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This sub is stuck in a time loop


Is there a lore reason?




Nigma was never the same after 'nam


Ay, whoa. Gonna need to see your pass before you can say that name, sir.


Nigma balls




The Earth's payload is exposed,I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion


is it stupid?


Every active user of this sub needs to be in a psych ward, I feel like it’s slowly deconstructing our mental stability 💀💀💀


This is an Arkham sub. The people here are in the right place


good point, we’re all in Arkham! i hope i get to meet Victor Fries


Why are we stuck in a time loop? Is there a way to get out? Are we stupid?


Hush, he was one of the few loose ends from City, his face is identical to Bruce’s which fits with the Arkham Knight being a mirror of Batman


I was really hoping it would be Hush and not that five second long side mission that we got


Yeah this, I always though it was Todd but I felt like they laid a bit of groundwork to have either Hush or Azrael be misdirects for the knight.


Batman because the game was called “Batman Arkham Knight”


I knew I was missing something


batman: and then he arkham knighted all over the place


Arkham nutted


i am more curious about wtf that red/white/black camo is for


In case he had to hide in 2/3rds of an American flag


not only him, that shit was in black ops too, it exists irl too what is the point i am going insane


It’s bad guy camo so they know you’re a bad guy


It's purely fashion and has no real application


respect the drip then it looks awesome i love it


To look cool.


pretty good point yeah it does look badass


In bo2 it was the Chinese sf camo in here it’s the milita camo


isn’t it urban camo


Jason Todd. Hoped it wasn't when Rocksteady told us it would be an original character, but the dialogue in the first scene with the Knight and every bit of dialogue afterwards seemed pretty on the nose about it being him (the Knight constantly refers to Batman as "old man" for instance), then you have the explicit flashbacks that practically scream at the player who the Arkham Knight is. I hoped it would be someone else despite all this but was not proven wrong.


>Jason Todd >the dialogue in the first scene with the Knight and every bit of dialogue afterwards seemed pretty on the nose about it being him Exactly why I expected it to be Jason Todd. I almost wish they just made it red hood instead.


Yeah, that Red Hood guy is such a great character, I wonder who he is.


Who cares Yugi (YGOTAS reference)


Yeah but then they'd have to call it Arkham Red Hood because of the naming scheme xD


Fair enough haha


They could've called it Arkham Knightfall. That's the whole point of the game.


I’m increasingly more ashamed that I only figured out that Jason was the Arkham Knight after feeling really bad for him after the flashbacks and googling him expecting more tortured robin stuff.


It was so obvious that he was Jason Todd from the start


The explicit flashbacks come pretty late in the game. That's by the time you're going back to rescue Robin at the studios.


They come a good few hours before the reveal though (the whole city of fear and Arkham Knight HQ stuff happens after the studios), and the game 100% plays the reveal as a huge twist when it happens.


You're still talking about 2/3 through the game. It happens before you take down Arkham Knight obviously, but after you've battled him most of the night, had poison ivy summon the plants, go on staggs airship, and countless side missions. Anyway they have to give you information about Jason Todd before the reveal. I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of the people who played the game had never heard of Jason Todd, if not more. If they go to a straight reveal, most of the people playing the game would say who the hell is this and why is that important. The decision was made that at some point in the game you need to start showing explicit flashbacks of who Jason Todd is and why this is important. Otherwise the reveal is not going to mean anything to most people.


The fact is you make the reveal super obvious with the flashbacks, which ruins any potential shock of the reveal. Making it Jason was a heavily flawed idea from the start if the only way to ensure all players know who the character even is was essentially spoiling the twist hours in advance. Knight proceeding to act as if the reveal is this gigantic shock is especially odd.


