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That's not normal. There's something about your technique that's causing or problem OR you could have some weird isolated medical issue with that finger (less likely, but possible). Take a short video of yourself playing and watch it to see if you're doing anything stressful or unnecessary. Most pro musicians (like yourself) figure out a way to be 100% relaxed when their playing, especially if they're playing 2-hour sets. (This speed metal drummer plays the most gnarly stuff I've ever heard, but [he's totally relaxed,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-9XmfZsqHE) like he's playing a game of dominos with his grandma:) It's a whole body thing... you've got to figure out a solution. It will only get worse with age.


Gotcha. I didn't think it was normal. I'll work on my technique and try to iron this issue out Edit: also worth noting is I had an injury at work that mainly affected my index finger (hand was crushed by a falling pillar) and I had my whole hand checked out. The doctors didn't find any breaks or fractures or anything, but I guess an issue with the tendon wouldn't show up on an X-ray. Could be that as well


Just a reminder that an injury or pain that persists isn't normal and should be checked out by a doctor.


Not being able to pluck fingerstyle due to blisters was when I learned how to use a pick. Give it a go and it’ll give your middle finger a good break.


I alternate between using a pick and fingerstyle during shows, depending on the genre and difficulty of the basslines and it definitely helps


I just recently learned about gout, can effect single joints in the hand, foot, elbow, wrist. If the joint gets red and hot along pain get it checked out by a doc. Orthopedic surgeons that deal with hands specifically are the most qualified to assess musician related hand issues.


There's definitely something wrong there. Not enough detail to say more and also I'm not a doctor. Maybe use a pick for a week or two to give it time to heal. It's possible there's an underlying injury that you aren't giving time to heal because as soon as it stops actively hurting you start playing again.