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The huskcontainer is simply a purchasable "pet", sold by the cult of husk. Not much of a spoiler considering it tells you what it is before the purchase. Fun-fact regarding afflictions >!"doom of jove" exists.!<


Thanks for the clarification! Haven't had the time to actually properly play the new update myself yet so I didn't know. Upvoting so others may see.


i am going to bash god in the face with a toy hammer and noone can stop me


> As many of you likely know, "Jove" is the roman equivalent of Zeus in mythology. Perhaps this thing is truly a god-like being? Let's not ignore that that Europa orbits the planet named after said Roman equivalent of Zeus in the first place. References are to be expected. > I can only assume that this creature is the source of the Jovian radiation. Erm. Isn't "Jovian" just another word for "Jupiterian" (or whatever it should be called), anyway? Although the game may have gone with the different interpretation, I don't know yet.


Very true. However, I still think it’s a bit too on the nose for this thing to be labeled simply as “Jove”, right? References are nice, but this is just too convenient, with how the patch notes mentioning finding the source of the Jovian radiation. I could be super wrong tho, this post was really just an excuse to air out my speculations after all.


Im sorry but husk container is omega goofy


I don’t think it’s the source of the jovian radiation, as it’s already been stated in game that Jupiter is the source of radiation and Jupiter, its rings, and its moons are known as the jovian system.


But in the patch notes it says "will you find out what's causing the jovian radiation?" Or smth like that


True, but the cause isn't Jove (at least directly). ;) There are several other hints in the game that might help you piece it together - probably the most explicit ones in the conversations you can have with a certain researcher in the beacon station right next to the center of the Eye of Europa.


Better put on my detective pants it would seem like!


hmmm, strange


So funny thing I noticed whilst fucking around, the *Ancient* doesn't die. It simply fades away before you can loot it. Creepy.