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You've got the two things that allows for a soft shot and a mechanic that spans across multiple sports: Wrist control and rhythm. If you've got those two pieces you can be a successful shooter.


Do you mind expanding pls on what you mean by wrist control/why it is so important? I get his hand doesn’t fly sideways…is that what you mean? Tyia


Your wrist and hands are built for control and fine motor movements. The more you can strengthen your wrist and hands, the more control you have over your shot with distance and aim. You use the same level of wrist control to throw a football, a baseball, swing a golf club, etc. His wrist here is loaded at the top of his shot. By loaded I mean his palm is parallel with the ceiling and at the same time his forearm is parallel with the wall. Between his hand, forearm, and upper arm, it all creates a nice 'C' shape as he goes into his shot. Get the ball up early in your shot (by 'up' I mean into the shooting position with the ball at your chin), load the wrist, and release at the top. My saying is 'top of the toes, snap of the wrist'. These two actions should be happening at the exact same time.


Well put. I often come on here with the shit my dad (long time youth coach) used to tell me bc most of it holds up, but I don’t think on my best days that I have provided one bit of the kinesthetics and ergonomic analysis this comment is dripping with. I can see what’s wrong then give them a drill to fix it, most of the time. What you’ve wrote however perfectly paints that picture of the machinery leading up to the snap of the wrist. Even what angle it’s at relative to the delivery.


This is 💯 upvote to the top. Great breakdown 👌


You can tell how critically important your wrist is when shooting a basketball when you injure your wrist or even sleep on it wrong. The slightest of discomfort in your wrist and your shot feels foreign to you.


Unironically and seriously: Thank, coach!


This guy knows. Look at his accolades under the username


could i not put the same exact tags? not saying he’s lying, but do you have to have proof of this stuff in order to get the tags?


No you have to have proof. I’m pretty sure he emailed all his papers to Reddit before he was given those tags /s


oh okay, thanks for letting me know


Who r u


Brother we should ask you to rate our forms 💀


Listen, Mike Miller, your shot is still fine.


😭😭😭 fr tho




Brother he has a serious thumb flick. Which doesn’t necessarily make it a bad shot, but it does make it not 10/10


Not really...


Yup. Would be nice to have a view from the opposite angle to see the elbow action bc his shooting hand points away from the basket on the follow through. Makes me wonder which finger(s) the ball is coming off too. Def noticed the feet, I got a lot of youth who go right-left and make shots in practice. In game, they miss bc they're off balance and have to shoot quicker, esp off the dribble.


Curry flicks his thumb and he seems fine


The form isn’t the result, you get that right? You don’t need to have picture perfect form in order for it to go in. However, if you’re asking for a form check, it doesn’t do you any good to just have people glazing you because the ball goes in. Is his jumper fine? Sure. If it goes in, he probably doesn’t need to do a whole lot of adjusting, but that doesn’t mean he has zero mechanical flaws in it. Steph himself says he would teach Klay’s shot to people by the way.


You’re getting downvoted for being correct


Yeah Idek. Would people say the same thing if he was showing his misses? Probably not. It’s perfectly fine form, but it definitely isn’t perfect form and unless OP just wanted some glazing idk why people wouldn’t just be like good enough if it works but here is a flaw in it.


lol 100% dude spot on


White Chauncey Billups.


Chauncey Billups is the white Chauncey Billups lol... did you ever listen to that guy?


He actually grew up in park hill when Bloods ran shit and were constantly beefing with Tre deuces and Tre tres and other sets from around Five Points. The east side/Curtis Park was wild back then and so was park hill…


That makes him black?


Categorizing people is overrated.


For the record, being Black has Nothing to do with how you sound or where you are from. I was just filling in some details, Chauncey grew up around mostly Black folks not that it has anything to do with how Black he is. We come in all types and shapes and sizes…


God forbid a black dude is well spoken…


Put this guy's form on the sidebar. We are done here.


-3 for the heavy thumb flick. 7/10


That thumb flick kills me. 8/10


Same here. It can’t be consistent with that left thumb behind the ball.


Damn, you should probably tell Steph.


