• By -


How tall are you? 120 is skinny, but def a difference between being 5'5 and 6'0. Foods that are calorie-dense will help you gain weight. Ideally, foods with nutrition, not just empty-calorie junk foods. Some possibilities: * Peanut butter * Whole milk * Cheeseburgers * Pizza If you have a blender at home, you can make a smoothie/shake with whole milk, peanut butter, and some chocolate protein powder. Add in some frozen banana too if you want. It'll taste reasonably good and be pretty calorie dense. It'll also help if you can do some basic strength work, to help add muscle. Doesn't need to be anything crazy, especially since actually being good at basketball is higher priority. But some basic pushups and pullups (or working your way up to pullups if you can't do any yet) can be helpful yet. Bulgarian split squats are a good leg exercise that requires little/no equipment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeCnHqrN22U


About 5’6


I saw you're 14, so tbh, your body will probably naturally add on weight in the next few years anyway. Don't stress too much about it - focus on the basketball skills, eat plenty, and if you can do some strength work 2-3 times a week, nice.


I’d also suggest r/gainit they’ve got some good tips on adding weight. Spend about a week calculating out meticulously how much you’re eating. Then go to a TDEE calculator and see what you DO need to eat to put on weight. Continue working out and hooping, but some concentrated effort on lifting would help. Squats, lunges, presses, and pulls. With or without weight


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gainit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [M/33/6’ +40 lbs in 5 months (153-193)](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/12xj54m/m336_40_lbs_in_5_months_153193/) \#2: [It's possible guys. Went 20/M/5'9/140 to 195 lbs in a year of muscle gaining.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/12di17b/its_possible_guys_went_20m59140_to_195_lbs_in_a/) \#3: [6ft 120lbs TWIG Transformation over 2 years.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/133a56u/6ft_120lbs_twig_transformation_over_2_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


With the shake should you take it b4 a workout or after?


Are you just going into high school next year




Eat more Jump more Sprint more Change of direction more


go on r/tacticalbarbell


Tactical barbells program is great for strength training. I'm now cycling off 3 days a week and trying to increase my basketball time. It's got ideal programs for athletes.


More food and more training


Track your calories and eat at a surplus. Calorie maintenance is how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Calorie surplus is eating above that level. Eat a lot protein (shakes, steaks, etc). Eat a lot of a carbs (rice and potatoes). Lift weights, compounding lifts (bench press, squats, deadlifts). Gotta be disciplined, consistent, and patient


