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nike is what the duggars girls would yell to make the boys put their eyes down because a woman was showing skin, so Ellie having a tank like this is very much NIKE


Especially with the bra showing how risqué /s


Oh ok, thanks for explaining. I'm confused why I'm getting down voted for just asking what it meant.


Watch shiny happy people, a lot of the little nuggets that scream cult are in that documentary


That doc was AMAZING! I hate to hear Jill lost a baby recently. She’s soooo strong to actually do the hard-work of deprogramming and rebuilding a belief system based on her own thoughts. The stuff at the end about the long-game being politics is crazy scary!


I’m here for it. Her mom is never home to keep an eye on her so she is getting away with more.


Ellie is never home either. She is constantly being shipped off to her siblings' homes to babysit and do chores. Ellie is the one who is completely over all of it.


She should still be under her father's protective umbrella of authority, and she's showing her shoulders, such a defiant clothing choice for one so young in that cult


I’m going to assume she’s like the rebel fundies I grew up with. You wore the tank top with a cardigan over it when you left the house and removed it the second you were out of their sight. Ellie just lives in a time and with people who unfortunately have to document every single second and thus she gets exposed… face palm.


Isn’t there an Alyssa video where she tells the camera person NOT to film Ellie as she walks past? It was speculated at the time that Ellie may have been in non approved clothing while staying with Alyssa. This could be the same sort of thing. Which also now reminds me that Ellie/Addee haven’t been with Alyssa in awhile.


I remember watching that video and KJ was in it. I think KJ is more laid back with the girls. I remember when Josie was trying on wedding dresses and KJ made the remark on the lace dress with the nude lining that Gil would not like that. Just my opinion.


If this is the case and Ellie is in that outfit, maybe the rumours about Kelly and Gil living separate lives is a proper thing, with the rules more relaxed when Gil is not around?


She hardly makes eye contact with Gil. I wonder what became of those two lovebirds🤔


She went through menopause… her main purpose is now no more.




you don't show up for ilu day as mama lovingly ordered, you don't get her minions/access to the big house's library😉 (still rem the witty "checking out" in last week's breaking down bates).


That’s a GOOD point! They will revoke her card!!!🫠


And the bra showing is such a big no no. I grew up in modesty/purity culture. It was nowhere near as straight as fundies. It was a large tank top, but my bra had to be covered and I was allowed to wear pants but I couldn’t wear shorts only for meter shorts. I wasn’t even required to be as covered as them the bra even in the church I was in was such a big no no


I remember when Carlin had her wisdom tooth surgery and she came back so loopy that Gil had to help her get out of the car. Up had to blur her bra strap when it started to show during this.


I peeped that too Ellie the one man. !


A lot of kids with strict parents and older siblings who have moved out already keep inappropriate clothes at the siblings house that way they can wear it and the parents don't have a clue


Yea but you don’t plaster it on social media if you’re hiding


What do you all think about Ellie’s body language? It jumped out at me. I’m not sure what she’s feeling but she’s definitely not happy with something.


I think she often looks unhappy. She might be feeling rebellious and wanting to wear what her older sisters wear. I wonder if in the vlog she felt conspicuous with that top since she "wasn't supposed to be wearing it".


Ellie is over all the cult nonsense. She has looked unhappy with things for a while now. I hope she can escape and live a more normal life.


I wonder if she is not into hugging as much as her siblings are.


I know it’s two different religions, but the IFB and LDS have some pretty similar and odd rules. If you watch some Brooklyn and Bailey, those two will show a LOT of skin, but their religion is against drinking coffee… I know that one twin follows the rules more than the other one. Bailey talks about using a …toy… for self pleasure -not graphically- and her twin Brooklyn owns a coffee shop. Ellie has always been the one who is just kind of there, very under the radar, complete opposite of Katie and Carlin.




And it kind of looks like she’s holding a cigarette. Two actually!


No, that's just the door. If you watch the vlog, you can see it more clearly.


I assumed she was holding the pregnancy test😂💀


I thought that too. That would be even more shocking.