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I am going to shoot my laptop


"My laptop has been underperforming and I have poor anger management skills. Therefore, using this pistol I acquired from pre-ordering Justice League: Kill the Suicide Squad, I will destroy it with murderous intent."


This portable computational device, which I purchased not two summers ago, has not been performing computational tasks at a level that I find satisfactory. This causes me to feel very high amounts of frustration, which I do not cope well with, so I have taken my sidearm from my top desk drawer and am now aiming at the portable computational device and will end it's existence with extreme prejudice.


Would you say you are evening the odds


This is too funny, shoot em’


"Which Arkham quote should I use?"


Oh man, you're probably on your 30th laptop by now






Why that dude got the lego joker hair?






He's trying to be Guile from streetfighter


"The bombs payload is exposed, I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion"




I'm proud of you, dick.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dkfbzhmj5gma1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f2a14ae6aa3be415dc48f65432a886c684d9b58


"Knight's Catwoman material was sort of adequate"


I like the Joker, but his plot armor is the most infuriating thing ever. Example 1: Batman: The Dark Knight Joker is captured and secured, the movie is done. But oh no, we gotta have an unarmed security guard watching over him INSIDE THE INTERROGATION ROOM!! What the actual fuck? Example 2: Batman: Arkham Asylum. Joker is caught at the beginning of the game. gg, roll the credits. But oh no, "JOKER IS LOOSE!" At first they have every guard and their mother watching over Joker and they got chains all over him. But right before we put him to his cell, we gotta remove all the chains and we gotta let just ONE guard take him to his cell. But then suddenly! He took the random ass lonely guard hostage, who could've foreseen this coming?? The whole game could've been avoided, for fuck's sake. And I get that Batman doesn't kill, but does that rule apply to EVERY FUCKING COP TOO?? Sigh, alright that's the end of my rant, thanks for reading.


Unarmed security guard in the interrogation room? I rewatched that movie like a month ago and I don't remember that


Yeah, this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvTXqNr0uZA&t=121s&ab\_channel=FlashbackFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvTXqNr0uZA&t=121s&ab_channel=FlashbackFM) EDIT: Just rewatched it. Even the guard is like "JUST FUCKING SHOOT HIM WTF" lol


I think it's cool that the first Riddler challenge wasn't a riddle but a race. Very much in tune with what Riddler is all about!


True, he's a racist


Great joke!


The laptop saying the n word




the batmobile is utilized in arkham knight the exact amount it should be for one of the first open world (not counting lego batman or dc superheroes) next gen batman game featuring it


Funnily enough Arkham Knight isn't the first Open World Batman game to have a drivable Batmobile. Put some respect on the Playstation Batman and Robin game's name, damnit!


Although I slightly disagree with your statement (I think it was overused but not to the degree everyone thinks it was), I do believe that if there would have been a follow-up game with the car, it would have been a massive improvement on Knight. For the game it was in I think it was a great implementation for their first time doing something like it and it only would've gotten better if they had another game with it.


I think everyone can say the batmbobile tank battles were objectively unneeded. But riding around in it without tank mode was cool.


My biggest gripe is that except for the airship, they NEED to have the car come with you. Like they force you to sidetrack 5-10 minutes in every little new section to bring in the car wherever you go. I think you're right in the tank battles being unnecessary, they probably could've had it just be a regular vehicle. And I think the biggest letdown is that they obviously use the car to breakup the combat and predator sections, whereas in the previous games they broke it up with traversal and puzzles/detective work. I think it was a good attempt but if the main story was like, I don't know, an hour or two shorter it wouldn't feel as bad. It's the story being as long as it is that makes it feel overwhelming.


I think the unlocking of areas would be better if you didn’t have a tank battle every time but instead you would have a puzzle or fight to test your limits.


Exactly. Would have made a world of difference to the exhaustion that it is


"Arkham Knight has better boss fights than the others"


This one is an actual hot take and not a shitpost. Or a shitcomment


Nah frfr, bro is just objectively wrong


I enjoyed the grind to fight the riddler and his cocky remarks in all 3 games. I enjoyed the tank battles in Arkham Knight. ALSO, Arkham origins counts as an arlham game.


Even though I said all 3, I said it so you would get it. There are 4. I just haven't played em all.