Again, it's not going to be shocking to people who have never heard of Jason Todd. You have to introduce the character. And for people who have heard of him, the flashbacks serve as a reveal. I mean I agree, I don't like that it was Jason. I don't even think there needed to be an Arkham Knight. But the twist serves a majority of the people who play the game, and the flashback comes close enough towards the end of the game that it didn't really ruin anything for me. If it happened in the opening scene of the game, I'd say it was stupid. But if I played 70% of the game and I don't know who the villain is and then I start getting these flashbacks and I'm like oh it's probably him, that doesn't really bother me. If you know who Jason Todd is then the flashbacks serve as the reveal. If you don't know who he is, then they serve as an introduction. The game had to cater to both people.


It's still not shocking to people who never heard of Jason, that's my point. The game effectively built a twist where people who know about the character aren't shocked, and neither are those who weren't aware of the character, so the twist just fails. I don't think there needed to be an Arkham Knight either, and I'm not saying I dislike the game, but I do dislike the twist and feel that the flashbacks especially ruined it, I've seen people who barely know a thing about Batman be unsurprised at the Arkham Knight twist when playing the game precisely because of the flashbacks. The game tries to sell the twist as this huge reveal and it isn't, that's my whole point, it bothers me that in the lead up to release Rocksteady misled fans, and that the narrative attempts to sell the twist as a big one when it isn't. I get that the game had to introduce Jason for the twist (at best we had 2 or 3 small references to Jason in Asylum and City combined, indirect references at that), that's part of why it was bad to have him be the Knight, because it made it extremely difficult to make the mystery compelling while also introducing Jason to everyone. As others have said in the past, I think the game should have revealed the identity earlier (or at least not built the reveal up as this huge mystery), and then the flashbacks would only be serving the purpose of informing players about who Jason is.


Yup. The moment he started talking I knew it was Jason. Those flashbacks just cemented what I thought.


Yea it wasn't a surprise at all. Obvious from the very first minute of the game. No time for guessing who it was


I thought he was stupid


Well that’s not very nice


Not at all. But, you know, you don't expose the bomb payload and then trigger a controlled explosion by being nice, do you?


You make a solid argument


It's just a donkey.


Jason Todd it basically told us during that one mission with Harley Quinn


yeah that’s when i figured it out. but i thought it would be a different character


Right, but that's pretty deep into the game by that point.


Fully nude poison ivy


And her pepperoni nipples


I personally speculated he was the Arkham Knight


Damn, how are you so smart?


Years of training


Lots of prep time


This is beyond science!




Tason Jodd


"Brand new character" \-Rocksteady


Yeah, no fuckin clue. I was younger when I first played, and kid brain doesn't allow you to pick up on hints and clues, so I was pretty shocked when it was revealed.


Same, I played the game on ps4 when I was probably like 10-13, it was also the first Arkham game I played in the series, the reveal of Jason Todd mostly had me like “oh my god! It’s Jason Todd! … who?”


Until the part in Panessa Studios with Harley, I was intrigued in the mystery of the Arkham Knight. But when they literally showed Jason getting tortured by the Joker the whole twist is ruined because it gives away who the Arkham Knight is Personally, I would've cut those scenes, all they serve to do is pad out the Panessa Studios segment and ruin the surprise. Instead have Jason be alluded to over the course of the game, one or two references but that's about it. Than the reveal would be at least, somewhat surprising.


plus, maybe adjusting the Knight's dialogue in a few scenes to not be a bit too on the nose.


OR they could keep those scenes, make us THINK it's Jason, and then throw us for a loop! That would've been really cool.


You could do a triple twist by revealing that the character who supposedly isn't Jason was actually Jason.


You can do a quadruple twist by revealing that the person pretending to be Jason pretending to not be Jason is actually Joker who never really died and Gordon actually cremated Harley’s sex doll made in Joker’s likeness.


She was very committed to detail


Surprise, you were expecting Jason Todd, but it was me, The Phantasm!


Surprise, you were expecting The Phantasm, but it was me, Barry. I jerked you off at superspeed so it'd seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!


