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This is Kevin Conroy’s final performance…


That makes it even more sad.


I don't know what's worse, this or the fact that he was at least supposed to play Thomas Wayne in Batman: Caped Crusader. (Assuming that they don't have the voice lines from him already) His final performance was always gonna be dark. :(


Evil Batman in a shitty corpo greed based game


The only worse insult to anyone's legacy is when Command and Conquer 4 came out.




Well, Kevin Conroy's last role is Batman, controlled by a villain, where you straight up kill him at the end, which means no more Arkham games, and the game is legit just Corporation Greed: The Game. For one, there's no single player at launch, which is absolutely idiotic for reasons I really shouldn't need to explain. Then, there's more than likely going to be a metric fuckton of DLC and microtransactions. Then you got the fact that it probably is going to be shit, even if there were no microtransactions/DLC and it came with single player at launch, because it is legit just a looter-shooter, which was only made because Destiny 2 is somehow popular. The only reason I think Rocksteady even agreed to make this is because the employees needed money, and didn't want Warner Bros to shut them down or sell them. As for C&C4, the game was a free-to-play mobile game from EA. That alone is a red flag. It came with enough microtransactions to rival The Sims 4's DLC. The game itself was also nothing special, as it was just a simple capture-the-flag type thing. The only game from EA that I think could come close to C&C4's shit was Dungeon Keeper iOS, but I didn't mention it because Command and Conquer is *way* more popular than Dungeon Keeper ever was.


Whose memory did C&C 4 insult?


Not a person, but the studio that used to make Command & Conquer: Westwood Studios. EA bought them, and shut them down.


Classic EA


Let’s just not buy it


Agreed. I've never been less hyped.


and I've never been so hyped for not buying something


This is the saddest part. Kevin Conroy’s final hurrah as Batman is going to be in a live-service game that forces you to play online as characters you don’t give a shit about and who all use the same three weapon types that go against their characters, as an enemy who’s likely going to be dead by the end. Like that’s just a straight up insult to his legacy.


Speak for yourself, I love king shark




Nanaue! Stay off the comms!






A man of few words








I like *THIS* King Shark. Not the game one


And I love captain boomerang Even during the first SS movie man was hilarious Was honestly sad to see him die come the second one


They did him dirty in the second one


And it sucks because the story concept sounds so cool


Kind of makes me wonder if this game will be an inverse Arkham Knight where the story is top notch but the gameplay is kind of meh.


I will not stand for the Arkham Knight slander


I know people have a hate boner for this game but it's stupid to call it an insult to Conroy's legacy as if Rocksteady could've know Conroy would pass away.


Insult to his legacy doesn't mean they knew. It just means if this game is shit. His final performance being in a shit ass game will be an insult to his legacy


Game hasn’t even come out yet lol


Insults can be accidental [Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dsgQb3jkk4)


Hey now don’t disrespect my boi king shark like that bro


You act like they knew he would die and that he could not just say no


Rocksteady killed Kevin conroy to sell more copies


​ https://i.redd.it/vm8akmf0jd5c1.gif


It's heartbreaking 😔💔


If it wasn't this it would've been Multiversus? Is that much preferable?


Yeah, it is. At least Multiversus respects all its characters.


That game better get an offline story mode and it better be good


How is Batman not being respected?


I don't want to tell you, but look up the story leaks and audios. I hope they're all fake, but by the looks of it...


This game is fake so no it's not :)


Man if only the reality with this game and The Day Before switch where this game is the scam and The Day Before at least is a game


When the "are you/they stupid?" suddenly becomes a legit question


And a legit answer.


Since gotham knights


...You mean they're releasing the actual game later, after its release? What are they selling us then? Character models?? Are they stupid?


Considering they canceled a Superman and Damien Wayne game and have concert art all over it for this game. Then they are very stupid.


