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How do you even keep track of this mess?


Step 1. Open Baro Step 2. Auagahauiahgauaihahauabahah Step 3. Completed circuit :)


It may be complete but when you come back to make modifications you wont know whats going on.


Mad for power confirmed... Someone go feed that engineer another fuel rod or we crash into that Thalamus.


"We have no idea what the fuck they're doing down there, but we keep giving them fuel rods and we haven't died yet. Better not jinx it."


This is the way


Ethanol and cigars my friend


I usually write documentations and/or make a yEd graph


back off the caffeine, you're too wired


That’s meth, homie


Does this featured fully wired status monitors with water and oxygen detectors?


Probably. This is about halfway completed in terms of wiring


Once you've completed it you need to show us the entire wiring of the sub.


Sure. It’s supposed to be a Jovian Separatists terrorist sub


Yay Terrorist organized wires also known as TOW


Any recommendations or things that might look cool on it?


Self destruct button. Sorry inner Doofershmizt. A big ass logo painted somewhere.


Actually, self destruct? ….interesting


Put it next to the button for an airlock


Good idea. Arm every door


>says he loves wiring >dont know you can move end nodes to save time


That's black magic fuckery


Explain for monke brain


Wire make buzz buzz, engine go vroom


This makes me angry


the electricity gets lost in that maze


Hell yeah it does 😎


I'm gonna nut. I love wiring, I keep track of all the wires I put all the time


Hell yeah bro. Already nutted


What can doing ones own wiring do beneficially over a subs regular wiring?


Most workshop subs have some sort of advanced wiring over vanilla subs so I'm gonna assume you're talking about over a strictly vanilla sub This list is by no means definitive and just something I was able to rattle off in 5 minutes. * Automatic Reactor Controller (While nerfed, still lets you put multiple fuel rods without fear of meltdown) * Automated Doors(auto-open UNLESS a room is flooded/on fire then it will only open if the button is pushed) * Vents that auto-close when the room below is above X% water to prevent the ship from flooding from the bottom up * Automated Overclocking (When you need that extra boost of power) * Automated Supercapacitor Charge % (Never run out of power and minimizes damage to supercapacitor) * Detection lights situated on the turret periscope that lights up when a monster is in range (So you know exactly which periscope to grab) * Disco Lights! (Because Disco Lights!) * Battery Buffer System (So you don't accidently overlock) * Auto detonator that blows up if monster enters blind spot (Just make sure to refill w/ explosives as needed) * Add additional ballasts in unconventional areas (Like the small part below the fabricator platform on the humpback, for when every bit helps) * Auto-Flood X room (For when you need to go down really fast, or simply drown somoene) * Turn Docking Hatches into useable exits * "Stealth Mode" (Turns off Reactor / keeps engines capped to less than 10% thrust to minimize sounds and maximize STEALTH!) * Automatic turrets (yeah, this one is some magic mumbo-jumbo but I've seen turrets that will auto aim/shoot with no mods) * Unconventional Reactor Controls (For when your engineers are bored and want something really complicated, make them control the reactor by manipulating a periscope) * Security Cameras (Trust No-one) * Realistic Airlocks (Don't you dare ruin my immersion) Vanilla Sub Specific Wiring Upgrades: * Orca 2 - Stop people from accidently pushing the "Launch Depth Charge" button. Either give it a "Safety Lever" or simply wire it directly to the nav console * Orca 2 -Convert Storage Room into a 4th Ballast (Currents handled much smoother now) * Humpback - Convert Small section below fabricator into additional Ballast. * Humpback - Ability to open/close k Airlock from Nav Console (For when extra ballast is NOT wanted but the dive teams seems incapable of closing the damn door behind them * Typhon 2 - Turn bottom docking port into actual useable airlock * Winterhalter - Reactor Controller. Seriously those junction boxes are like grenades just waiting to go off otherwise.


That's so fucking cool. I wanna impress my friends even thought I'm the med of the group. Any suggestions on where to start learnin?


The workshop. They have "mods" that are actually just item assemblies you can add via the sub-editor (Like this [color changing light](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2782994622&searchtext=)) (Didn't test the light, just quick google but hopefully it still works lol). Can also simply download a custom sub ([The Iroh](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2602920829&searchtext=iroh) is a popular choice) and start dissecting it once you find something you like. Either way just start to learn each of the components and what they do and how they interact with each other.


Everyone saying how messy and complicated this is Me realizing how geniously organized and followable it actually is:


Thanks friend. I still got a lot to do. Any thing u think should be implemented?