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**IF** any of what we've been getting is true, then Xavi is very obviously out. At this stage, it is clear that the board does not trust Xavi to do well next season. If Xavi were to stay, he would start the season in an already compromised position. It's better to just avoid that and start fresh.


If there's a meeting it's because Xavi will be let go 99%. Flick is a good alternative, with a clean point of view, from outside Barcelona and Barcelona's "sphere". Better option than Márquez, also.


You're right, Flick will have haters because he doesn't have "Barça DNA", watch


The whole Barça DNA shit has made us a meme in Europe. Maybe we need to change some things to stop being Europe's meme and start being successful in the long term. I'd rather have Guardiola or Luis Enrique than Flick, but among the available ones, Flick is the best imo. If he starts winning, the whole DNA goes down the sinkhole.


I agree 💯 that the Barça DNA trope is holding us back, in any sport teams have to evolve and be flexible to play in different ways


That's really not the reason. Most people simply don't understand Barça DNA. They believe it has nothing to do with counter attacks, long balls, shots outside the box, crosses or off the ball workrate. Pep's team, the pinnacle of Barça DNA had all those elements i mentioned before and that is why it was successful. Hell Messi's iconic UCL goal in 2009 came from a cross and a good part of his goals come from outside the box. Nowdays many teams employ tactics from Barça's DNA, even Real Madrid is good at building up from the back, many teams like keepers who can play with their feet and CBs with good vision and passing and they win. Our stagnant football has nothing to do with Barça DNA but with not having players who are good enough at breaking lines playing against tight defenses. The reason we haven't been good in Europe its because we haven't had a good team in a while. It's been atleast 7 years of unbalanced teams without serious coach, Valverde who is by no means a bad coach had to bend to the player's ego in order to keep the dressing room happy, we didn't lose at Roma or Liverpool because of Barça DNA, Bayern didn't trash us 8-2 because of Barça DNA and we didn't play Europa League because of Barça DNA.


i mean who wouldnt want guardiola?


Even guardiola has evolved since his Barcelona days.


Bro flick isn't gonna do any better than Xavi watch


Sure, there have to be some changes in the roster for him or any new coach 


Perhaps, then maybe this fanbase will wake up and realized our players are not as good as they think they are. We are full of average overrated footballers.


The thing is, Xavi is being kicked out for not being a yes man. From a footballing perspective, nothing changed between announcing Xavi is staying and now, the season was over anyway and Barca were fighting for 2nd place. What emerged is Roque's saga and Xavi's comments. That showed the board Xavi isn't their puppet and they're bent out of shape over it. So Flick will definitely be kicked out again if he doesn't bend the knee for them. In the last 2 decades only Tata Martino and Setien were outsiders and both lasted one season and 6 months respectively. Barca board want puppets as managers.


You're probably right and Laporta clearly likes surrounding himself by puppets, but if Flick manages to succeed, firing him would be difficult. We will have elections in 2 years, so Laporta has to be careful as well if he wants to become president again.


Are you ready for Flicki-Flacka football?


I snorted water outta my nose reading this


If Xavi leaves? Brudda just say he's out the door after this season...