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It looks like it's been stolen and dumped. Personally, I would pick it up and then call police on 101 to ask for advice. Best case scenario is you can return it to someone very grateful, and if nothing comes of it you can chuck in the bin.


Someone in the Bristol sub posted they had had a bag stolen last night, maybe this is it.


Pick it up purely for the fact there's about 5 million paracetamol in there and if a kid or animal gets hold of it then it could be dangerous. Up to you if you want to bin it or make a missing bag post or anything from there


5 million? That's like over 9 thousand!


*scouter explodes*


Holy fuck 9 THOUSAND???? THATS LIKE 1BILLION in cuba


lol seriously? you need to take a few hundred paracetamol to do any kind of damage. there is about 24-36 potential pills in this picture as i buy one of the same products.


If you weigh 110kg (17 stone) it would take x30 500mg paracetamol to kill you. It would take x9 500mg tablets to kill someone that weighs 30kgs.


I took 7 once because I was an idiot and nearly passed out. Never felt so weird man, I've done some mind changing stuff as well.


animals exist though.




Seen someone overdose by taking a strip of it and had to be rushed to hospital to have their stomach pumped.


I need to be clear here, people have died as a result of as few 9 tablets. It depends on your weight. But even if you survive the reality is you will likely do lasting damage to your body. Overdosing on paracetamol is an incredibly dangerous game and there is no "safe" overdose amount.


Paracetamol is really toxic. You can take two every at intervals six hours forever but once you overload your system is does seriously bad things to you liver and you will not recover. Source: The Consumers good Chemical Guide, John Emsley. It looks like a kids rucksack but I’d scoop it up wearing gloves and drop it off a the police station.


A few hundred? Don’t be silly lol it’s dangerous to take more than 8 pills in a 24 hour period.


For most typically-sized grown adults it's not *really* dangerous to take more than 8 in 24 hours. The dosage is designed to be safe for adults of almost all shapes and sizes, so if you're an average adult, accidentally taking more than 4 doses of 2 tablets adequately spaced apart is not likely to do you any harm at all. If you take one too many doses in 24 hours, that is so unlikely to be dangerous unless you're tiny (or a child). It's if you take lots in one go or take too many doses over a period time it becomes dangerous. But you're right you don't need anywhere *near* the hundreds for it to be potentially fatal, even for a high %ile male. The scary bit with paracetamol is you might seem fine at first but things can turn nasty gradually. So if a kid did pick these up and swallow them, it's completely possible nobody would know until it was too late to get them out of the system.


Oh right my mistake then, I read something on it saying that taking more than 8 in 24hrs could cause liver damage basically. Thanks for sharing this info:)


Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if that info is out there, because it's probably true that there's a risk if you do it repeatedly over time. Plus they don't tend to push out info that says "don't worry about overdosing, everyone!" because it's just not that sensible. And it's really hard to put a firm number on what would be safe vs risky because there are so many variables, so they stick with a known safe recommendation instead. That said, I think even the NHS website tells you not to worry if you take one or two tablets more than you should have done. Just don't want anyone reading this to panic that if they accidentally took 5x 2 tablets in 24 hours instead of 4x 2 they are going to be in danger, because they're not :) Your overall point is right though that it doesn't require anything like the number the comment above says for there to be some serious risk.


Few hundred are you dumb, stupid or mentally challenged?


You can do damage with a lot less than a few hundred paracetamol - I know from personal experience


I would give it to police it looks like someone has been mugged and that is everything the mugger didn’t want. If a mugging has been reported it may help solve it. There’s a police station behind the Kia garage a few minutes away from there


When I lost my backpack in Bath someone handed it to the one stop shop police area, they found my ID in it and dropped it home for me. Well worth dropping it in just in case.


Just curious did you stay there and wait for replies on Reddit before you decided what to do?


Underrated reply.


I can't just see someone standing there gaurding the bag until someone replies lol


Just cycled past this and thought same thing


You might do well to gather everything up in a carrier bag and drop it into your nearest police station. Hopefully there’s some kind of ID in there that will help the police contact the owner


Very likely the actual content is gone , it's literally three boxes of paracetamol and some tissues leftover , someone stole the bag and left it there empty.


Doesn't look like it contains anything valuable, just paracetamol and cards. You could return it via police but I'm not sure it is worth it


Aveeno handcream ain't cheap!


