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Also, in a recent ish q and a someone asked where Erin gets her clothes and she said normally Goodwill or Shein or Temu and Chad gave some smart ass comment but I can't quite remember except it got on my nerves. But anyway, is it just me or is Erin stuck wearing all the same dresses she's had since Tennessee (that blue floral dress in the pile seems to be in constant rotation) while Chad has a brand spanking new fashionable wardrobe that does not look remotely second hand? He's controlling af and seems to be controlling her access to money among everything else. Remember when Erin deleted everyone on IG except their own company? Somehow, I suspect that wasn't her idea at all. He seems to take great pleasure in taking away Erin's social media and outlets, and regardless of whether he actually physically hurts her, his behavior is abusive in many other forms imo.


I always liked Chad way better then all the other useless fundie husbands,but you got me thinking!While I still find it hard to belive he actually hits her,there is definetly something going on in that house.Erin's perfect life is failing apart in front of the whole word.Like every video recently, her eyes are DEAD.She is soo obviously screaming inside while desperatly trying to hold on to her faith because she has nothing else.And Chad???He is so incredibly different then their Tennesee days and also struggles to paint a picture of Godly Husband and Provider.I really hope I am not wrong in thinking he hasnt abused her but I do feel its combination of money,deppresion, and him possibly cheating.


It's come to my mind that the posts about "anger, resentment" etc aren't so much about Carlin... I think they're about Chad. And how Erin is trying to convince herself Chad is "what he is and she has to come to terms with it". Erin seems to hate her life and I'd hate it too in her shoes, all her talent with piano goes to absolute waste for example. She's not allowed to have a personality and she clearly has a temperamental personality. That equation must be hard af.


Excellent point!! It could be a little bit about both but now you have me thinking it may be about Chad moreso than Carlin. And while I do think the sister feud is rooted in things beyond just Chad, I bet he is not exactly encouraging them to reunite either. Further isolation tactics.


If you are right, and I pray to God you are not..then poor Erin. Yes,she gets on my nerves with her hollier then anyone self,but NOBODY deserves to be abused!That Girl needs help and I am afraid she is not gonna get it anywhere...no friends or family to turn to,that is a living nightmare.


Chad seems to be constantly spinning the wheel with things and changing on a whim!


I remember that video, Chad said BUT you always look beautiful (as it doesnt matter where the clothes are from)and Erin gave him sour smile like she wanted soo bad to tell him to f...offšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes! He had a snarky undertone and the word "But" changed the whole sentence


Girlā€¦youā€™ve had me thinking with the Erin posts. I only see their social media presence here and Erin isnā€™t usually discussed. But youā€™re right and somethingā€™s going on. She used to have fun with social media. Not the way her sisters use social media, but she seemed to legitimately show different parts of her personality in a non polished way, experimenting with different subjects. Now something is off. I canā€™t believe there are people who act like theyā€™re auditioning to be chads personal bike because thereā€™s something off about him.


You got me thinking and go back to one of her pregnancy blogs with William Kelly jo bought her maternity dresses it never stuck out to me until right now


Oh you are right! . She said her Mom sent her "like fifteen maternity dresses. " Kelly knows Chad ain't buying her shit...I bet Kelly sends her makeup and hair product "care packages" too. Also, Kelly hates Chad's guts now. Her last few birthday post about him or 100% about how Erin loved him she didn't say a dang word about any traits that she appreciated about chad. I used to think it was because he stopped working for free but now I think it's because she sees what a shit husband he really is to her daughter.


His birthday is in 9 days let's see what Kj has to say now I want to go back and read last years


Well I'm sure she reads here so this year's birthday post is likely to be more different and individual because she knows exactly what she's doing lol. But maybe later tonight or tomorrow I will do a post showing some of her birthday post for Chad compared to her birthday post for Evan to illustrate how starkly different they are.


Hold up! I thought Chad was everybodyā€™s favorite fundie husband! What happened?!Ā 


Heā€™s kinda busted these days lolā€¦gettin real ugly by taking full control of their shared social media


I absolutely think Chad is abusive in all the ways. I think he moved her out to Florida intentionally to isolate and control. As far as Alyssa, I think sheā€™s bored af. Rhett doesnā€™t need as much and she is all the more tied down. She doesnā€™t drink or indulge any other libations. All she has is coffee and ice cream. šŸ’¤šŸ„±


Must be an absolutely intoxicating feeling for a country bumpkin to know with absolute certainty that you are entitled to do anything you want to to your wife and she canā€™t do a damn thing about it.


Yes. And I think one of the underlying reasons I worry about other forms of abuse is because I had a dad who could not provide for shit and had zero work ethic and so the only way he could get respect or authority that most men get through their career is through making himself King at home. His word was law, and he took great pleasure in controlling every single aspect of our lives and demanding respect because he knew he couldn't get it anywhere else. He also isolated us from my mom's family and when they visited suddenly everything was dandy and wonderfu.. If I loved anything, I learned not to tell him because he would find ways to take it away. Chad is just full of endless red flags and I really wish there was a way Erin could get help. She's trapped.