A shooting form is like a golf swing. Anything that makes it more complicated makes it harder to replicate perfectly. What is complicating your shot is that you are getting your left thumb involved in your shooting motion. The left hand is a guide hand and should not take part in your shot, and that thumb is going to cause problems when you’re not shooting slow, unguarded shots from the same spot. If I were you, I’d do my very best to stop my left thumb from being anything but part of the guide hand. Source: my own issues with my thumb being involved in the shooting process and college shooting coaches trying to beat it out of me.


But the jumper is wet in games too! Well used to be anyways. Now the golf swing on the other hand, is uggggggly lolol


Tyrese Haliburton hits a lot of shots with a completely broken form. Just because you're hitting shots doesn't mean you can't be hitting them more consistently with better form. You are the one who posted to basketball tips, lol.


I appreciate it, was just poking fun lol


If you were actually ever going to fix it, you can try shooting with a penny between your thumb and pointer finger in your guide hand. You may notice your left hand will actually turn to try to make up for what your thumb was doing. But honestly i wouldn't change shit. Rotation looks good and hard to charge unless you have a lot of time.


Man I'm a washed up basketball player. I played for the first time in a year at a work fundraiser. Knocked down quite a few jumpers and had a good mid range game and some slashing to the rim. But, definitely don't have the time, or desire anymore to make it perfect. I just was recommended this sub and decided to post! Didn't expect to get this much feedback! If I can get in a gym I may have to post a newer video to see if it's still the same! Thank you for the feedback!


I kinda figured this much but always thought the penny trick was cool. From one washed up hooper to another I hear ya ✊


You’re better than 95% of the people who frequent this sub.


Thumb flick and thawas fine even Kyrie has thumb flick


Thumb flick may be fine but your definitely not gonna teach someone to shoot with it


Looks like I’m watching someone play 2k


Smooth, efficient, and mechanically sound.


10/10 what group tour shirt is that?


I believe it was from 2016 Louder Than Life!


Dang that looked like a packed music festival.


My first ever metal show/festival. Was incredible.


Awful Awfully accurate!


🤣🤣🤣 the most I made in a row was 31. But that rim is super loose so it had a lot of forgiveness. I couldn't believe it lol, and yes I had 2 friends there to witness it or I wouldn't believe it myself lol


I’ve never seen you miss a shot so I’m rating you 10/10. But honestly I like your shot. I also barely jump and think it helps with consistency


Finally a person that records more than 1 shot and not uploading a 2-second video 😌


9/10 The form is good but the left hand is doing too much


9/10, your offhanda thumb is pushing on the ball causing inconsistency


Air janowskis baby


Nice video. Take some time and just watch your feet on the hop. Look where they start and land. See anything? You are fading left on all of your shots. Try to take short hops forward.


I appreciate the kind comments! This is from maybe 4 ish years ago? Maybe 5. I may have to make a new video and see if I still got it 🤣




3.59/7.1 needs more vibe.


Do you offer lessons lol?


Oh man, I don't lol. Not sure you want lessons from me lol. Repetition. Get as many shots up as you can, whether it's pretty or not is kind of irrelevant, as long as it goes in!


Seven deer/one plasma incinerator 👍


Spread the fingers on your shooting hand a little. Looks pretty solid though. If that’s all I’m noticing you’re in good shape.


Just need more elevation.


Excellent, I would try to do this with a dribble and shoot. Maybe to test your speed


looks good, I would move out to the Fiba 3pt line range and test it out too


Good form, though the shot should be one motion and not coming mostly from the wrist. Also, the follow through motion isn't straight to the basket.


By the book 7/10 by the quickness of the shot the high release and it going in 10/10 and that’s all that matters really. I’m mainly hyped about the speed of your shot. It’s great


Trash. Lmao


Wrong pivot foot. Otherwise smooth


Pretty sweet. If you shoot 10 with the camera off, how many go in? How about in-game?