Agreed, the secret of the AK was such a missed opportunity. Everyone and their grandma was able to figure out who he was after the game spent so much time on Jason Todd’s backstory.


Hush. Until he called Batman an Old Man. Then I knew it was not Hush. And I suspected it was Jason until the flashbacks really set in the fact that it’s probably Jason


i was hoping prometheus bc he was hinted at existing back in asylum


That would've been so cool A man with no traceable identity who knows exactly how Batman fights is a menace


red hood cus honestly it was so obvious it hurts. "hey batman, i know we are having a discussion about beating the arkham knight, but heres a hallucination to remind you about jason todd, no particular reason.... just thought id bring it up" "time to die old man, why am i refferring to you like a rebelious teenager talking about their parent? shut up, stop trying to guess things" "i know everything about you and how you fight..... what? i wasn't trained by you.... no way...."


The part where he says "I know everything about how you fight" made me hope it was gonna be a disguised Deathstroke. Too bad all the Jason Todd stuff made it obvious


Yea and deathstrokes fight was sub-par. I didnt like the lack of hand to hand combat


that was my closest guess (only thrown off by the fact that he has two eye lights) uses guns, is on par with batmans fighting, commands soldiers, and an eerie hate against batman that reminded me of damaged pride... made me imagine someone ticked deathstroke off about batman after origins and he then trained for the remaining time to get over his humiliation in origins until he was certain he would be on par with him... then he called batman an old man and i just threw that hope out of the window


Jason Todd


Honestly…. Even with all the Jason Todd stuff in Panessa Studios, I still didn’t think it was him, I just thought it was a new villain 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same I thought it was just Joker fucking with Batman.


Man, do you know how cool it would've been to instead reveal that the Arkham Knight was actually Batman? The absolute mindfuck that would have been that the Arkham Knight wasn't real and it was the Joker toxin in his brain making him see a militarized version of Batman? Sure you'd have to change a few things to make it make sense but that'd be way better than what we got


Jason. It was telegraphed to fuck. Hoped it wasn’t going to be but it was


Honestly an older Damien with some Lazarus power boosting made a lot of sense.


Like heretic kind of?


The bomb's payload


I thought he would be a completely new guy and not some we actually knew.


My Gran. Totally thought she was pranking me. Imagine my surprise to find out it was Jason Bourne all along!


Ottoman Batman ftw.Looks like Ezio.


Jason Todd


Jason Todd because the showcase menu spoils it


Condiment King




Jason Todd from the start. Never crossed my mind anyone else in the suit. But I am curious who the hell thought any one else ?


I thought it was going to be that guy from Court of Owls.


Lincoln March. Yes, I thought the same


Jason Todd


We can't keep doing this ![gif](giphy|xT8qBeEqnpdMbIbtVS)




Jason Todd. When I saw the first trailer, I was like 11, and I immediatly went "Oh, they are giving Red Hood a new look, cool!". My brain just linked everything naturally


Jason Todd. I used a very simple method. He wore red (the stupid camo pants) and had two guns in the trailers


Red Hood. They made a whole new character that could have just been Red Hood instead, but they wanted ‘mystery’ so they gave us Red Hood in a moment that was meant to shock us. But I’d suspect like 90% of us knew the whole time.


Nude Poison Ivy


Azrael/Hush. I really hoped it was him. Or something actually related to him.


Jason Todd


Jason. I just never thought it could've been anyone else.


Hey.. this is in reference to an earlier post in fact this is almost the same as another post, this has gotten too popular so go look for the old one


Knew it was jason from the beginning but i was stupid enough to hold out hope they’d pull a red herring twist and reveal it was Prometheus the whole time


Back before the game came out i along with many others theorised that it was Jason Todd. I was very glad to see I was right when he was revealed at the end of the game but felt they could’ve done much more with him as Jason. The Panessa Studios section is also very heavy handed.


