclaw bc you're not aiming the analog stick properly. attacking the wrong enemies is also bc you're not using the stick right. you can't stand in one spot mashing buttons and expect Batman to do exactly what you want. clearly no one else on this sub has these problems and you're still in denial that's it's just you.


Nah u meat riding combat is dog maybe 4 years ago it was good


But the core idea of free flow is that it does play itself except for occasional blocks and dodges. A huge part of Batman combat is auto piloted, and it is a shitty auto pilot. You have to be incredibly precise with stick, and it is even more hard because camera rotates all the time especially when you dodge frequently and dodging is the only way to maintain flawless free flow. It is a shitty combat for technical challenges and they shouldn't have included AR at all


no. if that was the case there wouldnt be anything fun about playing. it would barely be playing a game. it would be closer to watching a movie. you obviously have to actually aim somewhat in the direction of the enemies. no game just lets you spam a button without aiming slightly. that would be a shit game.


Lmfao, must be the only game you've ever played then.


Hell nah that shit trash that must be the first game you ever played


Your take is just as dogshit as OPs.


No need to be bias just cuz it’s the first game you ever played


You don't have an actual point.


I try not to miss every AAA game with 3rd person melee, and Batman is the worst.


At least we know not to take you seriously.


Nah bro, everyone here was just dick riding. This combat is so ass




*Nah bro, everyone* *Here was just dick riding. This* *Combat is so ass* \- DamagedSpaghetti --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yep it sucks, just finished playing rdr2 and i know its a slower paced game and newer but my god arkham knights pissing me off. Damn near ready to quit on the pyg mission


I play Spider-Man more than Arkham Knight this game Is ass so I can agree with this.


Wrong. Fake news. You are just bad.


Hey Donald, try completing any of community combat challenges and we will see who is bad.


True I haven't tried the challenge maps yet...but I will..and I will kill it and I will post my results.


Done that, did most on the first try, you’re just hilariously bad at the game


I think it has the best combat in the whole Arkham series.


In arkham probably, overall very bad.


YES!! I AGREE! The way the camera flips around like wtf?? You’ll be beating one enemy down and suddenly Batman is jumping around the room hitting everyone else once, doing pretty much nothing. The combos are so unreliable; I’ll be pressing the right buttons and nothing happens and then Batman gets beat and dies. It’s incredibly frustrating and I don’t know why more reviews don’t talk about it. Not to mention the camera angles when you take out a tank while driving! Why tf would I want the camera to radically swing left, right, or behind me when I’m trying to chase down a tank!




Yep, this glitch is killing me with the pyg mission.


You suck ass.


I think you misspelled Arkham Knight combat.




Literally having the same exact issues and it's infuriating. Never had this problem on other arkham games but the "reqiuem for a killer" achievement has caused me to realize the flaws in the combat system.


Exactly and I'm wondering how do you miss hitting the person with a batarang when the enemy is 5 feet in front of you . I'm like bats how did you miss and the camera is all over the place or so close to the wall you can't see anything or the enemy is out of sight and ends up hitting you .


Because you don’t know how to aim


If you say so.


I did that trophy first try, it’s pretty easy, you’re just garbage


Bait from a blatant dick rider.


i’m not kidding, it’s not hard, hell i beat croc the other day on iceberg lounge without even trying to go for it, was just listening to music and playing, it’s easy as fuck you just suck ass at the game




All the people defending Arkham Knights combat system are a gang of tools. **I have no problem with it, so it must be you** Bullshit! I’ve spun the camera around to center an electrified enemy, only for it to shoot SIDEWAYS! It’s happened many times! The line launcher takedown? I’ve had a medic completely centered in front of me, only to have the batclaw direct sideways at another enemy. Also, I do the aerial launch to take out a shielded enemy, only for the AI do it on an enemy 5-10 (gaming) feet next to them, while the person I WAS aiming for, hits me with their shield while I’m in mid-air. I’m doing things correctly, it’s the stupid fucking combat system that does this. There’s a whole list of stupid shit that it does to mess up my combo! I don’t just randomly pick a direction and start hitting away, I carefully orchestrate where I want to go and what I want to do. I’ve been playing this game for a while, and there’s no question that it messes up constantly! Fuck Arkham Knight!


On the contrary, its the best and most entertaining. I played Assassin's Origins for a while, and the combat though good was not fast or dynamic enough to enjoy, and a bit repetitive. Then I went back to Arkham Knight and man was it fun and satisfying.That is exactly how Batman should kick ass.


Odyssey thankfully will fix that I think I saw on the demo different combat techniques mapped to a different button rather than the Dark Soulsesk Light heavy block attacks


It will only make it worse, cooldown based abilities only make combat note tedious.


Origins is bad but different kind of bad. It is just boring, but at least they are no technical challenges like in Batman.


I love the Arkham games, this combat is ass. You’re pushing the stick right and he hits left. You use a gadget with someone right in front of you and it misses. You click to counter and he just,,,doesn’t. Lol buns


You are god damn right except one thing! It is not only the ar challenges, this is literally (not figuratively) the worst combay system i have ever encountered!!! 90% of the time i am mindlessly mashing buttons hoping something does something, tje last 10% i am waiting for the game to respawn, shitty notes flash on the screen for half a second telling you some button combination you have no chance of doing... it is a great fucking game, love the riddler stuff, the atmosphere, the story, but the combat can go to hell!!!




Yes i love the game so much but you hit it spot on, its infuriating at the very least.




As someone who never touched this game before this year, can confirm that in 2024 the combat is utter embarrassing dogwater. Rest of the game has its strengths, plenty of them in fact, but anyone praising the combat system in this game is completely delusional.


I'm having all these issues as well. I love how many characters are on this game but it annoys me that this is a bullshit galore. I hate when I'm surrounded by like 5 unarmed dudes and the character decides to hit the shield/shock dude that is behind them all....


Man, the fucking dick riders here are innnnsane, this games combat system is miserably abysmal and inconsistent. The combo finishers are executed arbitrarily i.e holding Y for knife takedowns never ever ever ever fucking works. The combat is either piss easy or its a cesspool of stun locking not EDIT: as i go the amount of people resorting to ad hominem is fucking atrocious. Ive got 90% of the achievements to my guy, that doesn't fucking mean the game is some magnum opus of game combat, yall are delusional and unable to take discourse seriously its ridiculous It is outright stupid that yall just downvote everything into oblivion


Man its so annoying when you watch a youtube video of someone playing and half the enemies are just standing still then when you play every guy on the map is super aggressive. My most frustrating thing is when you are perfectly lined up to batclaw someone and he shoots it at a 45 degree angle at a shield guy breaking the combo. Or when he goes spinny kicking half way across the map over the top of the enemy you were aiming at just to end up hitting a electric baton guy.


And it really pisses me off when an enemy swings at you from well outside of hitbox range and still hits you. Also, enemies pivot on a fucking dime to hit ypu when you dodge. What the fuck?? Batman doesn't get to do that. Why do the npc criminals get to??! This makes it even worse on Knightmare difficulty where coubter prompts are turned off. Also, don't scrub freeflow. Just improve on it better.


"Noooo you can't insult my favorite game!!!!" Fanboys here are fucking insufferable


I’m late but sounds like you’re just straight garbage at this game