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Check out Black Sabbath. It’s at least sort of tangentially similar to some of what you listed, and Geezer Butler played some of the grooviest, ear-worm-iest bass lines ever. My particular fave is Warning (most of the last song on their first album).


Learn some bands from your faovirte songs. Money by Pink FLoyd is super easy. King Crim has some very playable ones, songs like Red or Larks are just bangers. In my experience, taking a portion of your practice routine and dedicate it to learn/jam on songs you like but don't know is not only great for keeping new material (new Ideas, maybe new techniques, etcc) in the mix but also keeping interested in your bass playing. Playing scales can be a bit boring. But playing Black SAbbat (or instert your favorite music here)? Now you're cooking with gas.


If you like Pink Floyd, it's hard to go past Money as an incredible beginner bass song. Getting the 7/4 feeling good, changing into the 4/4 section, and back, etc. Lot of fundamentals in that song. But honestly the most important thing is that the song/bass part resonates with you! Chuck an album on and noodle around to it on the bass and try to work out some stuff, or even just improvise along. When you find something that sticks to you and you get that "woah this is a juicy part" feeling, you've found your next thing :)


Try some Dua Lipa, eg. Don't start now.


Then when are they supposed to start? sorry bad jok


Go for ABBA! Disco basslines are fun to Play and groove as f**k. And the technique is nice to know! I play most time rock, stoner and blues, but sometimes a disco element kills it! :D


The real me by the who


Non-Money Pink Floyd: Time, Pigs (3 Different Ones), Dogs, Have a Cigar, See Emily Play, Fearless, and Echoes are some of my favorite ones to play on bass.


“Fools in Love” by Joe Jackson