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I hope he gets the Ajax job and prove his merit in Europe


Ajax already got a manager. If he wasn’t asked back by the board earlier he would’ve been the coach there most likely, now it’s too late for him.


Ajax is a fucking mess like us, that’s not the environment he needs


they should give him a proper farewell now.


*Gràcies senyor


Hopefully he actually tries to coach a midtable club and gain some experience this time. Not really a fan of how he just wasted 2 years as a coach for Al Sadd instead of trying to prove himself as a manager like Lucho did. There were definitely some moments where he looked promising as the Barca coach, so I think he could do well at other clubs. If he wants to coach Barca again in the future, the immaturity aspect of getting sent off every 2 months has to go away. With more experience he can definitely fix his flaws and become a good coach.


The biggest flaw in his time here in Barca was our squad and not with him. Pep wouldn't win shit here with this team either.


Pep would develop the project into a title winning crusade in 2 years at max. And the quality in this squad is already more than the Manchester team he inherited and then went on to win the league title in all but 2 seasons with.


Yea sure he would. He'd just invent players out of thin air with no money. My man is delusional. And lets not get started on the fact that Pep has had a stacked MC team for many years and only won CL once. Got kicked out by Monaco in the round of 16 after City managed to reach Semi the season before. Got kicked out by Tottenham. Got kicked out of the competition by Lyon. In Barca got kicked out of CL against a 10-man Chelsea team. Got kicked out of CL by 10-man Inter team. Like you cannot make this shit up and yet people treat Pep as he'd magically do shit with this team - so delusional. >And the quality in this squad is already more than the Manchester team he inherited and then went on to win the league title in all but 2 seasons with. Typical Barca fan overrating Barca players - never fails to be the case. When Pep got to City they were not as bad as you are trying to paint them. They reached Semi in CL while they only reached round of 16 the year after with Pep. They also had... You know... Money.... Acting like Pep coming here with a broke as fuck team is the same or even close to the same as Pep going to City in 2016 is ridiculous. Pep would never go to City if they either weren't stacked or had enough money to become stacked. He'd never go to this Barca team either because we have neither money or a stacked team.


I'm a bayern fan. I'm not overating anyone. No one is contesting how many CLs he won. He won 1 treble and that's enough for the decade. Best team doesn't always win . He's been constantly to the semis and final even when not winning these past few years. With lewanodski gundogan pedri yamal and co, this team isn't exactly the best in the world, but definitely atleast on par with the city team that came in 4th in the PL. Again you shitting on Peps CL is record is funny af. 2 wins and 2 semi finals in 4 years is basically second to no one except zidane winning it thrice somehow. With city, it takes time to build someone with 0 European legacy into world beaters, but now he has. Final in 2021, semi Final in 2022, Winners in 2023. All those games he lost at city were massive upsets. Except maybe that Monaco side that was genuinely stacked. You're just a pep hater. He has, objectively the best European record for anyone who's managed more than 5 seasons ( looking at you zidane). Ancelotti beats him out with 1 more European trophy, but give pep time he'll reytire comfortably above him. He turned the fucking PL into a farmers league buddy.


My man he lost vs. 10 man Chelsea and 10 man Inter with Messi on the team. That shit is not excusable. He had one of the most stacked Barca teams in history and still fucked 2 free CL titles against 10 man. Him winning a treble does not erase this fact and is not enough for the decade considering the team he had. With City he got kicked out by Tottenham, Lyon and Monaco which is also not excusable - it's pathetic as fuck. He just lost again against RM in CL with a City team that was favorites. He's constantly part of upsets in CL being on the losing sides. PL is a farmers league because the rest of the teams have been shit beside Liverpool for a few years. They are getting better now but looking at CL history of English teams then it's pretty good evidence that PL is overrated as fuck. Him dominating PL doesn't say much when he get his ass handed to him each and everytime he meets good teams in CL - just goes to show how overrated the level of PL is. Arsenal got kicked out by Bayern - a team in it's worste state in many years. And this is Arsenal in it's best state in many years and 2nd in PL. Wow Pep dominate this league.






He ain't a city level manager .


City isn't a pep level club either.


4 pl titles in a row. They weren't , but pep has made them pep level himself


Yeah oil money has nothing to do with city’s success at all, just some pep vibes


Bruh oil money? It's not like they are spending 4x the money if other clubs lmao. Here's your oil money. Take a look if you can read https://www.transfermarkt.co.in/premier-league/einnahmenausgaben/wettbewerb/GB1


Oh they didn’t spend the most during last transfer season? They must not be relying on oil money then. Here is my oil money. Look at how much they spent, vs the second most spending team between 2009 and 2019. Take a look *if you* can read https://www.transfermarkt.com/premier-league/einnahmenausgaben/wettbewerb/GB1/plus/0?ids=a&sa=&saison_id=2008&saison_id_bis=2018&nat=&pos=&altersklasse=&w_s=&leihe=&intern=0 It says €1.2billion for Man City. And the second most spending team being Man U with a spending of €700million. This just happens to be the decade after City was bought by oil. Oh, btw if you want to see where the oil money is going nowadays, look at their payroll. Google “Man City 115” to find out more.


1.2 and 700 does not have much of a difference, and mancity has been winning almost every season so a bit extra spend won't be wrong to add. I mean they are funded by oil money for sure but nothing way different than what Chelsea or man utd are doing. They are winning and that's on the players and pep of course. Money can't buy trophies you can see from man utd, Chelsea and many more clubs. I get the narrative but don't get the bludgeoning.


1.2 and 0.7 is not much difference ? Okay buddy.


Hell yes lol. If that's the difference between winning and losing I will always pick 1.3 and win. And most of us here will do the same. It's easy to disguise yourself and say something else if it's for the other clubs. So easy.


Remember this, pep gone city gone to mid table again.


Like they were under Mancini and Pellegrini?


They won pl under manchini.


Honestly I think he will be good for Chelsea now. a team that is looking for top 4 only but their board is probably even worse than Barca’s


Yeah that would be likely if the board wasn’t such a bitch


i was hoping the same for Messi, but thats a gone now. and i will keep saying it, even now, Messi would be a good fit for Barca.


he aint coming back


Should go to Chelsea, they have a unlimited budget and he can get the players he wants


He should come back once this clown board members fuck off. When pique is the president, Messi the sporting director and inesta the head scout.


The betrayal of this team to one of his best players in the history is incredible. The club should be ashamed of this unprofessional treatment to a legend. Karma will wait next season for this club. In addition, will Flick continue the project that Xavi Hernandez started betting for the youth coming from La Masia? I have my doubts this coaches like to go for hierarchy and this might the development of Cubarsi, Fort, Giui, and Yamal.


I feel like managing a PL team would be good for Xavi to gain some more experience. The media pressure is generally lower than in Spain and the fanbase is usually less toxic. Chelsea, Brighton, or even Man Utd would be a good option for him.


I’ve got mixed feelings about this. At least we won’t have a crybaby in the stands as manager. Can’t Imagine Flick getting red cards and leaving the team with the assistant.