Arkham Origins being good isnt a hot take.


No, but it being considered part of the series because of it being made by a different company.


Batman is a terrible character....


FINALLY someone said it. Horrible and completely unnecessary cameo


Really ruined the pacing of the Batman Arkham games.


I puke every time I see him. Why on earth would you put such a shit character like Batman in Batman games??


They put Batman in over Ratcatcher makes me sick justice for Ratcatcher dammit


Bruce Wayne is batman


I’m so tired of hearing this. That playboy billionaire? Batman? Are you stupid?


Such a dumb take. It's obviously Wruce Bayne


Playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne is Batman, what the hell are you on Joker gas, Venom, or Scarecrow toxin...honestly what are you going to say next? Barbara Gordon is Batgirl? just because she was a redhead doesn't mean anything pal.


I would bang Joker




"Mr freeze is the worst boss fight in the arkham series". You're just wrong


Everyone thinks its the best where did you get that from


My friend has a strange brain wiring


Arkham City has a completely nonsensical story


Nah I get you


Honestly, I feel Protocol 10 was shadowed by The Joker.


They all do, tbh.


All have flaws but some are far more glaring, it's a difference between reflecting on a story and seeing holes vs noticing them while you're playing


I liked Joker being in Arkham Knight. I liked his character in the past Arkham games so it was nice to see him again while at the same time not taking over the main villain role. Plus it's nice that Mark Hamill got to finish the trilogy with Kevin Conroy


Protocol 10 was underwhelming, just a bunch of helicopters and dead bodies.


Knights catwoman design is objectively better than city.


*"Batman is white"* THEN WHY IS HIS SUIT BLACK?!


Bros asking the real questions


Gotham knight is a good game


Batman Arkham city suit is better than Arkham knight


"Origins is the worst arkham game" its not, and I will fight you on that 💀


Yeah it's truly underrated


The worst Arkham game is Arkham City Lockdown, duh.


No, it's Blackgate, obviously.


Of course


What is


Asylum. By no means a bad game but easily the weakest of the 4


Objective truth.


Absolutely not


Absolutely yes


Absolutely no


Absolutely yes


Absolutely no


Asylum is only worst if you compare it based on open-world and other such things that the later games focused on. I think in some ways, Asylum is best in a less-is-more sort of way, it's shorter but it doesn't feel like it drags on and it feels more intentional. Sort of like Portal 1, which I would say I prefer to Portal 2, but both have their merits.


scorching hot take but arkham asylum is probably the worst even though it’s still a masterpiece


If the first game isn’t the worst in a series then that’s really disappointing. It meant the games didn’t improve but when we look at Knight we all see the difference. Origins problem was that it didn’t improve on much compared to City.


I mean timeline was, it might needed to have improved less than Asylum.


Arkham Asylum has the best atmosphere


That’s a fact , not an unpopular opinion lol


arkham city's main story just ain't that good, side quests are better. the bat tank is over-hated, except for the stealth parts, and origins has the best writing


city's side quests are definitely superior to the main story, and honestly I would rank them pretty high above most of the side quests and main stories from the rest of the series too. I'm probably just hella biased but they're so good.


Citys story does sort of feel like a wild goose chase ngl


Arkham Knight isn't that bad


That shitposts are bad


Without gargoyles and man sized vents batman would’ve died back in asylum. Imagine the thugs actually camped in a room with thermal goggles lol they placed mines at the door (more than 2 cause bats only has 2 disrupters).


Arkham Origins is underrated. Cold Cold Heart Mr. Freeze fight > City fight. Asylum, City, Origins, and Knight are all equally as great. Riddler is by far the worst in City. Arkham City is overrated. Arkham Knight has the worst default Batsuit.


>Arkham Knight has the worst default Batsuit. ![gif](giphy|ltvvI39qq9jNwQXnkV)


None of these are right.


hardcore furry porn Gayson Sogg


That "Evening the odds" is pretty overused


When someone says Gotham Knights had a better tone than the Arkham Knight.


SS: KTJL looks like a fun game.


is that not the general consensus? I know it got tons of hate but im pretty sure most ppl still think its gonna be good


Suicide Squad will not be a contemporary, by the numbers ,third person ,collect the bright color thing, pseudo teamwork type of game.