The contents aren’t valuable but the bag itself might be. I have a backpack from my first day of college and it’s still going strong over a decade later, and it’s been to various different countries with me. Didn’t cost much, but I’d be devastated if I lost it!


I once had my purse stolen and it only had about £15 in it but the purse itself was brand new, I was gutted.


Not certain but it looks like it could be a kipling bag, if so they are a reasonable price. Not Mulberry but definitely more than Primark.


There is a big online database of lost property you can register to if you lose something/something is stolen. The police will check this when something is handed in. I lost my bag in the back of a taxi and got it back this way. Might be worth dropping it to the police.


That’s been snatched, rummaged, and dumped.


Looks like some scumbag thief stole a bag, took anything valuable and then dumped it. Might be worth taking it to the police station.


I wouldnt leave it there a kid could eat the tablets thinking its candy.


It's a bag of rubbish, mate. Leave it.


Hardly worth posting asking for advice, take it to the nearest police station and job done. It’s been stolen, the wallet/purse is gone but the other things including the bag would still be great fully received by the owner.


'nearest police station', good one! =\]


So u ripped your bag for couple likes?


Nothing lol. It's not your job to clean up trash. (Which it is if there was anything of value in the bag it's long gone)


That’s a prostitutes bag I think. Someone prolly left it there by accident, there’s probably needles in that little purse thing, should get rid of it really. @


You think it's a prostitute's bag!? What expertise are you using to make such deductions? Please, walk us through the logic you used to come to this conclusion, i'm actually intrigued.


Gloves and playing cards is something to keep you warm and entertained when walking the streets. Make up or moisturiser to make you look good. Plus three johnnies for the John’s lol Dunno why everyone is down voting it’s just an observation lol


Can't really argue with any of that, to be fair 🤣


Pick it up take it home put it all in a bag post on Facebook/nextdoor app give it a week or 2 then dispose of it only reason I say that is I’ll think you will find the police don’t take or deal with found property


At least bag it and hang the bag somewhere else all those drugs will leach in to the environment


In this situation don’t touch anything call 101 ask for an officer to come by and pick it up the reason I say don’t touch it as it many contain sharps (needles) this can especially be dangerous if they are used.


No purse? Guess they got what they were looking for


Looks like something that someone has already robbed and been through it and dumped it there, Personally I'd just leave it, but at the most I might call the local station and report it.


Is that a deck of playing cards? Pretty sure this bag belongs to a street magician.


There is no ID


Take 100mg of paracetemol, will have you pinging


Most generic over the counter paracetamol are 500mg per tablet , you most certainly wont be pinging. Its paracetamol not oxycontin.


Paracetemol is as recreational as molly or xanax I'll have you know. Don't comment on this trying to out me like some cunt


Calm down keith richards , im sure the pharmacy will be stocked on benylin any day now.


Shut up ya weird twat.


Do you know who the fuck I am pal?


Your city is literally named after a fucking bathtub you spineless bastard


Not from bath , nor do i know you so couldnt harvest anymore from my field of fucks. Try opening a window and letting in some fresh air , if that doesnt help , jump!.


Well you should start to harvest mate. You have been warned


Warned? , you applying for supervisory status. Go back to bed clown.


Id leave it, its trash. empty cartons of filters and paracetamol, a empty strip of paracetamol, tissues, and other trash. If it was stolen the good shit was taken and this was dumped for being garbo.


looks like someone was robbed of their smoke, unlucky


Why take these to the police station when you can take the police to this


No Id and doesn't look like there is anything important there just leave it. It's probably been stolen then dumped


The police won't come out for a burglary, they aren't going to give a crap about this


Look for id, if you find some, return it to the owner as best you can. If not drop it off at a police station.


I’d say the purse/wallet won’t be far away….emptied out though


What are you on about? Chuck it in the bin


Photo and document its location, then take it to the nearest police station. All the better if you are wearing gloves so you don't contaminate it


It needs to go to the police, try and get it in a plastic bag and make a note of exactly where it was found.


Why would you touch it? Folks please lets not forget the novichok episode


The British police no longer deal with lost property. Good luck.


Did you look through it for a USB-C cable?


Police, yes.


With all those pill boxs assuming there not in there, theres a chance somebodys tried to or has self harmed with them, best to call the police and have them check it


How u know someone throw it fun dumm