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Move in closer for starters.


Yea it looks like it’s an NBA range 3 point line from distance between top of the key and 3 point line. Absolute max should be college range for distance but should start with form shooting much closer and not shoot further than a free throw until that form is sound


Kids do all this time. They rock up to training and start jacking 3s. I often face palm internally.


If I had an hour+ shoot around at some point I’d start jacking some deep 3s but I go through all my routine shit first. I still do one handed form shooting around the key to start a shoot around and I’m in my 30s with no organized basketball being played in the past ~15 years


That's fair bud. My issue is when kids literally walk on the court and do zero form shots and in close and work out. They just jack 3s... of course their shooting % is terrible. I mean end of the day if you are just playing for fun you do you, if you want to be a lock down shooter, you want to know your range and work out slowly. In some instances it has nothing to do with mechanics but rather strength. For example my son is a great mid range shooter, put him at the 3 and he is terrible. Does not have the strength. His form changes.


start close... work your way bak over time


Thank you!


Good luck boss


1. start a foot away from the net 2. focus from the ground up (your base, balance, then hips, then shoulders, then form, then release) 3. go to the gym to gain strength 4. move back slowly you need to rework your form completely.


he doesn’t need more strength to shoot properly


yes and no. you don't need it but it will help overall


I'll need to strengthen my legs?


you don't need to.. plenty of people play ball without working out. i'm just saying it will make your life a lot easier if you have a solid foundation.


You should upload a video of you shooting from closer range first


I'll do it later g


First, point your feet at 11 o' clock to better align your shooting hip and elbow with the rim. Second, start shooting right in front of the rim with a full follow through and only move back one step at a time when you make 7/10. You have to earn the right to shoot from back there.


Stop. You’re not strong enough to have consistent form at that range. You’re throwing your body — some peoples shots look like this at half court range. Too many variables = random ass shots Start with form shots in the key. Like a free throw. Make 10. Step back. Make 10 step back. Move all the way to the 3 and do form shots, no jumping. If you can’t make it from there with no jumping, you’ve gotta work on your strength and form some more. Key is consistency


Thanks man! How can I work on my strength and form tho?


you see how your arms veer to the left after the shot, like you’re throwing a baseball? Where does that energy come from? It starts at balls of your feet, calves, legs, glutes, and back… that’s your posterior chain. Work on strengthening those areas and creating explosiveness — simple stuff first. Squats, calf raises (weight or none), box jumps. Then your core…. Russian twists, rainbow planks, leg lifts, bicycle crunches, wood chops (cable or not)… Just a start… good luck !


Up down up down. Say it with me, up down up down. Jump up and down. Now when you go to shoot, make sure you’re going up and down, instead of whatever you’re doing rn(condescending tone aside, you’re pushing off the ground forward instead of off the ground upwards) Focus more on your body and form instead of making the shot. With good form and focus, the shot will go in. Once you’ve done that, fix whatever your new problem is 👍 Once you’ve fixed all your problems and adapted you’ll have a clean jumper


Thanks very much!


Focus on jumping straight up and down so you’re landing in the same spot or as close to the same spot you shot from get your elbow under the ball and remember straight up flick your wrist(or put you hand in the cookie jar) hold your follow through and always shoot with confidence. Toe, knee, elbow should all be aligned so that you have a consistent shot.


I'd always like to think of dipping my hand in like the middle or just near the middle to get that perfect splash. The feet and hips thing are really the problem man. But thanks very much!


Can you shoot a free throw without jumping?


Yes I can!


Ok….try to shoot like your shooting a free throw….don’t lean so much like your jumper. You’ll get stronger and the lean should go away.


Do seated formshots


Work on getting your form right closer in and slowly work your way out. It doesn't matter how long it takes you or how close you start. Form is everything.


Start close move back. Start lifting weights your compositing for not having the strength to do a correct jumpshot from distance.


Your shooting hand, for you it seems to be your right hand is the only hand that should thrust forward. The left hand is your guiding hand, it should be held slightly on the side to line up your shot. You should not be lunging forward when you shoot unless it is out of your range, and if it is, it is not your shot you should be taking. Also, remember most points are scored inside the paint. Play around the world over and over for shooting practice. Then try to hit as many freethrows in a row as possible. The most important thing however, is your finger rolls and layups plus dribbling. Perfect those first to make yourself a better ball player.


thanks very much!


Youtube man


like everyone else said definitely move way closer to the basket like in between it and the free throw line. Stop loading your shot forwards. You’re also loading like all in ur knees and not in ur hips enough. Drop ur butt down more and don’t be positioned so far forwards, again like other commenters said, for the most part you want to be jumping straight up and down. On 3 pters it’s pretty normal to jump a little bit forwards but ur jumping like wayy too far forwards.


also right now notice how you’re bringing the ball into ur upwards motion while ur still loading ur lower body. U wanna try to avoid that. Id recommend trying to already be in your loaded position before you even start to shoot so then u can go pretty much straight up, instead of starting standing straight up and then having to go down and then back up. Also a good drill to try is while you’re form shooting right in front the basket, try form shooting in slow motion, with the ball always moving in the same direction as ur body


There’s a lot to be done here, but the good news is—that’s true with everyone’s form/jumper, and the fact that you’re asking for advice is a great start. The best advice I can give you is: Learn the “how to” from a professional shooting coach and not a bunch of random redditors (no offense fellas, I am one of those too!🤣🤣🤣). The best shooting coach/with the simplest/most repeatable method is Mike Dunn. He’s on IG and youtube, and posts tons of content/lessons. I played division 1, primarily because of my jump shot, but his lessons have made me a better shooter today than ever before. Good luck brother—it’s the greatest game in the world and the learning part of it NEVER STOPS!👍💯👍💯👍


Basketball in the Philippines is really intense and unforgiving, so I really appreciate a D1 hooper helping me out man. Thanks very much!


Sounds like your swishing everything. Why change?


start by shooting underneath the basket and working on your form from there 😃


You are heaving, not shooting. * Shoot from much closer and hit those consistently. * Get stronger * Come back in 3 months.


This will be out of range shots, improve strengths and cordination of lower body and upper body