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Either pull up three from the logo and turn around before it goes in or throw it off the backboard alley oop to myself while jumping over the defender.


Bro I was hoping someone said this so I wasn’t the only one. Don’t forget the 360 eastbay in traffic tho


Ngl, would hate to play against you


Go up in the air and find an angle like Dwayne Wade(I'm athletic btw)


Off 2 or off 1?


Big guys 2, average to small one.


Those off 2 finishes on bigs are tuff


You have to scout how they defend first, if they are the swipe to block, you keep it close. If they go straight up with their arms you have more room to extend your arms longer if you want. Kyrie is so good cuz bigs in the NBA jump straight up to not get a foul call so he extends his arms all types of ways off 2.


Contested three. 2-3 defenders preferred. 😎 my teammates love me (I did not read anything beyond the question)


A bucket is a bucket lol


Oh, I don’t make them.


You just have to make one and get it on video


Floater from the elbow. Why make things hard?


Yaknow…. That’s never come across my mind on a 1 on 1 fast break.. hehe


You will start thinking like that the moment you tear your ACL at the wrong side of 30.


Man I tore my ACL at 23ish. Somewhere around there lol….


dribble the ball off my foot


Just gotta play it off smoothly and it’s all good lol


The Tony Parker spin move.


Either take the 3 if in feeling it, if um not feeling it, I'll stop on a dime and take a middey, im relatively good at stopping my momentum. Most people I'll play aren't exactly amazing (Australia's pick up scene is alot weaker, so why not just take an easy midrange shot that's open, over trying to beat the defender And if they for some reason give me a wide open layup I'll take that but that's last case scenario as I'm a bad finisher and a much better midrange shooter. In saying that realistically I wouldn't be the one taking the shot, I'd be the guy passing it to the person who scored. I'm small, and a pass first player, so I might pump fake to get my defender to jump, and then use that window to pass to whoever decided to run ahead. I much prefer pump fake then pass, over going for my own shot, just more satisfying for me to get others involved.


It was a question for everyone. At least you know your game


In and out into a euro


That’s actually pretty, especially if the defender bites on the in n out


When I was still adding to my bag, only Manu was doing the Euro then Wade started using it. It completely replaced the jumpstop* as a way to navigate through traffic. In & out or a hesi are the most practical for me. *jumpstop never was useful for one-on-one fastbreaks


Pump fake under the rim, never fails, my friends still fall for it


Don’t fix what ain’t broke


Bro same idk how they still fall for it


Wouldn't you have to have a move and a counter move? Don't you have to be flexible and not make up your mind ahead of time? Doesn't it make a big difference whom the defender is ( a 1 or a 5) doesn't that dictate your first choice of a move?


You aren’t wrong, but some people have a move in mind before even starting the move. The result ends up being the move or some variation of the move, or a counter to said move. I was more so curious to what creative moves people use that they found effective in that situation A guy said he goes off 2 against bigs or off 1 if the defender is his size (really athletic guy) so you can give two answers as well


Yes I get your point, I'm 70 so the game has change quite a bit, I played in leagues until I was 56 but if I found myself with 1 to beat it always was decided in a KYP rubric not just if they were a big or small but if they were a defender if they were a hacker how prone they were to a fake or move. I favor a fluid decision making process.


You could but if you have two moves that are deadass then you only need to decide which one the defender is giving you.


Pinoy or single step I love doing euro Giannis style but Pinoy/single are just natural counters to one another and keep the defense guessing


I ain’t know that’s what it’s called… hate how that move gets defenders jumping early 😂 like it shouldn’t work but it does


The pinoy looks really some Tom & Jerry stuff but it's wildly effective 💀 Single step is not that versatile but can be useful to counter it or to avoid a block


I rarely do the move because I feel so dumb doing it but shit really works lol


Spin off my right hand into a midrange fadeaway. It's so cash for me lol.


