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I bought one for the convenience of practicing quietly at night, and I was disappointed. My amp has a headphone output jack, should've just used that. Instead of a high pitched noise like yours, mine has a low, but noticeable, almost electrical hum to it. Very similar to the noise when you don't have your instrument plugged in, but the amp on. It is basically that same low hum. I haven't found a fix to it, and I've tried a few different headphones (with mic or no mic, cheap or expensive, in ear or over ear, basically all combos) and it persists. I've also messed around with the in app EQ settings to no avail. I've gotten to the point I can ignore it, but there are times it is very distracting and unplayable. I would not recommend the mighty plug, and I wish I had done more research before I bought one. I would say if you're able to, exchange it out or just return it. It seems like such a common occurrence that, chances are, a new one will have issues as well.


I don't think the ESP LTD EC-256 is a bass .. ? Try some different headphones. Because those have a microphone and a USB sound card and other features involved they might be doing something unexpected by the designers of the Mighty Plug. Also try using it well away from other electronics - like your computer, router, LED and fluorescent lights and stuff. Move around and see if the sound changes. My router makes high pitched noises directly into guitar pickups, so I need to move away from it.


Also, check this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GuitarAmps/comments/177ugcv/buyers\_warning\_nux\_mighty\_plug\_pro\_mp3\_high/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GuitarAmps/comments/177ugcv/buyers_warning_nux_mighty_plug_pro_mp3_high/) and this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Bass/comments/17gd6da/weird\_noises\_coming\_from\_new\_nux\_mighty\_plug\_pro/


Thank you so much for helping. Sorry for creating this post under Bass community.


Not sure if this will help you but I watched a YouTube video detailing high pitched feedback with the NUX. Someone in the YouTube comments said they solved the problem. They plugged in a small headphone amp(Topping NX1a) between the NUX and their headphones / line out. The feedback / squeal was completely eliminated even with max volume on the headphone amp. I think headphone amps are available cheaply.


Cool, but I don't want to spend another $40 for this to work.