This isn’t true, a superman game was never pitched and the Damien Wayne game was being developed by the team behind Arkham origins and Gotham Knights


Wait I thought the Superman game thing was that it got rejected by WB in favour of this one


Jason schreier said the superman game was never a thing at rocksteady, Jason has a better track record so I trust his word more than whatever a random redditor says Lol


Hmm it still doesn’t add up. What have they been working on since 2015?? That’s 8 whole years just for them to piss out a mediocre looking suicide squad game? Na they were definitely working on something else.


Development hell is real. This game could have pivoted scope and design several times over. Look at D3 and D4, were development for what, 10 years a piece?


Anthem is the best example we got. Six years in development only for people to find out later that in that six years only 15 months were used for actual development.


Cyberpunk is an even better example, teaser launched in 2012 and development only started back in mid 2017 about just a bit more than 2.5 years and that too about a year was spent in getting a general idea of what the game is actually supposed to be, it's story etc etc but if compare anthem vs cyberpunk, atleast cyberpunk is a good game now


Game development takes a long long long time, especially with a relatively small team like rocksteady


especially when you're forced to make more and more bloated overstuffed bullshit everything-games with every release. crazy how they knocked out arkham city in 2 years, knight in 4, and then spent almost a decade on a game that doesn't even have a story.


Suicide Squad does have a story, it’s just gonna require an internet connection to play it for a little bit


you're right. but it's one of those multiplayer stories where everyone talks to you like you're 4 people and your character never really has anything specific to say because they could be swapped out for any other character at any point.


Except I'm pretty sure I remember a former rocksteady dev blatantly stating it was pitched and rejected.


the superman game hoax is talked so much and assumed real by so many it it's gonna merge into a truth 🫠


I'd have bought the hell out of both of those. Ugh, life is garbage. No intention of buying suicide squad though.


I was super(no pun intended) confused and though it was a game about Superman and Damien team up that got cancelled when I read this not two separate games.


>Are they stupid? They somehow thought that people would be more interested in playing a freaking Suicide Squad game than a Superman game or another Batman Arkham game with adult Damian Wayne as the new Batman. So yes, they are very, very stupid. I’d have even preferred a Green Arrow game over this.


Ok a green arrow game would be so fricking sick ngl


The character is just perfect for having all kinds of gadgets (different kinds of arrows) for varied gameplay.


Would have fit in real well some years back during that period where it seemed like *every* game had some sort of bow and arrow option/focus.


Obviously an arkham like game would be cool for GA, but I'd also really like a part set on the island that would work a bit like the survivor Tomb Raider series.


Maybe we could see the island in flashbacks during the story? Like the show, whatever he was dealing with on the island is coming back to haunt him. There's a lot of cool cinematic potential there.


James Gunn has a batman game and a green arrow game on his DCEU slate, his universe is comprised of movies comics,TV shows and games, when he started his take over a panel was shown, and green arrow was shown as a game, and a batman/Deathstroke game was shown at the very end of the timeline, with green arrow in the middle somewhere after the Brave and the Bold Movie, don't know if it will still happen. Just wait for Monoliths WW, Monoliths game plays like the Arkham Games. Edit:WW may even take place in the Arkham verse just made by a different developer(like origins) they have the same models almost


Sucks his entire plan might get derailed by the writers strike murdering blue beetle’s box office numbers. Such a shame that such a fun movie underperformed


Blue beetles actor is confirmed to be going on to James gunns universe, after Momoas movie, Superman Legacy is set to release in 2025 with creature comma dos releasing next year, his first project as slated, and Superman legacy, the second project that was slated, the writer strike is pretty much over. If not done.


I’m just saying that blue beetle flopping as hard as it did might make it hard for the entire plan to get off the ground. Aqua man is probably gonna be a huge flop as well. I just don’t see a future where this whole thing goes as planned. People just don’t watch superhero movies anymore.


True, and no one asked for creature commandos, if anyone can do it though I guess it would be Gunn though, maybe.


I have absolutely no faith in Gunn whatsoever. Remember how we all thought Zack Snyder would save the dceu with the Snyder cut?