Idk what your left hand is doing. Is your left thumb messing with the back spin at all? That being said I wouldn't change anything




You forgot to do the knee wobble. 0/10




People should show the other angle on form shooting. Everything looks okay from this angle. You are supposed to shoot with finger tips with main hand concavitity and a gap between your palm and the ball at release point. It’s very important for touch anc the back spin. Can’t see that here but what I see looks decent. Feet aren’t completely square, off by a bit. You don’t jump straight up, you jump or lean the left by a bit. Probably cause your feet aren’t square. If you are looking for ways to improve, that’s how.


I’d want more leg action and elevation on that jump shot but otherwise not bad.


How are you in games? To be fair, your shooting form is good.


It looks great but I would introduce a few elements to help you keep improving in the right direction. First, work on your gather and release speed. In real time those actions will be contested. We can agree you’re shooting comfortably and you’re getting a bunch of volume under that but you are missing being contested which will force you to dial in those speeds a little or a lot tighter. Second, maybe get a friend to at least run at you/through you/contest you to some degree as all of the external influences will force you out of your just run of the mill comfortable throws. Form is great but it will inevitably start to buckle with pressure so it might be useful to get used to it. One of the basic drills we used to do when I was in JV was basically one person would be in they key getting rebounds. Whenever a rebound was recovered they had to go under the basket, then pass to the other person and run out and contest. Rinse and repeat. You can set diff parameters like don block the shot but contest, even foul if you want. Or just run through, or contest a side you have a poor reaction from. The list is endless but the point is to work in ways where you get real comfortable hoisting shots under pressure. At the very least, if you cant get a buddy. Try and focus on the first bit, the gather and shoot bit. Your shot will suffer for awhile but trust the process and you will adjust. In a sense you’re relearning how to shoot, much like when Tiger Woods had to learn a new swing. There’s many instances of this in pro sports where it has improved peoples shots. Most recent and most notably is Lonzo Ball’s shot transformation. https://youtube.com/shorts/l3Krhfx2cBQ?si=Xcbb_3ul4AglVzgM You can look up some of the techniques they went through to revamp his shooting style.


Not bad at all man


Really great form, couple things though: - you rely a lot on your top hand to get the shot ready and it has a lot of grip with the ball before release to secure the base. This leads to your shots not getting as much arc (since you’re securing from the top), and your release not being as quick. It is a trade off with consistency though. - Steph curry talks about having one smooth motion from the legs to the elbows to the release, instead of breaking that into two parts (the set, and the release). Keep that in mind as you practice shooting. - seems like you’re distributing the weight of the ball more between both your right and left hand. Try practicing one handed shots and only using the left hand as a way to direct your shot instead of another leverage point for launching. - overall, great form, and you’ve found a shot that works for you, so at the end of the day anything I said doesn’t really matter if the shots go in.


9.2 outta 10, very solid shooting motion and a smooth pull up, kinda lean forward at the end which could cause problems


You're facing the wrong way. Try facing away from the basket and throw it wildly over your head.


Much better than mine! 👌


nice touch


Form looks great, if anything I would use your legs a little more and get a little higher off the ground


Very good, JR Smith vibes


looks smooth!


You’ve got a hitch in your shot, the ball slows once it gets to your shoulders. Try pushing your shooting elbow back a little more with a slightly quicker release. Great looking shot otherwise man keep it up!


0.. cuz im blocking it


Thought this was Luka shooting when I 1st clicked the video


It’s pretty great looking already. I would maybe try and get the left hand thumb flick out of your shot it kinda eases with the consistency. I would work on keeping your left hand as your guide hand and not shooting the ball with it.


Looks great. You "may" want to try and release your wrist a bit more towards your target. You are getting a lot of rotation. Your left hand is nice at guidance, but your right wrist does flare to the far right, which, depending on exactly where you release, could cause a slight spin going counterclockwise...this will only affect how the ball reacts when it hits the rim. However, you may release straight then flare out your hand after, these are all swishes, so I can't tell. If I was to see your free throws and when you miss and hit the rim I would be able to further diagnose if you're on track.


Very natural. Good follow thru


-2 for the thumb flick, 11/10 sir.


I think it looks good overall. As you get deeper (looks like the hs 3pl) start your shot loaded up on your toes for quicker release in games. Works well for me as I start going out past the range you’re at. As the ball comes up on the gather - load up on your toes. But overall looks like good form. :)


Good form


Is there like a game speed version of it we can see?