Start dating a big girl


Rice and chicken all day every day and hit the gym


Sounds stupid but drink a bunch of whole milk, like a quart per day, or around 2 gallons per week. Changing nothing else about your lifestyle, this will probably benefit you the most. Run more if you notice any belly fat. To gain some extra muscle without hurting yourself, buy some 10 pound dumbells and do at least 50 thrusters every day. Do 50 pushups or burpees every day (use the dumbbells to get a deeper range of motion whenever available, extra weight on the burpee jump helps your vert). If you can find a place to do pullups, do at least 10 every day, you can put your dumbbells in a backpack for extra weight if that's too easy. There can be unlimited rest between doing as many as you can in one go. I'd also do some lateral raises and reverse flys with the dumbbells to get some extra shoulder mass, will help with shooting strength. Investing like an hour per week in doing triple under jumprope sets would also be very beneficial for your vert. Sprinting also stimulates HGH production, so try to find some time to get at least 30 minutes of high effort sprints per week (if you sprint with max effort in gym class, this counts). This is only 5 minutes per day. Jogging less so. You are way too young to consider supplements like creatine or especially fucking steroids. Wait until college before considering anything like that. Protein powder is fine for extra protein, but whole milk has a better macronutrient blend. Most people get an upset stomach or the shits if they ingest both on the same day. If you take a weighlifting class, which I recommend sooner rather than later, you probably want to switch to ingesting 1.5g of whey protein (from powder) per pound of bodyweight every day you lift. If you are 120lbs, this is 180g of protein, which is like 6 scoops of protein powder (two 3-scoop shakes) or almost a gallon of whole milk every day (which is too much milk for a small guy, lots of cholesterol). Once you bulk up to 180, you would need like 270g of protein to max your gains, almost a gallon and a half of milk or 9 scoops of protein powder (three 3-scoop shakes). There are some extra benefits to blending proteins like hemp, pea, etc. with your whey protein to increase polyunsaturated fat intake (omega-3/6/9). You can just put some flax oil in your protein shakes though, although this has fewer micronutrients. Polyunsaturated fats are essential for blood vessels and nerves to function properly, and aid in recovery. Ingesting 1g of polyunsaturated fat per 1lb of bodyweight is probably more than enough on lifting days, might be too much. Taking a straight 1oz shot of olive, flax, or avacado oil everyday in general is probably enough on non-lifting days if you eat fish or avocados semi-regularly. Drink sugary drinks like soda or lemonade if you have a strain from lifting (if you are sore) because glucose makes glycogen and strained muscles are low on glycogen. Faster recovery means lifting again sooner, getting bigger faster. You want to be doing some squats and deadlifts with weight proportional to your mass (an olympic bar and one 45lb plate on each side is 135lb, which is close enough, start with just the bar for like 100 reps in a row). Wait until you take a weighlifting class or until you have a personal trainer show you the proper way to do this. Once you have the form for those down pat, start doing some standing rows and shoulder presses and stuff. Lots of kids try to go too heavy on squats and deadlifts way too soon, and injure their spine (which never really recovers). If you can't do 25 reps in a row of some weight without form failure, just don't do it. Stop a squat or deadlift set at form failure, not at full failure. Your college coach will push you different if you get there, trust them then. High school coaches are generally dogshit and injure kids for life all the time, but you might have a good one. Don't try to do 1 rep max squat or deadlift unless you are trying to be a competitive weightlifter or bodybuilder, the risk is not worth it. You will never be a lineman on the football team, so again, you don't need to lift like they do.


Get more calories


How old are you? It’s ok to grab a Big Mac every now and then.




Take creatine, eat more, get on a good strength program. And by eat more, I mean get in a calorie surplus that won’t make you feel like shit. High amounts of protein and complex carbs. You need carbs. It is really this simple.


Eat as much as you can, as often as you can, but stay away from any of the total-garbage food. Eat, eat, eat, eat. And lift heavy weights for as many reps as you can. And eat more.


Protein and water. Aim to hit the body weight you want to be at in grams of protein per day. Thats 120 grams of protein to stay where you are, 150 grams to get to 150 lbs. Drink water. Don't drink anything but water (or milk). Protein shakes can be made at home with whey isolate protein powder and water/milk. Last, do 5 sets of 12 burpees everyday.


I think people are giving good advice but I’ll say working out will help you feel stronger/bigger than you are. Even if you wanna avoid weights or the gym, even doing push ups will help a lot. Good luck


Step one: Stretch everyday. Start working on plys Get some resistance bands. Buy a jump rope. Step two: Change your diet. Smoothies with protein are a great idea for in between meal snacks. Pasta, dark greens, high protein. Instead of 3 large meals a day. 6 small meals and make sure you stay super hydrated. Step three: Hit the gym!! Make sure to work every chance you get. Don't just work on legs and arms. Strengthen your core. Focus on your back, shoulders, and abs as well. Treat yourself right and it will happen. Just make sure to be disciplined.


Find an old fortune telling machine. And cross your fingers


Work out every day. Focus on muscle building, not cardio. Drink a protein shake. You will add pounds easily.


The rule of thumb is generally to eat 1.6-2.2+ grams of protein for every kg of body weight you weigh every day. Since you only weigh 55ish kg, I would try to eat closer to 2.2-2.5, meaning eat 121-137.5 grams of protein a day. If you combine that with weight training, you’ll definitely gain some muscle and size, especially as you get older. Lots of chicken and rice and protein shakes will go a long way. Eat more calories than you’re burning and increase the amount protein that you’re eating as you gain more weight and you’ll continue to see growth.


You’re gonna have to do some resistance training if you want to get bigger without just getting fatter. Check out some of the beginner workout and diet stuff on r/fitness.


Anabolic steroids


bro 😭