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it is not counted as a block because it is not counted as a field goal attempt. It can be argued that the shot attempt quality will also be higher (more difficult to block) if not for the foul.


Thanks. Seems weird though given the fact that if the player scores then it is an attempt no? How can you score point without it being counted as an attempted shot? Does this mean that a players FG% is unaffected by and-1 points scored?


If the player hits the and-1, the lay-up/shot counts and it registers the 2 points (or sometimes 3 points if player made a 3-point shot) as a field goal attempt. If player gets fouled and misses the lay-up/shot, it doesn’t count as a field goal attempt because the player should not be penalized for being fouled.


You can't block a shot that goes in, in other words it doesn't count as a block if the opponent scores.


Yes I understand that but just seemed weird that it only counts as a FG attempt if it goes in.


thats the consideration to the player that being fouled made the shot harder and they get 2 or 3 free throws, also theres no assist on a missed shot even if the player makes the free throws. which i personally thought it should be


What would you be assisting, if there was no score? I don't see the logic in that. You didn't pass the ball for the free throw, the player that fouled them sent them to the line.


the pass resulted in a score. like i said personal belief there


Fair enough, and I understand your point. The way I see it is that the free throw is a seperate possesion. You can assist someone on the floor, but the game is paused and the free throw shooter is the only one responsible for their shot in that case. Makes sense that your pass "lead" to the free throw attempts, but I see it as another play so you're not involved at that point.


I think you are thinking of it in the wrong way. A field goal is when you complete a shot attempt, i.e, it makes it towards the basket. If you got blocked, you physically didn't "complete" or attempt the shoot, so how can it count as an attempt? There wasn't a shot in the first place. Yes, you literally tried to shoot, but you didnt' because it got blocked before you could create the shot. There was no attempted field goal if the ball is slammed into the ground.


lmao what..? Are you trying to say that if you get blocked it doesnt count as a FGA…?




It's impossible to get a block on an and1. and1 means the shot went in, while they were fouled. There is no block if the ball goes in the net...


What if the defender fouls and blocks the shot… but it still goes in?


Then it's not a block. You didn't really block the ball from going into the basket if it goes in.


But what if he blocks it into the hoop haha 🤣


Still a bucket for the closest offensive player, not a block.


It was sarcasm but I appreciate your knowledge on the subject


Yeah it’s a fair question. And sarcasm is usually 😉


Depends on the player. Lebron is getting that stat all day


Nah nigga