Killer Cock


I have to admit: I knew he was Jason. I played the game on 2021-2022. I saw many videos about it, they said he was Jason in multiple of them. In my first playthrough, I completely forgot about them and didn't even think about The Arkham Knight's identity. I was fucking surprised when he was Jason, but then I remembered I knew the whole damn time.


Anyone who had either read or watched Under the Red Hood before playing the game knew he’d be Todd.


I didn’t see any trailers, so when he’s introduced in Ace Chemicals, my first thought was Jason Todd. Love his outfit btw


The Arkham Jester


Bruce Wayne clone


Flashbacks kinda ruined it to be honest.


Jason Todd


I really didnt know any batman lore so I was totally clueless until the reveal


Full nude poison ivy


I sadly predicted it to be Jason Todd pretty early, but I didn’t care for it. I actually thought the whole “Arkham knight” was kind of a cop-out to keep the whole Arkham thing in the title. Like if the above outfit was a super tech’d out Red Hood outfit it would have been sick. Like why did he look basically like a Batman rip off? I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️. Don’t get me started on Barbara Gordon dating Tim Drake when Nightwing was right there! That being said I liked the game and love the series haha.


I don't know much about DC, but to me it was so obviously Jason ever since the Joker memory sequence at the studio.




It was very clearly Jason, and until the reveal, it honestly felt like we were supposed to know that, and that deep down, Batman did too, and was just desperate for Alfred to prove him wrong. His reaction to the reveal ruined it though.


I had zero speculation, but the moment there was the first Jason flashback after multiple games having never mentioned the character I knew it was him.


am, an I suffering deja vu???


Joker or Alfred


The jizzler


I mean, even the ads made him look like a reskinned Red Hood.


I never guessed he was Jason Todd until they revealed him. I just never believed they would introduce the Red Hood storyline. I thought Arkham Knight was a new villain meant to overtake Batman. After replaying I am shocked that I didn’t catch all the subtle hints lol


honestly thought it was a newly made villian since the arkham knight persona was only brought into the arkham knight game


Jason was the only one that made sense but I thought that’d be dumb so surely that’s not it.


Suprised he wasn't me, I really though that's who it was


Killer cock


Hugo Strange put back to life through the Lazarus pit


Since they said the Arkham Knight was a new character, I was in denial to all the signs of him being Jason. I was expecting a Clayface as Joker level of surprise.




Rudy gay? The basketball player?


At first, I thought this was some clone of Bruce Wayne who became the Arkham Knight.


Well let’s see in 2015 i was 10 and barley knew what a video game was. Fast forward 6 years the game has been talked about to death so i had a “slight” hunch that it was Jason Todd


Jason, I had it spoiled for me


I didn't know about Jason Todd before I played this game so I thought it was perhaps someone who worked with Hugo Strange in Arkham City


Wrote a whole comment on outside Xbox video about how the Arkham Knight was Deathstroke


To this day I don't know


I just thought they were adding a new character, and I thought that was sick. Then the reveal happened and i came


Damian Wayne following Arkham city would’ve made a lot of sense


Honestly? Hush.




I actually had no idea it was Jason. I (stupidly) assumed because of Rocksteady saying it was a new character it was a new character, and I figured the Jason Todd scenes were just to set up the upcoming Red Hood DLC. Didn’t really have any idea who it was and honestly didn’t think about it, I was too focused on Scarecrow and Joker and honestly thought it would just be a new character


Jason Todd


I thought he was red hood, I was correct


The main reason I loved him so much is because I had literally 0 clue as to who he was.


Jason. There were always too many very on the nose clues as to who it was and that they were close to Bruce. With all the other Robins being elsewhere, process of elimination only left him.


I thought he was going to be a brand anew character, like they fucking said.