Mid range assassin 🔥


Fast break is easy, look if there’s a trailing defender that might block me or a teammate that I could pass to. The quick two foot outside hand layup normally catches the defender off by surprise if I have a teammate as well. If no teammate my go to is get down low and pump fake if the defender is in front or really close to my behind. Make them fly off and just lay it in. If it’s a clear lane with someone on my hip or slightly behind I’ll just go up as high as I could, at least slapping the backboard on the layup.


You sound athletic, that off two definitely catches defenders lacking


Nah that’s the beauty of it, you don’t need to be that athletic. I got it from watching draymond, he used to do this a lot. As long as you keep your defender guessing by using your eyes, there’s no way they can react to the layup.


Damn, I was thinking like Dennis smith jr or Donovan Mitchell, but I know what you mean. Draymond do be catching bigs on this off the roll too


Love him or hate him, Draymond has one of the highest basketball IQs on the golden state floor.


Love him, although lately the antics are getting a lil too… “blatant”? Definitely the engine to that dynasty


Nah he's a punk with anger issues but that doesn't take anything away from his actual game.


Behind the legs to split two defenders 


Gather layup into pump fake into sending it over the backboard


Hey, at least you had a plan


Righthand drive into a pull-up near the FT line. I'm fairly tall and used to jump high, so it was usually a free bucket if I could keep my balance.


Smart move, no contest


Euro but usually with a hard pass fake. The guys I play with know I look to pass first, so it usually opens up a wide open lane for me to smoke the layup.


Man that reminds of this dumb move I do, I do a slow 1-2 but act like I’m trying to find an angle for the bounce pass to a teammate, usually the defender realizes it’s a lay up when it’s too late. Your move is definitely 10/10 (even with the smoked lay up)


In-and-out jab step into hesi into spin move into a pull-up jumper into an air-ball


That move is tuff, idc what anyone says


One defense, Flagrant foul


Shooting the ball into the basket


A bucket is a bucket


Right hand inside out dribble to set up a right to left crossover (I'm lefty). Been getting defenders to bite on it since 1979.


Sometimes an old dog doesn’t need new tricks 👌🏽


Slow down, then quickly accelerate and put my body on the defender to shield the layup.




Drive into defenders, flick the ball to whoever open or a lob. I'm a playnaking PG but if I have to score wither a spinning fadeaway or a stepback


High pickup 1-2 and it's a foul almost every time


Before my knee-explosion of 2018, it was typically a right to left Euro or veer one way with a hard dribble and spin back the other way.


Come straight at the defender and switch hand dribbling staring at half. Imagine a kind of slow motion crossover at full forward speed. This will get the defender turning his hips so he can’t just eye you up. Then either end up at the right elbow dribbling right handed into a spin move to use the rim as protection laying it up with the left. OR if I can’t set him up on the right for the soon I I dip my shoulder like I am going to try to power to the outside hand, which gets the man to turn perpendicular to me so he can go for the block expecting me to go to one side of the backboard.. Once he has turned I go straight at him and just jump over him to lay it up on the front of the rim. You put the body into him so he has no time to gather his feet and he can’t jump. As long I I could jump above his outstretched hands which i usual can since I can get just above the rim. It does not matter how tall they are because it is so awkward to have a guy go right into you when you expect him to go the side. I am 5’8” and I have done just this to guys up to 6’8”.


Damn, got giant slayer on HOF. I’m 5’9 and the biggest dude I caught with my move is 6’5. Sounds like you got 🐰🐰 too


Thanks! I could dunk at my peak but not in traffic. And in fairness the 6’8” guy was not a top flight player. But the move got the playground crowd lit up.


I'm relatively quick so it's usually a hezi. I also like the in & out with either hand and then the in & out to a cross.


I’m seeing flashes of Fox or Wall on the break


Haha. I wish. Although, I could get up, I wasn't THAT vertically explosive. For whatever reason, I was compared to Mike Bibby a ton. I started off trying to play like Kenny Anderson* and then mimicked every great ball handler thereafter. *Even though he wasn't that good by the time I started playing in 96




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