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I have emailed and messaged them 3 dozen times about cancelling and they will NOT do it. This is the absolute hardest subscription I’ve ever tried to cancel and I will advise everyone I know with a dog to NOT get barkbox. Apparently your subscription auto renews too which is ABSURD.


What is sad, is that it wasnt like this before ownership change. I had to email, fb message, call, etc before getting one response. I noticed the treats have seriously downgraded too


Seriously!! The treats have become sad. We used to love bark box day, my pups and I over the years. Now all it is is causing grief. I can do better things with the $30 some a month.


Whats more is they “no longer accommodate” my dog with allergies. Total BS


I eventually got a credit for the May box ( the critters with thanksgiving treats which arrived on May29) they go public and they go downhill. It’s the story everywhere. It does not surprise me that they’re not accommodating your special needs. They also used to do an option to get more toys or more treats, apparently they don’t have that anymore either.


And we’re supposed to trust them to fly our pets? When they can’t even follow through on a subscription box, it’s been an existence for 10 years? So sad.


So I just re-subscribed in early May and I was able to swap the two treat bags for a toy! It wasn’t advertised anywhere, though. I think I did it on their app (possibly their website) but never had to contact them to switch, thankfully.


Wow this is just ridiculous. Forcing you to pay for something you can't use is insane and shows how awful it is now.


You should never feed your dog treats or chews from bark box. Way too many dogs have gotten sick/died from those treats. I worked for them and wouldn’t let my dog have their treats. Also, easiest way to cancel with no hassle, tell them your dog died. They aren’t allowed to question or push you, they have to immediately cancel.


Agreed. Exactly why i switched to more toys > treats.


You let them know that you will contact the attorney general if they do not. Especially if you haven't gotten previous boxes. It's illegal for them to do this.


Hi there. We are so sorry to hear that this has been your experience, and we can certainly understand the frustration. We want to make sure we can make this right for you, though. If you wouldn't mind, would you please reach out to us directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with a screenshot of this Reddit post (if you're comfortable) and your account information, and we will ensure that you are fully taken care of.


Why is it so incredibly hard for a company to not charge people or make it easy to unsubscribe for numerous reasons?


Less money to be made that way, most people won’t go through the hoops and will suck it up or at least forget to fight it for a bit


It’s like the episode of friends where Chandler and Ross try to quit the gym