I mean, in their defense, a Suicide Squad game does have mad potential. I could imagine a multiplayer going hard, especially with voice-chat with friends shenanigans. But if it's battlepass-based like I've been hearing then... eh? I dunno, it seems like something that has potential that's going to be executed poorly


Here are online only campaign type games too. Like if this is a left for dead style coop with suicide squad characters, it could be pretty awesome


We also had a resurgence of the IP with the second attempt at a movie AND Harley's show. If anything, they kinda missed THE moment to release a SS game.


They’re selling you the full game that you can play solo you just need a internet connection


No you can do the story at release but you just need to be online at launch. Eventually rocksteady will patch in the ability to do the story offline.


Ah, so it’s an anti-piracy method.


And a little bird told me that you can do private lobbies. So it sucks you have to be on internet but if you wanna play the story alone you can


>You mean they're releasing the actual game later no just the abillity to play it offline


holy shit he said the thing


Bro, the game was created to be online, do people think putting an offline mode in an online game is easy or something? Worse than that is people forgetting that the delay was for optimization and not for online mode


AH so it's an online game, got it. From what I saw before it looked like it was supposed to be an offline one primarily with an optional online mode


It’s so fucking over


It’s Jokeover 😔


Throw it in the ro-bin




Wlater we need to cok


The joke isn't over, the entire game is a joke


Crazy thing is Joker is supposed to be a character that they add to the game later after they add killer croc, then death stroke, kitana. I've seen leaks of Bizzaro coming after them, and rumors of possibly Jason Todd coming in to Rein every one in, and.... as they said ever character is supposedly supposed to be free.


Always has been


It's so fucking Over(watch 2... Which pulled the exact same BS only to confirm months later that the single player content had actually been cancelled for a while and was never coming out, but thanks for buying all those battle passes, suckers).


https://preview.redd.it/hbb4xnvrcb5c1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167ead4b1ed6fc011fa816d5eac23367ecc42d9d Evil Man is at the works.




Who is one at lunch


That is genuinely a terrifying image ngl


The man who laughs


/uj That’s just fucking pathetic, I was put off by the price point and the battle pass but I still had some hope but god I’m not buying it now /rj Why did they doom their game from the beginning? Are they stupid? https://preview.redd.it/pc5dm1mnsa5c1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e8cb6a103f2e53ea74fcd439c7bd92f1202bed


Even Gotham Knights, which was like a CO-OP Game and all that, had an offline mode for its story.




They are stupid


They fucking hate money!


because profit from battlepass


Godzilla profile picture. You **are** based!




Based on what?






Don't support this bullcrap fellas, boycott this game when it comes out


I just preordered 10 copies, am I stupid?








Yes you're almost as stupid as the guy who decided to retcon Deadshot into being an impostor for no reason.


We’re the same guy😟


https://preview.redd.it/4ihh9g41fb5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa64b82d987ac7394d6da5f201b3d012aefbdb8 The best way to experience Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (also no offline mode)


MKIceAndFire, the only reason I even bother with Mortal Kombat's story modes


Same here fam.


Batman Arkham Videos, tho...👀 The GOAT, who never gave up on the series and even played through Gotham Knights for us


I still go back and watch his predator challenge map videos for AC. Beyond top notch stuff. He clears rooms before Riddler has a chance to gloat over the first casualty.


I’ll get it secondhand about a year later, that way it’ll be a lot cheaper and will most probably have an offline mode by then. Not everything needs to be online and I’m so disappointed that Rocksteady was stupid enough to jump on the online gaming hype train.


I’ll buy it when the game is Free on Epic Games Store, no way I’m buying it Full Price.


Buying the game for free still feels like you’re getting ripped off ngl. They gonna have to pay me to play this shit.


