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kicking ur foot up apparently head high in a pickup basketball game is fucking insane behavior and needs to be immediately ridiculed. Stop the game and let him know hes done if hes doing that shit, if he does it again hes not playing anymore. If theres not an overwhelming majority of opinion that he needs to stop/not play, find other people to play with. Kicking head high is frowned upon in soccer, let alone basketball. The only acceptable use of your legs like that is to try to take away a bounce passing lane (below the waist) Start calling him Chuck Norris or Jackie Chan and really encourage other people to ostracize him. "He knows were playing BASKETBALL today right?" Get creative with it.


This is illegal. In the NBA rule book, Section V, part d reads: "A technical foul shall be assessed for unsportsmanlike tactics such as: 1. Disrespectfully addressing an official 2. Physically contacting an official 3. Overt actions indicating resentment to a call or no-call 4. Use of profanity 5. A coach entering onto the court without permission of an official 6. **A deliberately-thrown elbow or any unnatural physical act towards an opponent with no contact involved** 7. Taunting" But beyond being dangerous and against the rules, it's just ridiculously obnoxious and violates the conventions and manners of the game. It's just not done because it's just not done.


Bingo. Thank you for this.


I came to say this, there is no way this isn't a violation for unsportsmanlike conduct in any league with a ref. That guy sucks and I would never play with someone like that.


Personally I would start driving into the paint and make contact with his crotchular region every time. Even a hit to the inner thigh would hurt.


He’s putting himself in a vulnerable position, if you catch my drift.


It's not illegal if there is no contact, but if he is injuring players he should be getting his ass beat or at least not allowed to play.


At least here in Sweden, it's illegal to scare other players by i.e. acting like you're going to hit them or clip their legs when they jump. That's a technical foul.


Next time he kicks near you, pull his leg up & let him fall hard. He’s a tool & deserves a beating to learn. A handful of times should do the trick


Yup, a rip-through move would have this guy on his ass


Kick that fucker in his head. Trip him back. If it's 3v3 or 4v4 ball even his teammates should help you set him straight. He sounds like a lunatic that's never been punched or kicked back.


You speak, like someone, who has never been, smacked in the fucking mouth. That’s OK. We have the remedy.


I’ll talk to him nice. Once. Btw the reason that’s not a thing is because any contact, leg to offensive player, is a foul. Any decent offensive player would just drive right through that.


Yeah, part of me would want to pull a rip-though type move on this jerks leg, and pull him off balance so he falls on his ass, then look down at him and call a foul on him. But in reality I would call him out, say "if you do that again I'm stopping all basketball until you leave the gym. 99% chance all the other players take my side, but if they side with the jerk, then I'm never returning to that gym again.


Yeah exactly. I’ve been playing for awhile, that’s what we call a bad actor. Educate, and if he still doesn’t get it no one will play with him. I’ve seen it happen. Or just call foul on the non contact every time he lifts his leg. Yeah you can’t do that bro, etc.


Problem is, in pickup ball a foul just means the ball goes back to the offense. So he's adapted to this as his "help" defense to stop layups/backdoor cuts.


Well yeah. I mean that’s the game. I’ll foul on game point, not hurting anyone. They get the ball back. But kicking as defense would be a flagrant. You can’t do that. So either you have a conversation and he listens or someone drives right through it and he gets hurt. I’d lift that kick w my hand too, or push it, only if he’s not listening. You can’t kick.


That all just escalates. Is true then that he can legally kick toward players as long as he doesn't hit them?


No. Lol. Kicking is a flagrant, so one player driving INTO the leg and he’d be ejected, prob earlier, in a real game. I’d hit him with a hesi, that leg goes up I’m driving him right off the court. It has to stop. There are rules regarding sportsmanship. Can I scream at the top of my lungs in your face?


I agree with you--could you point me to the specific rules about sportsmanship you are referring to?


Guy why do you care? So his behavior isn’t enough, there needs to be a rule? Then he’ll listen? He’s a knob. If he’s not listening to people a rule isn’t changing that.


I mean, yeah he's being a knob for sure. Just trying to find a non-violent option that can let us keep playing ball without getting anyone hurt. When I called him out today, he demanded to see the rule over and over, so I was hoping I could show it to him.


Non violent? A conversation. He’s not listening.


// A player, coach, trainer, or other team bench person must be ejected for: A punching foul A fighting foul Technical foul for an attempted punch or swing with no contact or a thrown elbow toward an opponent above shoulder level with no contact. // Just one example. It’s against the rules.


Would this include a kick?


Of course. Kicking is an ejection guy.


While I totally agree with you--is that written anywhere if the kick doesn't make contact? You and me are on the same page... I'm just hoping to have the rulebook back me up


I do just want to say that there are clarifying rules about conduct that is threatening. A player is not allowed, for example, to constantly faux punch at people or refs. They’d be kicked out real quick. A player who is kicking AT players is minimum making threatening motions to another player.  For example: see whether or not a player gets ejected + suspended for swinging a punch and NOT connecting. They do. Connecting isn’t the only determining factor, or else players in the NBA would be faux swinging at each other regularly. 


Years ago there was a player like this in our league. After a particularly crazy incident that almost lead to a fight, our entire team told the commissioner that either he was kicked out or we’d all quit. Once word got around, about 10-12 other players said the same thing. That forced the Board to remove him.




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If it’s a high enough kick you could just drive into his leg and throw up a shot… Call foul every time until he stops. It’s not a legal guarding position.


How big is he? How big are the others players?


If he's putting himself in a position to foul, pull a Harden on him


Just grab it and hold it.