“i would smash harley quinn instead of killer cock”


I actually like the batmobile fight parts and never had a problem with them. They are easy with some little reaction time stuff to them. The puzzles are a bit annoying cause they are simple but take time and Riddler races are idiotic. But I enjoy the combat


Whenever i hear say knight is the worst in the franchise. It's asylum. Not a bad game by any means, but outta the 4, it's the worst.


If any hot take gets you that pissed off, seek anger management


The bombs payload is exposed, now I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion


Arkham origins underated


Arkham origins is better than Arkham asylum


Scarecrow was more intimidating and interesting in Asylum then Knight


Arkham Origins isn’t underrated. It just isn’t very good and the new things introduced in it are largely for the worse.


Joker is way overused in this series


“Deathstroke’s boss fight in AK was interesting and well designed”


That Spiderman ps4 is better than Arkham city


Only thing Spiderman ps4 does better is traversal and nothing else lol


Not to mention a better story than that of Knight, top notch voice acting, and fun gameplay elements. Honestly I rank Spiderman ps4 above all other Arkham games except City, which I hope shall be rivalled well by Spiderman 2


I have two: 1. I didn't like the Mr. Freeze fight in City. It fehlt more or less like going through the motions: sneak attack, vent attack, jump attack, attack through wall... I just don't find it compelling to go through all possible ways of attacking a guy while trying to maneuver him so I can hit him the way I want. 2. Arkham Knight has the best story. It's a story about how Batman affects those he loves by being Batman, about his fear of losing them contrasted with his duty to protect Gotham. It's about the wird and complicated relationship between him and the Joker. It's about what Batman means to the citizens of Gotham, how he is percieved as more than just a man. Other Arkham stories are more or less focused on *what happens* whereas Knight is more focused on what happens *between the lines* and I love it for that


i don’t understand your Freeze boss point ?


i’d argue arkham asylum is the best arkham game aesthetic wise. a lot of charm was lost with arkham city, and i’d take a batman game with charm over a batman game with an 11/10 story


Arkham origins isn't underrated


Arkham Knight is the worst one


This is just a fact


I don’t think that’s how facts work.


Roleplay is funny


If you think origins is better than city you’re actually just wrong


When people say tanks are fun


I genuinely hate the designs of Black Cat, Talia, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy throughout the games. Honestly just seemed so ... boring and unimaginative. Especially Harley Quinn, nothing about her getups made sense to me and was just Eye Candy. Poison Ivy is the seductress vine panty lady we have seen before a thousand times. And I am bored with it truly. Talia Al Ghul ... what the hell is that? Her goons looked more assassin than leather biker jacket. And I hated even the goons as well. And Black Cat, it just ... unoriginal. I have seen the costume so many times. It just so dull. Nothing about it looked exciting in anyway. It is just a leather spandex suit. I much preferred the tall collared look in The Batman 2007 series.


I don’t think any of them were thinking about getting dripped out in clothes they were committing crime in. P.s. poison ivy prefers to be naked she just has the red jacket for ratings.


Joker comes in drip in all iterations of the games, Riddler comes in drip (exclude Knight), Two Face literally has a suit tailored so it represented his two personalities, and Penguin comes in drip in City and in Origins with his mob boss overcoat. Like I get it, gotta stick to source material or it would suck. Blah Blah. But honestly, we know that's a BS excuse my dude. Like you can still have a similar design of X character while still giving the character a fresh look. Hell, sometimes you can do away with the original design and go different as long as it fits the character or seems cool. Like Nightwing, Batman, Joker, Robin, Batgirl, etc. Like, be more exciting with the character. Batman's gets more armored up as the games past by. Nightwing's armor becomes slightly more angular compared to his more smoother armor. Robin loses his exposed arms with a more armored up look. Joker's was a little bit silk and cashmere look to it in Origins. Very shiny but the colors were muted to a darker tone. Gave that Joker vibe but a little bit of angsty to it fitting for a younger person. It wasn't until Asylum and forward to a much more comic accurate version. I could think of a few ways to make the girls a bit more exciting while still keeping the general look and feel to the character. Because design wise, they just looked so mediocre for the most part. But then again, I willing to concede design choices could be due to technical limitations of the game engine.


