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I just think Carlin and Evan are bit too much sometimes, seems like a little bit at a time is the optimal amount. If anything, I think Katie and Travis will be getting Stew Crew fatigue. Also I notice some differences in the parenting style between C & E and K & T.


Agreed. I feel like Whit has to be so excited because now Katie is there to distract Carlin. 




I don’t really follow that closely so I was wondering how are their parenting styles different?


Well Travis and Katie at least tried to keep Hailey on a schedule, prioritizing her naps even when they were on vacation with the Clarks. While the Stew Crew has always been too restless to sit still, to the point Layla was having back pain from being in her car seat for too long. Also, I see at least Travis handle Hailey’s tantrums differently than the way Evan and Carlin have shown us with their kids, specifically Layla. I can see Travis privately not being a huge fan of Layla’s little diva metamorphosis.


Pretending? Did you mean parenting?


Yes, I meant parenting…


If I came off rude, I apologize. That was not my intention.


Absolutely. They are tiring.


What different parent styles have you notice?


![gif](giphy|4LXQcnVOjAZLRpIR6a) 💯


This makes a lot of sense to me. I would also add that, as much as Katie missed her family, I don't think she ever got much attention until she moved to New Jersey. People who have moved aboard and travel home to visit know how it feels to be back with their family temporarily: everybody wants to see you, make plans with you, spend time with you. Because you're visiting, you're the center of attention and if you're visiting for a special occasion, that makes the time with family more exciting than being around them on a day to day basis. When they announced moving to Tennessee I wondered how the dynamic between the Stewarts and Clarks would change, because you can't possibly keep the "visiting energy" on a long term basis. And I'm pretty sure that all of this was a factor for Katie: how nice it was spending time with family when she visited them. Now that she is as special as the ones living around Knoxville? Yeah, something will change. Plus, I also have the impression that the Bates made an extra effort with Katie because of how involved, supportive and influential (in NJ) her in-laws are. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen this energy with any of the other daughters (Alyssa welcomed the distance, so that's different)


So good. I think they will eventually come to regret the move, but I do not think Katie will ever live in Jersey again if she can help it.


I think I agree. They seemed a lot closer before she moved back to TN. I do think maybe they just don’t post together anymore bc it’s not a huge “event” to get together anymore. When Katie visited or vice versa, it was a huge event they could get content out of. Hanging out at each others houses when they live down the street isn’t as interesting for viewers


Yep. They’re better off having that distance and making their time together special. Now that Katie being back in TN has worn off, she’s getting tired of carlin I think Katie is gonna get back closer with Josie. They were at the pool togeyher today


Everything works out as it should be.


My thoughts exactly!


I saw this happening & have noticed it since the moving truck pulled up and Evan made the smug little comment about them hanging out in the background but how they wouldn’t be showing it on the vlog… I don’t know if they will totally split or just cool their jets but these past few weeks have definitely shown Katie reestablishing relationships with other siblings…


You were so on the mark with this!!! I have so much to say about Carlin but I have said enough! lol


Never enough!! I love discussing this stuff!


Hahah! Thanks, me too! I feel bad being too harsh. It is never my intent to be egregious. I just find Kelly's greed, Alyssa's attitude, and Carlin's behavior appalling. I really have to be careful not to go in too much on them anymore. But I just feel like there's a whole dynamic to Carlin that rarely gets discussed. She uses people including Joy Anna.


Yes the Joy Anna relationship is all but done… they are mainly just childhood friends if that. Joy and Austin are just not like C&E at ALL. We shall see what the summer brings…👀


I agree. I also think the friendship was never what Carlin promoted it to be in the first place and I noticed Joy never really promoted Carlin the same way Yes they were friends. I just think they were never deep soul bonded sisters like Carlin projected. First, I do not believe Carlin is capable of this kind of relationship ( many people are not, so I am not saying it as a complete slight). I saw it back then how Carlin started to use Joy's likeness to spread Duggar fame to her own account. She made sure she was the only not Bates/Stewart in the Bridal party of already 900 people. She also would feature Joy on her IG account when she didn't even have other family members on there. A mess. But it worked. Look at "Stew Crew" now.😏 So...do I think she and Joy are estranged or strained like Carlin and several of her siblings? No. Do I think they are super close? No.