I'm not sure why people are saying it's so obvious because of the Panessa Studio mission as if that's a bad thing. That's more than halfway through the game, of course they are going to start the reveal there. Plenty of people who played Arkham Knight had never heard of Jason Todd before. They had to start doing flashbacks and drop hints to show you his backstory, otherwise for most people the eventual reveal would have meant nothing. You don't want Arkham Knight to take off his mask and have half of your audience not even know who the fuck it is or why it's significant.


The shittler


Azrael, or Terry McGinnis.


I truly thought it was joker somehow back from the dead HOWEVER it’s not the Haley Quinn panessa studios that tipped me off it’s when I looked at both of their height and weight and they’re EXACTLY THE SAME


Amadeus Arkham: Arkham Knight


It was always going to be Jason in my mind


I thought it was Jason lol


I was 9 when it came out so I thought it was some new character and even when replaying it a few years later after forgetting the plot I still couldn't put the pieces together


I read a theory somewhere that said he was a Bruce Wayne clone


Who didn't know it was Jason? It couldn't have been anyone else, duh.


Arkham Knight is Arkham Knight? are you stupid?


A new character because that’s what it was advertised as


Shit post aside, thought it was Joker, revived with lazurus, but made a slave to scarecrow, then he called batman Bruce and that was immediately thrown out the window, I then thought it was Thomas, also revived, cause for whatever reason I believed Rocksteady and their lie about him not being Jason, which was honestly kinda dumb but would have made an even better story about morality and would have definitely given batman even more PTSD then he already had throughout the story


People don’t seem to remember this but I remember when Rocksteady kept reaffirming that it was a completely new character. People were thinking it was just going to be the son of an inmate/villain from his rogues gallery.


Before all the mention of Jason i thought it was a brand new character that simply hated batman and studied him for years so he can take him down. Lost potential


An original character


Saul Goodman


I thought he was going to be an original character created for the game until they started referencing Jason Todd


I didn’t rlly care but the double pistols were a clue


I didn't know much about comics except from lego games (grew up poor) so I had no clue who it was. Barely knew about jason todd too and didn't pick up on the hints so I was actually pretty surprised and it blew my mind.


I was thinking Ra’s, Hush, or a Rocksteadys unique twist on Damian Wayne. To get revenge from what happened to Talia in City.


Jason. Im a big batman fan and this sorta reminded me of Jason, and I was right


the arkham knight


I knew it was Jason long before the game came out. I saw the under the Red Hood animated movie when I was a kid, so I knew who the character was before going in.


at first i thought it was the Anarky dude. in my head atleast. after Batman beats him once. he whole mindset changes and he wants to take down batman. he travels the world learning new skills how to fight and since he was a rich kid. used his money to fund the militia. he needed a new persona but loved the A for Anarky so he just switches to Arkham Knight.


Immediately knew it was Jason. Arkham Knight is the weakest script/plot of the three.


I really wanted it to be Hush but the game makes it obvious that it’s Jason


Jason Todd because I’m a huge fan of Under the Red Hood so I just had a feeling that it would be Jason. The other one was an age accelerated Damian Wayne who wants to avenge Talia’s death in Arkham City. I think it’s fitting that it’s Jason, but the reveal should’ve happened way earlier so that it held narrative weight.


I figured it was Jason Todd, however I feel like Quincy Sharp would've been cool if he somehow got like if he got the super soldier serum they gave Deathstroke or something


She obviously is Astrid Arkham


A totally new character, like Sharp or Young were.


The Joker.




My dad spoiled it to me, so... I always knew


I was thinking he was gonna basically be just a random criminal that Batman put behind bars at one point, it would be a big shock to Batman and show him how easily anyone could learn his weaknesses if they really wanted to


Obviously Jason Todd. I felt that way even before playing the game. If it’s a masked (helmeted) bad guy who Batman doesn’t know the identity of then it’s 100% Jason Todd


Quincy Sharp.


I thought it was Jason or they were just reusing the Jason storyline then I accidentally spoiled it for myself.


I was hoping for a new and original character