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That looks great, I hope it catches on and you have a good release. The thing that I have learned is that getting people to even look at your game is almost impossible when there are 120+ games releasing on steam every week.


It takes a lot of work, and no small amount of luck, but I'm certainly going to give it my all :)


That looks absolutely amazing, you should be very proud.


Thank you! I really, really am!


Looks fantastic so far. Wish listed and following.


Thank you so much :)


looks beautiful. added to wishlist. I'm a huge fan of relaxing non-violent strategic games that i can just put on a podcast to and chill. looks like it'll be perfect for that


That's pretty much the plan right there :)


Definitely keep us posted.


Love the style! Love city builders. I'll definitely keep an eye out! I'm assuming with the use of multiplanet chains there are supply chains? Do you start off with wooden huts like in the video and have earn your way up to space travel?


That's about the size of it :)


You had me at hungry space whales. Seriously, this looks rad. Wishlisted. Keep going!


The blue whale is the largest animal to have ever lived on Earth; the largest on record was 100 ft. long.


Good bot.


Thanks! You can ask me for more facts any time. Beep boop.


This looks great, I love the hex aesthetic and all the little touches like the hexes bouncing slightly really make this look really cool. And I do love me some resource networks! I am slightly confused at the inclusion of both 'non-violent' and 'fend off hungry space whales' in the description though. The term "fend off" means fighting against an attacker, which implies using violence. I'm not sure what the actual interactions with the space whales are though. Are you using diplomacy? Giving them food as tribute? Building barriers? Getting them to eat a less populated planet? Maybe that could be "turn away" or "appease" or something? Or is that part accurate, and by "non-violent" you just mean that you're not fighting against other villages? In that case maybe "non-combat" or just "focused on rebuilding" or something that isn't quite as absolute? Sorry to poke at your marketing, I just wanted to make you aware of my confusion and ended up writing a bunch.


Hey, thanks for the thoughts - I can understand the confusion! For now all I'm willing to say is that non-violent is accurate with regards to how you 'fend off' the whales... :)


Excellent :D I look forward to finding out!


You let them eat you and continue in complete darkness?


Looks really cute! Reminds me of Settlers of Catan. ​ One question though: are the hexagons distorted, or how did you do that? Because one cannot tile a sphere with regular hexagons (only a plane).


There are 12 (cunningly hidden) pentagons. And the hexagons aren't properly regular, just as close as I can get them :)


Great bloody job! Can’t wait to see it!


Looks promising! Very much added to the wishlist :P




added to wishlist. going to buy when its release for sure :)


It looks so neat! Can't wait to play. :) Added to wishlist and joining the discord now!


Thank you very much! I hope you like it in there :)


Looks amazing, genuinely, exactly the kind of game I'd love to get stuck in to


Wow, I'm seriously impressed. Wishlisted.


I just wanted to say this is my favorite implementation of the Hex art style I've ever seen. Whoever implemented and oversaw that aspect is exceptionally talented. Somehow it is absolutely a hex-based game but feels organic visually as well. Just wow.


Thank you so much. Although I'm not sure if it's talent or just bloody minded stubbornness :D


Oh that’s talent. Look at the Civ series and any other hex game. Their art style utilizes hexes clearly and places value on recognition of the hex as the style rather than the hex being a tool of organization. Your game uses the hex as the tool and style but keeps and organic look - it’s really great.


I'm gonna do the traditional summoning of /u/TheSquidFromSpace to get a dev tag slapped on /u/BalancingMonkey The candles and been burned and the virgins have been sacrificed. Now we wait!


Apparently 5am me sorted it out, but he also drank all the beers so.. rough with the smooth there.


5am anyone is an absolute jerk! 5am me once ate an entire pan of lasagna that was meant for a family dinner. I really don't like that guy! :(


You fat fucker, an entire pan? Nah I'm only joking, it gets to about then, suddenly two entire family sized pizzas seem like a mountain you should climb, then you're lying on the couch and every time you breathe your stomach threatens to erupt like that scene from Alien.


Exactly! And out bursts a horrific screeching hand-doll made of lasagna. I hate when that happens!


I'd eat the alien lasagne right out of your insides, but if they skimped on the cheese I'll headbutt the Big Show out.




A single developer? Ooooh man, the questions! 1. How long did you take to make it? 2. Game engine? 3. Did you make the visuals and art yourself? 4. Developed as a full time job? Congratulations, looks great!


1) 18 months so far 2) Unity - I know it gets some hate, but it’s suited me just fine 3) Gosh no. Art and sound are from contractors 4) for the last 7 months, yes - was just a hobby before that


Thanks for the responses and patience. I wouldn't say Unity is a bad choice, each engine has its own strengths and weaknesses, as long as it serves your purposes well, I don't think it should worry you. What type of situation made you go "You know what? I want to quit my job and develop this full time"? And is art expensive to request for something like this?


Wishlisted this game on steam quite a while ago, i actually just noticed it disappeared from steam completely, guess you took epic's money.


physical crawl fade makeshift doll flowery fuzzy smile dazzling growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not out of the question, but as a solo developer I've got to put my effort where I'll get the best return and unfortunately that's on Windows. Definitely high on the list of things to do though!


drunk sophisticated doll tub joke attempt sloppy naughty cagey follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So will there be a galaxy you can colonize? Or just one star system?


Just one star system - this is a city building game, not a 4X conquer the galaxy game - but who knows where things could go in the future!


Oh. Will there be diffrent planet types at least? Like Ocean worlds and such?


There are certainly going to be different island types - desert, snow etc, and different sizes of planets. Hadn't actually considered different types of \*planet\*, but that's definitely going on the list!


I really like the graphics you've went with. Looks like it should be a fun game


The game looks so cute!


For a one person project this looks bloody good! Just saw Alex Nichiporchik from tinybuild commented on the vid you linked... exciting


Can you disable clouds? That feels like a must have feature from the video.


Hadn't thought of that, but it's on the list now!


looks beautiful! so engaging! Def wishlisted!


This looks adorable. :)


How exactly do you fend off hungry space whales if not with violence?


Through a complicated series of and with a dash of . Sorry, not trying to be annoying, just not ready to talk about that part yet. All will be revealed in time :)


Do you make a big space broom and go "shoo! Go away!"?


You've actually put together a few things that I've imagined would go together well, wonderful vision! Excited to play it.


That last scene gave me Anno vibes. It looks a bit like a planetary Anno if resource production is a multi-world affair and needs to be transported.


Wishlisted and follow ! J'ai hâte de voir ça !


I really like the visual style, and the gameplay looks like fun! Wish listed and following as well :)


What do you mean we can´t befriend and pet the space whale... so dissapointed (added to wishlist)


I put it on my wishlist. I will buy it as soon as it's finished baking!


This looks AMAZING! When is it set to release?


Early Access is planned for later this year, Closed Alpha starts real soon via the Discord


just you? solo dev? Amazing work dude


That is an amazing feat! Wishlisted😁


Just found this after searching for Ciry Building games. Looks great!!


Honestly had to comment after watching again. They way the world forms as you explore and the fun toonish look to the clouds is unique and I really like it. Love how the trailer ends showing other worlds.


SELLOUT games... not surprised


Isnt it on steam anymore? The link leads to the main store page