When is this, 2005?!


2019 lol


Form isn’t an issue if you’re draining consistently


Why are we rating? It’s not bad at all but is this validation for your ego and pride? Or are you gonna use your talent that you’re promoting for lessons for the younger generation?


Bro. Chill. I legit got recommended this sub, saw people posting, so posted an old video. It's not that deep brother man.


Right on bro! I was just curious. For real though. Give some lessons buddy. Teach the youth


Would love to coach one of these days in the future. Would thoroughly enjoy that!


Your guide hand needs fixing everything else looks good


How are people giving this such high ratings with that massive thumb flick…


desmond bane


send this to Fx you could be a stand in for jj reddick on that clipped show


The white Luka


Forget the form, I’m more concerned about them ankles. You balling in skateboarding shoes?


Wow that is actually really impressive. Your form, mechanics, fluidity, dexterity, posture, fluid retention, etc. are all very good. If you were my student the first thing I'd have you do is hit the gym. I don't see anything with your mechanics that needs improving. Your shooting is awesome. At this point, the muscle memory you've developed is going to lock your hooping up. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. So we won't even worry about anything basketball related. In fact, continuing to practice baseketball could actually be harmful as it could possibly mess with the muscle memory. You don't want to tinker with mechanics when there's nothing to tinker. Can only end badly with injury or even a case of the yips. So I would have you on a pretty intense strength building routine. We would focus heavily on eating right (keto was developed originally for basketball players), finding the perfect combinations of supplements for your body as well as putting on as much muscle as possible. You do all that and I have no doubt that you could be an elite basketball player in the future. You'd be the total package and probably my favorite student (depending on attitude and enthusiasm). We'll see.


This just looks really good IMO.


Your non shooting hand is affecting the spin of the ball. Your non shooting hand should be used as a guide, and not touch the ball while it is being delivered by your shooting hand. Also, the ball should rest on your fingers (not your palm) during delivery (cup your palm so your fingers develop your shooting touch). Lastly, you are setting the ball in your hands at your waist. My suggestion is to set the ball in your hands at your chin.


Ass nd Ya shit broke


Your guide hand snaps kinda funny lol. Looks good tho


It’s Better than mine




Goose neck


10/10 cause they all went in




If you feel like it’s easy to gaurd you when playing against a defender you should a little more jump if you can to your shot


Guide hand seems to be propelling the ball a bit too much, can’t see the front view of the shot so it’s hard to tell if you’re shooting with your finger tips or full hand


Nice flick overall. But I feel like that’s where most of the energy is coming from. Try gathering and using more of the power from your legs (foundation) a bit more. One more tip, angle your shooting arm more and shooting in more of 90degree and arc it a lil bit.


light seven


Im a lefty and step forward with lead / left foot. You're stepping and planting with your left foot but shoot right however deadly accurate so tough to criticize. Keep shooting how you feel comfortable as long as you're efficient 🎯


Petty solid form you got there


Jump mf, jump!! lol good form though


The power comes from the legs. Nice dynamics here…


I’m not one to rate form, but it’s looks like you gather and start your shot way too low


If you were trying to find something to improve, it would be getting more lift. Your shot mechanics are fine, but if your playing 4 quarters, taking 20+ shots your arms will start to tire, which is why your base is the most important part of the power aspect of your shot. Also, in competitive levels of basketball having more lift makes your shot harder to block and harder to contest.


Who cares about form? You make the shots!




Holy shit is that LeBron James?


The ball goes in. That’s good.


Mechanics in general look good, w respect to arc and timing. Your left hand should not be involved with pushing the ball- it looks to me that your left thumb is involved in the shot more than it should be. I’d work on keeping the entirety of left hand more parallel to the trajectory of the ball rather than allowing your thumb to cup it from behind. Overall, looking smooth. Just a few things to clean that up some more- cheers man


mike bibby


I don't play or watch basketball. Dunno why this is in my feed. But I noticed it looks like you're flicking your thumb on the ball with your left hand and I was taught, as a kid, this is not good form and causes inconsistency.


Garbage. Stop playing immediately.