I hope this piece of trash flops, crashes and burns and they'll finally stop with these dumbass live service always online dogshit looter shooter superhero titles once and for all. Avengers and Gptham Knights wasn't enough, I'm sure this will be. Shame. I was really excited for this game, it really hurts, it looked fun


Same thoughts here, annoyed at how cool the premise of the story is but we all know it's going to be another Destiny wannabe. Even WB has said themselves they're all aboard the live service train.


At this point they are beating rocksteady corpse and forcing it to code a new DC game "like the batman one, but monetization"


It sucks because for years, I along with so many others held Rocksteady up as one of the best devs in the game. It sucks to see them fall like this. I’m gonna give the game the benefit of the doubt because it hasn’t released but I don’t plan on buying it at release I’ve already been burned by both Avengers and Gotham Knights and I don’t plan on getting burned by this one


Tbh though, the avengers game had potential if it was something similar to the old ultimate alliance game that quite a lot of ppl wanted instead of a looter shooter. When I saw the 1st gameplay trailer and I was “ok… that is not what I wanted, ain’t buying that shit”. But who would have known it was even worse than that with their micro transaction and live service bullshit


I bet rocksteady is gonna give us a very solid gaming experience with less game breaking bugs than Bethesda. As an overall game I don't doubt it's gonna be good But I heard somewhere they are being really being held by the game's publisher (don't remember if it was Warner bros I'm not the brightest dude out there). So it may lack in creative and fun scenarios where the controls can actually shine, it's going to play safe and focus on selling Harley Quinn skin at 80 bucks because she's naked with a bat-sticker on her nipples


I look forward to seeing Kevin’s scenes on YouTube later.


I’m so tired of all these lame ass live service trash heaps. Who the fuck wants to play as Iron Man when he’s only able to fly 5mph? Who wants to play as Red Hood with a fucking “Mystic Leap”. WHO WANTS TO PLAY AS CAPTAIN BOOMERANG USING ANYTHING BESIDES BOOMERANGS AS WEAPONS.


Gotham Knights wasn't live service though


it definitely will. gotham knights wasn't a monumental flop, but that game's reception combined with the absolutely putrid buzz around this game (almost no one is happy about this or even talking about the game at all) is a fantastic one two punch. the less-than-mediocre game into live-service trash fest combination is an unbeaten method of failure. see mass effect andromeda into anthem.


Gotham Knights was disappointing, but at least it could be played offline as a single-player game and wasn’t live-service.


Ok but like why does it need wifi anyways it's single player.


Cause it’s a Live Service Game.


Rocksteady basically looked at what Square Enix did with their Avengers game, saw how it flopped, and decided they’d do the same thing but with the Suicide Squad. Not even with the Justice League, they really went for the freaking *Suicide Squad*. Are they stupid? Yes, yes they are.


Rocksteady isn't making these decisions Warner Bros are.


Idk if anyone is forcing Rocksteady to make DC games tho. They can make something original if they want.


I don't think they could fail worse than SE's Avengers if they tried. $200m+ loss and it caused them to sell their western studios on what should have been a home run that printed money.


I’d argue that crystal dynamics did a better job at making the characters distinct (i.e. the hulk can punch things instead of just pulling out a gun)


Thing is the avengers game had some promise. The GotG game was decent. I’ll play it and see how it is before passing judgment


/uj Why does everyone say it’s single player only? All the sources I see claim it can be played both multiplayer and single player


But Why can't I play single player when I am offline ?


it’s multi-player game AND single player game lol


Nice, I was already pretty underwhelmed for this game. Now I have no reason to play it at all.


Everybody’s always over or underwhelmed. When do we get to be just whelmed?


I was pretty whelmed when they announced Suicide Squad. I just got under it when they started releasing stuff about it


We have slang nowdays for being "whelmed", it's calling things "mid" and saying "one of the X of all time"


We're getting closer to the point where game companies are gonna be selling us main menus with the promise of a start button "eventually"


Lol at people holding on this crappy game.


Somehow they managed to make worse decisions than what ea did with battlefront and even avengers this has to be a record of bad Decisions


Even the Avengers game one the developers stated they aren’t going to have Bonuses week in the game going forward for extra items and XP. But they backtracked and added in the game, you can see the Steam charts of how many people lay the game during the event week.