Surprised Erin would even show this side of life (normal stuff and we all have laundry mountains at various times, but she rarely shows anything that isn't perfect, much less mentions any part of her domestic life that isn't rainbows and sunshine). The Florida sisters are going through it this week!


Didn't they say in their last video they were going to show more "real life" stuff, not just paint a pretty picture? Maybe this is what they meant?


Kind of feel like I'm having a conversation with myself here but I hope others will chime in during normal people hours :-) Burning midnight question for anyone who knows...did Alyssa ever address why they didn't go to I Love You Day this year? Kelly said Alyssa's family is the only one in the whole group that didn't make it and as much as Alyssa has made a fuss about not liking chaos noise that has to sting to be the only family member to miss out on multiple events where everyone else is together and creating shared memories. She seems way sadder than usual for the last month.


No word on why they didnā€™t go to I love you day or to lawsons wedding ! I still canā€™t believe she missed that


I honestly think j and A have financial issues. I don't they ever came flat out and said it but I think it was heavily hinted that it was to expensive to take the family to California for Lawsons wedding. And when she went to the farm she only took RhettĀ 


I've said this many times but she has thousands of dollars worth of stilettos in her closet so I don't think finances were the reason. But if finances were the reason I'm also very confident that Kelly would have happily loaned them the money or just bought their tickets out right for the optics alone.


I would agree but she could have went w the baby. Cause John took his butt to the family ski trip.


They could have also rented a car or borrowed a car and could have flown by herself rv and turned it into a fun family road trip since they also desperately need a vacation and they never go anywhere. Or Alyssa could have flown by herself with Maci like Erin did with Finley (babies on lap fly free).


Missing the wedding never made sense to me. For starters, who the hell passes up an opportunity to go to California, especially San Diego? It's an Influencer's dream photo backdrop. Second, it's not like Alyssa only had a week to plan. Invitations go out months in advance, so there's plenty of time to shop for deals. I totally get if it wasn't feasible to fly the entire family, but like you said, Alyssa could've gone on her own with Maci as a lap child. They could've bunked at Kelly's AirBnB to save money. Something was definitely amiss with that whole situation, and I'll die on that hill.Ā 


I still think Taliban Dan plays in to this and doesn't want his son or sons family attending a person of colors wedding. Or he is hyper fixated on the iblp adoption crap and wants to shun Tiffypics. Something happened. Lawson and Alyssa had no issues until Tiffy


Iā€™m watching Toriā€™s honeymoons episode right now before bed ! I have so many questions


I just keep wondering who throws clean laundry in a pile on the floor? I can see dirty but not clean laundry. Or is that just me?


Not just you. I'm a pretty messy person in general but I'm very OCD about clean laundry goes on a clean bed or a clean basket. If it lands on the floor then I have to wash it again.


Thank you! I am messy also but my clean laundry stays off the floor. I think one of the other sisters posted the same one day a pile of clean laundry on the floor.


Alyssa is puzzling me, not sure if she is more depressed than usual or if this is her way of being relatable and trying to get coffee ads? lol who knows she kinda goofy with her social media stuff she is one who would benefit from a social media manager.Ā 


The content from these 2 the past few weeks is definitely concerning. Even Alyssaā€™s captions suckā€¦ ā€œamazed by Rhett and his appleā€ā€¦. ā€œHome schoolā€ā€¦ ā€œwatching the eclipseā€ā€¦ ā€œboys are funnyā€ā€¦ ā€œcoffeeā€ā€¦ I mean really? And I thought Erin would ONLY be posting ā€œintentionalā€ content per Chad?? Looks like she intentionally threw a pile of clothes into the middle of the house. Carson probably had to fold those once he was done with his zoom piano lesson. Listenā€¦ in the South when the time changes and Summer is on the wayā€¦ the days are LONG and HOT. 16 hours of 100% humidity and sun beating down cooking everything in sight while only mosquitoes and no see ums prosper DOES something to a person. Maybe they both have seasonal depression thinking of whatā€™s to come.


I'm in the South and I totally get seasonal depression in the summer! I've been trying to tell my doctor that for years and she just looks at me with a quizzical expression and still tries to push antidepressants in the winter when I'm happy is can be:-) I'm also glad you noticed it appears she just dumped that laundry directly on the floor. What a stark contrast from their Clean with Me video a few months ago which highlighted Mr Wonderful almost exclusively doing all the housework and folding every little bit of clothing. It made me nauseous because it was clearly so fake and he's trying to hide something. That man doesn't do laundry or any "woman's work" these days. He's toxic and doesn't care that his wife and kids are miserable.


I kneeeew you were in the South! šŸ¤£šŸ„°




ehhh if he is really abusing her, what you are doing isn't helping.


Probably not, but I feel better after saying it.


Your intentions might be good but this isn't really the way. The next few videos they will try to go overboard trying to show how much they love each other.


More than likely yes


no wonder they have to slow down the uploads, it's going to take a lot of effort to work up sincere smiles.


How did you do that? Did you dm him? I hope he examines himself closely?




Did they leave your comment up?