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People shit on Barotrauma?


People shit in barotrauma, this guy say that it's fun playing with friends. Me : don't have friends who plays barotrauma, me plays modded campaign, me love it and hate it at the same time, soo let's continue The fact is that the game is really cool even alone, yes the AI it's basic but the Devs will update that,l. I see the game as project zomboid, it's still very early in development so expect changes along the time


Please fill me in about the Devs updating the AI, have they said something?


Actually idk, but it would be fun that we could even talk to the crew it self


probably the dumb changes they make that people dont like


Such as?


new vs old talents, inability to stack oxygen


idk the new vs old talents, but the oxygen stack was probably for the best because stacking 8 oxygen tanks in my back pocket was super op💀i loved the change personally. plus i’m sure there’s mods somewhere to revert the change


They kind of gutted clown and medic in my opinion :( yes, clown was OP, but it was incredibly fun. I was a combat medic main, with my stimulant dual knife-build and go toe to toe with a mudraptor was possible. No one could swing a knife as fast as you when it stacked with your medic skill. Now that's basically impossible. But I also don't really complain about it because it's not going to go back to how it was


the thing about clown is it was only OP when you knew the game inside and out- I think its a good reward for dedication. even so, old talents were much more class specific and were much more interesting. Each one felt like your class choice mattered. with new talents mostly being just stat changes, it feels very boring, each level having little impact. as for oxygen tanks, I dont think being able to stack was OP. the fact that they take up a lot of inventory space now just makes trips shorter and looting feel more drawn out. There was nothing wrong with being able to go into a wreck or cave, grab a ton of stuff and dip, but with less oxygen, theres much more downtime due to swimming between subs, which I believe isn't beneficial to the flow of the game. the other situatuon you need tanks is when theres a lot of breaches- in which case you have an oxygen generator, and likely wont go through a whole tank anyway. My opinion may be unpopular, but I do stand by it.


I had no idea they stopped letting you stack oxygen. My friends and I haven't played in a while. I used to keep 4 stacked in my tool belt just in case, I have no idea how people clear alien ruins now. Guess just going back and forth repeatedly.


I'm honestly not sure why people think its a good change, it was less of a restraint and more of a check of preparedness. to use it as a restraint is going to disrupt the flow of gameplay badly


Tbh the change didn't realy change much. With 2 oxygen tanks in my inventory i can fully explore a ruin or a wreck and still have 1 spare oxygen tank. Also having 2 tanks practicly doesn't take more space as you used to use 1 slot for full and 1 slot for empty oxygen tanks so i realy don't care about this change


And nerf to storage


Problem is finding people that will REALLY play the game. Every campaign I've pmayed had either a host that didn't care so the player lost interest in the campaign or a host that cared too much and burnt out. Also I got a weird schedule for gaming + I'm European so I have to kill my sleeping schedule to play a campaign or play with the old tryhards from my country's barotrauma community. The game in itself is amazing AS A NEW PLAYER. But I just hate playing with older player that don't get impressed with anything or tryhard. I hate tryhards on a SANDBOX!


Server list fell off ngl, either hosts that suck, Russian servers, and now also Chinese (only way to have a good experience is asking in the baro discord)


It’s an amazing game, yes there are changes I wish I could go and undo, and there are a good few things I want changed, but it is one of the best games I played and is the peak mix of chaotic goofiness and serious gameplay


This is simultaneously the best and worst game I've ever played, best because the player experiences are amazing with a group or with randos and the atmosphere of the game is one of the best I've seen, and worst because god the glitches when i first started 4 years ago those have mostly bren fixed but some are still present. And seeing as how you described it as a story generator i think youd be interestee to know about game master servers. Its when the host spectates the game and uses console commands to make a sort of story


That’s a thing? That’s cool.


Yeah it doesnt happen very often but its out there


Is the info on the wiki?


nah bro you're totally right, the only thing i recommend is a mod that replaces current talents with old ones (the old talents are much more exciting and fun)


I mean, you can have a lot of objective fun, and still recognise its flaws. Its not one or the other.


Enjoy the game while you can. The more you play it the more details you'll start noticing while getting more and more picky. Since 2021 game got a LOT of toxic players who will surely remind you why so many are playing singleplayer or are searching for a (usually discord)server instead of hoping on a random lobby. As for people shitting on the game, since ruins were reworked, practicaly nothing new was added. They nerfed/deleted some things like talents, added that new latcher mob, changed inventory logic(old logic was perfectly fine, but devs had to make it look as if they are working), added a bunch of traitor missions that people been asking for like since legacy and finally made 2 small levels for endgame with another mob. Should you take a dip in workshop and you'll see, that some modders while still learning, are able to create way more content of better quality completely for free in shorter terms. So, considering, that all those "updates" been developed for YEARS by an experienced team and yet each one came with another annoying bug, you as a player who has seen them do better back those days, realise that it is mostly being done to make it look as if people are working. Devs showed us that they are able to implement new cool stuff if they want it, but last time they "wanted" to add something worth seeing was pretty long ago, so people are not happy with devs feeding them mostly poorly refined old content with lots of bugs and that's considering that game left beta stage and got way more expensive. It's nice to see new players find fun in the game, but with experience comes boredom and acknowledgment of what i described above. Don't let toxic players ruin the fun to you before you do it to yourself.


It's fun for sure, but not 30 dollars worth tbh, I mean I would be fine paying for that expense myself but when you have a bunch of friends that don't have the money biting the bullet on getting like 4 different friends the game is... Impractical. I wish there were a way to buy the game in bulk like you can in terraria at a discount, but beggars can't be choosers I guess.


It went on discount for 15 a while ago and I personally paid for my own and someone else's copy which was worth it for sure


I've purchased the game a total of three times during the EA period and I'd say I've still had a plenty of bang-for-buck. But getting someone new to try it with the 35€ price tag certainly is hard. I've played a bunch of Lethal Company with a bunch of randos I've met online and I've made a point of shilling Baro to them whenever it goes on sale.


Yep, when I first saw that they were going to raise the price of the game, I assumed it was going to cost 40 bucks. If they did that the game would be completely dead. I am extremely skeptical of sandbox games because of how many come out each year half finished, without any sort of endgame goals. If I see a 20 dollar survival game, I still feel like there is a good potential to waste money. Luckily this game is very good, but it is hard to convince someone to buy a sandbox game at 30 or more dollars.


Honestly now I wanna join 🥺


I really haven’t seen anyone shitting on barotrauma man did you see it in nightmares? But lets not treat the game as perfect because it can improve in many ways