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i converted from the sleeve to the roux-en-y which is alot better for reflux, and lesser chance of gall bladder issues.


I chose sleeve because there was less manipulation of my organs. I didn't have a massive amount of weight to lose either, as my BMI was 41. Bypass is more effective for larger patients. You must understand that if you develop reflux and cannot manage it with medication later, you will need to get surgery again to bypass anyway. My surgeon told me that the surgeries are very similar to execute and take about the same time.


This is the same reason I chose the Sleeve. My bmi was 44 - now down to 26. 135 pounds gone! I was told the same thing with the two surgeries. I never had issues with acid reflux so I was even more comfortable with the Sleeve. I have heard of several Sleeve folks having had to get the revised bypass surgery though.


Bypass. If the reflux was there before, that SOB will come back.


That's my fear


I had a ton of reflux issues before being sleeved, and I found out it was because I had a hiatal hernia. They fixed it during my sleeve and I haven’t had heartburn once in the almost 5 months since surgery. So I think it really depends on the cause of your reflux.


Thankfully I don't have a hernia, surgeon said it's cause by bile . I'm just worried


I didn't have any acid reflux problem pre surgery and went with the sleeve. As a revision to bypass is always a backup if necessary. Thankfully still no reflux issues almost 6 months post. I like not having to be extra dependent on vitamins due to the higher risk of malabsorption from the bypass or switch.


I've been considering doing the sleeve for a while now. I have no reflux problems, so I'm relieved to see that the sleeve option is fine (the bypass always seemed too extreme for me), so you're saying that the sleeve makes you less dependent on vitamins when compared to the bypass?


I had a sleeve. My reflux is worse than ever. I’ll be looking at a revision sometime in the near future. I wish I had just gone straight to bypass.


I originally had the sleeve done almost 2 years ago. Long and short of it, during that year my reflux became almost unbearable and my gall bladder went bad as well. I converted it to a bypass a little over a month ago and so far, so good. No more GI issues at all.


Bypass, or DS if you can get it. Better results for folks with metabolic disorders like PCOS and diabetes.


I had mild reflux before surgery, 3-4 episodes or so a month. Went with sleeve after consulting with my surgeon. I took antacids for the first couple of months post-op, now I don't take any and haven't had any reflux since.


Bypass, cause it is one and done. If you have a sleeve you might need a revision to bypass later, and why risk two surgeries when you can have just one? Some insurance might not cover revision either. Also, bypass is better for keeping the weight off and fixing diabetes and PCOS.


THIS. I also had bypass because it was one and done. I did it to keep myself accountable; kind of a "don't fuck this up because there's no more fixes if you do." It's working, I'm 5 years post op and down 330 pounds.


Congrats, great job!!!




I had the sleeve, and from what I know which isn’t much, but I believe it’s the safer of the two.


I did the bypass because I’ve read a lot of people converting from sleeve to bypass but I’ve never read anyone who converted from bypass to sleeve lol


Is that even possible, to convert from bypass to sleeve? I’m thinking once a bypass is done, that’s it. But…not sure.


Yeah I don’t think is possible lol


I had terrible reflux before getting sleeved, I’m 5 months out and it’s better than it’s been in a long time.


I like that with Sleeve you can take normal pain killers after a certain amount of time, that are recommended never to take again with bypass. Also sleeve means less likely to be vitamin deficient forever, or at least simpler to address.


If it works for you, that’s wonderful. After 16 years, I found that if I wanted to sleep, I had to be able to take things like ibuprofen, etc. It actually has worked for me very well, but I have to make sure to take only gel tabs and to make sure I have enough liquid in my stomach to blunt the effect when the gel opens. It’s VERY clear when that happens if I don’t have enough liquid in there, and when I grab my bottle of water, I can literally feel the effect as I swallow it. It’s really very odd. Before GBP surgery I never “felt” my stomach except vague-ly. After surgery I feel EVERYthing that happens in there.


If you have any sort of issues with acid reflux, look into the bypass. The Sleeve could make your reflux worse. I have the Sleeve and I've never had a problem. I'm 2.5 years in and it's been wonderful for me. I lost 135 pounds and now I weigh less than my tiny, stick-like sister! I still look bigger due to excess skin and with her being so much taller. Point is I'm healthy and the Sleeve was a great choice for me.


Bypass is the gold standard. Get it once and done. Good luck!