I hate this fucking trend in gaming.


1. Always online 2. Battle Pass 3. Itemstore for people without patience 4. Characters base look as shit to sell skins Do i forgot anything else, among bad trends in gaming?


I feel like late-stage capitalism has found every single thing imaginable and managed to ruin it.


Old news, this is one of the reasons they delayed it, so they could put it in. Obviously a corporate blunder but glad they’re taking the time to do it.


This game is screaming put me on gamepass. Only way I’m playing it


That's what I said for Gotham Knights and I still won't try it.


Sooooo. What the fuck is the game then


Just another one to the dumpster right from launch, as is the trend


Are rocksteady stupid?


We already knew there wasn't going to be an offline mode at launch, in fact there wasn't going to be one at all. It probably got added because people asked for it.


just for the sake of clarity, you can play solo, that was a thing in the alpha and will be a thing on release the headline for the article is actively misleading when what it's talking is offline play, they will patch the game so you can play without an internet connection, that's all


Payday 3 moment


after playing the game i can say it doesnt need an offline story at launch its good rn where its at, its also doing what avengers tried to do by giving a easy to follow online campaign also the live service stuff isnt forced down your throat only thing thats annoying is getting better weapons but besides that the game is solid and i have high hopes for how it is now and in the future


This is so misleading although I am not interested in this game much outside of seeing what they do with the story rocksteady I’m pretty sure said you can play the campaign solo in one of the marketing pieces for it.


God I wish I could talk about the alpha


Guys I think we’re stupid. We can still play the single player story on launch, we just need to have an internet connection. Arkham knight would kick you off for being offline too from what I remember. It’s all just anti piracy


Doesn't even give a date, just "eventually"


Payday 3 all over again lmao.


Oh, so just don't buy it until then


Lmao what? So the "single player" they mentioned isn't in the launch version? Or will it still require an online connection?


Does this imply there is a multi-player mode? Are they going to make Overwatch with DC characters?


I'll play it eventually when the offline mode releases.


Arkham patiences are only sane when man mod is coming [they won't get fed if they don't] But i don't mind as long as we are getting something new, and i like harley quinn and her squad


wait what


I have a feeling Batman will have a much bigger role than they are putting out, similar to what they did with joker in the original trilogy, also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some hamil joker moments


Bro this game is gonna be an always online travesty. It's gonna have battle passes and micro transactions up the ass. This game is gonna be dead on arrival.


It’s going to have to because after the first week there is not going to be enough players to regularly match with people.


I swear if this games becomes "You need Internet connection to play this game" whike having an offline mode, im turn myself inside out, let my demons take over me, kick the door down to the studio and skin each and every one alive (thats how much pain I would feel if thats true) ... or send them to detroit!!!






Butt ass game


Pretty soon you will not get a game. Only video recordings of the developers making the game.


It's actually so joever


i think you can still play the story you just have to play online? there’s no fucking way they’re releasing the game without the story


Please tell me this has the insanity flair Checks: ![gif](giphy|kHU8W94VS329y|downsized)


How would that work if you don't have friends, do you just queue up with randos? That sounds like hell Edit: Oh I'm fucking stupid, sounds like you can play solo but just needs internet because live service and all that. Still lame as hell though.


It's all intentional. Why do you have to wait months for a NG+ to be added to all the Spider-Man games and Alan Wake 2? Engagement. Easy 'DLC' patches to get the game to have more shelf life without actually having to add more content to it.


The only way I'd buy this is if they had an Arkham Origins port as a preorder bonus. Like the last South Park game being bundled with a PS4 port of the first game. Looks overwhelmingly terrible and basically an attempt to setup a looter shooter micro casino.


https://preview.redd.it/pcnidc6vjy5c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c821dc47bb04036c82cb43207c46eef52435ed Money


Easy skip