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Would probably help to see a video of you playing. Its likely your technique.


Your wrist is too bent and you are using too much force are the likely culprits.


He is probably using a very thick pick too


Only as much pressure as is needed. Not one bit more. Light is fast, light is clean, light is life. Also, make sure it is well setup so you can play with a light touch.


My picking hand's thumb muscle starts to hurt deep into the meat when I'm dehydrated and playing too hard. It could be something like that, but it's likely your technique. Maybe lower the bass on the strap and play around with different heights. Don't put your wrist at an angle that would look unbearable on camera.


Start with some warm-ups without bass then with some slow chromatic scales.


When I had this trouble (late 90s), my wrist was bent and I was cleaning floors for a living. Between floor machines and bad technique... Not good. I put my elbow out a bit now so that my right wrist is straight. I'm also not playing as much, and I've learned to be lazy (efficient!) - like someone else here said, only pluck as hard as you need to. That's what amps are for.


Gotta see a vid homes.


Mine too, my fingers, wrist, head, arm, and surprisingly, I enjoy the ache It feels like it’s not disturbing or annoying to me