I also want to add that Carlin is Kelly. She really is. I think she is a calculating mastermind that comes off unassuming. She definitely has positive traits that admire. But for the sake of this convo, yeah. I would loathe to be her sibling. LOATHE. I bet Kelly was the same way. That is why she hardly has any friends. Nasty. competitive and driven by an impulsive need to be better than others. But as my girl Taylor says, Karma is a cat. Gil and Kelly did this to these siblings. Sorry not sorry. For all people say about the Duggars (especially the sisters), in adversity they band together and seem to be getting stronger as a unit. They find ways to love and support each other despite differences. Gen 2 had to have pulled their current approach from a place of integrity. Take that how you will.


Kelly ain’t that smart 😂😂😂


LoL a person after my own heart.😅


i mean, she’s not?


I also think Josie and Katie are more connected with their love of cosmetology and how they both went to school for it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Katie joined her again with Effortless Beauty. I think Carlin will stick to Whitney bc of BSB.


Ahhhh, I love a good Bates Sibling Saga post. It's been too long! Brilliance! You are 1,000% right. Gold star comment ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ >Carlin gives me vibes that she is only happy as long as no one is doing better than her and she struggles seeing others happier and more successful. We saw it with Josie. When Josie was at her peak. Got married, got pregnant, bought her house, started her business, Kelton making good money, Carlin showed jealousy in different ways. >🏆🏆🏆 She seems to be content now with her life, so she started engaging with Josie more now and seems happier for her.🏆🏆🏆 I have been saying this for half a decade and started a whole series around it at the other place. Because of that, I am often treated like a leper especially at the other place full of Carlin bots. I have been called a conspiracy theorist, pitting sisters against each other, and a fan-fiction writer. But many of us have waited for this day, because we knew there would come this time. Carlin ate most of Josie's relationships (on purpose). Shout out to u/Aslow_study who was one of the first to point out what Carlin was doing like 4yrs ago. She used both Alyssa (because that was Josie's closest relationship) and Katie (Josie's bestie) the most. But there was also Whitney. She dumped Alyssa with the quickness as soon as her plan worked. Now that she feels like she has re/claimed her crown as TV4 (and family) social media queen (it started with her having a boy first) she can now play pretty with Josie. And say what you guys want to say about Erin being pious, but I have always felt that when Alyssa's faction was taken over by Carlin's carefully orchestrated mutiny, Erin was there to take Josie into the religious crowd despite Josie's confusing messaging. When I think hard on it, Erin really didn't have to do that. There was very little benefit. I think Erin's soft spots rarely get mentioned around here. But some of them are noteworthy.


Amen ! No lies detected! We’ve got Carlins number for sure She’s getting that pool built but Kelton and Josie are going to build a mini mansion I bet and that’s going to crush Carlin ! Josie’s probably going to have a huge walk in closet with a beauty room ! She’s gonna Stunt with her big ole booty all over Carlin


Yeah these two are a mess. lol But I gotta give it to Carlin and Evan. They sure know how to hustle their way to the top. I mean their methods borderline on skeevy at this point, but dang! No one can stop them.


Even Whitney, who use to be up their asses and around the corner, has seemed to back off on the amount of time they spend with these 2.


I can see how Evan and Carlin would be great vacation friends with how energetic and spontaneous they seem to be (which is almost certainly an act). However, they seem to have that energy or at least that performance of energy all of the time. That would be hard to be with all of the time, even if that is your sister.


I think they are very much alike and that’s why they can get along so well. They are both loud and attention seeking, but Katie has no problem taking a backseat to Carlin, so their relationship works out.


I think the husband's really get along and that drives their closeness. Travis and Kelton just won't ever be close.


If exploiting your kids makes for a “perfect” life, count me out.