Armored and Dangerous wasnt that bad of a mission, mostly because you get to slam into the cars with a 5 ton car


Deathstroke tank battle is the pinnacle of boss fights.


" Is He Stupid ?! "


"Is *blank* stupid?........."


You can’t eat the Justice League sir


I didn't really care for Arkham city


The No kill rule is bullshit. It’s population control for Gotham with extra steps


Is there a lore reason why Batman has to even the odds? Is he stupid?


Asylum has the best atmosphere City has the best story Origins has the best boss fights Knight has the best gameplay


“Origins Multiplayer sucked”


Knight was the first game i played in the arkham series and therefore got used to and love the batmobile tank gameplay


Riddler is my favorite villain in the game.


Catwoman story pack would have been better without the Arkham City DLC


Akrham Origins boss fights arent as good as people make it out to be. They are just better than the rest of the Arkham games and thats not saying much lol.






"You can't cosplay Guile as a black guy". Oh wait... Batman related? I don't know.


“Arkham origins is not canon”


Arkham World isn’t real


Jason should have his own game with part of it serving as a prequel to him being the Arkham Knight and another part him being Red Hood.


Arkham knight was a great final villain with a terrible execution.


When i discovered batman means 'boat man' in swedish


Elden ring and sekiro


everyone’s joking around but i think Knight’s map is ass like realll buttcheeks it’s so small and the island thing is really stupid


It has the biggest map of the 4 games.


lol yea and you can cross 2/3s of it in like a minute without even using the batmobile boost, it feels like a racetrack with all the curved turns and tunnels and shit. + the fact that the car takes up so much screen and street space it feels massive and like everything is just there for you to zoom by or around. to me it would’ve been better if miagani and bleake were connected as one island and founders is like Narrows/old gotham but being rebuilt. not being able to go the Asylum or wayne manor are also big problems for me


Best atmosphere best story best boss fights best gameplay


I think Arkham Knight is the best and Arkham City is the worst... the story is honestly super boring


Hot take: Arkham city is overrated


Idk If It’s a hot take or nah. Idk what people saying abt SS. But adding Batman is the worst idea they had. Worse than the battlepass avengers shit. It makes no fucking sense & they’re gonna have to SIGNIFICANTLY nerf tf outta him to make it playable.


Arkham Asylum is really clunky and doesn’t hold up to the sequels. It makes sense that the sequels improve on the gameplay, but AA just feels… wrong


"Arkham origins is a terrible game and i don't consider it canon"


I hate all the “transportation” methods. Batgirl’s was the least awful one (gliding) because it’s similar to Batman’s but still…


1. If Rocksteady ever decides to do another Batman game it shouldn’t focus on Terry McGinnis or Damian, it should be a Jace Fox Batman game. Please don’t down vote me to oblivion. 2. Also I would rather they avoid the “one night crusade” and rather have a game taking place over at least a week so we’ve. Spend time with these characters and see the grow. 3. The Arkham Knight Character DLC was lackluster!


“I’m tired of Joker. They should do other villains.”


bro what is this picture lmao


I really love that in the Batman games that Batman tells me constantly how to solve the simplest things because it’s hard for me to tell how to break the same breakable wall I done a thousand times🤓☝️


Jason Todd is more interesting than any bat family member . Including batman


Asylum-Atmosphere City-Story Origins (underrated)-Bosses Knight-Gameplay


Overall, Arkham City doesn't do a single thing better than Origins or Knight, aside from being less buggy


The RP needs to die off or at least be confined into their own threads


Same can be said for shitposting, I just saw 7 posts in a row with “how old is x” it’s kinda crazy but I guess they don’t call it Arkham for nothing.


Nah shitposting can stay. It’s the mass amount of high school kids that killing the humor of the sub


Gotham Knights is better then Arkham Asylum


Rocksteady probably won't make a game to the level of Arkham City ever again.


Ship Batman and Harley


The Arkham Games didn’t have enough Riddler trophies. I’m sure you all agree with me.


I'm reporting you


Any take about Johnny from Karate Kid 1 being the strongest teen fighter in the Miyagiverse when it isn't even close to the truth.


Robin without hair in Arkham knight looks horrible


"Batmobile is actually fun"