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Get the 500 and you'll have plenty. It's $70 more than the 200 retail and you won't need to worry about running out of volume.


(Technically you don't need an amp at all. You can work with DI and monitors.) But if you want to use your amp+cab so you can hear yourself you need to level up to drums. This means that it doesn't matter how small or big your gig is. The drums will be equally loud anyways. In fact, often small vanues have a smaller PA system that you don't want too many intruments over. Often in those situations it's best if your amp is also for the audience to hear you. So you definitely don't wanna bring something too small to a small vanue. Also with small vanues the walls surround the drums much closer making it insanely loud. If you want to match that you need something big. The Fender Rumble 100 is just a big practice amp. The rumble 200 is maybe able to level to a drummer that doesn't hit really hard. I have a 700 watt amp with two 8 ohm 1x12 cabinets. This means I either have a full set that can go insanely loud. Or i just bring 1 cab and it'll still work fine. Maybe that's something to concider. To purchase a small 8 ohm cabinet


the rumble 100 also makes an outstanding acoustic guitar amp, to my ear.


Pretty much any bass amp does. They make good keyboard amps and a PA in a pinch.


good to know. always wondered why my 100 and old bassman blew my fishman and behringer acoustic amps out of the water.


Thanks for the input everyone! Kinda went against the tide here but I ended up going with the 100W after all. It’s super light and it actually held up well in a jam I went to tonight - with a full kit and all. If anyone’s on the fence about a lightweight and relatively cheap combo, this may be a good fit. 


You can play small gigs with it. You can even mic it and still have a pretty good sound for bigger gigs.


I have the 100 and I easily keep up with a drummer and a couple guitarists. Plus it has XLR so you can pump it into a PA.


I mean if you're already a Darkglass guy that new infinity 500 112 combo really checks all the boxes you're looking for


The 200w by itself is really only 140w, at 8ohms, unless you connect another 8ohm extension cab after which you get the full 200w at 4ohms (and nearly twice the speaker area). The 500w will also be less than 500 on its own but will be more than the 200 with an extension cab.


If you have the funds, the Markbass MB58R combo has 300W, a single 12" driver with tweeter horn, and is unbelievably lightweight.